Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (186 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

Tags: #History, #World, #20th Century

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‘Tet Offensive’, 636, 646

Thailand, 736

Thalmann, Ernst, 282

Thatcher, Margaret, 740, 741, 742, 744–5, 748–9, 750, 752, 753, 764, 769, 770

Thaxted, 165

Third World’, 476–7, 617, 619, 670, 692–3, 727–8, 729–36

Thomas, Norman, 213, 252

Thompson, ‘Big Bill’, 210

Thorez, Maurice, 361, 588, 589

Thornburg, Max, 485

‘thought reform’, 548–9

Thurber, James, 247

Thyssens, 282

Tiananmen Square, 758–9

Tibet, 758

Tillion, Germaine, 498, 504

Tito, Marshal, 441, 448–9

Tizard, Sir Henry, 407, 467

, 743

Todd, General, W.E., 448

Todt, Fritz, 294, 400

Togo, 517, 518

Tojo, General Eiki, 390, 391, 425, 428

Tokyo: mutiny (1935), 314–15, 316; air raid (1945), 424

Toller, Ernst, 112, 306

Tombalbaye, Francis, 538

Tomlinson Report (1956), 524

Tomslcy, M.P., 266

Tonkin, Gulf of, 634

Torrens, Robert, 152

Torrio, John, 210

torture, 303–4, 497–500, 661–2, 689

totalitarianism: colonialism and, 519; family- based society versus, 581; Fascist and Communist forms of, 277, 354; growth of, 14–18, 73, 78–9, 122–3, 181, 283–91, 311; predatory, 311; and terror regimes, 296–308, 383–4, 409; in African states, 528–34, 543; German, 122–3; 126–7, 133, 278–82, 284–91, 295–6; Japanese, 181–6, 313, 318, 427–8; Russian, 73, 78–94, 277

Touré, Sékou, 532

Touregs, 528

Toyama, Mitsuru, 183, 185

Trade Disputes Aas: (1906) 601, (1927) 602, (1965) 602

Trade Union Act (1913), 602

Trade Union and Labour Relations Acts (1974, 1976), 602

trade unions: American, 255; Bolshevik take- over, 90–1; British, 601–3, 74(M; German, 583–4; Japanese, 734

transport, 223–4, 540

Treblinka, 415

Treitschk, Heinrich von, 126

Tricot, Bernard, 503

Trilling, Lionel, 10, 172, 226, 307–8, 644

‘Triton’ code, 399

Trivers, Robert, 780

Trotsky, Leon, 51, 72, 83, 122, 128, 205, 262, 270; on Lenin, 52, 55; as Lenin’s principal lieutenant, 59; and Revolution, 62–3, 65; use of force and secret police, 67, 68, 87, 263; opposition to Brest-Litovsk, 72; and compulsory labour, 92, 263; ousted by Stalin, 196; a moral relativist, 263; destroyed by Stalin, 263–5, 268; murder, 265, 373; on ‘British benevolence’, 348; on Islam, 720

Truman, Harry S., 441, 647, 650; decision to use atomic bom, 424–5; at Potsdam, 436-, strong line towards Russia and Communism, 437, 438, 457; commitment to Europe, 439–40; and Korean War, 450, 451, 452; undermining of UN Security Council, 450, 689; and arms-race, 452; pro-Zionism, 484–5; use of tapes, 652

Tshombe, Moise, 515, 516–17

Tsuji, Colonel Masanobu, 393

Tsushima, 187

Tucholsky, Kurt, 115, 116, 306

Tugwell, Rexford, 257

Tuker, General Sir Francis, 473

Tukhachevsky, Marshal, 301, 375

Tulsa race riots, 38

Tumulty, Joseph, 33

Tunisia, 526, 542

Turkey, 21, 154, 179, 439; national socialism in, 95; Soviet pressure on, 438; Marshall Aid to, 440; in ‘northern tier’, 489

Tzara, Tristan, 9

U Nu, 477, 513

Uganda, 514, 517, 527, 533–7, 541, 542

(familyhood), 530

Ukraine, 77, 105, 722, 765–6, 767

Ulbricht, Walter, 586

Ullman, EX., 747

Ultra coding system, 399–400

Ulyanov, Alexander, 50

UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development), 692

unemployment, 669; American, 246–7; British, 164, 367; German, 280, 281; Scandinavian, 604

