Read Diamonds in Cream Online

Authors: Elsa Silk

Tags: #Lactation sex, #lactation fetish, #exhibitionism, #masks, #erotica, #adult breastfeeding, #breastfeeding fetish

Diamonds in Cream

BOOK: Diamonds in Cream
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Diamonds in Cream

Milk & Board #1
By Elsa Silk

sex, lactation fetish, exhibitionism, masks, erotica, adult breastfeeding,
breastfeeding fetish)



Smacking my lips to even up the gloss and wiggling my
tiniest little black skirt over my bare ass, I finally had butterflies in my
tummy saying hello. Only five minutes to spare and I shook with anticipation.
My mouth watered. My thighs trembled.

Desperation had finally driven me to accept my friend Tim’s
urgings to go out with one of his college buddies. Blind dates weren’t my
thing, especially now I was a single mom, but my nightly sex dreams were making
me antsy. My urges more erotic. I hadn’t touched a man in a year and lately,
that dry spell wasn’t so dry. I swear I walked around wet and horny. And not
just wet panties, either. My bra got in on that action.

My red shirt didn’t close all the way. I tugged on it and
buttoned from the bottom. My boobs were so big the thing didn’t want to close.
Already my milk leaked, soaking my bra and running down my stomach. With a tug,
the fleshy globes squished together and I worked the button into its hole.

It popped off and flew across the room.

“To hell with it then.” I stared down my body. I had curves
in all the right places, a bit extra on top, and it all showed—defiant and
completely unapologetic for bursting out of my clothes. My fully exposed cleavage
could hide an entire DVD case.

Six months ago I’d had my baby. Chloe, my little girl, was
having her first sleepover at grandmas while mommy was gonna go out and get
some. It’d been a while. Not since the one night stand that’d ended with a
sweet baby and these gorgeous tits had I had a cock. I licked my lips and ran
my fingers over the tops of my breasts. I’d never had my boobs fucked. Time to
do something about that. At least, I should take advantage of this hot-to-trot
mood. Besides that one-nighter, I really didn’t do things like this. Things I’d
do tonight.

The moment I told Tim to set me up, I knew I’d seduce my
blind date no matter what the man looked like. Besides. Tim was okay. His
friend would be, too. I didn’t worry he’d be a serial killer or anything. I
just worried he’d be too uptight for a no-strings one-nighter.

I smiled and my skin shivered.

My nipples puckered against the black lace that barely covered
them and poked straight out, pushing the shirt even further to the side. Milk dripped
through the thin material. I didn’t care. I threw a thigh-length jacket on,
slid on my fuck-me red stilettos, and left the apartment, a bounce in my step.

It was time. Tim said I’d recognize the car. I shrugged and
shut my door behind me.

Outside at the curb, I opened my coat a bit and the breeze
caressed my bared skin. The sound of evening traffic had a different feel and
the hot scent of city reminded me of lurid nights. I sucked it into my lungs.
My leg showed nearly to my cunt and my tits struggled to surge out of the top
of my coat. A long black car, maybe a limo—what did I know?—screeched to a halt
and the back door threw open. A sexual thrill made my breathing go rough.
Someone was in the back.

My blind date.

I climbed in and a low masculine grunt made my pussy go wet.

“Like what you see?” I purred.

A man sat back in the shadows of the long car. His strained
whisper told me all. “I do. Cindy.”

My name in that husky growl sent shivers all over me. I
licked my lips slowly. A breath caught.

“Still the same destination, sir?” The question stopped me
from sliding across the seat until I was in my date’s lap.

“Change of plans, Nelson. Take us to the Silk Club.” The deep
command coming from the man next to me sizzled over my nerve endings.

“Hello there.” I waved toward the chauffeur. Dark haired,
scruffy beard, and wide eyed, he stared at my chest.

“Evening Ma’am.” Turning to face the wheel, he cleared his

The glass between the front and back seats slid quietly up. I
sat back and let my coat fall open. I’d never been to the Silk Club. I wasn’t
sure I wanted to go, but the thrill of the taboo had taken hold and wouldn’t
let go.

“You smell heavenly,” the stranger said. I still hadn’t
gotten a look at him.

