Moon Tortured (Sky Brooks Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Moon Tortured (Sky Brooks Series Book 1)
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If her intentions were to scare me, then she won a gold star. “They will not stop until they have you—for whatever reason that may be. I can assure you that they will hurt and even kill anyone who gets in their way. You are under the Midwest Pack’s protection. It is a responsibility not taken lightly. I assure you the pack does not enter situations foolishly or without adequate cause. Do yourself a great service and accept our help. You won’t survive alone.”

I chewed on my bottom lip, hanging on to her words. “I am sorry if I seem ungracious. It isn’t my intention,” I finally admitted so softly I wasn’t sure if my words were even audible. “I don’t know if you realize it, but a lot is being asked of me. You want me to trust you with minimal specifics. I am forced or rather strongly encouraged to stay in a house with were-animals that are obviously dangerous. Until today, I didn’t know were-animals existed,” I said with distressed sigh. That was a partially true statement. I never thought I was the only werewolf in the world, but I had no idea other types of were-animals existed.

“I’m not saying it’s not a lot to deal with. But don’t make it any harder on yourself. Our contact is out of the country right now; he is expected back in five days. At least remain our guest until then. Contrary to what you have seen, Sebastian is a fair and reasonable leader, and I am sure he will allow you to speak to our contact when he arrives. Okay?”

“Who is your contact?” I needed more information. They had to at least tell me who was so diligent about protecting me.

After a furtive glance at the door, she spoke, but it was barely audible: “Josh.”

I had a name but I had no idea who it was. Josh? Who was he and why did he want me alive? Most importantly, how did he know I was in danger?

Joan was still waiting for an answer. “Who is Josh and why does he care whether I live or die?” I asked.

The pleasant smile returned and I knew she wasn’t going to give me any more answers. “That is all the information I can give you,” she said. “Will you at least stay with us the five days,” she requested.

Why was she asking me? Did I really have a choice in this matter? Sebastian made it clear: guest or prisoner, I was staying. Joan waited for a response that I was unable to give. She gave me another congenial look before she left.








Placing the messenger bag stuffed with clothes, wallet, and a few toiletries across my chest, I opened the window. I wanted to trust these people, but I couldn’t. The idea that Sebastian and Ethan wanted to keep me safe was hard to believe when everything about them seemed primal, vicious and lethal. And I couldn’t get the disdainful way Ethan glowered at me. It held nothing but malicious intent. And Winter? What was it about her that warranted trust? Was it the way she glided through house unheard and barely noticed? Or the mesmeric way she held my gaze leaving me paralyzed. You don’t trust people like this. You get a good look and make sure you can identify them out of a police lineup.

I couldn’t place the responsibility of my safety and life in the hands of strangers I didn’t trust. I was good at living under the radar, becoming invisible in a sea of faces. It was something I practiced all my life—never standing out, always unnoticed. Obscure to the point where I was anonymous. I could hide and never be found.

We had a home in Canada that we inherited from my grandparents. I considered going there; but if the vampires were as good as the were-animals led me to believe, undoubtedly they would look there. Nevertheless, Canada was an excellent place to hide. My mother and I visited Nova Scotia a couple of years ago and I fell in love with the quaint province. It was a charming place but too small to offer the anonymity I needed. The best way to hide was in a well-populated area like Toronto or Montreal, cities so heavily occupied you could hide in plain sight, virtually lost in a sea of faces. You become just one out of millions, not thousands.

I hated large cities; that’s why I adored our suburban home. Just thirty miles outside of Chicago, it was close enough so that when you felt the urge, you could easily take part in the unique culture, arts, exceptional restaurants and nightlife. Yet you were far enough that you could still enjoy the subtle allures of the Midwest.

As I sorted out my plans, a sudden wash of sorrow engulfed me because it was then I realized how utterly alone I was. My mother was an only child; I didn’t have any aunts, uncles or cousins who I could contact for assistance. My grandmother died when my mother was a child and my grandfather died a couple of years ago. When my grandfather died, my step-grandmother made it very clear that she was a
and all ties were severed when he died.

