Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (162 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

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37 Robert C.Williams, ‘The Quiet Trade: Russian Art and American Money’,
Wilson Quarterly
, Winter 1979.

38 Stalin,
Collected Works
, xi 90.

Carr, Foundations
, I 201.

40 M.Hindus,
Red Bread
(London 1931), 335; Carr, op. cit., 223.

41 T. H. Rigby (ed.),
The Stalin Dictatorship: Khrushchev’s ‘Secret Session’ Speech and Other Documents
(Sydney 1968).

42 Carr,
, I 283.

43 Deutscher,
, 320; Stalin,
Collected Works
, XII 170.

44 Deutscher,
, 325 footnote 1.

45 Lewin, op. cit., 514.

46 Kolakowski, op. cit., III 38.

47 Winston Churchill,
The Second World War
, 12 vols (London 1964), VIII 78.

48 S. Swianiewicz,
Forced Labour and Economic Development: an Inquiry into the Experience of Soviet Industrialization
(London 1965), 123; Lewin, op. cit., 508.

49 Kolakowski, op. cit., III 39.

50 Robert Conquest,
The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties
(London 1969), 22.

51 Deutscher,
, 325; Roy Medvedev,
Let History Judge: the Origins and Consequences of Stalinism
(tr. New York 1971), 90–1; figures from
Istoriia SSSR
(1964), No. 5, p. 6.

52 See the summary-article, ‘Revising Stalin’s Legacy’,
Wall Street Journal
, 23 July 1980; M.Msksudov, ‘Pertes subies par la population de l’URSS 1918–1958’,
Cahier du monde russe et sovietique
, March 1977.

53 Kolakowski, op. cit., III 43.

54 Cohen, op. cit., 364.

55 Alexander Orlov,
The Secret History of Stalin’s Crimes
(London 1954), 317–18; Alexander Barmine,
One Who Survived
(New York 1945), 256, 264; Svetlana Alliluyeva,
Twenty Letters to a Friend
(tr., London 1967), 351.

56 Svetlana Alliluyeva,
Only One
Year (New York 1969), 143.

57 Wolfgang Leonhard,
Kreml ohne Stalin
(Cologne 1959), 95; Nicolaevsky, op. cit., 93–4.

58 Stalin,
Collected Works
, XIII 161–215.

59 Borys Lewytzkyj,
Die rote Inquisition: die Geschichte der sowjetischen Sicherheitsdienste
(Frankfurt 1967), 76.

60 Hingley, op. cit., 214.

61 Albert Speer,
The Slave State
(London 1981), 303.

62 Muggeridge, op. cit., I 234–5.

63 Victor Serge,
Memoirs of a Revolutionary
(tr., New York 1963), 250.

64 Paul Hollander,
Political Pilgrims: Travels of Western Intellectuals to the Soviet Union, China and Cuba 1928–1978
(Oxford 1981), chapter 4.

65 Amabel Williams-Ellis,
The White Sea Canal
(London 1935), introduction; Sidney and Beatrice Webb,
Soviet Communism: a New Civilization?
(London 1935); Harold Laski,
Law and Justice in Soviet Russia
(London 1935); Anna Louise Strong,
This Soviet World
(New York 1936); G.B.Shaw,
The Rationalization of Russia
(London 1931); Solzhenitsyn’s account of the Canal is in
The Gulag Archipelago
(New York 1975), II 80–102.

66 Julian Huxley,
A Scientist Among the Soviets
(London 1932), 67; Lyons, op. cit., 430; Shaw, op. cit., 28.

67 Hesketh Pearson,
GBS: a Full-Length Portrait
(New York 1942), 329–31.

68 Wells,
, 799–807; for other refs. see Hollander, op. cit., 167–73.

69 Williams, op. cit.

70 Muggeridge, op. cit., 254.

71 EdwardN. Peterson,
The Limits of Hitler’s Power
(Princeton 1969), 154.

72 Mosse, op. cit., 294ff.

73 Bendersky, op. cit.

74 Mosse, op. cit., 280.

75 Holborn, op. cit., 658.

76 Fritz Stern, ‘Adenauer in Weimar: the Man and the System’ in
The Failure of Illiberalism
, 178–87; Paul Weymar,
Konrad Adenauer
(Munich 1955), 129–43; the quotation is from Adenauer’s letter to M.Tirard, chairman of the Allied Rhineland Committee in 1923, in the Stresemann Papers; see Henry Turner,
Stresemann and the Politics of the Weimar Republic
(Princeton 1963).

77 For instance his secret report to the cabinet, 31 March 1931, cited in Barnett, op. cit., 340.

78 Michael Balfour,
West Germany
(London 1968), 85–6.

79 Rostow,
World Economy
, Table 111–42; Holborn, op. cit., 639—40.

80 Holborn, op. cit., 732.

81 Laqueur, op. cit., 257.

82 Holborn, op. cit., 687.

83 Karl Dietrich Bracher,
The German Dictatorship: the Origins, Structure and Effects of National Socialism
(tr., London 1970), 6.

