Momentary Marriage (18 page)

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Authors: Carol Rose

BOOK: Momentary Marriage
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“I am
exaggerating,” Jared denied firmly. “Your family might have a more varied tree, but mine is way weirder.”

” she refuted.

Jared tilted his head back against the leather seat. “Okay. You must have heard the snoring during the ceremony.”

“Was that snoring?” She raised her head to look at him in question. “I thought someone was having an asthma attack.”

“Nope,” he denied. “Great uncle Matthew. As loud as a freight train and he’s just as oblivious. He refuses to believe he snores at all. Unfortunately, churches tend to sedate him.”

Kelsey giggled, as she knew he meant her to.

Her hand still cradled in Jared’s, the sense of unreality clung to her. She’d accomplished her goal with Jared’s help. Doug had to believe she was in love and permanently unavailable so he could go on falling in love with her sister. Jared’s kiss at the altar would have convinced even the greatest skeptic.

But still, she felt like a bride, like a woman cherished and full of hope, starting a new life with a steady, stalwart swain at her side. It couldn’t be real, she knew, but she didn’t want to remind herself of that. This was now. She only wanted to enjoy being wrapped in a golden illusion. Tomorrow she’d be realistic. What could the harm be in that?


Jared took her in his arms as the orchestra played the first strands of the waltz. Kelsey followed him easily, remembering their first dance in the hotel elevator the night of the banquet. The same awareness of him washed over her, his strength and the heat of his body starting a drum roll in her chest just as it had that night. So much had happened since then.

Some things were the same, however. He danced with confidence and grace, his movements smooth but not showy. No wonder mothers had thought the waltz scandalous when it was first introduced. Here in the circle of his arms, Kelsey was swamped with his aura, a mix of smell and warmth and energy.

She tilted her face up to smile at him, feeling a rush of intimacy. It was both familiar and…strangely exciting to be close to him.

Jared smiled back, tugging her closer as they swung around the room. They had the dance floor to themselves for this first number, though they’d probably be dancing with their relatives and guests for the rest of the evening.

The turnout had been phenomenal. All her friends and co-workers from the agency were there, of course. They all thought she’d hit the jackpot, marrying a wealthy and personable man. Cinderella come to life.

At this moment, in his arms, she wanted to believe it, too.

She just needed to keep her heart out of it and she’d be all right. Needed to remember that he was a man like many others, one who already had one broken commitment to his credit, not because he was any more flawed than others, but because forever was an illusion.

A beautiful illusion, though, and one that seemed so vivid and real at this moment.

She’d always prided herself on keeping her head in relationships, but this man affected her more powerfully and presented a greater risk. Maybe it was lust, an odd sort of physical chemistry. Living together put that kind of thing in perspective. He’d probably snore, scratch himself and throw towels on the floor.

Right now, however, she couldn’t imagine caring.

As Jared swung her around in a turn, Kelsey caught a glimpse of Doug and Amy standing together in a group of Jared’s friends.

There were a lot of people here tonight, Kelsey knew, who were surprised at Jared’s marrying, particularly to a woman most of them had never heard of. They were probably making bets on how long it would last. From the comments she’d overheard, Jared had shown no interest in a committed relationship since his youthful marriage.

She was sure there had been women, of course. His wealth aside, Jared was just too darned charming and virile not to have attracted his share of bed partners.

But she didn’t want to think about that, she realized.

Wrapped in his arms like this, so close to him she could feel his deepest breath, Kelsey had to admit to herself that she was looking forward to…touching him. And having him touch her.

She looked up at him, anticipation buzzing through her veins.

The song came to an end, their guests breaking into applause.

Kelsey dropped Jared’s hand, half turning away to greet a friend, but his arm tightened around her waist. He drew her closer, bending to brush his lips against hers.

Jared thought he felt Kelsey falter, her movement halted. He pulled her body against his, opening her mouth beneath the heat of his kiss.

Sagging against him after a fraction of a second, she angled her chin up to press her mouth more snugly against his, her breasts crushed against his chest. A surge of triumph washed through him at her response.

Kissing her thoroughly, he felt her arms circle his neck and reveled in her complete surrender to his embrace. Here in front of everyone, she received him. A lot of women would have pushed their new husbands away if they’d dare kiss them so passionately in public—even women who’d gone into marriage proclaiming their love.

Ending the kiss, Jared brushed his hand along her smooth cheek, enjoying the dazed mist in her eyes as she smiled at him.

“Just something to remember me by,” he said, his voice low.

A husky laugh escaped her. “I’m…sure that will do the trick.”

“Good,” he said. “Now, I suppose, we have to greet our guests.”

Jared let her slip out of his arms then, enjoying the heated glance she threw over her shoulder. He couldn’t have found a better woman for him, one who matched him more evenly. A less gregarious woman would have succumbed to embarrassment at such a public display of affection.

He loved her enthusiasm, the energy she radiated when surrounded by people, he loved the way she responded to him even when he caught her by surprise.

Of course, he didn’t generally act out his passions in front of crowds. But this kiss was like the one in the church. It had several purposes.

First off, it had been too long since he’d gotten to kiss her. Secondly, Doug stood not three feet away.

The expression on the younger man’s face was a mixture of loss and sadness, resignation and acceptance. Jared only hoped his friend and employee would respond to this admittedly-brutal demise of his amorous hopes. He needed to go on with his life.

But Jared’s most powerful reason for drawing Kelsey into his arms and ravaging her mouth was exactly what he’d said. He wanted her to remember not only him, but the surge between them. To allay her unspoken anxieties about this marriage, he’d been as good as an altar boy these last few weeks, drawing her out to talk about her background, never pressing her for private passion.