“Your name is Devin isn’t it?” Urges delicious and hot
brought a question to my lips that I knew would change my life. Deep in my gut,
the conviction and fear nearly made be balk, but fate propelled me forward.
That and a driving need for sex. This would put it all out there and he’d take
it. Something about the set of his long body in this expensive car, the
confidence radiating off him, told me. “Do you like milk?”

A blush heated my cheeks. Scalding heat ran through me and
my pussy pulsed. I held my breath.

Sure enough, his tight reply only made me want to push him,
see how far he’d go.

“I do.”

“Everybody likes milk.” I babbled a bit, rushing into the
breach. But I couldn’t stop what was about to happen. Neither could he. “I’m
really in need here. You seem like a man who’d help someone in pain.”

“Never doubt I’m there for whatever you need.”

“Good,” I rushed out. My fingers fumbled at my barely closed
shirt and I drew it aside, revealing the tiny scrap of bra that did nothing to
keep my tits from bounding out. Soft pale skin shone in the passing street
lights. My large areolas darkened, tightened. I ran my fingers along the lace,
sliding it down as I teased my naked flesh. Catching at my long, hard nipples,
I gave a tug. I tingled as my milk let down.

The internal tugging radiated from my chest. I gasped. Lust
had never hit me the same time as engorgement. The extreme passion was so
titillating I couldn’t think. I just needed. I panted. “Suckle me. It’s too

Devin groaned and slid over. A bit embarrassed and unable to
meet his eyes, I jerked my chin up to give him access. And I didn’t want to see
him. Not yet. What if he wasn’t what I wanted? What if he turned me off when I
was so past the point of pulling back? I stared forward toward the glass
separator. My mouth fell open with a hot exhale. The chauffeur had slid the
partition open just wide enough to see his rearview mirror. In the glinting
reflection, his eyes blazed. The driver’s attention flicked back and forth,
from the road, to me. My pussy throbbed, hollow and aching.

“Oh fuck.” The ragged curse sent me higher. Then a mouth
latched onto my nipple and tugged.

A long groan ripped from me and I sank into the plush seat.
A large hand kneaded my other tit. Milk squirted between his fingers and hit
the back of the glass. The driver jerked his gaze to the drops sliding down the
window. I’d never been watched before, much less had anyone stare in
fascination as my milk painted the inside of a car. I’d never been so turned on
in my life.

Devin’s tongue circled my nipple and his teeth gently bit.

“That’s good, baby, suck me, suck me.” I couldn’t stop the
pleading. Milk came hard and fast and Devin suctioned in as much of my breast
as he could. The pull as he swallowed draw a virtual line from my breasts to my
clit. He tugged and tugged, like he stroked the slit between my legs with every

I clutched his head, forcing him closer. His chest heaved
against my legs. My hips wiggled on the seat. My clit throbbed and throbbed.

“So good. I’m gonna come just from you taking my milk. Take
it. Take it all.” Yanking on his hair, I jerked him off. His mouth popped with a
loud suction and I couldn’t get a look at him, my vision was so watery from the
pleasure. I pulled him further over me and shoved my other leaking nipple
toward his mouth. His tongue lapped at me, slurping.

“Now. Take it now.” Milk flowed down my chest and pooled on
my belly. The heated liquid slid lower, finding its way to mingle with the
slickness of my pussy.

He grunted but didn’t latch on. He blew hot air across my
elongated nub. My hips jerked up and I keened, loud and long. His weight and
the clutch of his hands kept me from hitting the roof.

“You like that?” His voice was a whisper. “You like getting
your tits sucked ‘til you leak?”

I whimpered and ground down into the seat. My pussy wanted
to be filled. My body had taken control and all thought evaporated.

The car stopped and the thump of music throbbed through me.
Beady black eyes peered into the mirror, the driver’s gaze on my exposed chest.
Then the lick around my nipple and the harsh tug on the other jerked my
attention downward. Let the chauffeur watch. I didn’t care. I loved it.

Devin nuzzled my white skin just beside the dark red nipple
jutting out at him. I was so hard and aching I thought I’d scream.

All I cared about was that mouth. His red lips were wet and
puffy. It brought me such pleasure. It was my world, that gorgeous set of lips.
It was all I could see through my fuzzy vision. He snaked his tongue out and
slid it around the bottom of my stout flesh. Milk coated his tongue and he
groaned. But he held that way, open, letting it spill down his throat. Seeing
him drink from me brought me to the edge. My keening filled the car. He lapped
at me. Over and over. My eyes crossed and my vision blurred.

