Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (183 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

Tags: #History, #World, #20th Century

BOOK: Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties
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Madaragia, Salvador de, 322

Madrid, 323, 329; and civil war, 334, 338, 339

Mafia, 103

Maga, Hubert, 517

Maginot, André, 330

Maginot Line, 148, 308

Mahgoub, Mohammed Ahmed, 684

Mailer, Norman, 628

Maistre, Joseph de, 144

Major, John, 746, 771

Makarios, Archbishop, 477

Malagasy, 507

Malatesta, Enrico, 98

Malawi, 526, 531, 542, 727

Malaya, 155, 395

Malaysia, 736

Malenkov, Georgi, 302, 455, 675

Mali, 528, 542

Malik Verlag, 116

Malloum, Felix, 538

Malraux, André, 143, 307, 337, 554, 576, 593, 648

Malvy, Louis, 16

Manchuria, 187, 192, 195, 445; Japanese occupation, 202, 310, 311, 313; Manchuria
Communist control, 443, 446, 448

Mandel, Georges, 151, 365

Mandela, Nelson, 729

Mandelstam, Osip, 306

Manhattan Project, 408, 458

Manhood Suffrage Act (japan, 1925), 182

Manila, 428

Mann, Thomas, 8, 12, 112, 129, 284, 306

Mantoux, Etienne, 30

Mao Tse-tung, 191, 194, 353, 476, 567; collaboration with KMT, 195, 316, 317; parting of ways from Chiang, 196, 444; decision to become war-lord, 196–8; radical nationalism, 197, 316, 443; building of peasant army, 98–9, 201; as supreme Communist war-lord, 315–16, 443; ‘Long March’, 315, 443; and Sino-Japanese war, 316, 317; eventual aim to counter-attack KMT, 317; and civil war, 444–5; refuses coalition with Chiang, 444; ‘personality cult’, 444, 550; in control of mainland China, 446–7; ‘land reform’, 447, 548; independent nuclear programme, 451; foreign adulation, 544—5; public image, 545–6; romanticism and theatricality, 546–8; acceptance of prospect of nuclear war, 546; Thoiughts of, 547, 549; wish to speed up history, 547–9, 551; social and mental engineering, 548–9, 550–1, 552, 555–62; Great Leap to Communism, 550–2; Cultural Revolution, 552, 555–62; last phase, 562–3

Maran, René, 150

Marcks, Erich, 126

Marcks, General, 377

Marcuse, Jacques, 473

margin-trading, 231, 239

Marighela, Carlos, 498

Marinetti, Emilio, 96

Marion, Paul, 588

market system, 159–60, 518, 583, 591, 596, 697–8, 738; Third World, 729–30; Pacific area, 735–6; Chile, 738–9; North America and Europe, 739–40, 745–6

Marr, N.Y., 454

Marrakesh, 150

Marshall, General George, 391, 436, 439, 440, 441

Marshall, Thomas, 33

Marshall Plan, 28, 242, 440, 448, 457, 579, 582, 659, 671

Marsui, General Iwane, 317

Martin, Kingsley, 336, 337, 356

Martov, Julius, 128

Martov, Y.O., 79, 80

Marty André, 333

Marx, Groucho, 219

Marx, Karl, 54, 57, 96, 120, 135, 212; and scientific proof, 6; on central dynamic of economic interest, 10, 48; justification of terror, 66; vagueness over socialist economy, 89; concept of ‘alienation’, 118; and Judaism, 128; on ‘intellectuals’, 143; on hidden structures of society, 695; and Darwinism, 778

Marxism, 52, 119, 623, 691, 726; anti-Semitism derivative of, 117, 128; class warfare concept, 5; and fascism, 102; historical determinism, 54, 129, 435, 694–5; Lenin’s heresy, 54, 55, 56, 102; objective truth identity with, 53; and Structuralism, 696; survives in universities, 698

