Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Dustin held her pressed against the wall. He ran his hand up inside her shorts and shoved her panties aside so that he could touch her smooth mound. His fingers separated her lips, and first one, then the other, entered her. Savanna pushed her hips against his hand.

“Ohhh, God, yes.” She wanted him inside her.

“Condom,” he managed to say when she bit his chest.


He pulled out of her panties and shorts and dug around in his pocket with her legs still wrapped around his waist. How he managed to snag one with his own jeans loose at his hips, she didn’t know. All she cared about right then was that he get one, and get it on quick. She heard the wrapper crinkle and then felt his cock against her inner thigh.

Dustin pulled aside her shorts and panties once again, but instead of his fingers pressing inside of her, it was his thick cock breeching her entrance. Savanna swallowed around the knot in her throat. God, he was so big. How had she forgotten that? He held her hips still as he thrust upwards, once, twice. He filled her, and she panted as he continued to thrust inside of her.

“Yes,” he growled when he reached the end of her. “You are so damn tight.”

“You’re too big. I can’t breathe.” She grabbed his shoulders and dug her nails in as he continued to pound inside of her.

She felt the beginnings of the orgasm bloom within her. It grew hotter and larger with each thrust of his cock inside of her. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she would come. His hands squeezed her ass cheeks, and he continued to rock inside of her. She felt the burn right before she came. He caught her screams with his mouth and swallowed them down. Then he was shouting into hers as he spurted his release.

He let her slide down the wall until her feet touched the ground. She would have continued to slide to the floor if he hadn’t held her trapped against the wall with his body. Her legs were too weak to hold her. Even as she caught her breath, little explosions continued to go off inside her.

“Shit. I didn’t mean to do that. I mean, I didn’t come over here to fuck you.” Dustin dropped his head against hers. “I really only planned to ask you out to dinner.”

“I’m glad you came by. That was incredible.” Savanna finally managed to stand without him holding her up.

“Yeah, me, too.” He smiled and then looked pointedly at his condom-covered penis. “Can I borrow your bathroom?”

“Sure. You know where it is.” She watched him walk down the hall toward the bathroom. His tight ass caused her to draw in another deep breath through her nose.

When he returned, he opened the apartment door to leave then stopped and turned around.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night. Think about me.” He closed the door behind himself.

Savanna groaned and hit the back of her head against the wall a couple of times to try and knock some sense into it.
You are in so much trouble, Savanna. You can’t control yourself where he’s concerned. You let the man fuck you practically against your front door of all places!
She didn’t know where all of it was heading, but she had definitely found that someone who made her all hot just by looking at her. Sex up against a wall was a first for her since college. She didn’t realize she could still do that at her age.

* * * *

Dustin slammed the door to his condo on the way inside. What in the hell had gotten into him? He should have stuck with calling her instead of going over there. Now she was going to think all he was interested in was sex.
Well, isn’t it?
Hell no. He liked her. He wanted to get to know her better. That was why he’d asked her out to eat dinner. Instead, he’d proven what a horny bastard he was by fucking her up against the wall.
Way to go, fool.

He jerked his T-shirt over his head and threw it across the room at the clothes hamper where it lay a good foot away. He sat on the edge of the bed and rested his elbows on his knees. He needed to get a better hold of his libido. She was going to blow him off if all they ever did was have sex.

Women usually enjoyed going out with him, so much so that they tended to hang on when things were really over with. His last girlfriend had actually tried breaking into his condo when he finally had to tell her to leave him alone. He thought he would lay off dating for awhile, but once he saw Savanna, he knew he had to have her. Not just for sex, but to find out what made her tick. He wanted to know what was important to her and how she felt about things like Chinese food and who her favorite author was.

Now, he would be lucky if she agreed to a second date. He needed to resist having sex with her this time. It wasn’t just all about the sex for him. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He wasn’t looking for a one-night stand. Nor was he looking for a commitment. He just wanted to date her and see how things went. She was a lovely woman, but he knew next to nothing about her. Sure, he knew what made her scream, but what made her smile?

He had another long day ahead of him tomorrow before he could even think about taking her to eat. The prospectus on one of the businesses he had been thinking of investing in was flawed, and he wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or just an honest mistake. He used a firm in town to put together his projects before he looked into them. He needed to make a visit to them and find out what had gone wrong on this project. He had never had a problem before.

The paperwork listed all of their assets, with one being a warehouse near the river. It hadn’t said that the warehouse had a second lien on it, so it wasn’t a clear asset after all. Either they’d just failed to find it or they failed to disclose it. He wanted to know which it was. He didn’t like doing business with a company that was sloppy or on the take. Which one they were, he needed to find out. They would be his first stop in the morning on his way in to work.

Dustin bent over and untied his shoes before kicking them off to the side of the bed. His socks soon followed. He stood up in his bare feet and unsnapped his jeans. He patted into the bathroom and turned on the multi-head shower. He pulled off the jeans and stepped into the steamy water and let it pound against his flesh. He started bathing, and his thoughts wandered to what it would be like to have Savanna in his shower with him.

