Read Moonshine Murder [Hawkman Bk 14] Online

Authors: Betty Sullivan La Pierre

Moonshine Murder [Hawkman Bk 14] (31 page)

BOOK: Moonshine Murder [Hawkman Bk 14]
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They arrived at the nursing home and the nurse brought Jacob, Sr., to the vehicle in a wheelchair. He climbed into the SUV with assistance, as Jeb and Beth stood on each side of the still frail body.

A big grin formed on his lips and his blue eyes sparkled as he put his hand out. “Hawkman, good to see you again."

Taking the old man's hand, he was surprised at the strength of his grip. “You're looking good,” Hawkman said, as Beth climbed into the passenger seat. After hoisting the wheelchair and a walker into the back of the Cruiser, Jeb scooted in beside his grandpa

"How's Mutt doing?” Jacob asked.

"Great,” Jeb said.” The kids have spoiled him rotten, but he's partial to Randy. Goes with him everywhere."

They soon arrived at the cabin and the kids were waiting outside. Randy held Marcy in his arms. Earl stood beside him, grinning from ear to ear. Jacob was lifted out of the van and placed in the waiting wheelchair. Tears trickled down his cheeks, and he grinned at his family. Mutt jumped around them, barking happily.

Hawkman decided to get out of there and let the family have their reunion in private.

Several days later, Randy pedaled his bike furiously down to the Casey's house; Mutt ran behind him.

When Jennifer answered the door, he spewed out in an excited voice, “Mrs. Casey, guess what Great Grandpa's going to do?"

Jennifer laughed. “Slow down, I can hardly understand you."

"He's going to put in a road going to our house, have electricity wired in so we can have electric lights, maybe even a television and install running water so we can have bathrooms.

Then he said, if all went well, he just ‘might’ build us a new house and save the cabin for people he'd hire to help take care of our cattle ranch. We're going to have real live cows in our field."

Jennifer gave him a big hug. “Randy, that's absolutely wonderful. I hope you boys are going to get enrolled into school now."

Randy nodded. “Oh, yeah, Grandpa said Earl and I both have to go to school and graduate, or he wouldn't hire us as ranch hands."

She smiled. “Your Great Grandpa sounds like a good man."

Randy hopped back on his bike. “He's the best. Gotta go, Grandpa might need me. Come on, Mutt, let's go home."

Jennifer watched him ride like the wind up the road; one happy young boy. She was so thankful, Jacob, Jr. was in prison for a long time and would never bother this Hutchinson family again.

* * * *
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BOOK: Moonshine Murder [Hawkman Bk 14]
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