Unger, Fritz von, 19

Union of the Democratic Centre, 609

Union Générale des Israelites de France, 420

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, origin of, 77–8

Union of the Spanish People, 609

United Founders Corporation, 239

United Nations, 520; Declaration (1942), 429; and Korean War, 450, 493; American control of, 493, 689; and Suez, 494–5, 689; and Congo, 515–16; double standard, 516, 536; and African states, 536, 538; Amin honoured by, 536, 689; commitment to military solutions, 538; withdrawal from Egypt-Israel frontier, 666; corrupt and demoralized, 684, 690; condemnation of Israel as ‘racist’, 690; condemnation of America, 690–1, 693; and Third World, 691–2; begins to function as intended, 697, 768; and Falklands War, 750; and Gulf War, 768, 770–1

United Party, South Africa, 524

United States of Europe, idea of, 599

‘universal labour service’, 91

universities, 698, 776–7

Upper Volta, 517, 518, 542

Urga, Hutuktu of, 192

Urrutia, Judge Manuel, 622, 623

Uttar Pradesh, 569

VI and V2 offensive, 405–6

Vahidi, Allameh, 713

Valentinov, N., 53

Valladolid, 328

Vallee, Rudy, 254

Van Hise, Charles, 16

Vance, Cyrus, 674

Vandenberg, Arthur, 439

‘vanguard fighters’, 55, 56, 57, 61–2, 89, 95, 96, 134, 181, 191

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 205

Varenne, Alexandre, 149

Varga, Jeno, 453

Veblen, Thorstein, 241

Veidt, Conrad, 116

Versailles Treaty (1919), 24, 29, 32, 120, 124, 140, 148, 173, 429, 525; imposed upon Germany, 26–8; US Congress refusal to

Versailles Treaty
ratify, 34; reparations and reprisals, 36, 106, 134; attempted embodiment of principle of self-determination, 38; creation of more minorities, 38; dissatisfaction with, 95; comparative generosity to Germany, 106, 108; blamed by Germany for currency collapse, 135; disarmament clause, 139, 351, 405; ultra-nationalists’ denigration of, 146; concessions to China, 187; repudiated by Hitler, 312, 319, 320, 341, 343, 351

Verwoerd, H.F., 523

Vesenkha (Supreme Council of National Economy), 89

Vettard, Camille, 10

Vichy Government, 146, 365–6, 420, 587–8

Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, 100

Vienna, 132–3; Congress of (1813), 17, 25

Vietnam, 460, 463; war, 630–7, 651, 654; Communist victory, 654; ‘unification’ of North and South, 657

Vigón, Colonel Juan, 335

Vilno, 39

violence: black, 645–6; increase in, 687–9; as moral necessity, 687; Nazi use of, 278–9, 296–306, 344; in post-colonial Africa, 537–8, 541–2; revolutionary, 55, 57, 58, 66, 78–9, 184, 200–1, 262–3; student, 127, 556, 557, 620, 643–4; against Weimar parliamentarianism, 123–5

