Moonlight on the Millpond

BOOK: Moonlight on the Millpond
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All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Cover images © Getty Images; George and Monserrate Schwartz/Alamy Images
Cover by Terry Dugan Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Author

is one of the most versatile Christian fiction writers in the
market today. Her works include pioneer fiction, a series set in Victorian
England, and contemporary novels. Lori's books (more than 4 million
copies in print) continue to delight readers and top the Christian bestselling
fiction list. Lori and her husband, Bob, live in Wisconsin and are
the parents of “the three coolest kids in the world.”


Copyright © 2005 by Lori Wick
Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97402
  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wick, Lori.
 Moonlight on the millpond / Lori Wick.
    p. cm. — (Tucker Mills trilogy ; bk. 1)
  ISBN 0-7369-1158-8 (pbk.)
  1. Brothers and sisters—Fiction. 2. Massachusetts—Fiction. 3. Sawmills—Fiction.
I. Title. II. Series.
  PS3573.I237M66 2005


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For the newest
members of the family:
Max and Rachel.
I love you.


Wonderful people I wish to thank…

























Dear Reader,

Books by Lori Wick

onderful people I wish to thank…

  Mary Margaret, who always rolls with the punches. We have rushed, and we have had time, and you're always up for it. Thank you, my friend, for your faithfulness in the Body, in our friendship, and in our working relationship. I never want to do this without you.

  Dooner (Jeff Muldoon), for the loan of the name. It's one of my favorites of all time.

  Abby, for the covered bridge. I so appreciate you and all your facets. The rare diamond that you are keeps presenting new ones, and each is a delight. Thank you for being both a friend and a daughter every step of the way. Also, thanks for going on that first trip. Those pictures are my favorites.

  Phil, for all the great teaching and wonderful words, even those that wound. Your capacity for love and patience with the Body is precious. Thank you for teaching us what it looks like to pray for all men, for never giving up on us, and for loving a repentant heart as much as God does.

  Tim and Matt, for being grown men who still seek their parents' approval. You guys are so cool. I love you.

  Bob, for not one trip to Massachusetts, but two. You're quite the travel partner, especially when the rain is dumping. Thanks for the amazing amount of work you did on this book. My mother once said that if she could have picked a husband for me from anywhere in the world, you would have been the one. I think we both have great taste.


The street quiet, almost oddly so, she waited in the usual place. Their place. The strong emotions that always filled her heart at these times were different tonight. The feelings surging through her were just as strong, but the joy and anticipation were missing. She peeked around the corner to see if he was coming and told herself to breathe when his handsome face came into view.

He noticed nothing amiss until he stepped around the corner to take her into his arms, stopping when he saw the expression on her face.

The small blonde woman looked into the eyes of the man she loved, her heart pounding with grief, knowing that it was all true: She'd been betrayed. She confronted him and then waited, clearly able to see the guilt he could not hide.

“Is it true?” she asked again, hating his silence but terrified of his answer. “Are you married?”

“I can explain,” he began hoarsely, but the woman shook her head, and he stopped.

“What could you possibly say?” she whispered. “I love you. You told me you loved me and that we'd be married someday. I was willing to wait forever.”

“We can still be together,” the man tried again, desperate not to lose her. “My wife need never know.”

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