Monster (52 page)

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Authors: Bernard L. DeLeo

BOOK: Monster
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“There is nothing to impede your search. We were far too confident for that. The keys…”

“I have the keys - tell me the address.”

After Hasib dictated the address of the apartment he shared with the two deceased Terrorists, Reskova had him taken back to his cell.

“What do you and Tom have Pete doing?” McDaniels asked.

“Tom thought it best if Pete consulted on the information Tamara will be leaking to Mero, hopefully tonight. Do you need him?”

“No, I just wanted to make sure he wouldn’t be put somewhere he could compromise this deal.”

“How so?”

“I mean it would be potential disaster if Pete’s seen anywhere by anyone associated with Mero unless it’s by accident when he’s accompanying Nancy to her apartment.”

“Duly noted. Anything else?”

“Nope, I’ll call Tom if I find anything requiring immediate action.”

“I was hoping you’d give me a report tonight in person,” Reskova countered.

“You don’t seem to grasp the seriousness of this, Red. If and when Mero finds out his men are gone he will no longer bother trying to talk to you about what you know first. He’ll have someone blow up a car as you walk by and be done with it.”

“What does that have to do with my time off duty with you, Cold?”

“I guess nothing. I wanted to make sure we’re on the same page in regard to danger with Mero’s cell still in operation.”

“You’ll have to stomp the Mero cell out then. You’re doing pretty well so far.”

“You set back my schedule every time I have to field remarks about new nicknames.”

“Get over yourself, Shaun, and get to work.”

“Shall I still report to you tonight?” McDaniels stood up after giving Dino a quick hug.

“You better.”

* * *

Rasheed grinned happily when he saw Donaldson walk into the office near day’s end. Donaldson waved at Rutledge. He watched Rasheed warily. Rasheed walked over to put an arm around Donaldson’s shoulders.

“Hello, my friend. How are you getting on in your new duties? Is everything okay?”

“What are you up to, Kay?” Donaldson glanced questioningly over at Rutledge who merely shrugged.

“He needs a new target, Pete. Kay’s getting bored working over Tom and me.”

“I am merely wondering when young Pete will be done playing house,” Rasheed objected. He guided a smiling Donaldson into the seat at Donaldson’s desk.

“Save it, Kay,” Rutledge ordered. “I want to get home on time for a change tonight. I’ll bet you do too after your late night. Have you been briefed yet on any new developments, Pete?”

“Director Aginson told me what had taken place when I delivered the report on what I thought we could give up to Mero from Special Ops. The girlfriend’s place has been wired already. We’ll be able to pick up Mero once we confirm Hafez Al Zoubi’s involvement from Syria. What have you been doing today, Kay?”

“That’s classified, newbie. Your girlfriend was not briefed on what happened last night too, was she?”

“According to Director Aginson, only AD Reskova and the people in this office know what happened to those guys. Only a couple of the Special Ops guys even know about the live one: Hasib Nakhuda.”

“Good, because Cold wants Mero to think those guys dropped off the face of the Earth,” Rutledge said. “If Mero talks to Nancy again he might ask her about them directly. We’ll all be safer, especially her, if she doesn’t know.”

“The Colonel may not have been right about taking Mero out on the spot the other day, but he sure knew what Mero had in mind when he heard AD Reskova’s name. I’m damn glad nothing happened to her because the Colonel might have decided I was to blame.”

“Did you ever see that
Shaun of the Dead
Movie, Pete,” Rutledge asked, thinking of McDaniels.

“I saw it a few weeks back with a couple of the other guys. I’m surprised Kay saw it though.”

“My daughter insisted on seeing it and I agreed to take her. I was very surprised at how humorous such a movie could be. Suraya thought it was gross. She kept trying to make me quiet down because I laughed so hard at a couple of the parts. I doubt the Cold Mountain has seen it. He probably only saw the commercials.”

“Your daughter must be getting Americanized if she wants to see movies like
Shaun of the Dead
. How’s the new baby doing?”

