Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Thank you.” She nodded her head.

“I’m Shane Ratliff, and this is Allen Ragsdale. Are you ready to ride?”

“Let me lock up.”

When they got down to where the bikes were parked, she grinned. Harleys. Freshly washed Harleys. Shane climbed on the back of one and Allen helped her on back before getting on his own bike.

“Want to tell me where we’re going?”

“The civic center. I have the tickets. I’ll give them to you when we get there.”

“Hold on, princess.”

They pulled out of the drive and headed for the civic center. Parker thoroughly enjoyed the ride and was disappointed that it ended so soon. She had enjoyed the freedom of riding on the back of a bike and being up close and personal with all that male hardness against her breasts. She couldn’t wait for the ball to be over with. She planned to have biker boys for a midnight snack.

One of the valet guys helped her off the back of the bike then Allen was there with a hand at her back until Shane had relinquished his bike. Then Shane took the tickets from Parker and escorted her to the door. Needless to say, things died down a bit when she walked in with the two handsome men on either side of her. She wasn’t sure if it was because of them, or if it was a result of her daring dress, but she got the attention she so detested but wanted. Sarah Beth and James hurried over.

“Oh my God! Parker, where did you get that dress?” Sarah Beth ran a hand down the side of it.

James held out his hand to Shane.

“I’m James Thornton.”

Shane and Allen introduced themselves.

“I’m sorry. That was rude of me. Sarah Beth, these are my dates, Shane and Allen. This is Sarah Beth Williamson and her fiancé, James.”

“Look out, Parker, mommy dearest is on her way over,” James warned her.

“Parker Montgomery. What in the world do you have on? Do you have no self-respect at all?”

“Elaine. I’d like you to meet my dates. Shane and Allen, this is Elaine, my stepmother. If you will excuse us, Elaine, I want to introduce them around.”

“You can’t be serious. Where did you get them? A bar?”

“As a matter of fact, we did meet at Fugly’s, and it was love at first sight.” Shane wrapped his arm around her waist, and Allen covered her shoulders.

Parker couldn’t stop the smile that rolled over her mouth. They were perfect. She laughed and drew them away to introduce them to some of her father’s friends. They were perfect gentlemen, and to her surprise, they actually knew two of the men she introduced them to.

“Shane. I haven’t seen you in years. Where have you been keeping yourself? Still working with The Dirty Dozen?”

“Hey, George. Still swinging a hammer. How is your wife?”

“You two stay away from my wife. She’s still recovering from that last party.”

“You know each other?” Parker was impressed.

“These two are dangerous, Parker. Your dad would kill me if he knew I wasn’t warning you away from them.”

“Somehow I don’t think so, George.” She smiled. This was going better than she had hoped.

“Oh, there’s Olivia. Shane, Allen. I’ll be right back.”

“We’re fine. Save us a dance,” Allen said.

Parker nodded then hurried to finish her plans out for the night. Olivia Dupree and Michael Humphrey stared at her as she stalked toward them. Michael actually paled a bit at the sight of her.

“Parker, darling. Where did you find that rag?” Olivia curled her lip up.

“I actually bought it at Anthony’s, the same place you got your little number.”

“Who are those ruffians you’ve brought in here?” Michael demanded.

“They’re my dates. I’ll have to introduce you to them before we leave.”

“Oh, I think security is here to show them out,” Olivia said.

Parker quickly turned to find that indeed security had shown up and were talking to Shane and Allen. She started to go over and rescue them, but saw the quick flash of a dimple and knew that Shane had everything under control.

“Seems they are old friends. Nothing to worry about.” Parker smirked at Olivia.

“They’re on their way over now. Perhaps we better go, Olivia.” Michael was definitely uncomfortable.

“Parker, baby. Don’t forget you promised us a dance.”

“Of course not. Let me introduce you to Olivia and Michael. They are old friends of the family. Oh, Michael, and I were actually engaged at one time.”

“Really,” Allen said. “Well congratulations on your escape. It’s our good fortune you did.”

Michael started to say something, but thought better of it when Shane stepped closer and wrapped his arm around Parker’s waist.

“Shall we dance?” Parker looked up at Shane.

Chapter Two

The three of them edged their way toward the dance floor where a waltz was playing.

“Slow dance goes to Allen.” Shane smirked.

“I’m perfectly happy to dance with both of you.” Parker placed a hand on Shane’s wrist.

“We’ll shock everyone later, babe. You and Allen show them how a waltz is really danced.”

Parker lifted her brows and allowed Shane to escort her on the dance floor. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the man knew how to waltz. They circled the floor several times before she realized that they were the center of attention. She had been so busy staring into Allen’s clear blue eyes that she hadn’t noticed that the majority of the couples had cleared out of their way.

