Monster (51 page)

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Authors: Bernard L. DeLeo

BOOK: Monster
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“I will go with your boss. I told them it was foolish to try this.”

“Who did you tell?” McDaniels asked.

“The men you killed. Our intel on this was very bad. Who are you?”

“Who sent you and your deceased friends?” McDaniels ignored the question.

“A Syrian,” Hasib answered after a moment’s hesitation. “His name is Bashar Mero. He…”

“Very good,” McDaniels interrupted, continuing in Arabic. “Save the rest for my boss. Perhaps you will live after all. Do not hold back, Hasib.”

“They will execute everyone I have ever known if they find out,” Hasib said miserably.

“Your days as a Terrorist are at an end. Future days in your life will depend on how valuable you turn out to be in the next few hours. We will make sure no one finds out what happened to you or your friends. It will be as if you all disappeared.”

“It will be light soon, Cold,” Rasheed warned. “Let us go quickly.”

“Cold?” Hasib whispered questioningly. “You are the one the newspapers call Cold Mountain?”

“Oh yes, little Hasib.” Rasheed kneaded the man’s shoulders as he guided him toward the door. “Your intel was indeed very bad.”

“I’ll take him with me and Dino.” Reskova pulled on her coat as she and McDaniels followed Rasheed out into the hallway.

“Okay, Red, but remember to check…”

“I know,” Reskova cut McDaniels off, locking the apartment door behind her. She put a small piece of clear tape at the bottom of the door where it butted up against the jamb. “Check for footprints in the fresh snow around my car and any displaced snow on the car, right?”

“I was just trying to be thorough. I want you alive for the wedding, Dear.”

“Jesus,” Reskova gasped.

“Forgot all about it, huh?” McDaniels shook his head sadly as they walked along after Rasheed and Hasib.

“Listen, Cold… I…”

“I know what you’re going to say,” McDaniels cut in, grinning at her.” You can put it off until I get back. I just didn’t want you thinking Iraq was an excuse for me to…”

“Don’t even think it. I know you’ll come back. Thank you for understanding. This new job takes some getting used to. Besides, my Mom was freaking out anyway.”

“About me or the rushed ceremony?”

“Maybe a little of both,” Reskova admitted. “We’ll get married as soon as you get back.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” McDaniels reached down to take her hand momentarily. “You’ll be able to gather a real case against this Mero guy since he’s sending out hit squads to assassinate federal agents.”

“We’ll never be able to bring a case like that out in the open.”

“No, but it will make a difference when some of the Syrian delegation begin to disappear,” McDaniels replied.



Chapter 36

Al Zoubi


As Rasheed settled Hasib in the back of Reskova’s Honda Accord with Dino next to him, Reskova paused next to McDaniels before getting into the driver’s seat. “I called ahead to the warehouse so they know you’re coming.”

“Thanks. I’ve been to the warehouse so much lately the guards know me anyway.”

“The guy I talked to told me you’ve been bribing them with stuff every time you go out there.”

“They don’t have much. The ones rotating guard duty at the gate they have set up are freezing their butts off. On one hand, I wish we’d keep the place under wraps for the foreseeable future so I could…”

“Make deposits once in a while?”

McDaniels shrugged. “Anyway, I’m sure they’ve been all over the place with a fine tooth comb. I’m hoping they haven’t hauled away all my digging equipment. I’ll never get Kay to dig with a shovel.”

“You’re making me uneasy again, Cold. I’ll see what I can do about the warehouse area for you.”

“A wise decision - I still have my interrogation room set up and everything. Let me know if Hasib gets uncooperative.”

“Get going,” Reskova ordered. “The neighbors will be up strolling around the corpses soon.”

“In this weather?” McDaniels waved at the dark gray sky. Snow whipped around them. “I think not. Kay and I will be out of here in no time. C’mon, Kay, back your van up to the gate. Let the Boss get Hasib talking. Take care, Red.”

