Monster Sex Stories (17 page)

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Authors: Lexi Lane

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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then she screamed.

clearing in front of her was filled with creatures, things she’d
only heard about in stories told at night, around the fire, to scare
small children into behaving. She knew they were Centaurs, four of
them, standing perfectly still, watching her. Anna took a step
backward, feeling the rough back of the oak tree behind her. She
turned, running a few steps, but another Centaur was there; two more
were on either side. They surrounded the clearing, blocking her

are trespassing, human.” The largest Centaur stepped forward,
his hooves making almost no sound on the forest floor. He looked down
at her from his height, his long black hair swirling around his
shoulders in the slight breeze. In one hand, he clutched a long
spear, its deadly point gleaming dully in the dim sun.

gaped up at him; she’d never even seen a drawing of a Centaur,
only heard the stories, that they were half man, half horse, mythical
creatures who lived for centuries. And she’d heard the stories
whispered among the girls in the village, stories that these mythical
creatures came in the night and made off with young maidens, did
things to them that no man could ever do, had sex with them, raped
them, violated every orifice with their giant horse cocks.

had gasped with her friends, passing the stories back and forth in
secret, but always curious about exactly how big these Centaurs could
be, fantasizing about what they could do and wondering how it would
feel. Never in her wildest dreams had she believed they were real, or
had she pictured these creatures being so amazing, so beautiful, as
the ones who stood before her. But she still cowered in terror.
real! And they’re huge.

eyes took in the strong features of this Centaur standing in front of
her, his handsome face with high cheekbones, long straight nose over
chiseled lips, long black hair cascading over his shoulders. Her eyes
widened as she took in the rest of his body; the torso of a man,
smooth skin stretched taut over rippling chest and arm muscles, as
she looked down past the flat plane of his stomach, to where a man’s
legs, and where his cock and balls, should be. But instead of legs,
with a cock between them, his torso melded smoothly into the body of
a horse.
is no plow horse though, plodding in endless circles in the field.
This is a proud stallion, and proud man.

was beautiful, with a glossy black coat, well-muscled forelegs and
body, and sleek hindquarters. Anna caught a glimpse of a long black
tail, swishing back and forth.

had seen a man’s cock and balls before; it was the reason for
the divide with her family. They had discovered her relationship with
Jon, that she and Jon had been together and that she was no longer a
virgin. They forbade her to see him. Jon, in the end, had not fought
for her. He had only meekly bowed to her family’s wishes.

with no one holding her there, she had left her village, her family,
and the cowardly Jon. And she left behind the hypocritical
small-mindedness of people who wanted to control everything,
including what she did with her own body. Everyone assumed Jon had
taken advantage of her; no one suspected, or would believe, that she
had seduced him.

have you trespassed, human?” The Centaur took another step
forward, shifting his spear, the point now facing toward Anna. She
took a step backward.

sorry…I didn’t know.” She looked from face to
face, as the circle of Centaurs closed in on her. She looked back at
the lead Centaur. His dark eyes pierced right through her and she
could not look away.
doing magic on me, he’s hypnotizing me.
fought to tear her eyes away.

knowing is no excuse.” His voice was low, commanding, strangely
musical. He took one more step forward, Anna took one more back, and
she felt the rough bark of the oak behind her. She was pinned against
the tree. The Centaur was directly before her. She could see the
smooth skin of his torso as it changed into the coat of the stallion,
the strong muscles of his arms and chest, the hard black hooves that
stamped the ground in front of her. She could smell him, a strong
masculine scent, powerful and arousing. She inhaled, closing her eyes
for a moment. Then she shook her head.
is just more magic, more control.

you have a name, human?” The Centaur tilted his head, looking
down at her.

she stammered, her heart pounding so loud she was sure the Centaur
could hear it.

I am Therran. You are guilty of trespass. We usually impale
trespassers to trees…” he lowered the spear, the point
touching her chest, catching on the front of her cloak “…as
a warning to others.”

scowled, considering her for a moment. “But perhaps you were
sent for a reason.” He pulled the spear away from her, thumping
the butt of it on the ground. She sensed a restless energy move
through the rest of the Centaurs as they stamped the ground with
their hooves and murmured to each other.

have a use for you. You will come with us.” Before she could
protest, he reached down, grabbing her around the waist and pulling
her against his chest, holding her easily against his body. He turned
and left the clearing, moving quickly into the dark forest. Anna felt
branches pulling at her cloak, scratching her bare legs; somewhere
along the way her shoes were torn from her feet.

soon reached a small clearing and the Centaur dropped her in the
center. The clearing was surrounded by tall stones—
stones where fairies and elves played, and apparently, where Centaurs

stood in the center of the circle as the Centaurs took their places
around her, each standing in front of a stone. Anna stood silently by
a boulder set in the middle of the circle as Therran paced back and
forth in front of her, his sleek muscles rippling beneath his shiny

is our sacred circle.” He moved closer. “We perform many
rituals in this circle. You will be part of one of those rituals

was movement around her. She looked at the circle of Centaurs, each
restlessly shifting, their hooves pawing the ground, sending up
leaves and clods of earth. She turned back to Therran standing in
front of her, watching as he pranced before her, his eyes never
leaving her face.

