Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (185 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

Tags: #History, #World, #20th Century

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Salten, Felix, 116

Salter, Sir Arthur, 235

samurai, 181, 183, 184

São Paulo, 704

sanctions, 320–1

Sandys, Duncan, 405

Sansom, Sir George, 318

‘Santa Clara, Battle of (1958), 622

Saragat, Giuseppe, 579

Saragossa, 328

Sarraut, Albert, 148, 150, 151

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 143, 575–6, 687, 694

Sassoon, Seigfried, 163, 350

Saturn rocket, 629

(passive resistance), 44

Sauckel, Fritz, 291, 417

Saudi Arabia, 667, 670

Saundby, Sir Robert, 404

Sauvy, Alfred, 692

Scargill, Arthur, 740–3

Schacht, Dr Hjalmar, 136, 236, 291, 292, 294, 352

Schäfer, Dietrich, 126

Schall, Thomas, 258

Scheidemann, Philipp, 123

Schirach, Baldur von, 284, 321

Schleicher, General Kurt von, 281, 282, 283, 298

Schmitt, Carl, 126, 279

Schmoller, Gustav, 152

Schnitzler, Arthur, 113, 116

Schoenberg, Arnold, 8, 117

Schoenfeld, Arthur, 437

Schoepperle, Victor, 234

Scholtz, Ernst, 280

Schönerer, George von, 133

Schreyer, Lothar, 114

Schultz, Colonel Bob, 463

Schumacher, Kurt, 580–1, 593

Schuman, Robert, 586–7, 592

Schumpeter, Joseph, 153, 643

Schurman, Jacob Gould, 193

Schuschnigg, Kurt von, 352–3

Schwarzkopf, General Norman, 772

science, 775; biology, 777–80; electronics, 780–1

Scobie, General Sir R.M., 434, 610

Scope, John T., 208

Scott, J. Robertson, 163

, 287, 297

Second World War: steps to, 341, 350–62; early German success, 363–6; collapse of France, 364–6; British determination to fight on, 366–71; Mediterranean

Second World War
campaign, 369, 410; mass bombing, 369–70, 402–5, 424; American aid, 370–1; Russian campaign, 372–80, 382–7; Pacific War, 387, 391–7, 400, 410, 422–6; technology and economy, 398–410; ballistic missiles, 405–6; atomic bomb, 406–10, 424—7; turning point, 410; peace offers, 410–11; conclusion, 411–13; war crimes, 413–22, 427–31

secret police: Chinese, 199; German, 284, 286, 290, 297, 301, 303, 346, 353, 373;

Russian, 67–71, 78, 80, 91, 265, 266, 272, 273, 274, 280, 301, 675, 676, 679

secret societies, 183–4, 191

secularization, 700–1

Securities and Exchange Act (US, 1934), 255

Sedition Act (US, 1918), 17, 204

Seeckt, General Hans von, 124

Segura, Archbishop Pedro, 326

Seiyukai party, 183

Seldte, Franz, 291

self-determination: as war aim, 21–2, 23, 36–7, 41–2; Afro-Asian, 511–43; Algerian, 495–505; Indian, 469–70, 473—4; Jews and, 128; Leninism and, 74–5, 76–8

