Moonlight and Margaritas (33 page)

Read Moonlight and Margaritas Online

Authors: Cindy Stark

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Moonlight and Margaritas
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Mercedes squinted her eyes as her mouth dropped open.  "Bitch.  I'd like to—"

"Don't worry.  She'll get hers.  She's lost her job and can't use me for a reference.  Plus, I'm sure she's realized by now that Richard isn't going to help her." 

"She'd better hope she doesn't run into me on the street."

Elena picked up her fork and stabbed a piece of chicken.  She put the bite in her mouth and forced herself to chew.  Richard wasn't what truly had her upset, though.  The thought of what had happened between her and Joe, of what she'd done, hung over her like a suffocating cloud.  "I also kissed Cole Thomas."

Mercedes's frown flipped to a smile.  "Is this a good thing?  He is a very handsome man."

"Joe saw us."

"Oh, no."  Her friend's frown was back.  "Are you loco?"

"Possibly…probably."  Idiot might be a better word.  "I was angry with Richard for cheating, and with Joe for crowding me.  I really wanted to piss off Richard, and I needed to prove to myself there was nothing special about Joe, that he was just another good-looking guy, like Cole and all the other playboys out there.  Cole wanted to kiss me, and I didn't stop him."  She bit her bottom lip until it hurt.  "Joe saw us."

Mercedes sighed.  "Joe was at the ball."

Elena nodded.  "It's such a mess, and the worst part is, kissing Cole made me realize no one will ever compare to Joe.  I've had the best, and Cole didn't come close."  She dropped her gaze.  "I had no idea Joe would be there, but he saw us."  The look of angst she'd found on Joe's face haunted her every minute since. 

"You poor thing."  Mercedes patted her arm, commiserating, but her concerned looks made Elena feel worse. 

"I've ruined everything."  Misery engulfed her.  "Joe warned me that he was in it for a serious relationship, and it scared me.  It still scares me."  More than she could say.  "But I'm more frightened to think that I've lost him."

"Why don't you call him?  He seemed like a reasonable man when I met him."  She smiled.  "Not to mention incredibly sexy."

"He won't answer my calls."

Mercedes's grin sank.  "That's bad.  Maybe he needs a little more time?  Don't give up, yet."

Elena buried her face in her hands, trying to contain the emotions that overwhelmed her.  "I screwed up, and I'm scared, Mercedes.  Scared that it's too late."

*      *      *

"No.  I'm not going to call her.  There's nothing to say."  Joe stared at the pages of a contract scattered across his desk, dismissing his sister's attempts at matchmaking.  He was done.  He'd moved on.

Ignoring her and the loss of daylight, he tried to focus on the first job prospect for his new diving business, wondering if it had been a mistake to try to run the business portion of his new venture out of his office located at Stephens Shipping.  It had seemed convenient.  He'd be available if Renee needed him, and he hadn't had time to set up a second office at the waterfront building.  Unfortunately, it also gave her daily access to him and his life.

Renee sighed as she moved farther into the room, oblivious to his hint.  "You need to settle things with her."

He glanced up, annoyed.  "I'd say that kiss settled everything.  Made things perfectly, one-hundred percent crystal clear.  I'm over her, so drop it."  He turned his attention back to his desk, the words on the pages blurring before his eyes.  Truth was, it was getting harder and harder to concentrate.

"You're not over her.  Far from it."  She sat down in front of him.  "If you were over her, you wouldn't be wallowing again, staying late, and not eating.  You forget how well I know you."

"Renee, you know I love you, but you're butting in where you don't belong.  I gave her plenty of chances, and she threw them all in my face."  He sent her a stern expression.  "Let it go."

"Obviously, you didn't notice the look of despair on her face as she tried to explain things to you.  You need to give her a chance to tell you her side.  You don't know what led up to that kiss or why it happened.  There could be a reasonable explanation."