Pushing the sudden feeling of despair deep down, I focused on the task at hand. There wasn’t time to wallow in sorrow or deal with the burning feeling in my chest as my heart mourned for her. But my body had its own ideas as my vision blurred from the tears that began to form. I screwed my eyes shut, forcing them back.

I leapt out of the window and landed squarely on my feet. It was something I’d done so many times that it was second nature. Sprinting to the back of the house, I followed the long driveway that was shouldered by woods. Large oaks, pine trees and flowering trees that had wept their final buds shadowed me, keeping me hidden. But they made the surroundings dark and disconsolate as I cautiously walked through the trail. Fall leaves crunched under my feet as I gingerly hiked through the shoulder of the vast forest. Eventually the driveway had to empty out onto a road. But I had walked for nearly fifteen minutes and there didn’t seem to be any signs of it coming to an end.

I listened for the sounds of passing cars or the bustle of human voices and interaction but there weren’t any, just the mild unobtrusive sounds of nature. I took out my phone and tried to dial 911 but I couldn’t get a signal. My GPS couldn’t detect my location. It was dusk and there weren’t many things I could think of that were worse than being lost in the woods following an interminable driveway at night with vampires stalking me.

Suddenly, I began to hear leaves crunching lightly under someone’s feet. I listened intently; they were so soft, barely audible. I couldn’t determine the direction they were coming from.

“Mmm, wolf’s blood,” stated a jarring female voice. Turning in the direction of the voice, I saw a tall slim woman with unnaturally orange spiked hair walk toward me. She made each step with smooth ease, projecting terror as she advanced. Charcoal eyes with just a hint of crimson watched me carefully as she circled me. An androgynous style enhanced her attractive angular features. Before she could take another step closer, I ran. My feet pounded hard against the terrain as terror drove me to run faster than I believed possible. I ran deeper into the trees, limbs brushing roughly against my face, slowing me down. The redolence of the trees made it hard to identify her location by scent.

“The blood of your wolf calls for me to have a sample,” she stated, appearing in front of me. I changed direction and she appeared in front of me again. With every direction I turned, I was met by the fanged menace.

“Mmm,” she purred inhaling deeply before moving to my right side in the time it took me to blink. Her movements were quick, effortless and terrifying as she whipped around me.

“Gabriella” said a throaty voice to the left of me. “You must tame your desires for now.” The new vamp pulled back his lips, exposing fangs. My putrid disgust was hard to hide as I looked at this creature of the night—well, dusk because we were hours from night. His teeth were filed down, leaving only fangs, making his appearance more monstrous. His angular frame was covered with a blanket of pale skin, and he was hairless, except for the veil of blond eyelashes. His bright red eyes ogled me as I stared back at him with morbid disgust.

Pushing past Gabriella, I dropped my bag and sprinted through the woods, darting past the trees, whipping over obstacles. I didn’t hear footsteps, but that didn’t mean anything since they seemed to glide on air as they walked. With movements as quick as a blinking eye, they could appear at any time.

I pounded quickly through the woods and thought I had managed to escape, but another vampire stepped in my path. He pushed his hand hard into my chest, sending me flying back several feet. I landed on my butt and gasped for the air he knocked out of me.

“The party’s just started, sweetie. Stay for a while,” his coarse voice requested. He was quickly joined by the orange-headed vamp, who brushed her hand affectionately across his face and ended at his lips, earning a kiss.

His style was a contrasting complement to hers. Short, jet black, messy spiked hair covered his head, two rings looped through his lips and tattoos decorated the left side of his neck. His appearance and mannerism gave the clear impression that he enjoyed a certain level of pain, both as a participant and a dealer. He smiled, watching me as though he wanted me to take part in his games of pain and torture.

When they stepped closer, I kicked his leg. He crashed to the ground and I struck him. I was going for another thrash when Gabriella grabbed me from behind by the throat. “Play nice dear, or we won’t either,” she threatened against my ear.