Viollette, Maurice, 151

movement, 118

Volpi, Giuseppe, 103

Volstead Act (US, 1920), 209

Voroshilov, Marshal, 265, 300, 455

Voting Rights Act (US, 1965), 645

ss, 287

Waite, Morrison Remick, 662

Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 151

Walden, Herwath, 114

Walesa, Lech, 702

Wallace, Henry, 213, 438

Walters, W.W., 250

Walton, E.T.S., 406

, 119

Wang Hung-wen, 563–4

Wang Kwang-mei, 552, 559

Wapping, industrial dispute at, 743–4

war criminals, trial of, 428–30

war-debts, 28, 29, 35–6

war-guilt, 24, 106–9

War Powers Act (US, 1973), 653

‘war socialism’, 16, 90, 141, 277, 401

Warsaw Pact, 768

Washington D.C., 211, 250, 269

Washington Naval Treaty (1922), 188

Wassermann, Jakob, 121

Water Pollution Act (US, 1965), 661

Watergate affair, 649, 651–2, 653

Watson, James, 778

Waugh, Evelyn, 162, 362, 506, 531

Wavell, Field-Marshall Lord, 396, 473

Webb, James, 629

Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 275, 276, 473, 475, 601

Webb, Sir William, 427

Weber, Max, 18, 110, 123, 128

Wedd, Nathaniel, 172

Weill, Kurt, 113

Weimar Constitution, 110–11

Weiss, Ernst, 117

Weiss, Ferdl, 132

Weizmann, Chaim, 421, 482, 484, 488

Welensky, Sir Roy, 162

‘welfare capitalism’, 225

Welles, Summer, 345, 619

Wells, H.G., 13, 148, 213, 249, 276, 349, 641, 697

Wendel, François de, 142

Werfel, Franz, 117

Westerners, German, 111–12, 125, 136, 144, 280

Westinghouse, 660

Westphalia, Peace of (1648), 17, 18

Wheeler, J.A., 407

White, Harry Dexter, 458, 659

White, William, 436

White, William Allen, 217, 218, 219

White Russians, 75–6

Whitehead, A.N., 3

Whiteman, Paul, 227

Wieland, William, 621

Wilder, Billy, 113

Wilder, Thornton, 226

Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 15, 19, 104, 105, 108, 109

Wilkie, Wendell, 647

Williams, V.R., 454

Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 275

Williamson, Henry, 163

Wilson, Edmund, 215, 222, 248, 252

Wilson, Edward, 780

Wilson, Harold, 602

Wilson, Sir Henry, 45

Wilson, Woodrow, 16, 74, 204, 232, 243, 258; on collective brutality, 14; and Wilson
American entry into war, 22–3, 460; and peacemaking, 23–34, 105, 173; his ‘Fourteen Points’, 23, 24, 27, 105; his ‘Five Particulars’, 23, 24; and League of Nations, 25, 28–9, 31–2, 33, 34, 43; fatal illness, 33–4, 205

Windsor, Duke of, 306

Winnipeg general strike (1919), 38

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 168, 699

Wohlthat, Helmuth, 358

Wolf, Friedrich, 112, 306

Wolfe, Thomas, 226, 248, 259

Wolff, Ernst, 334

Wolff, Kurt, 116

Wolff, Theodor, 116

Woltmann, Ludwig, 120

Woodin, William, 254

Woolcott, Alexander, 252

Woolf, Leonard, 167, 168, 349, 472

Woolf, Virginia, 171

Workingmen’s Party, America, 213

World Bank, 659, 735, 739

World Council of Churches, 705

World Food Conference (1974), 691

World Jewish Congress (1942), 420

World Population Conference (1974), 691

Worringer, W.R., 114

Wright, Richard, 477

Wriston, Walter, 664, 671

Writers’ Congress (Madrid, 1937), 337–8

Wu Han, 555

Wu Pei-fu, Marshal, 195

Wuhan, 560

Wurche, Ernst, 19

Wurm, Bishop, 413

Wynne-Edwards, V.C., 779

Xavier, Francis, 177

Yacef, Saadi, 499

Yagoda, G.G., 300, 301

Yalta Conference (1945), 404, 425, 429, 435, 436

Yamamoto, Count Gombei, 183

Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku, 389, 393, 398

Yamashita, General Tomuyuki, 395

Yang Chang-chi, 197

Yard, General Abdul, 479

Yao Teng-shan, 558

Yarkov, Ilya, 681, 682

Yeats, W.B., 11, 306

Yeats-Brown, Major Francis, 306

Yeltsin, Boris, 766–7

Yen Fu, 197

Yen Hsi-shan, General, 195, 201

Yepishev, General Alexei, 719

Yevdokimov, Y.G., 226, 456

Yevtushenko, Y.A., 674

Yezhov, N.I., 301, 302

Yom Kippur War, 668, 684

YomeiTenno, 180

Yoshihito, Emperor of japan, 176

Youlou, Fulbert, 517

Youmans, Vincent, 227

Young, Owen, 258

Youth Movements, 18, 119

Yuan Shih-kai, General, 191

Yugoslavia, 40, 147, 373, 348; German occupation, 374; murdered Jews from, 415; Croats returned to, 431; Soviet share of, 434; expulsion from Cominform, 441; defiance of Soviet, 448–9; population trend, 723; economy, 727; break-up threatened, 762–3

Yukin, Ozaki, 183, 185

Yuzonsha society, 184

Zaire, 517, 518, 531, 539, 541, 542, 671

Zambia, 514, 526, 542; village regrouping, 530–1

Zamora, Alcalá, 325

Zangwill, Israel, 203

Zasulich, Vera, 52

Zasyadki, A.F., 550

Zhdanov, A.A., 302, 449, 455, 553, 556

Zhivkov, Todor, 760

Zhukov, Marshal G.K., 372, 384, 455, 675

Zimbabwe, 526, 542

Zimmerman, Arthur, 399

Zinoviev, G.Y., 91, 93, 262, 263, 264–5, 266, 268, 299, 300

Zionism, 121, 481–6, 522

Zniakov, Fedor, 677

Zollverein, 591

Zoshchenko, Mikhail, 453

Zorin, V.A., 440

Zuckmayer, Carl, 113

Zweig, Arnold, 117, 306

Zyklon-B, 414, 415


Among the many institutions and individuals to whom I am beholden I would especially like to thank the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research in Washington, which gave me hospitality as a Resident Scholar; Dr. Norman Stone, who read the manuscript and corrected many errors; my editor at Weidenfeld, Linda Osband; the copy-editor, Sally Mapstone; and my eldest son, Daniel Johnson, who also worked on the manuscript.


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