Senegal, 507, 509, 531, 541, 542

Senghor, Leopold, 150

Separate Representation of Voters Act (South Africa, 1951), 522

Serbsky Institute, 681

Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques, 693

Seton-Watson, R.W., 21, 40

Severing, Carl, 123

Seville, 328

Shackleton, Sir Daivd 74

Shanghai, 195, 196, 197, 448; commune, 560, 563–4

Shantung, 45, 187, 195, 202

shareholding, 744–5

Sharpeville shooting, 516, 521

Shastri, Lai Bahadur, 568

Shaw, George Bernard, 165–6, 275–6, 306, 348, 349

Shchadenko, E.A., 383

Shelepin, Alexander, 676

Sheppard, Rev. ‘Dick’, 350

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 16

Sherriff, R.C., 163

Shevardnadze, Eduard, 767

Shevchenko, Arkady, 689

Shigeru, Yoshida, 731

Shinto, 180–1, 184, 188, 312

Shinwell, Emanuel, 439

Shmidt, General Dmitry, 301

Shostakovich, Dmitry, 261, 262, 453

show-trials, 274, 307, 679

Shukairy, Ahmed, 666

Shumilin, S.G., 267

Siam railway, 428

Siegel, Benjamin, 212

Siegfried, André, 226

Sierra Leone, 518

Sihanouk, Norodom, 477

Silesia, 26, 106

Silvermaster, Nathan Gregory, 458

Silvestre, Marie, 167

Simmons, William, 203

Simon of Wythenshawe, Lord, 604

Simon, Sir John, 297, 346

Sinclair, Upton, 226, 252

Singapore, 175, 309, 310, 386, 395–6, 468, 729–30, 735–6

Singer, Kurt, 178

Sinkiang, 448

Sino-Japanese war, 288, 315–18, 352

Sirica, Judge John, 651

Sitwell, Osbert, 171

Six-Day War, 666, 684

Skelton, O.D., 174

Skoblin, General, 301

slave-trade, in colonialism, 519–20

Smersh, 383

Smilie, ‘Bob’, 334

Smith, Adam, 151

Smith, Al, 214, 251

Smith Earl, 621

Smith, Jess, 217

Smith Act (US, 1940), 457

Smoot-Hawley Act (1930), 232, 246, 280.


Smuts, Jan, 43–4, 174, 520–2, 252

Snezhnevsky, Professor Andrei, 682

Snow, C.P., 641

Snyder, General Howard, 463

Soares, Dr Mario, 745–6

Sobell, Morton, 458

Sobibor, 415

Social Democrats, Danish, 604

Social Democrats, Finnish, 604

Social Democrats, German, 93, 94, 108, 109, 110, 122–4, 125, 128, 135, 278, 279, 282, 283, 286, 322; SPD, 580–1, 582, 583, 584

Social Democrats, Italian, 579

Social Democrats, Norwegian, 604

Social Democrats, Russian, 52, 53, 79, 80,96

Social Democrats, Swedish, 604

Social Democrats, Swiss, 605–6

social engineering, 94, 130, 159–60, 212, 776–7, 783–4; collectivization, 92–3, 261, 267–72, 287, 338–9, 380–2; colonialism and, 519–20, 521–4; extermination of Jews, 130, 133, 382, 413–22, 482; Afghanistan, 717–20; China, 548, 550; Indo-China, 654–7; Iran, 710–13; Romania, 761

‘social market’, 746

Social Revolutionaries, 62, 64, 71, 72, 79, Social Revolutionaries,

social sciences, 775–7, 779

social welfare, 604, 605, 638–40

Socialist Party, American, 213, 252

Socialist Party, Austrian, 323

Socialist Party, French, 346, 588, 589

Socialist Party, Italian, 57, 95, 97–8,

Socialist Party, Spanish (PSOE), 322–4, 333

SOGAT ‘82, 743-4

Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (US, 1936), 255

Soil Erosion Act (US, 1935), 255

‘Solidarity’, 702

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 70, 275, 304, 431, 677, 679

Somalia, 542

Somoza, Anastasia, 673

Soong, T.V., 193, 199

Soper, Rev. Donald, 350

Sorel, Albert, 597

Sorel, Georges, 54–5, 56

Sorge, Richard, 315, 372, 387

Sotelo, Calvo, 326

Soule, George, 248

Soustelle, Jacques, 498–9

South Africa, 43–4, 542, 690; land apportionment, 159; apartheid, 520, 521–4, 526, 728–9; economy, 525; black nationalism, 525–6; as nuclear power, 686, 687

Southern Rhodesia, 159

Soveit-German Frontier and Friendship Treaty !1939), 361

Soviet Russia -

Soviets, 62, 63, 64, 77

Sovnarkom (Council of People’s Commissars), 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 91

