Moonlight and Margaritas (17 page)

Read Moonlight and Margaritas Online

Authors: Cindy Stark

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Moonlight and Margaritas
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"Damn it, woman.  You're relentless."

"I am."  She laughed, her voice soft and husky.  "You've got a naked, willing woman in your bed.  What are you going to do about it?"

He rolled over on top of her, surprised that he was more than ready for round three.  "I'll show you what I’m going to do."

*      *      *

What a sizzling night.  Though she was full from the buckwheat pancakes and fresh strawberries that Joe had paid for, Elena's step was light as she walked the cobblestone path that led to her bungalow.  The morning air was fresh and breezy, but it did little to cool her thoughts of the previous evening.  Joe Stephens was an amazing man.  No, satisfying
amazing.  And hot.  She smiled, reminiscing. 

Sleeping next to him and waking up in his arms had been wonderful.  She couldn't remember ever feeling so treasured.  To him, she was sexy and beautiful, and when she'd woken to him kissing the tips of her fingers, oh….  She sighed, content. 

How was it that a man that she'd known less than two days could rearrange her whole outlook on life?  Her future seemed full of possibilities.  Being with Joe had made her feel young and alive.  She'd started to wonder if those feelings were a thing of the past.  But with him, she'd felt attractive and sexy…and wanted.  She liked feeling wanted.

She rounded the corner of her bungalow and found Mercedes standing in front of her own door, key in hand.

She was a glance away from being busted. 

If she didn't move, maybe Mercedes wouldn't catch her sneaking in from a late night.  She held her breath as her friend turned the key in the lock and opened the door.  Elena relaxed when Mercedes stepped inside her bungalow, but the door never made it closed before her friend swung it wide again.

Mercedes's gaze dropped to Elena's overnight bag before returning to her face with a smug expression.  "Out late?"

Elena cursed the flush that warmed her cheeks and made her look guiltier.  "As a matter of fact."  She hated that this would make what she had to say to her friend that much more difficult. 

"Well, well, you little minx.  It looks like I'm not the only one with a hot love affair."  She raised knowing eyebrows.  "Joe?  Am I right, chica?  Did you spend another night with that spicy senor?"

Elena tried to portend an innocent look.  "Maybe."

"Don't you give me maybe.  You have
written all over your face."  Mercedes drew a sassy finger through the air.  "And it looks good on you."

A warm glow spread through her.  "It feels pretty good, too."  Her body vibrated with energy after being manhandled by Joe.  "But this doesn't change the fact that we still need to have a conversation about

"Seriously?  You're going to lecture me for doing what you just did?"

"It's not the same thing."

Mercedes turned her gaze toward the brilliant blue sky, blinked a few times and then pinned Elena with a pointed look.  "Sex is sex."


"Let's not argue.  You had a great night and so did I.  I don't want to ruin my morning by getting all serious."  Her eyes sparkled with excitement.  "I have another adventure planned for us instead."

"We need to talk."

"No talk.  Not this morning.  I want to play."

Mercedes's stubborn streak was relentless.  Once her friend dug in her heels, there would be no getting her out until she was ready.  Elena knew this well.  She'd also learned there were ways around it.  "Fine.  We play now, but only if you promise to talk later."

Her friend squealed with delight.  "Yes!"

"When I say 'promise', I mean it.  I'm going to hold you to your word."

A frown passed over Mercedes's expression, but was quickly dispelled.  "Fine, but later."


"Fine."  She said with a sing-song voice.

Elena stared at Mercedes with a serious expression for a few moments to make sure her friend understood there would be no going back on her agreement.  Then she relaxed.  "I'm not sure I trust your kind of adventures.  What did you have in mind?"

Mercedes gave her a wounded look.  "What do you mean?  You always enjoy our escapades as soon as you relax a bit.  Remember the first night I took you out salsa dancing after we finished our lessons?"  A knowing smile curved her lips.  "You were afraid to try it in public, but then that—that Kevin fellow—you enjoyed dancing with him."

"Yes."  She smiled, remembering how fun that evening had been.  "Yes, I did."  And she wanted more experiences like that.  "Okay, fine.  I'm game."  She'd have to cancel her lunch date with Joe, but her long-time friend needed some time and attention.  Maybe a little bonding would allow Mercedes to open up later on and hear what she had to say. 

"Wonderful."  Mercedes stepped inside her bungalow before looking back at Elena.  "Be ready in one hour for some serious pampering." 

That gave Elena just enough time to call Cassie and get ready.



Joe sat his sorry ass down at a shady table away from the other guests at the hotel's outdoor bar and grill, and ordered two burgers and a couple bottles of soda.  He'd cancelled his diving expeditions for the next few days and had planned on spending at least the afternoon, if not more time, with Elena.  Now that he knew she wasn't a threat to his freedom, there was no reason to not enjoy her company.

Then she'd cancelled on him.

Damn it. 

He liked to be the one to call the shots in their relationship.  Or make that their friendship.  Or whatever the hell they were mixed up in.

It wasn't like they had the rest of their lives to spend together, and he knew she wanted to live it up during the rest of her vacation, too.  She could spend time with her friend when they returned home.

Now he was left to simmer until she called him.  He wasn't an impatient or overly-demanding person, but when he wanted something, he wanted it. 

Like, right now.

His gaze wandered to a young couple sitting in a corner, partially hidden by palm fronds.  The blonde girl dipped a French fry into ketchup before holding it up for her dark-haired lover or husband to eat.  She laughed as he nipped at her fingers while eating it.  Probably honeymooners.  Cute couple, he supposed, but so young. 

He had to admit there was a small part of him that wished he'd found someone to share his life with when he was younger.  If he hadn't have gotten that girl pregnant, would things have played out differently?  Would he have been more open to another relationship?  Maybe even marriage?