“It was just a love tap.” He knelt in front of me, leaned in, and then ran his tongue along the side of my face. I cringed and tried to punch him, but Gabriella grabbed my hand and held it to the ground.

“I like you too,” he stated in a deep throaty whisper near my jaw, cool lips brushed my skin.

He was positioned well enough so that with one kick, I could have him doubled over in pain from a groin assault. Before I could make my move, a loud cracking sound resonated. Gabriella shrieked, releasing her grip on me. The black-haired vampire pulled me close; his grip was tight as it looped around me fastening my arms to my side. Flailing back and forth, I tried to pull away. He let out several painful hisses when I slammed my foot down on his.

“Control yourself. We can play later,” he cooed in a husky voice. When I continued to struggle, he sunk his teeth into my shoulder. Like a piercing knife, it seared through my muscles penetrating my flesh. I blinked back tears and struggled harder against him.

“Quiet now,” he grumbled pulling me closer. His body tensed, the long muscles of his neck protruded as the frown marred his face. Distracted by whatever was going on in front of him, he worked hard to make the muscles relax. Another loud crack resonated through the air, followed by a painful groan.

Crack! Winter stood over Gabriella as she lay on the ground. Her foot placed on Gabriella’s torso. Crack! She had meticulously broken Gabriella’s arms in multiple places. Moving with the swift grace of someone who had done this before, she slinked behind Gabriella placing a knife firmly to her neck. Gabriella struggled to lift her arms but it was a futile attempt. Winter had rendered them dysfunctional.

A cruel assurance covered her face as she smiled. “Chase, let her go or your Gabriella will be a distant memory of a love you use to have,” Winter stated ominously.

He let out an angry sound before violently biting down into my shoulder again. My body clenched as I swallowed back a scream.

Winter countered by pressing the knife into Gabriella’s neck. Thin red streaks of blood ran down it. “How long have you been together? Forty, fifty years? She knows all the weird things you like. From what I hear, they are quite sick, yet she still loves you. How long do you think it will be before you find someone like her again? How empty was your life before her? Own those memories because if you don’t let her go you will return to that life of loneliness.” Winter challenged.

She looked at him with a cynical smirk as she waited for him to respond. Her mannerisms were cruel and expectant. Yearning for him to think just a second too long or ponder his love for Gabriella for more time then she deemed acceptable, so that she could finish the job. The obvious adoration for violence and torture covered her face. Flickers of delight bounced around in her eyes, making the terror she invoked surreal.

Chase’s hold loosened but not enough for me to break it. Gabriella’s face twisted into an angry frustrated grimace as she looked at him. But with all the emotions displayed on her face, she never showed any form of doubt. It was as though she knew that Chase would do anything for her and her fate was secure.

“Let Skylar go, Chase, and we will let you go unscathed to nurse Gabriella’s wounds. You know she’s just looking for a reason. Don’t’ give her one,” Ethan urged, walking toward him. A young man stood behind Winter, his eyes fixed on the hairless vamp, who started to slowly advance toward them. Chase released me, throwing me to the ground. He ran toward Gabriella, and Winter moved aside, allowing him to sweep her into his arms. He hissed at Winter, exposing his fangs; the enraged look on his face promised unspeakable harm to Winter if he ever had the chance. He carried Gabriella off into the woods.

The hairless vamp charged Winter. As he lunged at her, he was met by the young man, who crashed into him midair, pulling him to the ground. The teenager quickly gained the upper hand, pushing the vampire hard to the ground. Pounding at the vampire repeatedly, he ended the brutal assault by pulling a stake from his back pants pocket and shoving it into the vampire’s chest. The vampire gurgled out a horrid sound as the smell of necrotic tissue filled the air. I turned my head, but not fast enough to avoid seeing him take out a knife and behead the vampire. Nausea set in as the smell of death and blood filled the air. In the past twenty-four hours, I had experienced an overdose of violence and death and I had had enough.

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