McDaniels opened the back door of the Honda as Rasheed hurried over to his van.

“Hasib,” McDaniels said in Arabic, “the dog next to you will rip your throat out. Do not make any sudden movements.”

Hasib glanced at Dino and then up at McDaniels. “I will not move. I am glad this is over.”

McDaniels shut the car door and Reskova drove away. McDaniels heard the gasp of disgust as he jogged over to Rasheed where he stood near the bodies. Rasheed threw the body-bags he had carried from his van down on the snow covered ground. Gesturing angrily at the corpses, Rasheed waited until McDaniels stood next to him.

“Did you have to gut this fish before you threw him over the railing?” Rasheed grumbled, as he spread the first bag out near the man McDaniels had eviscerated.

“Gee, I’m sorry Kay. You did know there were three of them getting ready to enter the building, right? Grab his head you big baby. I’ll take the feet.”

“You are the Cold Mountain. If you had waited a moment for them to recognize you, they would have leaped off the landing.”

McDaniels laughed as the two men bent to their grisly task.

* * *

Rutledge and Donaldson glanced up from Rutledge’s work station at McDaniels and Rasheed entering the office.

“Hello, Shaun,” Rutledge greeted McDaniels.

Donaldson laughed at Rasheed’s new reference for McDaniels Reskova had filled them in on. When Rasheed chuckled behind him, McDaniels looked at him questioningly before returning his attention to Rutledge.

“Shaun who? What’s so funny?” McDaniels walked over to Rutledge’s workstation.

“Oh, you didn’t hear Kay’s new name for you?”

McDaniels glared at Rasheed. Rasheed returned his stare and shrugged unconcernedly.

“I called you
Shaun of the Dead
. You know, after the zombie movie comedy. I agreed to take Suraya to see it. It was very strange but also very funny.”

“No more TV or movies for you, Kay.”

Barrington walked into the office acknowledging McDaniels and Rasheed. “Kay… Shaun.”

“I expected this from your underlings, Tom.” McDaniels waved at his laughing companions.

“Sorry, Colonel, it was the way Diane presented it to us - very entertaining.”

“I’ll bet.” McDaniels pointed a warning finger at Rasheed, who returned the gesture with a different finger.

“We have good news, Colonel. Hasib gave up a name near the Iraq/Syrian border: Hafez Al Zoubi. Hasib has actually been through the man’s camp. He knows Mero has been in contact with Al Zoubi. All we have to do is wait for confirmation.”

“Sounds like Mero’s assassination foray will be our jackpot. Does Nancy have anything from Aginson to give to Mero from today’s stint back on the job?”

“She’ll be feeding him some choice details on things we’ve already done. Mero will get the action report in detail about the warehouse fiasco which he can’t do anything about anyway. He also made a date with his girlfriend tomorrow night. We’ll be all over that along with any call he makes or internet access he tries in relation to Al Zoubi.”

“What are we going to do about the hit crew you took out, Cold?” Rutledge asked.

“Nothing. It will add another unknown mystery for them to obsess over. I assume we’ve taken care of their van. For a couple of days they will be wasting time wondering what happened to their guys. Mero may even ask Nancy if she’s heard anything concerning Diane.”

“We’ve hauled the van. Mero’s lines have been silent since the time we know those guys went for Diane,” Barrington confirmed. “Hasib wants to talk to you, Colonel. He gave up Al Zoubi on the condition he could talk to you one time.”

“Set it up.”

“Diane has him with her and Dino right now, Colonel. She said to come on up to her office as soon as we briefed you.”

McDaniels headed toward the door. Rasheed caught up with him just as he opened it to go out.

“I will find out when Mero is to fool around at his girlfriend’s house, my friend,” Rasheed promised quietly.

McDaniels smiled as if Rasheed had said something funny. “Thanks Kay, that will be a big help.”

“One condition,
Shaun of the Dead


“No more body bagging and burial details until Pete the newbie can participate.”

