Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) (4 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Karen seemed to be in a much better mood tonight than she had been the other day. Savanna sure hoped that had been just an off mood and not the norm for her friend. She hated to see her upset and certainly didn’t want her and Ben to break up. They were the two most stable people she knew.

Savanna had come from a broken home where her father decided he didn’t like the responsibility of two kids and a wife, so he split when she was twelve years old. Her mom worked hard to put food on the table, but she kept dating the same type of guys. They were always looking for an easier way to make money, one fly-by-night scheme after another. She vowed she would never marry a man like that. She wanted someone stable. Someone who had a decent job—someone she could depend on to be there for her.

On the other hand, she wanted a man who knew his way around a woman’s body, someone who could make her wet just by looking at her. She didn’t think she would ever find both in one man, so she would have a fling or three with some hot-as-Hades man until she found her steady Eddie. Then she would settle down and raise a family. Her family days were fast dwindling, so she needed to put a rush on things.

Ben and Karen dropped back in their chairs, laughing and sweating.

“It is so crowded out there,” Karen said. “I mean, Ben put his arm around me and ended up with his hand on some guy’s ass.”

Savanna about died laughing along with Karen. “What did the guy say?”

Ben shook his head. “I’m not repeating it.”

“He said, maybe later, but he was busy right now.” Karen slapped her hand over her mouth and choked, trying not to laugh.

“How ’bout a dance?” A fairly good-looking man stood at the booth looking down at Savanna.

Karen kicked her under the table.

“Sure.” Savanna slid out of the booth.

Her dance date was about two inches taller than her and was built like a swimmer, with a broad chest with slim hips and strong thighs. His jeans clung to his thighs but bagged on his ass. He danced pretty damn well, though. Savanna found out his name was Jack and he worked at a computer repair shop. He loved to ski and boat and ran five miles every day. All in all, a good guy. He didn’t do it for her on a sexual level, though.

When she would have sat back down, another man claimed her. This one didn’t mind dancing close and used every opportunity there was to touch her and rub against her. About all she learned about him was that he liked to race cars and watch the races on TV. He didn’t do it for her either. This time, when the song ended, she made it back to the booth only to find Ben there alone.

She slid in opposite him. “Where is Karen?”

“Dancing. You know how much she likes to dance.” Ben brushed it off, but Savanna could see he wasn’t pleased about it.

“I’m sorry. I got tapped on my way in from the first song.”

“Not your fault. She just wants to have fun, I guess.”

“I’m here now. Why don’t you go dance with her? The song is about over now,” Savanna suggested.

“Naw, I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

“Nonsense. I’m fine. Go dance with her. Like you said, she loves to dance.”

He got up out of the booth. “We’ll bring back some water when we get through. How about that?”

“I’d love some water. Go have fun.” Savanna watched him slip into the crowd. She hoped he found Karen and that Karen was behaving.

Someone stepped between her and the dance floor. She looked up, and her eyes widened. Dustin stood next to the booth with two bottles of water.

“Hi, thought you might be thirsty.” He offered her one of the bottles. “Top is still on it. I didn’t open it so you would know it was safe to drink.”

“Thanks.” Savanna smiled up at him and indicated the opposite side of the booth. “Have a seat.”

“Having a better time tonight?” he asked.

“So far, so good.” Savanna laughed. “At least, I haven’t started any fights yet.”

“You didn’t start the last one.”

“I bet the bouncer would argue that one with you,” Savanna said.

Dustin slid into the booth next to her. Savanna scooted toward the wall to give him more room. He didn’t seem to want more room since he moved closer.

“So, Savanna, what do you do?”

“I run a spa. What about you?”

“Oh, this and that. I drive a truck sometimes, and sometimes I work behind a desk. Just depends on what I feel like doing at the time.”

Uh-oh, Savanna thought. Deadbeat.
So? You aren’t looking for a husband, you’re looking for a lover for now.

“Sounds like you are your own boss then.”

“Yep, just the way I like it.” He put one arm around behind her to lie along the back of the seat.

She felt the heat from his leg against hers. His hand fiddled with her hair, and a tingle played down her spine from that simple touch. When he asked her a question, she had to turn to face him to answer, and their mouths were so close it would take very little movement for them to brush against each other.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?” She couldn’t think with him so close to her.

“I asked if you would like me to open your bottle for you.” He touched her water with a finger.

“Yeah, thanks.”

Dustin opened her bottled water. When he handed it to her, their fingers touched. The resulting spark caused her to jump and nearly turn over the bottle. She jerked her eyes upward to meet his. He looked as shocked as she felt. Savanna picked up the bottle and took a drink of the cool water. It did little to quench the fire beginning to burn deep inside her. Being this close to him after all of the intensely sexual dreams she’d had about him wasn’t helping.