Now she was his wife and he had every intention of seducing her as skillfully as his raging hunger for her would allow.

The rest of the evening passed swiftly. Jared danced with his female guests, including his Aunt Millie, tolerating her voluble chatter with affection. His entire extended family was present and that entailed much back-slapping and perfumed hugs. He loved his family. They were a fun bunch.

In fact, the crowd of guests seemed to mingle amazingly well. People from Kelsey’s agency ended up dancing with some of his employees from Barrett’s main offices. Even Uncle Matthew got in on the action, doing a hilarious tango with Amy.

Kelsey flitted around the room seeming tireless as the night progressed. Breathtakingly beautiful in her graceful white dress, her radiant face glowed as a bride’s should.

She’d be a helluva good hostess. A loving, responsive wife. All he had to do was change her perspective on marriage. Sell her on himself. She could believe in him. He’d never let her down the way her irresponsible mother and father had.

Every now and then, their eyes met and held, a jolt of electricity charging the air. God, how he wanted her.

At one point, she danced with Doug. Jared watched them covertly as he squired a second cousin around the floor. As she told him about her three growing children, he sent carefully lazy glances toward his bride.

Doug’s expression seemed resigned as he listened to whatever Kelsey was saying. He held her awkwardly, seeming not to know where to put his hands. Jared couldn’t help feeling sorry for the guy.

As the hour neared ten o’clock, the crowd began thinning some. Jared’s mother drew Kelsey out of a group of laughing friends and set up the bouquet toss. Poised on a stairway in the two-story ballroom, she seemed to aim for Amy.

Unfortunately, his energetic cousin, Sarah snagged the prize, sprinting back and tackling two other guests.

Jared laughed through the garter toss, deliberately not aiming for an unenthusiastic Doug. A thirteen year-old boy caught it, looking surprised by his accomplishment.

As the reception wound down, Jared felt his anticipation mount. Across the room, Kelsey stood chatting with a group of women. She’d taken off her veil earlier and he found his gaze drawn to the dark tendrils of hair that caressed her neck.

Jared felt the slow, heavy thud of his heart, the rising heat of awareness. He longed to press his mouth there at the slope of her shoulder.

Hunger roared through him with the force of a tidal wave, swamping everything. In that instant, his patience, the control he’d long imposed on himself, vanished.

It was time to leave. Time to woo his bride in private. He circled the room and found his mother, informing her of his intent to spirit Kelsey up to the honeymoon suite.

While his mother began calling the guests to form the confetti gauntlet, Jared crossed the room to where Kelsey stood.

She glanced up as he approached, weaving his way through the remaining guests. Something in his expression must have indicated his intent. Her gaze locked with his, her beautiful face going still. Awareness ran between them, crossing the ballroom like an arc of current.

She watched him approach, half turned away from the group around her, the intensity in her eyes making his heart pound.

When he reached her side, Jared stopped, his pulse hammering in his ears. All his life, without knowing it, he’d needed this woman. Now she was his, and he wanted everyone else to evaporate.

Without speaking, Kelsey took his hand.

As the chattering, excited guests gathered around them, clutching fistfuls of confetti, Jared led her toward the door.

Kelsey felt excitement drumming in her veins, thick and molten. The shrieks and laughter around them faded. All she was conscious of was Jared’s nearness, her hand secured in his.

From the moment they’d spoken their vows, the evening had taken on a certain enchantment. She’d tried to resist at first, but the fantasy felt like water after a drought.

She was a fairy princess claimed by the king. The firm clasp of his hand, the dark hunger in his eyes. How long had she waited to feel this way? To feel supremely, eternally important to one man?

How long had she waited to kiss him again?

Suddenly, they were running down the hotel hallway, a cloud of confetti whirling over their heads like a bride and groom in a snow globe.

The elevator door yawned open before them. Kelsey flung herself into the car, her breath coming hard and fast. Jared pushed the button for the penthouse and the doors closed.

He turned to face her, his eyes hot and dark.

“Do you trust me?” Jared said suddenly, the question urgent.

Her heart thudding in her chest, she heard herself say, “Yes.”

“Truly? Completely?”

“Yes.” Her voice was calm, but her body tightened in anticipation. They were alone…and married. Tonight, they’d make love.

There was a roaring in her ears, a pounding urgency. Everything felt so unreal, so magical. How often did a woman get to live out a fantasy? There was so much more she wanted…needed from him.

Without thought, she stepped toward him, her fingers jerking his tie loose before yanking free the

top button of his shirt.

Surprise flashed in his eyes.

She didn’t care. She’d waited too long, dreamed hot, hungry dreams too many nights. Who said fairy princesses had to be shy?

As the elevator car rose, her fingers dropped down his shirt, loosening each button with the speed of light till his chest shone bare. Kelsey lay her palms against his skin.

Instantly, he jerked her into his arms, groaning as he bent to her neck, his mouth hot and voracious. Desire shuddered through her. Pressed now against the back wall of the elevator, his taut body imprinted on her, Kelsey clutched at him, dragging at his coat. She needed him bare against her, needed to surround him.

Scattering fierce kisses along her neck and shoulder, Jared managed to wedge a hand behind her back while the other kneaded her breast in an exquisite torture. Her whole body flushed, the core of her being aching to be filled.

She felt the fabric of her dress fall away from her shoulder at the same instant the elevator came to a halt.

With hardly a pause, they tumbled out of the elevator into the penthouse foyer, their hands still tangled in each other’s clothes. Jared muttered something, groping in his pocket as he pushed her against the one door, his mouth dropping to graze the top of her breasts.

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