He was close to losing it.  She'd been on him non-stop since the party, and he'd heard more than he cared to hear about Elena.  It was hard enough to try to forget her without his sister constantly throwing her in his face.  "Renee," he warned.

"Anyone could see that she's in love with you, and I know you love her, too."  She returned his firm look.  "Quit being so stubborn and just admit it."

He stood, sliding his chair backward with considerable force.  "Leave."  He pointed at the door.

She sat with a resolute look on her face, refusing to move.  Their war of gazes lasted nearly a minute before she rose from her chair.  "Fine.  But as someone who loves and cares about you, I'm telling you, you're going to regret this.  I've never seen you fall for anyone like this.  She's special."

She waited a few more seconds, obviously wanting to continue their conversation, but he was done arguing with her.  He remained standing, silently waiting for her to leave.

Finally, she gave him a disgusted huff and left.  When the door closed behind her, he fell back into his chair, covering his eyes with his hand. 

Time.  He just needed a little time, and then things would get better.

*      *      *

Late Sunday afternoon, Elena pounded a nail into her living room wall, intent on hanging up her latest acquisition.  Yes, the watercolor would remind her of Joe and the time they'd spent in Carmel, but it was a shame to leave such a lovely piece of art hidden away because she'd screwed up her relationship with him.

Time would pass, and she'd eventually be able to appreciate it without thinking of him.  She hoped.

She lifted the framed picture, admiring the beautiful colors, the way the artist had depicted Tor House surrounded by spring flowers.  Calm.  Peaceful.  It was lovely and would go perfectly with her country cottage décor.

The doorbell rang, and she sighed, leaning the painting against the wall.  She glanced out her window, spying an unknown silver sedan in her driveway.  Curiosity led her to the front door, and she peered through the peek hole.  She blinked in surprise.  Joe's sister stood on her porch. 

Her heart rate increased as she opened the door.  "Renee?"

"Elena."  Renee offered her a warm smile.  "I'm so sorry for dropping by unannounced.  I tried to call several times, but was unable to reach you."

Because she'd turned off her phone.  She'd already spoken to Cassie that day, and she didn't want to talk to anyone else.  Except Joe, and he wasn't calling her.  "Please come in.  I'm afraid I'm in the middle of fall cleaning."  She ran a hand down her old blue jeans, as she stepped aside, wondering why on earth Joe's sister would call on her. 

Renee walked inside, looking beautiful in a creamy angora sweater that set off her slim looks and styled, dark hair.  "You have a beautiful home," she said, looking around.  She spied the painting that Elena had been about to hang.  "And this is gorgeous."

"Thank you."  Had something happened to Joe?

"I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here." 

"I'm a little curious," Elena answered.  Renee didn't seem upset, which was a good sign.

His sister inhaled, giving her an uncertain smile.  "I hope you'll forgive me for interfering."  She paused as though rethinking her next statement.  "I know I'm completely out of line, and Joe will shoot me for coming here, but I can't stand by any longer."

Elena watched her, trying to sort out her confusing words.  "I'm sorry.  What are you trying to say?"

"Can we sit down?"  Renee walked to the couch and sat.  Elena followed her.  Renee looked at her with earnest eyes.  "I'll just spit it out, and if I offend you, please ask me to leave."

"All right."  She searched Renee's face, looking for some kind of clue.

"Joe's in love with you." 

Elena raised her brows, trying not to get her hopes up as well.  "Love?"

"Oh, yes.  He is
in love with you."  She rolled her eyes.  "After Cabo, he had to find you.  I've never seen him behave that way over a woman before.  He called in some major favors to get that hole in your street fixed, and he begged me to go to the mayor's ball with him because he couldn't wait one more minute to tell you how sorry he was for trying to move too fast in your relationship.

"He won't admit it," his sister continued.  "But he's not eating, and the bags under his eyes tell me he's not sleeping."  She paused, her gaze intent.  "He's in love with you, but he's too stubborn to call."  She slowed long enough to gather another breath.  "I may be wrong here, but I have the distinct impression that you care about him, too.  And I've probably said way too much, and he's going to kill me."