He could aim the heads in any direction he wanted. He would aim them down so that he could hold her nipples under them. The torrent of water would stimulate them until she begged for him to make it stop. He wanted to soap her up from head to toe by hand. Explore each inch of her body with his fingers and mouth. Once she was all soaped up, he would detach one of the showerheads and use it to rinse her off, one inch at a time. He would end it with the stream between her legs hitting her clit. She would scream for him to stop as the orgasms continued until she couldn’t stand up. He would turn off the shower and wrap her in a towel before carrying her to the bed.

There he would dry her off first, then pet that poor used pussy until it perked back up. He would ease inside of her, inch by inch until he was fully seated inside her hot depths. Then he would move slowly in and out until she began moaning for more. He would pick up the pace until they both exploded. Then he would curl up around her and go to sleep. He shook himself and realized the water was getting cold. Crap, he was doing it again. He needed to get her out of his head if he were going to get any sleep, much less work, done.

Early the next morning, Dustin arrived at the office of the Lambert Company, which researched and compiled the information in his briefcase concerning the companies he had been considering investing in. He introduced himself and asked to see Martin Sherman.

* * * *

Savanna was worried. She hadn’t been able to talk to Karen all day. She kept saying she was too busy and would talk to her later every time she called. Then, when they usually got together for their normal Friday after-work kick, she was working overtime and just couldn’t make it. She never missed a Friday after-work meet unless she was home in bed sick.

It was nearly six-thirty, and she still needed to finish getting dressed for her date with Dustin. She tried Karen’s cell phone one more time but hung up without leaving a message since she had already left four. Something was going on, and that worried Savanna. She would go see her tomorrow. She couldn’t do anything about it right now anyway. She had less than ten minutes to finish dressing and be ready before Dustin knocked on her door…if she were lucky.

Savanna pulled on her favorite navy blue sweater. She pulled her hair back at the nape of her neck to make wearing a helmet easier than if she wore a ponytail. She didn’t wear much makeup but did apply some lipstick and a little eye shadow. She had no idea where he would be taking her, so she hoped she would do dress-wise. There weren’t a lot of places you could go in jeans and a sweater. Then she didn’t expect him to take her anywhere nice. He probably didn’t make enough money for that.

She jerked when the doorbell rang. She wasn’t expecting it. He had knocked before. She hurriedly checked her lipstick in the mirror and ran for the door. This time, she checked the peephole to be sure and was shocked to see he was holding flowers. She unlocked the door and threw it open.


He smiled and held the vase of flowers out to her. “I hope you like them.”

She took the vase and buried her nose in the bouquet of daffodils and lilies.

“Thank you. I love them. Come in while I put this on the table.” She turned and walked back into the living room. She placed the vase on the coffee table and bent to smell them once again.

“How did you manage to get them here on a bike?”

“It wasn’t easy.”

She laughed.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Let me get my jacket.” Savanna grabbed it off the chair where she had laid it earlier so she wouldn’t forget it. “I’m ready.”

He waited for her while she locked up and slipped the key back in her pocket. Then they walked to his bike. He already had his extra helmet out and waited for her to put it on. She let him fasten the chin strap. She climbed on behind him and held on as he drove out of the parking lot of the apartment complex. She didn’t have a clue where he was taking her, so she just leaned into him and enjoyed the ride.

They must have ridden for about thirty minutes when he finally turned off the highway and pulled into a nearly full parking lot outside a softly lit building. There were sconces with lights in them all around the outside of the building. It gave the place an old-world feel. Dustin pulled off his helmet and fastened it to the handlebars on the bike. He helped her take hers off, as well, and secured it in the saddlebag.

“I think you will like this place. I eat here fairly often. They have the best Italian and Greek food you can find anywhere in the city.”

“I love Italian. I’ve never had Greek, though.”

“We’ll have to remedy that tonight,” he said.

They walked inside and were immediately greeted by a well-dressed mâitre d’. Savanna wondered at the cost of the place and the validity that Dustin ate there on a regular basis. Then, the maître d’ called him by name when they walked up. She hadn’t even known his last name till right then.

“Mr. Liguori! It is so good to see you with us again.” He held out his hand and shook Dustin’s. “And who have you brought with you tonight?”

“This is my friend, Savanna McKinney.”

The other man held out both of his hands for hers. “Such a pretty name for a pretty lady.” He patted her hand and released it. “Come, let me show you to your table.”

Savanna followed him with Dustin behind her. His hand rested at the small of her back as they weaved around tables to one in the very back next to a fountain. It provided some measure of privacy, and with the tinkling of the fountain, it would be hard to overhear their conversation. Once they were seated, the maître d’ handed them their menus and wished them a wonderful meal.

“How did you know my last name? I never told you.”

“I saw it on your phone bill lying on your counter. I wanted to know your phone number, so I snooped.” He didn’t sound the least bit embarrassed by the fact that he had been nosey. She couldn’t be mad at him.

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