“Now, baby. Momma needs it now.”

His hot mouth sucked me in. My other breast spurted. I
grabbed at it, pulling and yanking to the rhythm he suckled.

“That’s it. That’s it.” I murmured over and over.

A gurgle came from Devin as he swallowed.

My body bowed and my pussy shuddered beneath my skirt.

“Hard. Suck hard.”

He did. His hands gripped my thighs, pressing in at the V of
my crotch in, putting pressure on my clit, pushing in, out. In, out. My
stimulated pussy pulsed, clutching, seeking to be filled. His teeth pressed
into me. Blushing prickles covered my chest. The heaviness of my breasts became
pain and pleasure all together.

With a scream, I came in a hot blinding flash. Milk flowed
everywhere. I shuddered and my thighs shook.

For a moment, he held me in his mouth. The buzzing in my
ears quieted and the cool night air caressed my fevered skin.

Then he sat back and straightened his clothes.

My ragged breathing was lost in the cab. I closed my eyes
and floated in the aftershocks. When my body stopped quaking, I tried to pry my
eyes open to see him, but I couldn’t do it. So far, Devin was a stranger with a
husky whisper, a commanding presence and a wicked mouth.

The pull of the music finally brought me around.

“Ready to go in?” A deep baritone asked. Devin’s voice alone
could turn me on, if I weren’t so hot for it already.

“Wait.” Sudden mild panic finally prodded me straight in the
seat. “I’m not sure we should go anywhere. My clothes are soaking wet.”

“Take them off.”

I gulped back a protest. He’d given me a command. I heard it
clearly. If he wanted to go all dominant, I could play it that way. The thrill
of stepping out of my life and living for the moment swept over me. I swallowed
and shrugged the shirt off my shoulders to let it fall on the leather seat.

“The bra.” He directed.

“You mean this slingshot?” I quickly reached around and
snapped it open. It did in fact shoot off me and hit the seatback in front of
me. I huffed a laugh.

“Stunning, Cindy. I could sit here all night and stare at

“You really like these milk jugs?” My tone was snide, as if
it’d cover my sudden vulnerability.

“I do. Any man would. Come on. I’ll show you.” He opened his
door and still in the shadow of the car, he paused. “Stay right there. I’ll
come around.”

As soon as his door shut, insecurity grabbed me by the
throat. As if he knew it would, he wasted no time opening my door. He must have
run to get around the car so fast.

A gorgeous, strong hand reached in. He still wore all his
clothes. That crisp black tux. I knew he had great hands, a gorgeous mouth,
black hair, and some stubble that had given my tits a bit of a beard burn that
started my flesh prickling again.

I took his hand, and let him pull me out, naked from the
waist up.

With a strong jaw and those full insanely perfect lips, he
was tall, broad shouldered…and now wore a black silk bandanna mask, like Zorro.
From his pocket he pulled another mask. It twinkled in the light. Rimmed around
the edges with rhinestones, this black disguise was more like a regular costume
type thing. It’d cover my upper face, hiding me. Gently, he positioned it. It
was soft and with a slow thoroughness, he tied it in the back. My cheek pressed
against the front of his jacket as he secured the straps and the barest scent
of manly cologne enticed me. I wanted to nuzzle into him to get a better whiff.

My tits were bared to the night. Everyone around us could
see them, but not my face. My body was a temple, and I was safe in anonymity.

It was going to be a fucking fantastic night. Even if I had
to wait in line in these five-inch heels. But of course we didn’t wait. At
least a dozen people stood against the side of the non-descript, plain block
building. Velvet ropes kept them from entering the well-lit door. Men in tuxes
stood to the side, the best dressed bouncers in town.

One of them caught my attention with the lift of a finger.
He licked his lips. My breast filled again. Soon I’d be engorged and aching.
Devin’s hand came lightly to the small of my back. My spine prickled at the
show of possession.

Soft, warm breath filled my ear as a body pressed against my
rear. A hard long cock rubbed into my ass. My coat and thin skirt pressed into
my hot prickly skin. The sweet scent of milk on Devin’s breath and his now
familiar whisper eased me. He might be a blind date, but he’d been just what I
needed in the back of that limo. “Care to see share the delights of The Silk
Club with me?”

I whispered a “yes” on my breath.

BOOK: Diamonds in Cream
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