Who knew?  There was no point second-guessing now.  He was who he was.

"Hey honky."  Marcus collapsed into the chair across from him.  "Glad you called.  You owe me a hundred bucks."

"Ha," Joe laughed, eyeing his friend over the rim of his sunglasses, noting that Marcus had forgone his trademark Hawaiian shirts and cowboy hat in favor of a t-shirt and baseball cap.  Personally, he thought the guy would be a lot more attractive to women the way he was currently dressed.  Mojitos's statistics didn't agree.  "A hundred bucks?  Don't tell me you scored with both of those women last night." 

"Damn straight."

After Elena had cancelled, Joe had phoned Marcus, needing someone to distract him while he cooled his heels.  Sure enough, his good buddy could be counted on to provide entertainment.  "Prove it."

Marcus adjusted his ball cap.  "Shoot.  I don't need proof.  You got my word, and you know I'm not a liar."

The waitress placed their burgers in front of them, and Joe's mouth watered.  All the energy he'd been exerting with Elena had left him one hungry man.  He took a huge bite of his burger, letting the delicious flavor melt on his tongue.  "How about fifty bucks and lunch?" he said through a mouthful.

Marcus eyed the food in front of him.  "You saying this is a fifty-dollar hamburger?  Ain't no way."

Joe took another bite, vocalizing his appreciation of the fare.  "If you don't want it, I'll eat it."

"Shit."  He laughed and picked up his burger.  "You sure know how to strike a hard bargain."

They enjoyed their meal in silent appreciation.  When they were finished, Marcus leaned back in his chair and burped.  "Excuuuse me."  He pounded his chest with his fist.  "That was a damn fine burger."

Joe pulled out his wallet and passed a fifty to Marcus.  "We're even then."

"Yep."  Marcus pocketed the money.  "Until tonight."

He'd hear it now.  "I won't be at Mojitos tonight."

"What?"  His friend straightened in his chair.  "Where you gonna be?"

"Date."  Joe couldn't stop his grin.

"With that blondie?"  He didn't give Joe a chance to respond.  "I knew you was hooked on her the first time you saw her.  Shit.  You're gonna miss out on all the fun if you stick with only one gal."

Joe slipped his credit card to the waitress.  "Aren't you getting a little tired of the shallowness of being with a different woman, or in your case, women every night?"

Marcus narrowed his eyes.  "Are you kidding me?  This is fucking paradise."  He slapped a hand on the table.  "No pun intended.  Hell, I'd be happy doing this the rest of my life.  No wife to nag me and spend all my money before she runs off with
best friend.  And no, her best friend ain't a man.  And yeah, having a threesome with two women looks all cool, but it ain't when they're doing all the getting' off and you never get to join the fun." 

Joe held up a hand.  "Too much information." 

"Shit."  Marcus hailed the waitress before slumping in his seat, all the fire gone out of him.  "I need a beer."

"Sounds like it."

Marcus tilted his head, studying him with cool blue eyes.  "So you like her or what?"

"I wouldn't be spending time with her if I didn't."  He couldn't remember feeling this happy and free.  Ever.

"Do you love her?"

"Hell, no."  Joe picked up the wrapper from his straw and rolled it into a ball.  There was a big difference between enjoying someone's company and a permanent commitment.  "I'm not settling down any time soon.  If ever."  So why had he been trying so hard to convince Elena that marriage could be a good idea?  That woman messed with his head.

"Why not?  You been screwed over, too?"

"Not like you have."  He flicked the paper at Marcus. 

His friend squatted it away.  "So if you ain't jaded, then why not?"

"When did you turn into a shrink?" 

Marcus shrugged.  "Just wondering why you're so scared."

"I'm not scared."

"What if she's the one?"

"She's not the one, okay?"  He didn't like this endless procession of questions that forced him to take a deeper look at his life.  He couldn't exactly deny he'd fallen for her charm and beauty, but that didn't change things.  He had his course set for now, and it didn't include a hot little blonde from Carmel. 

"She could be.  How long is she here for?  Three, four more days?"  He waited for Joe's nod.  "You'd better decide before you let her get away."

"I've already decided.  Neither one of us wants a relationship.  That's what makes it so perfect."

"That's what your mouth says, honky, but it ain't what the rest of you is saying."

What the hell did that mean?  The rest of him wasn't saying "jack" about anything.  "How about you?  What if you met the one?"

Marcus pulled his ball cap lower over his eyes.  "Already did, and she's in love with another woman."

Joe held in his humor.  This was a serious situation for his buddy.  "Maybe there's another one for you."

"Nope.  She was the one.  If she came back tomorrow saying she's sorry, I'd take her back."

Man, that was a tough situation to rebound from.  Maybe Elena was right about the whole relationship thing.  "Doesn't that make you a dumb-ass or something?" 


*      *      *

Good Lord
, she felt naked.  Elena walked out of the day spa and into Cabo's hot afternoon sun.  She could hear the clip of Mercedes's heels on the cobblestones of the hotel's plaza as she hurried behind her, but Elena didn't slow her steps.

"Elena, I'm sorry.  Please wait."  Mercedes caught up and tugged on her arm to slow her.

Elena stopped and whirled around.  "What the hell was that?"

Her friend had the good sense to look sheepish.  "A Brazilian wax?"

was an ambush."  Or rather a
bush.  Her nether regions still felt the sting of having her hair ripped out.  Her jellyfish welts paled in comparison.  "I can't believe I believed you when you'd said it wasn't that bad."  Was she truly that gullible? 

"That's what the margarita was for beforehand, to relax you.  Plus you had a massage."  As though that made everything okay.  Mercedes pursed her lips.  "Don't be such a baby.  Lots of women do this every day."

Elena eyed her friend with a sarcastic look.  "That doesn't help."

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