her eyes slid over his body, down his sleek flanks, she noticed with
something akin to horror that his cock was growing longer, hanging
down between his back legs. She looked around the circle, looking at
each Centaur in turn, terror growing stronger as her eyes swept the

eyes widened and she met his gaze again, her mouth open in shock.
Each Centaur’s cock was growing longer, sliding from the sheath
that covered it, longer and thicker than any cock Anna had ever seen.

you are very observant. It is our breeding season. We are the last of
our herd. But as you can see…” he swept his arm around
the circle “…we are all males.” He looked down at

will breed with us. You will carry our seed and give us our next
generation of Centaurs.”

cowered against the narrow boulder. She was terrified, frantically
looking around at the circle of Centaurs, each now boasting a huge
erect cock, long and thick and hard, and each looking at her
appraisingly, she apparently meant for all of them. And they were
huge; there was no possibly way she could take one of those in her
body without being torn apart.

moved toward her, reaching down and picking her up. He stood her on
the boulder; his dark eyes now level with hers. With deliberate
movements, he reached out, pulling her cape from her shoulders,
tossing it to the ground. She stood shivering in her thin dress.

cold.” Therran waved his hand and instantly the temperature
rose. She looked past him to the outside edge of standing stones. A
ring had appeared, encircling the stones, shimmering and blue.
Outside the stones, the sky was still gray and cloudy; the forest dim
and shadowy. Inside it was light and warm. But the warmth didn’t
take away her terror.

reached out, running his hand over her dress, down to her breasts,
slowly squeezing and rubbing them, pinching the nipples through the
fabric. She felt her nipples grow hard at his touch and she shivered
again, not from cold this time, but from excitement. He ran his hand
down her flat stomach, pausing, he head cocked, as if listening for

then he ran his hand further, to the tops of her thighs, gently
sliding his fingers between her legs. Anna flinched, clamping her
legs tightly together.

Therran reached up, running his finger inside the collar of her
dress. Suddenly he grabbed the edge, ripping it away from her body.
Anna cried out, trying to grab the garment as it fell, but the edges
fluttered from her fingers, the torn dress falling to the ground. She
cried out again, trying to cover her breasts with her hands.

heard an excited murmur from the other Centaurs. Looking up, she saw
they were staring at her, their eyes crawling over her naked body.
She watched as their cocks twitched, as they grew even longer,
harder. They were moving closer, restlessly shifting back and forth,
watching her, watching Therran. It was as if they were waiting for
him to send a signal of some kind.

are quite beautiful, Anna. It’s going to be a pleasure to breed
with you.” Therran waved his arm around the circle. “A
pleasure for all of us.”

Anna cried out. She scrambled off the boulder, running past Therran,
who merely turned to watch her passing. She ran toward the edge of
the circle, crying and stumbling, trying to reach the forest beyond.

she passed between two stones, a Centaur reached out, easily grabbing
her around the waist. He carried her back to the center of the
circle, setting her on the ground. She collapsed in a heap, looking
up at Therran, breathing hard, tears streaming down her face.

edge of the circle has a powerful energy field. You would have died
if you tried to cross it.” He walked closer to her, his hooves
making soft thuds in the fallen leaves.

more you fight, the harder this will be. It is inevitable that we
will mate with you.” He reached out, running his finger down
her cheek. He reached behind her, pulling the scrap of fabric from
her hair. He worked his fingers through the braid, unwinding the
strands, freeing her hair into a long shiny wave of blonde cascading
down her back.

may even by pleasurable for you, if you let it.” He moved his
finger down her neck, to the firm mound of her breast. Anna watched
his finger circling her nipple, as her nipples puckered and grew
hard, shuddered in horror as her body reacted to his touch. A
throbbing started deep in her belly; she fought against it, knew what
it was—and what happened to her next—from being with Jon.
She knew it meant she was excited by the touch of this Centaur on
some primal level. That scared her, almost more than the Centaurs
with their huge hard cocks.

strength of her desires had scared Jon; he’d told her it wasn’t
natural that a woman should take so much pleasure from being with a
man. He’d watched in disbelief as she’d twisted and
moaned beneath him during her first orgasm, pulling away as she tried
to pull him closer. He’d been horrified when she’d tried
to ride him, pushing him down in the hayloft and straddling his hips
with her legs, holding his cock in her hand, ready to take him into
her body. He’d said it went against nature, what she was trying
to do. In the end, she’d rolled over, letting him take control,
taking what little pleasure she could from his cock.

sudden movement startled her. He scooped her up from the forest
floor, holding her easily against his chest. She felt the smooth
skin, hot against her breasts, felt the power in his arms as he
wrapped them around her.

gazed into her eyes and she was again mesmerized by his eyes, the
intense dark brown shot through with tiny flecks of amber that caught
the light. She felt her body go limp in his grasp, as his hands moved
over her skin, one strong hand sliding down to cup her ass, the
cradling the back of her head, his fingers tangling into her long

then he was kissing her, his chiseled lips surprisingly soft against
hers. She felt his tongue brushing against her mouth and even though
her mind told her to resist, she tipped her head back, opening her
mouth to him, his tongue exploring every soft recess.

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