"I do." 

Renee halted.  "I'm sorry?"

"I do care about him."  She couldn't say love quite yet, but she was pretty certain it was there.  Barely contained emotions stirred inside her, leaving her a little shaky.

His sister smiled and scooted closer to her.  "I knew it."  Elena was drawn to the warm presence emanating from Renee.  "So, I'm here to convince you to call him.  This holding out for the other one to call first is really silly.  The best way to get things resolved is to talk to each other."

"I've tried a hundred different times."  Elena grasped on to the hope that his sister provided.  "He won't return my calls."

Renee narrowed her eyes.  "That bugger.  What am I going to do with him?"  She sat silent for a moment and then focused on Elena.  "Well, he can run, but he can't hide.  I happen to know where he's going to be this afternoon.  If you show up, he'll have to talk to you."

Renee outlined the plan to her, and Elena widened her smile as her hope grew into faith.  She now knew Joe still loved her, and maybe, just maybe that would be the arrow she could use to pierce the armor he'd wrapped around his heart.

*      *      *

The sun had started its descent toward the ocean when Elena pulled her convertible into the seaside warehouse parking lot.  The drive with the top down had messed with her hair, but there was nothing like traveling the California coast and letting the wind caress her with its wild touch.  She'd focused on the beautiful landscape to distract her from the coming confrontation.  The untamed surf had kept her nerves at bay, but now, as she shut off her engine, every hope and fear collided inside her, making it hard to breathe.

She forced salty air in her lungs as she glanced at the black Landrover parked next to her car.  He was there. 

Her nerves kicked into high gear, and it was all she could do to fight back her fears.  This would be okay.  This was what she wanted.  What she needed.

She grabbed the picnic basket and headed for the door beneath the brightly-painted words that read "Diver Dude".  She smiled at his choice of names for his new business, but knew that it would draw in the young people looking for a fun experience. 

From what Renee had told her, Joe had already landed a contract using his diving skills to do repair work on underground tanks, but his diving instructor side of the business was what had really taken off.  He was booked through the end of October, and even had some dates scheduled into December.

He must be so happy with his quick successes.  If only he'd talk to her, she'd have a bunch of questions to ask him.

With a nervous hand, she tested the doorknob.  It wasn't locked.  She solidified her resolve and turned the handle.  The small room held only a table with an old wooden chair and a telephone for company.  A sign perched on the table read, "We're in the back".

Okay.  She could do this.  She just needed him to listen, then he would understand and hopefully forgive her. 

She exited the office, walked down a hall, and found herself in a larger room with various pieces of diving gear laying on a countertop.  A cluster of chairs occupied one corner of the area, facing a large white board.  Beyond that she could see another sign, indicating the way to the showers.

"Joe?"  She called out to the empty room.  "Joe?"

No answer…but he had to be there somewhere.  He'd left the front door unlocked.  She glanced around, unsure what to do.  There was another door that led out the back of the building, so she continued on.

Outside was a small grassy area that ended with a concrete barrier between land and ocean.  A small dock with a couple of boats attached lay beyond.  Joe's boat was nowhere to be seen. 


Elena jumped at the sound of the male voice to the side of her.  A kid near Cassie's age knelt on the ground, two diving tanks near him.  "Hi," she greeted.

"May I help you?"  It took her a moment to recognize him.  It was the same kid that had been on Joe's boat in Cabo.  Maybe Joe had offered him a job here?

She smiled, trying to quiet some of her nervous energy.  "I'm looking for Joe.  Is he around?"

The young man stood, dwarfing Elena with his gangly height.  "Nah, you just missed him.  He's out on the water."  His red T-shirt had several holes in it, matching the knees of his jeans.  The sun had bleached his cropped hair, and the smile on his face had no doubt won him the attention of plenty of females.

"Oh."  Her heart sank.  She supposed she could wait for him, but who knew how long he'd be.

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