“The little Cold is very well. He crawls all over the place. We must watch him every second he is on the floor. He heads straight for the Christmas tree each time his hands and knees touch the floor. I have anchored the tree. We have been forced to move all the decorations off the lower branches. He howls like a banshee if we do not let him have his way with it. The little Cold is as stubborn as his namesake.”

“How’s Nancy doing?” Rutledge asked after the three shared a laugh at Rasheed’s comments on his new son. “I guess you’ve seen her on and off since you left the office this morning to help with the rigged info giveaway.”

“She knows what she has to do. I can’t say for sure how she’d do on her own or if she feels any guilt over trying to sell out her own country. I’ve steered clear of getting into deep discussions over what she’s done. I try to keep her focused on what she has to do now.”

“Did she ever tell you how she came to such a dirty business?” Rasheed asked curiously.

“The same as Dillon: money.”

Barrington walked out of his office. “Hey, Pete, just in time. I want you and Kay to begin monitoring the Marisol woman first thing in the morning after you report in. Mero won’t be leaving the embassy tonight from what we’ve heard so far. He’s expecting an important overseas phone call according to the conversations he’s had on the phone today. Get some rest and be ready to set up early.”

“Do you want us over near her home?” Donaldson asked.

“No need - we already have a team watching Mero’s every movement. Besides, Diane told me the Colonel doesn’t want you anywhere you might be seen by Mero’s men other than by accident when you’re with Nancy. Jen will be heading over to try out a few of the loose ends we’ve gathered on Dillon. Maybe she can confirm more of what we’ve found out.”

“Do I really have to interrogate that bitch again?”

“You two were tight once, Jen. She’s incommunicado until further notice. Try out a few of the names we’ve gathered on her. See how she reacts.”

“It’s pretty obvious none of us knew her very well. I’ll do it but don’t expect much.”

“It’s worth a try. We already have a van over near Marisol’s place to act as a signal relay station. If anything happens in between now and tomorrow morning I’ll get the call and come in to monitor things until you two arrive. Aginson wants as few people in on this as possible. We’re all on call until the confirmation comes in on Mero’s contact in Syria.”

“What about Mero’s cell?” Rasheed asked.

“Nakhuda has given us the names of everyone he’s met since coming here. Surveillance over the next week should confirm and add to his list. I know Christmas is a week from this Saturday but…”

“We all know how important this is, Tom,” Rutledge interrupted, glancing at Rasheed and Donaldson. “Cold will be leaving shortly after that. I’d like him around until we get Mero’s merry men rounded up.”

“I agree.” Barrington looked at his watch. “You better go pick Nancy up, Pete. I want her home right after work in case Mero calls her. You can take off too, Kay.”

“On my way, Boss.” Donaldson headed toward the office entrance. He waved at Rasheed and Rutledge.

“Young Pete seems a bit too enthusiastic in his duty.” Rasheed watched Donaldson close the door behind him with arms folded disapprovingly over his chest.

“Only to you Kay. You heard Tom. Take off and go see your family.”

“I am uncomfortable leaving you and the Boss alone together in…” Rasheed was up and hurrying to the door as Rutledge launched out of her seat toward him.


Chapter 37

Christmas Break


“This eggnog is very tasty.” Rasheed refilled the glasses of his daughter and wife.

“Especially with what you have added to yours, my husband,” Ansa replied, drawing laughter from Suraya who gave little Cold a sip of hers.

The baby, holding onto Suraya as he steadied himself on his feet, sipped the cold eggnog. Little Cold immediately shook his head as if tasting something sour while smacking his lips. His audience laughed in delight as the baby within seconds tried to get another sip.

“It is Christmas Eve, Ansa. I am merely trying to get into the holiday spirit.”

“You could have waited for our friends to join us tonight before…” Ansa began as the doorbell rang.

“See, there they are now.” Rasheed went to answer the door. “It will almost be as if I am joining them.”

“Only you could come up with such a statement.” Ansa laughed as Little Cold dropped quickly to crawl after his Father.