Spaak, Paul-Henri, 515

space programmes, 629–30, 698

Spain, 154; colonialism, 154; internal Socialist Party strife, 322–3, 325–6; agricultural crisis, 323; Popular Front, 323–6; army
, 326, 333; civil war -
Spanish Civil War; Franco’s purges, 339; neutrality in Second World War, 366; economic and political reform, 608–10; return to monarchy, 608, 609, 610; new constitution, 609–10; population, 723; economy, 746

Spanish Civil War, 321–2, 352; Catholic Church and, 326–7; atrocities, 327–8, 334–6; foreign intervention, 328–30, 332; reasons for nationalist victory, 330–2; Communist take-over, 332–4, 336; civil war among Left, 333–4; Western intellectuals’ concern, 336–8; ending of, 338; casualties, 339

Spartacists, 95, 122

Speer, Albert, 363, 403, 405

Spencer, Howland, 258

Spender, Stephen, 337–8

Spengler, Oswald, 12, 126, 279, 306

Spiridonova, Maria, 681

Sputnik I, 629

SRC (State Research Centre, Uganda), 535

, 286, 287–8, 290, 296, 297, 414, 416, 687

ss-20 rockets, 753

Stable Money League, 235

Staël, Madame de, 597

‘stagflation’, 739

Stalin, Josef, 49, 130, 321, 348, 420, 456, 549, 710; and Revolution, 50, 59, 63; Commissar for Nationalities, 76, 77, 78; Commissar for State Control, 83–4; building up of personal power, 83–4, 262; General Secretary of Party, 84, 261; breach with Lenin, 87–8; China policy, 194, 196, 198, 316, 443, 446, 448, 450; autocracy as Lenin’s successor, 261–2; violence and desire for revenge, 261, 262, 413; as Hitler’s exemplar, 261, 272, 296, 413; elimination of rivals, 262–6, 268, 299–300, 373; opportunism, 263; belief in ‘revolution in one country’, 263; rewriting of history, 265; show-trials, 266–7; cult of personality, 267–72; policy of terror, 271, 274–5, 296, 299–308, 335, 373, 380, 383–4, 412, 419, 455, 456; creation of personal secret police, 273; Western tributes to, 276–7, 545; purge of party and army, 334, 352, 412; purge of party and army, 300–4, 334, 352, 412; and Spanish Civil War, 332–3, 338; pact with Hitler, 359–61, 373, 376; as Hitler’s military ally, 364; territorial gains, 364, 373; despair at German invasion, 372; and Great Patriotic War, 382–6, 410; private army 384; Western aid to, 384–6, 404; pose as moderate, 386; offer to negotiate with Hitler, 410; Hitler’s admiration for, 411; and German war-guilt, 421; last-minute declaration of war on Japan, 425, 430; forcing of Russian nationals’ return, 430–1; his deluding of Roosevelt, 432–6; demands in Eastern Europe, 434, 440, 441; and Cold War, 435, 437–8, 440, 441, 452; failure of Yugoslav policy, 449; and Korean War, 450, 451; break with China, 451; and Iron Curtain, 452; hatred of ‘Westerners’ and intellectuals, 452–4; self-apotheosis, 454; anti-Semitism, 454–6; death, 456

Stalingrad, 379

Stalinism, 277, 278; Western intellectuals’ defence of, 275–7, 306–7; in Spanish Civil War, 336; repudiation of, 549

Stamboliski, Alexander, 102

Stanley, Oliver, 354

Stapel, Wilhelm, 129

‘Star Wars’, 754

Stark, Admiral Harold, 391

Stashevsky, Arthur, 333, 335

state, 14–18; Communist Party control of, 80–1, 89; De Gaulle’s view of, 594–5; in Iran, 712–13; unimportant, 738; ‘enabling’, 746; loss of faith in, 783–4 state capitalism, 90, 178

