Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Shane checked his watch and winced. “It’s six. How about a nice, relaxing bath before we take you home?”

“That sounds great.” She began to get up, but Allen stopped her.

“Stay here until I get the water ready. We have some bath salts here. Do you want to use them, or would you rather not?”

“Oh, maybe not.” She wrinkled her nose playfully. “I’m picky about my salts.”

“Good enough. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.” He rolled out of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

“This has all been…” She didn’t know how to word it.

“Don’t say it, Parker. It’s been more than that.” Shane pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re more than that.”

“It was just for today, for twenty-four hours.”

“I know. Time’s not up yet.” He rolled over to the bedside table and pulled out a condom. Then he rolled it on and pressed a finger between her legs.

Parker knew he would find her wet and ready for him. Just being in the same room with either of them kept her wet, and needy.

He covered her with his body and slowly entered her wet pussy with a soft thrust. She sighed at the warm feeling of intimacy between them. The easy glide of his cock in and out of her wet cunt soon morphed into heat that changed into fire as he thrust inside of her. He watched her the entire time he fucked her. His eyes missing nothing, not letting her close hers.

What was happening to her? She couldn’t do this. He began to speed up with sure strokes that tore her apart inside and out. When the climax hit her, it rushed through her like a warm stream of water, washing away her walls and safety glass until all that was left was Parker.

Shane finally closed his eyes, his face contorting into a thing of beauty as he came inside of her. He said her name in almost a prayer, then collapsed over her, letting her feel part of his weight. It anchored her, and in that moment, she needed it more than she needed to breathe. She was in so much trouble. She was in love.

“Hey, you two, I have the water ready.”

“On our way,” Shane moved off of her to the edge of the bed and stood up. Then he helped her sit up and gain her footing before she stood up.

Shane dealt with the condom as Allen helped her climb into the large tub. Allen knelt by it and began to bathe her with a soapy cloth.

“It’s big enough for three. Aren’t you going to get in with me?” she asked.

“Naw, you need to soak, and if we get in with you, there’s going to be waves. Relax, Parker. We’ll come get you in plenty of time to get you home by eight.” Shane backed out of the bathroom, nodding to Allen as he did.

The other man finished bathing her then placed a kiss on her lips before leaving as well. She lay there all alone in the big tub and wondered what she was going to do. She loved them. That wasn’t supposed to have happened. She never fell in love with her conquests. Ha, who was she kidding? They weren’t her conquests. She was theirs.

Parker wondered what she was going to do. They lived in entirely different worlds, with nothing in common except for excellent sex. She could care less what others thought about her, but she knew how her friends and family would view them. They would look down on Shane and Allen and make their life miserable if she were to pursue a relationship.

Another thought hit her. They might not even want a long-term relationship with her. They hadn’t asked to see her again yet. Maybe they wouldn’t. And then there was the will. She was supposed to marry a businessman by her twenty-sixth birthday who would be able to take care of her. That was in another six months. If she didn’t, the other quarter of the inheritance would go to her wretched stepmother. Did it really matter if she got it or not? She would still have equal say in all of the dealings with Montgomery Oil, and she was set, as far as money went, for life. She wasn’t greedy, so what did it matter?

What about them? Would they want her only for her money? That was all Michael had wanted from her. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have cheated on her with Olivia. Had it been true love, he wouldn’t have even looked at the other woman.

Parker couldn’t help but want what her parents had had before her mother died. They had spent just about every waking moment together. She could remember the love in their eyes for each other and how her father would watch her mother when she wasn’t looking. She wanted that. That was why she refused to even consider getting back together with Michael. He would never look at her like that. Would anyone?

The longer she lay in the water, the more questions circled in her head. She guessed if they didn’t bring it up before they left her at her condo, then it would be a moot point as to whether she wanted to see them again. She still didn’t know how to answer them if they asked. How did you know if someone liked you for who you were and not for your money or position? The men truly didn’t seem to care about who she was. They hadn’t once asked her about her family other than about her stepmother. It didn’t mean they hadn’t checked up on her before they picked her up. All it would take was a Google search and everything about her life, both good and bad, would be there to read.

Maybe she should do some digging on her own and find out more about them. They lived in a very nice house that was much nicer than anything she would have possibly believed of a couple of bikers. Even taking into account that they worked construction, it was a bit much.

A knock at the bathroom door startled her.

“Come in.”

Cool air wound around her shoulders as two pair of jean-clad legs moved into her line of sight.

“Hey there, sexy. Ready to get out?” Allen grabbed a towel off the warming rack and held it out as Shane reached down and helped her stand up.

“This was wonderful. Thanks.”

“Let’s get you all dried off so you don’t catch cold.” Shane worked a towel over her back while Allen took care of her front.