Masaryk, Jan, 440

Massachusetts, 211

Massé, Pierre, 587

Massey, William, 43

Massingham, HJ., 163

Massu, General Jacques, 500, 501, 502

Masterman, C.F.G., 163

Matisse, Henri, 8

Matos, Hubert, 623

Matsuoka, Yosuke, 387, 389, 390, 391

Matteotti, Giacomo, 100

Matthews, Herbert, 621

Mau Mau, 506, 520

‘Maud’ Committee (1941), 407, 408

Mauriac, François, 142

Mauritania, 507, 541, 542

Maurras, Charles, 145–7, 306, 576

Max of Baden, Prince, 24

Mazowiecki, Tadeusz, 702

Mba, Leon, 517

Means, Gardiner, 248

Means, Gaston, 218

Mecca, 710

Medawar, Sir Peter, 6

media, power of, 647, 649–53

Medvedev, Roy, 303, 304, 305, 679, 682

Meiji, Emperor of Japan, 176, 177

Meiji Restoration, 177, 179, 180, 182, 185, 187, 730

Meir, Golda, 454, 668

Mekhlis, Colonel-General L.Z., 383

Melchett, Lord, 235

Mellon, Andrew, 215, 218, 233, 244, 260, 269

Memel, 357

Mencken, H.L., 206, 210, 211, 257–8

Mendès-France, Pierre, 498, 587, 632

Menon, K.P.S., 456

Mensheviks, 52, 59, 62, 64, 79

Menzhinsky, Viacheslav, 53

Meredith, James, 645

Metaxas, General John, 610, 611

Mexico, 671, 694, 746–7

Mexico City, 704

Mezes, Dr S.E., 23

Michaels, Roberto, 56

micro-processors, 781

Midway Island, 396, 397, 400, 402, 410

Mikhoels, Solomon, 454

Mikoyan, Anastas, 269, 455, 625, 675

militarism: Afro-Asian, 513, 517, 529, 537–8; Chinese, 192–4, 198–201; Japanese, 181, 184, 185, 186, 188, 311– 12, 313–18; Latin American, 616, 628

Mill, John Stuart, 152

Millay, Edna St Vincent, 252

Miller, Adolph, 236

Million Heroes, 560

Mills, Wilbur, 640

Milner, Lord, 43, 44

Mines and Works Act (South Africa, 1911), 521

Minobe, Professor Tatsukichi, 312

Minton, Bruce, 250

Mises, L. von, 237

(co-partnership), 584

Mitchell, Charles, 239

Mitterrand, François, 498, 507, 745, 771

Mobutu, Joseph Désiré, 516, 517, 531, 542

Modernism, 8–9, 114

Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 18, 127, 248, 279

Mohammed vi, Sultan, 20

Mola, General Emilio, 322, 328, 329, 331, 335

Moley, Raymond, 254, 255

Molotov, V.M., 84, 265, 269, 300 302, 359, 372, 373, 375, 436, 437, 455, 466–7, 675

monarchies, imperial, dissolution of, 19–20, 40, 191–2

monetarism, 134, 595

Mongolia, 448

Monnerat, Guy, 497

Monnet, Jean 142, 243, 590–1, 597

Monroe Doctrine, 615–16

Montrovia Group, 540

Montagu, Edwin, and Indian reform, 41–3, 44, 45, 46, 346, 510

Monteil, Vincent, 498

Montgomery, General Bernard, 436

Montherlant, Henri de, 19

Moore, G.E., 167–8, 171

‘Moplah’ riots (1921), 47

moral law, dictators’ contempt for, 85–6

‘Moral Majority’, 706

moral relativism, 177, 180, 201, 261, 263, 277, 296, 299, 370, 402–3, 419, 428–9, 535, 537, 689

