Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (173 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

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85 F.W.Paish,’Inflation, Personal Incomes and Taxation’,
Bank Review
April 1975

86 Geoffrey Fry,
The Growth of Government
(London 1979), 2–3; A.T.Peacock and J.Wiseman,
Growth of Public Expenditure in
the UK
(London, 2nd ed., 1967); M.Abramovitz and V.F. Eliasberg,
The Growth of Public Employment in Great Britain
(London 1957).

87 J.M.Buchanan, John Burton and
The Consequences of
Mr Keynes
(London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1978), 67 and Table II, p. 34.

88 Rostow,
World Economy
, Table III
-42, p. 220;
League of Nations Statistical Yearbook 1933–4
(Geneva 1934), Table 10.

89 Derry, Norway, 325; P.M.Hayes,
(Newton Abbot 1971).

90 T.K.Derry.A History of
(London 1979), 322–4; Rostow,
World Economy
, 220.

91 E. D. Simon,
The Smaller Democracies
(London 1939); Marquis Childs,
Sweden: the Middle Way
(New York 1936).

92 Derry,
, 336–7.

93 Christopher Hughes,
(London 1975), 167–72.

94 Urs Altermatt, ‘Conservatism in Switzerland: a study in anti-Modernism’,
Journal of
Contemporary History
14 (1979)
, 581–610.

Wall Street Journal
23 June 1980

96 Kenneth Maxwell, ‘Portugal under
New York Review of
, 29 May 1975, 20–30.

97 Tom Gallagher, ‘Controlled Repression in Salazar’s Portugal’,
Journal of Contemporary History
, 14 (1979) 385–402; for the PIDE see ‘Para a Historia do Fascismo Portogues: a Pide’,
Portugal Informaca
, June-July 1977.

98 Neil Bruce,
Portugal: the Last Empire
(Newton Abbot 1975), 108.

99 Franco, speech at Madrid Army Museum, 9 March 1946, quoted in Trythall, op. cit.

100 Ibid., 206.

Estudios sociológicos sobre la situación social de España 197’5
(Madrid 1976).

102 Raymond Carr and Juan Pablo Fusi,
Spain: Dictatorship to Democracy
(London 1979), 195ff.

103 Stanley Meisler,’Spain’s New Democracy’,
Foreign Affairs
, October 1977.

104 Carr and Fusi, op. cit., 246.

105 Richard Clogg,
A Short History of Modern Greece
(Cambridge 1979), 164–5.

106 William McNeil,
Metamorphosis of Greece since World War II
(Chicago 1978).

New York Times
, 6 July 1980.

18 America’s Attempted Suicide

1 Edgar M. Bottome,
The Missile Gap
(Rutherford, N.J. 1971).

2 Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 220 footnote; William Safire,
Before the Fall: an inside view of the pre-Watergate White House
(New York 1975), 152–3.

3 Pierre Salinger,
With Kennedy
(New York 1966), 51.

4 Quoted by William F. Buckley Jr, ‘Human Rights and Foreign Policy’,
Foreign Affairs
, Spring 1980.

5 J.F.Kennedy,
Public Papers etc.
, 3 vols (Washington DC 1963–4), I 1ff.

6 R.J.Walton,
Cold War and Counter-revolution: the Foreign Policy of John F. Kennedy
(New York 1972).

7 Poole, op. cit., 28.

8 Rostow,
World Economy
, 222ff.; Carlos Diáz Alejandro,
Essays on the Economic History of the Argentine Republic
(Yale 1970).

HS. Fems, Argentina
(London 1969), 184ff.

10 Claudio Veliz (ed.),
The Politics of Conformity in Latin America
(Oxford 1967), Appendix, ‘Successful Military Coups 1920–1966’, 278.

11 Ferns,
, 173.

12 Walter Little, ‘The Popular Origins of Peronism’ in David Rock (ed.),
Argentina in the Twentieth Century
(London 1975).

13 Ferns,
, 190.

14 David Rock,’The Survival and Restoration of Peronism’, in
Argentina in the Twentieth Century

15 Martin Shermin and Peter Winn, ‘The US and Cuba’,
Wilson Review
, Winter 1979.

16 Earl Smith in congressional testimony, Senate Judiciary Committee, 30 August 1960.

17 Hugh Thomas,
Cuba, or the Pursuit of Freedom
(London 1971), 639.

18 Blas Roca,
En Defensa del Pueblo
(1945), 41–3; quoted in Thomas,
, 736.

19 E. Suarez Rivas,
Un Pueblo Crucificado
(Miami 1964), 18; quoted in Thomas,

America Libre
, Bogota, 22 May 1961; Thomas,
, 811.