“Agreed, you pirate. I’ll meet back here with you as soon as I talk with Hasib.”

“Until then, until then,” Rasheed dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

* * *

McDaniels shook hands with the Special Ops man at the door to Reskova’s office, recognizing him from the operation at the warehouse.

“Hi, Bill, how’s the arm?”

“Much better, Colonel. AD Reskova is expecting you, Sir.”

“Thanks.” McDaniels went through the door, closing it behind him.

Dino popped up from where he had been lying at Hasib’s bound feet, his tail wagging frantically. McDaniels knelt down next to the dog, patting him down roughly as Dino leaned into him happily. After a few moments, McDaniels pulled up a chair next to Hasib and Dino, smiling over the desk at Reskova.

“Mr. Nakhuda has told me about a training site on the Iraq/Syrian border,” Reskova said, getting right to the business at hand. “A man named Hafez Al Zoubi funnels terrorists into Iraq, and money for operations everywhere else from there. It’s to the Northwest of Mosul. When I told him you would be going back to Iraq soon he insisted on talking to you.”

McDaniels turned to Hasib expectantly.

“My wife and two sons are held at the site,” Hasib explained in Arabic. “I will give you every detail I know of the camp. I have been through there many times. I only ask you to give me your word you will get my family out of there.”

“How can I give my word to such a thing?” McDaniels countered in Arabic. “I am not in charge of our government. Unfortunately for your family, they may decide to simply bomb the camp.”

“Could you not get much more if Al Zoubi were taken alive? He is the central conduit for everything flowing into Iraq,” Hasib pleaded. “I have heard much about you. They call you Cold Mountain. I know of your exploits in Fallujah, where you took many lives. I recognized the name McDaniels when Director Reskova mentioned you. If anyone can get my family out, it is you. I know you cannot guarantee such a thing to me. I only want your word that you will try.”

McDaniels looked over at Reskova. “Did he tell you what he wants?”

“Yes. I have a meeting scheduled in an hour with Aginson. I wanted to see what you thought about it before I tried pitching something like this to the Director. Kay told me you were familiar with the Mosul area.”

“I’m familiar with it. Any operation over the Syrian border could end up an International incident. It would be better sending in a team rather than bombing it. I told Hasib I don’t have any say over it.”

“Would taking Kay with you make the operation more possible?”

“I’m never taking Kay back to Iraq, Red,” McDaniels answered without hesitation.

“Okay, I can understand that. Would you take something like this on?”

“Of course.” McDaniels turned to Hasib. “If my Boss can get this operation sanctioned, I give you my word I will try to get your family out. I will need any recent pictures you have. You will need to write a note I can show your wife. She must be able to read it and know instantly only you could have written it. She must obey me the moment after she reads it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I will write it immediately. I have some pictures in the apartment I shared with the two men you killed,” Hasib said in English.

“That’s the other part I don’t have an answer for yet,” Reskova added. “If these men are to disappear without a trace as per your idea how do we search the apartment they shared?”

“I’ll go over there tonight. What was the window of opportunity for your mission, Hasib?”

“Window? Oh yes… ah… we were to have taken your boss by tonight at the latest. We had hoped the storm would have masked our movements.”

“Okay then, I can get into their place tonight and bring back any goodies I find, including the pictures.”

“I’ll call Aginson. Will you be going home before hitting Hasib’s place?”

“No, I’ll recon the area real well before I check out Hasib’s apartment. Besides, are you sure you want
Shaun of the Dead
to come home at all?”

Reskova laughed appreciatively. Hasib looked on in confusion. “They liked that, huh?”

“Oh yes, especially Kay. Thanks, Red.”

“Anytime, Shaun. Good luck tonight.”

McDaniels turned again to Hasib in Arabic. “What kind of booby traps do you guys have set up in your apartment? Keep in mind I was in Fallujah going door to door scouting ahead of the Marines. If I find anything there you did not tell me about, you, my friend will be cooperating the hard way.”

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