Rasheed glanced down in time to see the Little Cold veer toward the Christmas tree. Shaking his head at Suraya, Rasheed snatched the baby up by the back of his pajamas, comically holding him up in the air. The baby laughed in delight as Rasheed bounced him up and down, scolding him for being such a sneak. He opened the door, still bouncing the baby. He moved aside, allowing Reskova and McDaniels to enter. Reskova immediately took the baby from Rasheed.

“Is that a new way of holding the baby?” McDaniels asked.

“I caught up the little bugger as he again launched an attack on the infidel tree. I believe the tree has a homing device which beckons to him each time we set him on the floor. Only food and drink deter him but not for long.”

McDaniels and Reskova laughed at Rasheed’s explanation. On cue, little Cold giggled along with them. The doorbell chimed again as they walked toward the living room. Rasheed again opened the door. When he saw Rutledge and Barrington on his doorstep Rasheed said ‘Bah, Humbug’ and began to close the door. Ansa, who had joined her guests in the entryway rushed to his side.


Rasheed opened the door immediately, gesturing the couple in while trading irritated expressions with Rutledge.

“Infidel,” Rasheed acknowledged Rutledge.

“Scorned of Allah,” Rutledge responded.

“Too much.” Barrington shook his head as the rest laughed at the two co-workers’ banter. “Both of you might want to give this a rest. It is Christmas Eve.”

“Very well, Boss, if you insist,” Rasheed relented, breaking into a smile. “Come, let us toast this mythical holy day.”

“It sounds like you’ve already been toasting, Kay,” McDaniels commented.

“Yes, you are correct, Cold Mountain,” Ansa confirmed his statement, shaking a warning finger at her husband as Rasheed grabbed a laughing Suraya to use as a shield. “He is very taken with the eggnog drink only I doubt there is much eggnog in it.”

After a holiday toast the group sat down in the Rasheed living room, admiring the Christmas tree.

“You’re right, Kay,” Rutledge said. “The tree does look a little barren on the bottom. Little Cold really likes it, huh?”

“Watch.” Rasheed took the baby from Reskova and put him on the floor.

As soon as his knees and hands came in contact with the floor Little Cold crawled speedily toward the tree. When no one grabbed him the baby paused just before getting to the lower branches. He looked back expectantly over his shoulder. Rasheed gestured at him warningly. Instead of stopping, Little Cold reached up toward the nearest branch, still looking at Rasheed with a devilish smile.

“Oh my God,” Rutledge exclaimed, “that is so adorable.”

“Only you would see such disrespect as adorable,” Rasheed chastised Rutledge. Suraya went over to sit next to the baby, allowing Little Cold to sit and fondle the lower tree limbs.

Some of the pine needles came off in the baby’s hands, gathering in little green spangles on his pajamas.

Rasheed sighed. “His obsession with the tree does keep him pine fresh.”

Ansa set out homemade hors d’oeuvres for her guests while Rasheed put on a Christmas CD.

“Christmas carols too, Kay. Don’t you burn in hell or something if you listen to Christmas music.”

“Oh, very funny,” Rasheed replied with disdain as his wife and daughter laughed. “I risk Allah’s wrath so as to appease my beloved co-workers and this is the shunning I must endure.”

“Shunning? Beloved?” Rutledge grimaced in mock disbelief.

“Do you two really do this all day long, Father?” Suraya asked.

“Please believe me when I say this, Suraya,” Barrington spoke up before Rasheed could answer. “They keep this up almost non-stop. The only break in the action comes when Pete arrives. They both torture him then or Jen tries to team up with Pete to harass your Dad.”

“Yes, that works out very well for them,” Rasheed said in a mocking tone.

Rutledge leaned forward. “Are you saying…”

“Enough.” Reskova took Little Cold from Suraya.

“Did you ask Pete to come tonight, my husband?”

“Ah… I talked to Pete…” Rasheed stammered hesitantly. “He… ah… understands. See…”

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