Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1] (21 page)

BOOK: Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1]
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"Hmmmm, so luscious,” he murmured against her pussy.

Her hips jerked up when he sucked her clit into his mouth, his mouth milking it until Nessa thought she would be robbed of all her sanity. Just as she was about to explode, he left her clit and delved back into her pussy again. His thumb flicked across her ultrasensitive clit, eliciting moans from her which fast turned into delighted mewls. Then everything shattered, the whole universe flew apart, and her every nerve ending tingling with delight.

"Aaaah, yes, sweetness."

Neman rose above her, his tongue flicking out to lick the juice from his chin. In the next swift moment, he impaled her on his oh-so-long, hard, thick cock, fucking her with hard, furious thrusts. All she could do was hang on to the bed sheets as the world disintegrated around her, every nerve sharpening into hypersensitive bundles of pure ecstasy. Nothing existed but the pure pleasure of the man she loved more than life itself.

A low rumble started from deep within his chest. He threw back his head and roared as he climaxed hard, Nessa's inner walls milking him of all he had. He shuddered for the longest time before falling onto the bed beside her, and displacing the strawberries as they tumbled out all over the coverlet. As soon as she got her breathing under control, she started to laugh. Neman raised his head, with a wicked smile on his face.

Something started beeping in the background. Neman groaned, rolling to his side. “I thought you told them not to disturb us."

She propped herself up on her elbows to enjoy the view of Neman's fine, godly ass. “I did, unless it was an emergency.” He offered her his hand to help her. Nessa awkwardly climbed off the bed, feeling sticky, yet well sated and walked into the bathroom while he answered the phone. The climate in the Bahamas was already warm and humid. She didn't need to heat the water much to wash off the last of their chocolate passion. After shutting off the shower, not bothering with a towel, she reached for a colorful sarong, wrapping it around her body. She moved through their large beachfront house. Light from a full moon shone down on her.

She smiled, smelling Neman's scent before feeling the heat of his body at her back as he slid two strong arms around her and pulled her tight against his warm, damp, naked body, fresh from a shower. His hot breath puffed against her ear, sending renewed heat flushing though her, as his lips traced the shell of her ear.

"The world ending again?” she asked on a soft sigh.

He chuckled. “Not yet. There's a slight problem with some dragons in London. The men are handling it. Plus, I've threatened to cut off Mark's hands if he calls once more."

"Dragons in London?” Nessa shook her head. Even with everything she experienced in the past month, she still struggled to comprehend the things she heard. “Aren't they a bit big to be flying around London without being noticed?"

"They can shift into human form, just like other shifters."

"Oh,” was all she could manage. “The guys are playing nicely, then?"

His hands slid over her swollen stomach and up to cup her breasts through the soft silk of the sarong. “Apart from Mark's complaints, it seems to be going well."

She twisted in his arms to glance up at her hunky husband. The moonlight cast its glow over him, giving him a beautiful gleam. His golden eyes glowed in the moonlight.

She moaned when his large hands plumped her breasts, rolling her nipples between his thumbs. Her mind struggled to string a coherent sentence together.

"Fancy a midnight moonlight swim, love?"

"Isn't it dangerous to swim in the moonlight?"

"Not when you're with me, sweetness.” Neman dipped his head to nibble on her neck. Nessa melted.

"Lead the way."

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Let's seebreaking it down into a list, I'm a: wife, mother, cook, cleaner, sewer of buttons and darner of socks, waitress, nurse, teacher, gardener (
well, sometimes
), handyperson, and writer of romantic books, just to name a few.

I am obsessed with the color blue, and a chocoholic (
Please feel free to send donations to the chocoholic's cause

I live in a small corner of Australia and have been writing ever since my teenage years, while living in a fantasy world almost endlessly. I have to thank my hubby and kids, who often knock me back to Earth and keep me grounded.

In my younger days I discovered romance novels, then paranormal romance. I'm a sucker for the ones where the hunky hero can wield a sword, save the day,
get the lady.

I welcome feedback from my readers, so feel free to e-mail me at [email protected], or you can visit my website, or Facebook

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