84 Chrisopher Isherwood,
The Berlin Stories
(New York 1945 ed.), 86.

85 Fest, op. cit., 517.

86 Francis Carsten,
Reichswehr und Politik 1918–1933
(Cologne 1964), 377.

87 Fest, op. cit., 545.

88 Ibid., 507.

89 Ibid., 546.

90 Thomas Mann,
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen
(Berlin 1918).

91 Quoted in E.K.Bramstedt,
Dictatorship and Political Police
(Oxford 1945), 98.

92 See Arnold Brecht,
Prelude to Silence: the End of the German Republic
(New York 1944).

93 Quoted by Fest, op. cit., 618.

94 Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel,
(New York 1962)296.

95 Manvel and Fraenkel,
Heinrich Himmler
(London 1965), 10–15, 31–2.

96 Ibid., 34.

Neueste Nachrichten
(Munich), 21 March 1933.

98 Quoted in Manvell and Fraenkel,
, 35–6.

99 Ibid., 41.

100 Ibid., 38–9.

101 Grunfeld, op. cit., 126–9.

102 Peterson, op. cit., 14; Hans Buchheim,
ss und Polizei im NS
Staat (Duisberg 1964).

103 Hans Frank,
Im Angesicht des Galgens
(Munich 1953).

Hitler’s Secret Conversations
(New York 1953), 420.

105 Peterson, op. cit., 70–1.

Hitler’s Secret Conversations
, 306; Peterson, op. cit., 72.

107 Peterson, op. cit., 133—42.

108 Frank, op. cit., 167; Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk,
Es geschah in Deutschland
(Tübingen 1951).

109 Paul Seabury,
The Wilhelmstrasse: a Study of German Diplomacy under the Nazi Regime
(Berkeley 1954).

110 Herbert Jacob,
Administration Since Bismarck
(New Haven 1963), 113; Peterson, op. cit., 37.

Helmut Heiber
Adolf Hitler
(Berlin 1960), 92ff.; Alan Bullock,
Hitler: a Study in Tyranny
{London 1964), 386; Joseph
Charisma and Factionalism in the Nazi Party
(Minneapolis 1967).

112 Fest, op. cit., 807.

113 Otto Dietrich,
Zwölf Jahre mit Hitler
(Munich 1955), 153.

114 Thomas Hobbes,
, Part 1, chapter XI.

115 Peterson, op. cit., 75–6.

116 David Schoenbaum,
Hitler’s Social Revolution
(New York 1966), 159–86, 200–1, 285.

117 Heinrich Uhlig,
Die Warenhäuser im Dritten Reich
(Cologne 1956).

118 Friedrich Facius,
Wirtschaft und
Staat (Schriften des Bundesarchiv)
(Koblenz 1959) 147.

Raul Hilberg
The Destruction of the European Jews
1961), 98.

120 This is the view of E.K.Bramsted,
Goebbels and National Socialist
(Lansing 1965); Helmut Heiber,
Josef Goebbels
(Berlin 1962) argues that Goebbels was not anti-Semitic.

121 Bullock, op. cit., 121.

122 Arthur Schweitzer,
Big Business in the Third Reich
(London 1964), 643, note 25.

123 Hermann Rauschning,
Revolution of Destruction
(London 1939).

124 Quoted Holborn, op. cit., 753.

125 Joseph Borking,
The Crime and
Punishment of I. G.Farben
(London 1979), 56–60.

126 For Todt’s ability see Alan
The German Economy
at War
(London 1965).

127 Speer, op. cit., 4ff.

128 David Schoenbaum,
Die braune Revolution
(Cologne 1968), 150.

129 Fest, op. cit., 559.

130 David Carlton,
Anthony Eden
(London 1981), 46.

131 Hans Gisevius,
Adolf Hitler
(Munich 1963), 173.

132 Holborn, op. cit., 745–7; Manvell and Fraenkel,
, 42—6.

133 Fest, op. cit., 705.

134 Nicholaevsky, op. cit., 28–30.

135 For the influence of the Roehm purge on Stalin, see George
Russia and the West Under Lenin and Stalin
(New York
1960), 285.

136 Conquest, op. cit., 44.

137 Medvedev, op. cit., 157ff.; Hingley, op. cit., 236ff.; Conquest, op. cit., 47ff.

138 Orlov, op. cit., 17–18, 129.

139 Orlov, op. cit., 350.

The Stalin Dictatorship
, 39–40.

141 W.G.Krivitsky. I Was Stalin’s
(London 1940), 166.

142 Ibid., 228.

143 Paul Blackstock,
The Secret Road
to World War Two: Soviet versus Western Intelligence 1921–1939
(Chicago 1969); Hingley, op. cit., 292ff.

144 John Erickson,
The Soviet High
Command, a Military and Political History, 1918–1941
1962), 374; Conquest, op. cit., 224; Hingley, op. cit., 258–9.

145 Schapiro,
Communist Party
, 440.

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