Monster Sex Stories (14 page)

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Authors: Lexi Lane

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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ran to the branch, finding more broken foliage ahead, another shred
of fabric.
is she tearing her clothes off? Is she leaving me a trail?

was an anthropology student; she’d met Angela several months
earlier at the university Diane attended and where Angela taught a
class on herbal healing. They’d made an instant connection with
their shared interest in remote jungle tribes and those tribes’
use of local plants for healing. They’d arranged this trip to
bring supplies to a remote university site, planning on setting up
their own research on native plants nearby.

also become lovers. Early on, working late on their projects, they
quickly realized there was an undeniable attraction between them.
Diane had never really explored that side of her sexuality. She’d
had several boyfriends over the years, and the sex had always been
disappointing. Diane thought she was just bad at picking men who were
good at sex. She’d been left wondering what all the excitement
was about.

Angela had awakened something new in Diane. The first time Angela had
kissed her, Diane suddenly realized what she’d been missing. It
wasn’t that the men she’d been with had been terrible at
sex. It had been that they were men, not women.

had let herself go, allowing Angela to show her a whole new world of
sexual pleasure. The first time Angela had kissed her way down
Diane’s body and spread her legs, lying between them and then
used her mouth and tongue on Diane’s cunt, Diane had one of the
most intense orgasms she’d ever experienced. She’d cried
out, arching her back, her fingers clutching the sheets as her body
twisted beneath Angela’s touch.

collapsed back on the bed, breathing hard, her face damp with
perspiration. Angela had crawled up beside her then, kissing her
deeply, her tongue lazily playing in Diane’s mouth. Diane had
tasted herself for the first time, the salty sweetness making her
want to taste Angela, to do to Angela what she’d done to Diane.

so she had pushed Angela on her back on the bed, sliding down between
her long legs, burying her face in Angela’s hot pussy,
mimicking exactly what had been done to her. Diane had come again,
just watching Angela’s face, suffused with pleasure, as she
cried out under Diane’s touch. They’d been inseparable
ever since.

Diane continued pushing through the thick jungle plants, finding more
broken foliage, torn fabric and footprints in the soft jungle floor.
They were barefoot tracks; clearly men had carried Angela away. Diane
sighed with relief; she was probably safe. Diane had studied the
languages used in the area and had a working knowledge of some of the
more common dialects. And their small plane carried items the tribes
sometimes found useful.
been taken by a local tribe. I can probably understand them; trade
something with them for their help.

then Diane heard a scream; it was Angela. She blindly pushed her way
toward the sound, quickly coming to the edge of a clearing. Diane
stopped, staring at the scene playing out in front of her.

were no South American tribesmen; they were large creatures that
looked more like apes. They were tall and muscular, walked upright,
but were more simian than human. Long dark hair covered their heads,
cascading down their shoulders. She caught a glimpse of their faces;
they all carried the jutting brow and dark eyes of apes. Their
shoulders and arms were large and powerful looking, tapering down to
narrow hips and more human looking, but still muscular, legs. She
noticed their feet and hands; they were very human, not the typical
appendages of apes.

watched in horror as Angela, completely naked, was dragged across the
clearing, two large ape-men pulling her toward a tree. They pushed
her to the ground and quickly bound her wrists and ankles with vines.

was a commotion at the other side of the clearing. Diane crouched
down, watching intently. From the jungle a much larger ape-man
entered the clearing. He was obviously the leader; the other ape-men
cowered down, their eyes on the ground. He made a gesture toward
Angela and the others scurried toward her.

was dragged into the center of the clearing. She was pulling against
the vines, struggling to free herself. But she was tied too tightly.
The ape-men dropped her at the feet of their leader, backing away,
eyes on the ground.

tall ape-man walked around the Angela, looking down at her crouching
naked on the jungle floor. Suddenly he raised his head to the sky and
hooted, a deep masculine sound that echoed around the clearing. Diane
watched in fascination as he began a shuffling dance around Angela,
his body swaying to some ancient primal rhythm.

could see Angela’s frightened face as she watched the ape-man,
and as much as she wanted to do something, Diane knew the best way of
helping them was to stay hidden for now. Captured, she’d be no
use to either of them. She crouched lower, watching the scene before
her unfold.

was quickly obvious what the ape-man’s intentions were. Angela
wasn’t watching the ape-man’s face; she was looking
somewhere else, a look of terror on her face. As the ape-man circled
around Angela, he finally turned toward Diane. And then Diane saw
what Angela was looking at.

ape-man had been dancing, feet spread and knees slightly bent, his
hips swaying back and forth. As he turned, Diane saw he was sporting
a huge erection, his cock sticking out from his body. She gasped,
quickly covering her mouth with her hand. While he resembled an ape
in many ways, this cock was definitely a human cock. She’d
never seen any man with a cock that size though; its length and girth
was enormous. It swayed back and forth as he continued his dance, his
eyes never leaving Angela’s naked body.

stopped suddenly, spreading his legs wide. He crouched down, hands on
his thighs, his cock pointing toward Angela. In a slow sinuous
motion, he thrust his hips forward in a pantomime of sex, his cock
dancing in front of him. He rose slowly, still rolling his hips
forward and back, his eyes locked with Angela’s, until he was
standing over her, his cock now completely hard.

horrified as she was, Diane found his dance strangely erotic and very
arousing. She was mesmerized by this display of an alpha male,
clearly demonstrating to Angela, and the entire troop, what his
intentions were. She found herself unconsciously breathing faster,
her lips parted.