Moreau, Emile, 235, 237

Morell, Professor Theodor, 412

Morgan, Brig.-General J.H., 139

Morgan, J.P., 235, 260

Morgenthau, Henry, 392

Mori, Hirozo, 190

Morocco, 149–50, 155, 330, 366, 410, 526, 541, 542

Morozov, Dr Georgy, 682

Morris, Leland, 387

Morrison, Henry, 402

Morrison, Samuel Eliot, 27

Mortimer, Raymond, 168, 170

Moscow: party purge in, 301, 302; German drive on, 378–9

Moslem League, 473

Mosul oilfields, 148

Mountbatten, Lord, 468, 473, 474

Moussa Sadr, Imam, 709

Moynihan, Daniel P., 640

Mozambique, 44, 519, 526, 542, 727, 728

MRP (Mouvement Républicain Populaire), 589

Muenzenberg, Willi, 336

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 161, 276, 307

Muhsam, Erich, 289

Mujib Rahman, Sheikh, 569

Mukden, 195, 447

multinationals, 693–4, 696

Multiple Use Act (US, 1964), 661

Munich, 112, 133; Conference (1938), 344, 355

Muradelli, Vano, 453

Murdoch, Rupert, 743–4

Murry, J. Middleton, 350

Musil, Robert, 286

Mussadeq, Mohammed, 491

Mussolini, Benito, 147, 351, 353, 366, 386, 578–9; as Marxist heretic, 57–8; switch from internationalism to nationalism, 95, 197; and radical revolution, 96; use of vanguard élites, 96, 181; belief in violence, 96, 97, 98–9; formation of Fascist Party, 95–6; in parliament, 98; determined to govern, 99; march on Rome, 99–100, 134; forms government, 100; creation of totalitarian state, 101–3, 126; invades Abyssinia, 147, 320–1, gradual corruption towards Right, 319–21, 323; changed attitude to Hitler, 321; ‘Pact of Steel’, 321, 359; at Munich, 355; in Second World War, 364, 410; defeat and death, 410

Myrdal, Jan, 545

Nader, Ralph, 661

Nadzharov, Professor Ruben, 682

Nagane, Admiral Osami, 388, 389, 391, 392, 402

Nagasaki, 426

Nagata, General Tetsuzan, 313

Nagumo, Admiral, 394

Namibia, 542, 728

Nanking, 317, 328, 447

Narayan, Jayaprakash, 569, 570

Narkomnats (People’s Commissariat of Nationalities), 76, 77

Nassau Agreement (1962), 468

Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 480, 485, 488–93, 513, 517, 666–7

National Association of Manufacturers (US), 232

National City Company, 234

National Civil Federation (US), 205

National Council against Conscription, 168

National Graphical Association, 743–4

National Industrial Recovery Act (US, 1933), 256

National Labour Relations Act (US, 1935), 255 National Monetary Association, 235

‘National Security Council 68’ document, 442

National Security League (US), 205

National Socialist (Nazi) Party: origin, 124; success among students 127; creation of, 133–4, 278; programme, 133; centralized but participatory party, 278; use of violence, 279, 282; as defender of ‘Aryan order’, 279; and
Führerprinzip, 279; benefit from fear of Left and ‘Red Terror’, 279, 281; as second largest party in
Reichstag, 281, 282; fall in vote, 283; key posts in Hitler’s cabinet, 283; declared only legal party, 286; abandonment of rule of law, 289–91; exclusion from industry and army, 295; ruthless purge of, 296–9; camps system, 304–5

National Union of Mineworkers, 740–3

nationalism, 107; academic encouragement of, 126–7; black, 526–8; post-war (1918), 20–2, 23, 36–40; religion and, 180–1; Afro-Asian, 513–14; American, 203–6, 215; Chinese, 194–5, 197–9, 443; French, 144–7, 592, 595–7; German, 278; Japanese, 181, 183, 186–90

Nationalists, Boer, 522, 525

Nationalists, Spanish, 328, 329–30, 331–2, 339

Native Administration Act (South Africa, 1927), 521

Native Affairs Act (South Africa, 1920), 521

Native (Urban Areas) Act (South Africa, 1923), 521

Natives Und Act (South Africa, 1913), 521

nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 32, 493, 672, 768

Nauru, 736

Navarre, 328

Nawiasky, Professor Hans, 128

Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939), 139, 360, 373, 375, 387, 410, 429, 432