“When your friends get back, would you like to dance?” Dustin asked.

Savanna smiled and nodded. “Sure, that would be great.”

As if on cue, Ben and Karen walked up. Karen had a grimace on her face, while Ben frowned. Clearly, things weren’t going well with them.

Dustin stood up. Ben held out his hand, and they shook.

“Great to see you again,” Ben said. He waited for Karen to scoot over in the seat before he sat down.

Dustin held out his hand and nodded toward the dance floor. “Ready?”

“Oh, maybe I should wait. Ouch.” Savanna glared over at Karen. She’d kicked her under the table again.

“Nonsense, you go ahead and dance. That’s why you’re here. Have some fun.” Karen shooed her away.

Savanna shrugged then slid across the seat and let Dustin help her stand. With one last look over her shoulder at Karen and Ben, she let Dustin pull her toward the dance floor.

“I like the way your blouse looks with your eyes. You have beautiful eyes.” Dustin held her close.

“Thanks.” She smiled at him, and when he drew her closer, she didn’t pull away.

The floor was so crowded that all they could do was sway on their feet. The music wove a spell of seduction around Savanna. She let her hands explore his shoulders and chest. His hands rested at her hips. His lips grazed her ear as he spoke to her.

“I’m glad you came back tonight. I missed out on my second dance last week.”

“I’m glad I came tonight, too.”

He ran one hand up her back and back down again to rest at the swell of her hip. His other hand cupped the back of her neck, and he drew her face up for a kiss. His lips whispered over hers. He nipped at her lower lip and then ran his tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened and he could gain entrance. His mouth devoured hers. His tongue sparred with hers as he pulled her tighter against him. She felt the thick length of his cock against her abdomen.

Dustin’s hand tangled in her hair, holding her still while his mouth adjusted to hers and continued plundering. Savanna wrapped her hands in his hair and pulled his head down lower in an attempt to take over the kiss. He laughed into her mouth and pulled away.

“I think we better slow down. Much more, and I’ll have you on the dance floor.”

Savanna felt her face grow warm. “I wouldn’t have…”

“I think both of us would have, given half a chance,” Dustin said.

The song ended, and he led her back toward the booth. She hated the song had ended, but it was probably for the best. He was right, she had gotten way too sexual dancing with him.
Isn’t that what you’ve been looking for? Someone who could make you forget little things like being in public?

When they arrived back at the table, Ben stood up and pulled Karen out of the booth.

“Sorry, Savanna. We need to call it a night. Are you ready?” Ben asked. There were lines around his mouth as if he were trying to control his expression.


“Nonsense,” Karen said. “We came so Savanna could have a good time. She just got here. There’s no need for us to leave this early, Ben.”

“Karen, I don’t mind,” Savanna began.

“I’ll take you home later,” Dustin offered when Ben shook his head at Karen.

“Oh, really, that’s nice of you, but I should really go with them.” Savanna wasn’t sure what was going on, but Ben and Karen were obviously fighting about something.

“No, Savanna. You stay and enjoy yourself. I’m sure Dustin will take care of you. Right, Dustin?” Karen glared at Ben.

“Of course. I’ll take good care of her.” He took Savanna’s hand and smiled at her. “Say yes, and stay and dance a little longer.”

Ben shrugged when she looked in his direction. “You have our number. I’ll come back and get you if you decide you don’t want to ride home with him.”

Savanna looked at Karen and decided she didn’t need to be in the same car with them while they had their little fight. They needed to hash it out between themselves. Dustin seemed nice enough, but she could always call a cab.

“Okay, I’ll stay and dance some more,” she said. “Karen, call me in the morning.”

“I will. You have a good time. Don’t worry about us.” She pushed Ben toward the door and waved at Savanna on the way out. “Have fun.”

Savanna watched as they were swallowed up by the crowd. The sea of people formed waves as they undulated back and forth on the dance floor. She sure hoped she had made the right decision.

“Let’s sit for awhile and talk,” he said.

Savanna slid into the booth and was relieved when he sat across from her. She didn’t have enough control yet to sit next to him and not grope him.

“Do you like motorcycles?” Dustin asked out of the blue.

“Well, yeah, I guess so. Why?”

“I ride a bike. I have an extra helmet but wasn’t sure if you liked to ride or not.”

“Oh, now is a little late for finding out, don’t you think?” she said.

“Maybe. Guess it depends,” he said.

“Depends on what?”

“If you mind riding home on the back of my bike.”

Savanna shook her head and smiled. “I don’t mind, but I’m not exactly dressed for riding.”

“I have a jacket in the saddlebags you can wear. I won’t let you get cold.”

“So what are you doing next week? Driving a truck or sitting behind a desk?”

“Are you really interested?” he asked.

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