21 Thomas,
, 814–16.

22 Quoted ibid., 819.

23 For Castro, see Luis Conte Aguero,
Fidel Castro, Psiquiatria y Politica
(Mexico City 1968 ed.), which is critical; and Herbert Matthews,
Castro: a Political Biography
(London 1969), which is more favourable.

24 Thomas,
, 946.

25 Quoted ibid., 977.

26 For US policy to Batista and Castro, see Earl Smith,
The Fourth Floor
(New York 1962) and
Communist Threat to the USA through the Caribbean: Hearings of the Internal Security Sub-committee, US Senate
(Washington DC 1959–62).

27 Smith,
Fourth Floor
, 60.

28 Thomas,
, 1038–44.

29 E. Guevara,
Ouevres Révolutionares 1959–1967
(Paris 1968), 25.

30 Smith,
Fourth Floor
, 170.

31 Thomas,
, 1071 ff.

32 Ibid., 1197.

33 Ibid., 1202–3.

34 Ibid., 1233–57.

35 Ibid., 969–70.

36 Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 452.

37 Ibid., 445.

38 For J.F.Kennedy’s handling of the Bay of Pigs, see Haynes Johnson,
The Bay of Pigs
(New York 1964) and Arthur Schlesinger,
A Thousand Days
(Boston 1965), chapters 10–11.

39 Thomas,
, 1365.

40 Ibid., 1371.

41 Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 472;
Readers’ Digest
, November 1964.

Alleged Assassination Plots involving Foreign Leaders
(Washington DC 1975), 14.

43 Ibid., interim and final reports; Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, chapter 21.

44 H. S. Dinerstein,
The Making of a Missile Crisis
(Baltimore 1976), 156; see also Talbot (ed.), op. cit.

45 Jean Daniel in
, 14 December 1963 and
New Republic
, 21 December 1963; Claude Julien,
Le Monde
, 22 March 1963.

46 Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 504–5.

47 Ibid., 507–11.

48 For an inside account of the missile crisis, see Robert Kennedy,
Thirteen Days: a memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis
(New York 1971 ed.).

49 Quoted in Michel Tatu,
Power in the Kremlin: from Khrushchev to Kosygin
(New York 1969), 422.

, 28 October 1963.

51 Edwin Guthman,
We Band of Brothers
(New York 1971), 26;
Saturday Review
, 15 October 1977.

52 Thomas,
, 1414.

53 Quoted Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 531.

54 Talbot (ed.), op. cit., 511.

55 Quoted Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, 530–1.

56 Ibid., 523 and footnote.

57 Thomas,
, 1418.

58 Quoted in Hollander, op. cit., chapter 6: ‘Revolutionary Cuba and the discovery of the New World’, esp. 234ff.

59 Hugh Thomas in
The Times Literary Supplement
, 10 April 1981, 403.

60 See Werner Von Braun and F.I.Ordway,
History of Rocketry and Space-Travel
(New York, revised ed. 1969).

61 Quoted by Hugh Sidey, who was present, in his
John F. Kennedy: Portrait of a President
(London 1964).

62 H. Young
et al., Journey to Tranquillity: the History of Man’s Assault on the Moon
(London 1969), 109–10.

63 Quoted in Leslie H. Gelb and Richard K. Betts,
The Irony of Vietnam: the System Worked
(Washington DC 1979), 70–1.

64 W.W.Rostow,
The Diffusion of Power: an essay in recent history
(New York 1972), 265.

65 See Archimedes L.A.Patti,
Why Viet Nam? Prelude to America’s Albatros
(University of California 1981); but see Dennis Duncanson,
The Times Literary Supplement
, 21 August 1981, 965.

66 Truman, op. cit., 114–15.

67 Acheson, op. cit., 675–6.

68 Acheson, National Press Club speech,
Department of State Bulletin
, 23 January 1950, 115f.

69 Kennan,
Memoirs 1950–1963
, 59.

70 D. Eisenhower,
Public Papers
(1954), 253, 306; Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 60.

71 Eisenhower, press conference, 7, 26 April 1954; Gelb and Betts, op. cit., 59.

72 Eisenhower,
Public Papers
(1959), 71.

73 De Gaulle, op. cit., 256.

74 J.F.Kennedy,
Public Papers, II

75 Schlesinger,
A Thousand Days
, 547.

76 David Halberstam,
The Best and the Brightest
(New York 1972), 135.

77 Quoted in Henry Graff,
The Tuesday Cabinet: Deliberation and Decision in Peace and War under Lyndon B. Johnson
(New York 1970), 53.

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