Nazis -
National Socialist Party

Ne Win, General, 573

Needham, Joseph, 348

Negrin Juan, 333, 334

Neguib, General Mohammed, 485, 488

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 47, 472–7, 512, 567, 572

Neibuhr, Reinhold, 252

Nenni, Pietro, 579

Neruda, Pablo, 276

Netherlands, 199, 415

Neumann, Alfred, 117

Neurath, Baron von, 352

Neutrality Act (US, 1935), 310, 344

New Caledonia, 736

New Deal, 17, 241, 255–7, 259, 344, 402

‘New Economic Planning’, 93, 268

New Frontier, 17

‘New Nationalism’, 16

New Realism, 114

New Zealand, 43, 175, 746

Newman, John Henry, 701

newspapers, industrial disputes, 743–4

Newton, Sir Isaac, cosmology of, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Ngo Dinh Diem, 632, 633

Nguyen Duy Trinh, 648

Nicaragua, 671, 685, 705

Nichols, Robert, 19, 163

Nicolson, Harold, 21, 23, 27, 41, 349

Nieh Yuan-tzu, 557

Nietzsche, Elizabeth, 132

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 48, 57, 118, 119, 143, 576, 577, 597, 700

Nigeria, 513–14, 518, 531, 541, 542

Nigkang, 201

Nikolaev, Leonid, 300

Nin, Andrés, 334

Nine Power Treaty (1922), 188

Nishina, Yoshio, 409, 426

Nissho, Inoue, 184

Nitobe, Drlnazo, 181

Nixon, Richard, 460, 461, 613, 614, 624, 644, 663, 664, 748; and media, 647; narrow presidential victory, 647–8; disengagement from Vietnam, 648, 653; China policy, 648–9; Watergate, 649–53, 668

Nkrumah, Kwame, 477, 511–13, 518

NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs), 91, 300, 301, 303, 304, 307, 334, 335, 373, 681

No-Conscription Fellowship, 168

Noel, Conrad, 165

Noguchni, Isamu, 4

non-alignment, 477, 489–90, 494, 684–5, 690, 691

Non-Proliferation Treaty (1970), 467, 686

Nordau, Max, 12

Noriega, General Manuel, 752–3

Norman, Montagu, 235–6, 237

‘North-South’ concept, 692–3

North Atlantic Treaty (1949), 442

Northern Rhodesia, 159

‘northern tier’, 489

Norway, 363, 604–5

Noske, Gustav, 94, 123, 124

Novocherkassk, 679

nuclear weapons, atomic bomb, 406–10, 425–7, 429; America, 441, 442, 451, 468, 674, 753–4; Russia, 442, 451, 455, 467, 468, 674, 753; China, 451, 573, 686; H- bomb, 452; Britain, 467–8, 753; India, 573, 686; Pakistan, 573, 686; Cuban missile crisis, 625–8; proliferation, 685–7; nuclear weapons
Israel, 686; South Africa, 686; Germany, 686; Iraq, 686, 714; threat diminished, 768

Nuremberg Laws for Jews (1935), 290, 292, 321

Nuremberg trials (1948),’ 422, 588

Nyasaland, 508

Nyerere, Julius, 528–30, 536, 537, 538, 542

O’Neill, Eugene, 226, 247

(Organization de l’Armée Secrète)
, 503, 504

OAU (Organization of African Unity), 526, 527, 536–8

Obote, Milton, 533–4, 537

OGPU (United State Political Administration), 265, 266, 272, 273, 274, 288, 301

‘Ohio Gang’, 217, 218, 220, 252

Ohlendorf, Otto, 382 oil, 480–1, 491, 665–70, 671, 707, 713, 714, 747, 769, 774

Okada, Admiral Keisuke, 314

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