Stavisky scandal, 146

Steffens, Lincoln, 88, 103, 229, 252, 260, 306

Steinbeck, John, 247

Stenhardt, Laurence, 432, 440

Stern Fritz, 32, 644

Stern Gang, 482

Sternberg, Joseph von, 113

Sternheim, Carl, 113, 116

Stettinius, Edward, 458

Stevenson, Adlai, 257, 475

Stimson, Henry, 249

stock-exchange speculation, 231, 234, 239, 240

Stone, Ellery, 437

Strachey, John, 260, 261

Strachey, Lytton, 29, 167–9, 170, 171, 207, 347, 350

Strachey, St Loe, 168

Straight, Michael Whitney, 172

Strasser, Gregor, 278, 298

Strasser, Otto, 293

Straus, Oscar, 242

Strauss, Richard, 112, 113

Stravinsky, Igor, 8, 9, 10, 114

Stresa Front, 319, 320, 351

Stresemann, Gustav, 135, 279–80

Strong, Anna Louise, 275, 276

Strong, Benjamin, 235–6, 237, 238, 239, 280

‘Strong Reservationists’, 32

Structuralism, 695–6

Stuart, John, 250

student violence, 127, 556, 557, 620, 643–4

Sturzo, Don Luigi, 578

Suarez, Adolfo, 609, 610

Sudan, 541, 542, 707, 727

Suez Canal, 320, 321, 374, 488, 667, 668; crisis (1956), 463, 490–5, 500

Sugiyama, General Hajime, 388, 395

Suid-Afrikaanse Bond vir Rassestudie
, 522

Sukarno, Achmad, 477–80, 488, 513

Sultan-Galiyev, Mirzo, 264

Sun Chuang-fang, Marshal, 195

Sun Yat-sen, 191, 192–4, 198, 201

Suñer, Ramón Serrano, 331, 339

Sung Chi-yuen, 316

super-conductors, 781

Suppression of Communism Act (South Africa, 1950), 523

Surrealism, 9

Suslov, Michael, 676

Suyin, Han, 545

Suzuki, Admiral Kantaro,’314, 426

Sverdlov, Y.M., 72

Swaziland, 542

Sweden, 361, 373; economy, 604, 605

Sweezy, Paul, 628

Swinnerton, Frank, 170

Switzerland, 605–6, 732

Swope, Gerard, 16, 248

Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 21, 148

syndicalism, 55, 96, 97, 191

Syria, 148, 485, 666, 709–10, 727, 772

Szechuan province, 201

Szilard, Leo, 407

Tacitus, 119, 241

Taft, Howard, 258

Taft, Robert, 461, 464

Taiwan (Formosa), 187, 446, 448, 729–30, 735, 736

Takahashi, Viscount Korekiyo, 185

Tanaka, Baron Gi-ichi, 183

Tanner, Jack, 583

Tanu Youth League, 528, 530

Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika), 43, 44, 514, 517, 526, 528–9, 537, 541, 542, 727

Taraki, Mur Muhammad, 718, 719

Taranto, 369

Tarawa Atoll, 423

Taris, Valery, 681

Tata, J. N., 157

Tauber, Richard, 116

Taylor, General Maxwell, 633–4

Teheran Conference (1943), 433

Teitgen, Paul, 500

Teller, Edward, 407

Temple, William, Archbishop, 165, 349

Ten Year Rule’, 174, 310

Teng Hsaio-ping, 555, 556, 562, 563, 565–6

Teresa, Mother, 574

terror, political use of, 66–71, 85, 98–9, 123, 184–5, 200–1, 262–3, 266–7, 271, 274–5, 286–9, 296–300, 326–8, 497–500, 503–5, 531, 532–7, 654–7, 675, 680–3, 687–9

terror-bombing, 335–6, 370, 403–5, 424–7

terrorism: international growth of, 687–9; Arab, 481; Jewish, 482–4; OMS, 503–4; in 1980s, 715–16, 752

Teschen, 39, 355

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