Neither man played. They weren’t brisk, either. They just dried her off and then helped her dress in her jeans and blouse once again. At some point, someone had picked them up off the floor and folded them neatly on the dresser. She slipped into her boots and used the comb on the dresser to situate her hair. Looking in the mirror, she looked like a woman ready for anything, if you didn’t catch the shadow in her eyes.

“Let’s get you home before the clock strikes eight. I wouldn’t want to change into a mouse or a rat,” Allen teased.

She smiled. They were making things so easy on her. Why? What was in it for them? What did they get out of it?

She followed them downstairs and out to the garage. She waited while they mounted up, and then climbed on behind Shane. She sank into him as he pulled out of the garage and out into the street with Allen behind them. They didn’t say anything on the drive to her place. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but it wasn’t an easy one, either. It felt sad.

When they pulled up behind her car twenty minutes later, she carefully climbed off the bike. She wasn’t sure if they would come up with her or just ride off. Evidently they planned to at least walk her up to her condo, because they pulled off their helmets and got off the bikes. They each took a hand and walked with her up the stairs to the second floor where Shane took the key from her trembling hand and unlocked the door. She stepped in and switched the alarm system over to home and turned to look at them. They both smiled at her.

“It’s five till eight. We’re safe,” Allen quipped.

“You going to be okay?” Shane asked.

“Yeah. Thank you both for—everything.”

“Lock up, Parker.” Shane leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.

Allen pulled her into his arms and kissed her as if he didn’t want to let her go. Then he backed away and smiled. “Do as he says, Parker. Lock up.”

She closed the door and set the locks. She double-checked the security system, then leaned against the door and let the tears that she’d held at bay run free.

* * * *

Allen walked into the house and immediately grabbed a beer. He walked outside on the deck and sat on the steps before popping the top. He heard Shane walk outside soon afterward.

“She’s out of our league, Allen.”


He sipped his beer. They each stared out at the backyard. Was Shane imagining a backyard full of strawberry blonde children playing on a swing set or monkey bars? They could build them an entire fort or play house. He turned up the beer can and drained it.

“She’ll marry someone like that Michael guy,” Shane pointed out.

“But not him, because he cheated on her.”

“She’s in the limelight being who she is and all. Wouldn’t work out for us both to marry her.”

“It might not matter to her.” Allen knew he was grasping for straws.

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

Allen cursed and crumpled the empty beer can. He stood up and walked back in the house to get another one. He’d nurse this one longer. There wasn’t any reason to get drunk. It wouldn’t help anything except maybe for a few alcohol-induced hours of being passed out. Then it would all come crashing back again.

“I’m going to order pizza.” Shane pulled out his phone and punched in the number they both knew by heart.

“We should have at least gotten her phone number.”

“She could have asked for ours.” He held up his hand and placed their order then hung up the phone.

“Are you going to negate everything I say about her?”

“No. Not everything. I love her, too, Allen. I just know that expecting anything to come of it is like pissing in the wind.”

“So what are we supposed to do? Just forget about her?”

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget about her. I guess we just go on and hope it gets better.”

“This fucking sucks, man. They’ve all gotten their women, and we’re stuck sucking hind tit.”

“Let’s watch a movie, man, until the pizza gets here. I don’t want to talk about her anymore right now.”

Allen knew when Shane didn’t want to talk, you might as well shut up. He closed down like a nuclear reactor under fire.

The pizza arrived thirty minutes later, and they ate in silence while the TV droned on in the background. Neither of them was really watching the movie. He wasn’t even sure what was on. They downed the meal and another couple of beers before calling it a night. They each went to their own bedrooms, leaving the cleanup of the master bedroom to another day.

Allen couldn’t keep off the computer. He checked on updates about Parker most every day. Three days after they had taken her home, it was rumored she was seeing a Greek diplomat. Then a few days later, she was quoted as saying she and Michael were still friends. Seeing all the different men she was paired with was killing Allen. He finally deleted everything he had on her and dumped his favorites file. She had moved on. He needed to as well.

Shane walked in with the phone to his ear, obviously talking to Cole or Zack about another job.

“Yeah, hold on.” He looked at Allen sitting at the computer and sighed. “They have a job lined up in Houston. Probably take six weeks. You want in?”

“Sure. Probably a good idea to get out of here for a while.”

“Yeah, we’re in. Okay.” Shane disconnected and snapped his phone back on his belt. “You ready to move on?”

“No, but moping around here isn’t doing either of us any good.”

“I agree. We’ll stay busy while we’re down there. It’s an old office building already gutted. I needs new interior and some specialized cabinetry.

“Right up our alley. When do we leave?”

“In three days. On Sunday.”

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