alpha male made a slight motion with his hand and two smaller males
came forward, grabbing Angela around her waist, turning her over and
propping her on her hands and knees. She immediately collapsed back
onto the forest floor, either from shock or in an attempt to
forestall the inevitable.

alpha male grunted something and the two males picked Angela up
again, this time one holding her shoulders, the other straddling her
torso, holding her around the waist. It became clear to Diane the
alpha male intended to take Angela from behind; she was certain
Angela knew this as well.

was another sound from the alpha male; this time Diane heard actual
words in a language she knew, from the garbled noises the alpha male
made. In a tribal dialect she had studied in preparation for their
trip, a single phrase was clear:
mate now

was nothing Diane could do but watch in horror as the alpha male
knelt behind Angela, his huge cock sticking straight out in front of
him. He reached down, roughly pulling her legs apart. Diane heard
Angela gasp at his touch, trying to pull her legs back together. But
the alpha male moved toward her quickly, holding his cock in his
large hand, forcing it against her body.

then he thrust hard into Angela. Diane gasped as Angela screamed. The
alpha male threw his head back, hooting loudly as he pushed himself
completely into Angela. Diane watched as he began thrusting into her,
burying himself completely with each stroke. Diane could see, and
hear, his large balls slapping against Angela’s ass.

looked at the other ape-men in the clearing. The two holding Angela
had huge erections, as well as those standing in a rough circle
around the group. Most in the group were masturbating, stroking their
cocks with their large hands, intently watching as the alpha male
mated with Angela.

small ape-man at Angela’s shoulders held his cock in one hand,
rubbing it against Angela’s face, poking it against her lips.
Angela was twisting her head from side to side, her mouth clamped
firmly shut. Her twisting apparently upset the alpha male; he uttered
a sharp noise and the smaller male pulled away, dropping his eyes.
But his still held his cock in his hand.

slumped forward, supported only by the ape-man straddling her, who
was still holding her around the waist. His cock was erect as well,
curved along the contours of his torso. With no hand available to
stroke himself, he was rocking his hips as he watched the alpha male
thrusting in and out of Angela. He had a distinct look of aggravation
on his face, panting in frustration.

could see the alpha male’s cock as he pulled himself back from
Angela. Diane was amazed to see it was glistening wet, very wet, in
fact. She was baffled by this.
shouldn’t be enjoying this; she should be terrified.
Something’s wrong here.

watched Angela closely; she was breathing hard, and now she was
pushing herself up on her hands. The ape-man holding her around the
waist looked back as Angela rose up between his legs, brushing
against his inner thighs.

alpha male grunted a command and the ape-man let go of Angela’s
waist. As soon as stepped away from Angela he grabbed his cock,
stroking himself, a look of relief crossing his coarse features. He
stood near the alpha male, watching intently as he thrust into

alpha male ignored the others now; he was intent on watching his cock
as he thrust it into Angela, as she rose up to take his thrusts.
Angela’s head was down, panting. Suddenly she threw her head
back, mouth open. But instead of whimpers and screams, she heard the
sounds she knew so well; cries of arousal and pleasure.
sounds as if she’s coming.

then Diane caught a scent on the air; something powerful and
masculine and intensely arousing, something that sent a jolt through
her body. She realized she’d been getting whiffs of this as
long as she’d been at the clearing, but it was much stronger
now, almost overwhelming. It dawned on her it was the ape-men, or
more likely, the alpha male, exuding pheromones that aroused females.
She’d read a paper sometime in the past on the topic, but right
now, the only thing she could concentrate on was the pungent odor.

breathed deeply and instantly she experienced that same jolt, hard
and intense, centered low in her belly.
god, I’m getting so incredibly turned on by this. This is all
wrong. So, so wrong.

soon as Angela was on all fours, the alpha male shifted his position,
planting one foot on the ground on either side of Angela’s
body, easily holding her as he pounded into her. He was thrusting
into her using his entire body now, swinging his hips forward,
pummeling Angela with each hard thrust.

was breathing hard, watching as the alpha male’s thrusts became
more forceful and then became erratic. Diane could see the muscles of
his ass clenching as he drove himself hard into Angela, grunting
loudly with each stroke. Angela was crying out now, her head back,
eyes closed. The alpha male reached forward, grabbing her blonde
hair, twisting the long strands around his thick fingers. As the
alpha male pulled her head back, Angela spoke for the first time:

me! Oh, God, fuck me harder!”

watched her friend, her lover, being pummeled by this animal, heard
her asking for more; Diane’s mind went blank, unable to take it
all in. And then she realized she was aroused, her hips thrusting
slowly forward. She felt heat and dampness in her panties; she knew
if she ran her hand over herself, it would come away wet.

closed her eyes. But the sounds from the clearing still reached her
ears; Angela crying out, begging for more. The alpha male grunting
and hooting loudly; the growing grunts and noises of the other
ape-men as they watched, stroking themselves.

was a loud animal cry from the alpha male. Diane opened her eyes. He
was forcing himself deeply into Angela, holding himself buried to the
hilt. Diane watched as every muscle in his body tensed, his ass
clenched, every muscle of his legs taut. She could see his balls,
tight and hard, against Angela’s ass. His head was back, his
eyes shut, a grimace of mixed pain and pleasure on his face.

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