“You’re a very good dancer.”

“Thanks, my mom was a dance instructor. My brothers and sisters and I all took lessons from the time we were old enough to stand alone.”

“What about Shane?” she asked.

Allen chuckled. “He can dance the waltz and the two-step, but he’s much better with contemporary music. You’ll see.”

“You’re both a wonderful surprise. I didn’t expect for you to be so…”


“Now I feel like a heel.”

“Don’t. We expected to be treated more like dirty little secrets, but you’ve been fun.”

“I really never meant it to embarrass you and Shane. I meant it to embarrass my stepmother. Put the joke on me.”

“Well, you’ve managed to get your poke in. Now let’s have some fun.” Allen steered her toward the band.

He ducked over to the bandleader and whispered something to him. The man grinned and nodded. Allen pulled her back into his arms with a wide smile on his face.

“Uh-oh. What is he going to play next?”

“Can you salsa?”

“Oh my God!”

The music started and the dance floor all but cleared out. Allen soon had her all over it. By the time the music had stopped, they were the only ones on the floor and finished to a round of applause.

“Show-off.” Shane punched Allen in the arm. “You were absolutely gorgeous out there, Parker.”

“Thanks. I don’t believe I’ve had this much fun since my father was alive.” Her eyes began to mist. She blinked them quickly and snagged a glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

“Your stepmother, and I had an interesting chat.”

“What did she have to say?” Parker felt her chest tighten. There was no telling what that woman had revealed.

“Oh, she was quite curious about how long we had known each other. I fibbed. I hope you don’t mind.”

Parker smirked. “How long have we known each other?”

“A little over a year. No one needs to know otherwise.”

“Thanks. It wouldn’t have mattered if you had told the truth, but thanks.”

“Hey, that’s Nickelback!” Shane grabbed Parker’s wrist and dragged her toward the dance floor.

Allen rescued her glass as they scooted past him. She blew him a kiss and waved.

Midnight loomed just around the second hand when Parker called a halt to their night.

“I’ve had all I can handle of some of these people. If old man Reynolds pinches my ass one more time, I’m liable to kick him in the nuts.”

“I thought it was kind of cute,” Shane said.

“You would. You’ll probably be just like him when you get that age,” Parker groused.

“Parker, can I talk to you for just a second before you leave?” Michael stood in front of her.

“I don’t think we have anything to say, Michael.” Parker started to walk around him.

He grabbed her arm. Parker looked at where he held it. Shane and Allen took a step up and stared at the man. He promptly let go.

“We need to talk, Parker. I think there has been a misunderstanding between us I would like to clear up.”

“What, the one where I caught you and Olivia in our bed, or the one where you reminded me that I was a cold fish when it came to sex?”

“Whoa!” Shane took a step up. “Dude, you are seriously lacking in the manly department if you call her a cold fish.”

“This is none of your business. Parker!”

“Good night, Michael.” She wrapped her arms around Allen and Shane’s waists and hurried through the door.

She expected to have to wait for the bikes to be brought around, but they were there waiting on them when they walked outside. She climbed on back with Allen this time and held on tight as they sped off into the night.

* * * *

Allen couldn’t get enough of Parker’s rocking body leaning tight against his back. Her breasts were smashed against him. He could almost feel the heat from her pussy against his ass. She held tightly to his abdomen. His balls were tight already and he and Shane hadn’t even kissed her yet.

When they passed by her turnoff, she didn’t protest. She was expecting them to take her to their place. What was it with her? Did she really trust them that much?

They finally pulled into their drive. Shane had hit the remote and the garage door rolled up. They pulled inside, and the door closed behind them. The light came on automatically from a sensor. Parker let go of his waist and eased off the bike with Shane’s help.

“Nice place. I can’t wait to see the inside.”

“We did most of it ourselves. We took the house that was here and gutted it and rebuilt it from the inside out.” Allen was proud of their home.

“Wow! What do you two do for a living? I heard Shane say something about swinging a hammer and something about The Dirty Dozen, your biker gang.”

Allen and Shane both laughed as they escorted her inside the kitchen after setting the alarm to home.

“The Dirty Dozen is the name of our gang, but we’re more than a biker gang. We’re a construction gang. We work on mostly office buildings, hotels, places like that.” Shane opened the fridge and pulled out two beers. “Beer, or something stronger?”

“Nothing, thanks. Wow, so you’re construction workers. No wonder you’re in such good shape.” She laughed and pulled off her gloves, laying them over the back of a barstool. She laid her purse on the bar.

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