Moonweavers (11 page)

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Authors: J.T. Savage

BOOK: Moonweavers
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“Here they come.”, Tab says to the small group of the guard.  The lady in the blue jean jacket didn’t like how close they were to the ranch.

Aye.”, the pirate replies as the captain pulls out his sword.  “What we got here is a dog’s fight.”

The professor says,
“Those aren’t dogs anymore.”, as they gain closer.

The captain points his sword straight up in the air.  His other arm turns like a paddle wheel up and around, up and around in a circular motion.  The wind picks up.  The leaves blow around in front of them.  The wolves get blasted with the wind and tumble like bowling pins to the ground. 
“Spread out!”, Zoth yells.

They all attack from different sides, circling the group faster and faster.  The professor takes a big breath and holds it in.  Everything around him floats at that very second he pauses his breathing.  He walks up to one of the statue shaped wolves, while thumbing around inside his coat.  Reaching into his lab coat, he pulls out a pin, looks at it, looks down at the ground, quickly grabs a rock, sticks the pin in the wolves ear and nails it with the rock until the pin is totally submerged into the ear and then he throws the rock to the ground, takes three steps back and relieves himself to breath again.  At that very instant, the wolf tumbles to the ground and dies instantly.  The form from the other wolves trip out of place over the dead carcass of the wolf and then causing a domino effect, knock all the wolves to the ground once more. 

Zoth yells, “Form a line!”  The wolves all appear in front of him in one line, standing perfectly still and silent like a picket fence.  Zoth paces back and forth behind the men, back and forth, in a figure eight almost, quicker and quicker.  The captain just stares at the dead carcass before him, not paying attention to the other group of wolves or his fellow guard members, when he sees the dead werewolves head appear and start to remove itself from its carcass.  The captain swings down the sword and chops the newly formed ghosts head completely off, severing it, then quickly returns to the guard and sheaths his sword once more.  Zoth, the wolves leader, suddenly stops his figure eight prance and yells, “Attack!” as the wolves charge full force towards the group.  The guard all make their stand, preparing for the coming of the wolves.  Teeth chomping and chomping towards the group as they get closer and closer.  They run right through the ghosts.  Looking amazed at no flesh that their teeth fly into, seem confused how strangely they were just like the mooners.  They turn frantically and look at one another and charge again to yet have no luck or succeeding in any way.  They push them and walk towards them and back them up towards the bluff once more until they are right at the bluffs edge overlooking Patty’s ranch.  Tab frowns frantically at the sight of the small ranch below the ridge knowing from her senses that Patty was down there scared wondering what was going on and that other foreigner, the mooner, was still there.  She didn’t scare him away.  “Damnit!”, she thinks to herself.  Jade, the young girl, looks at one of the wolves and approaches it even faster, getting right next to it.  The wolf snaps and barks at the image, but just cant get his teeth around her.  It barks and growls some more.  Jade whispers in the wolf’s ear and the wolf turns back in a rage and attacks the other wolves.  Now all the wolves are bound in a fight, slashing and cutting each other up.  Its own pack up on the ridge.  The men from the bar arrive on their four wheelers at the sight of the dog fight and take aim and fire with all they have at the dogs on the ridge.  The thunder and the lightening from the gun barrels go off simultaneously shooting at the big pack of dogs fighting on the hill totally unaware of all the ghosts right before them as they fire.  Three dogs jump from the high bluff down below.  The rest of the men see a bloody gory mess, blood dripping now over the rocky edge down to the canopy eighty feet below.  One of the men say, “What a mess.  You’re not gonna get anything to take to the taxidermist outta here.”

Zoth and the two others run fast along the bluffs edge looking for the crevice that leads back to the mines.  A secret entrance they found that they all used that very night.  When they all finally entered, Zoth tells the others, “The humans have help.  Tomorrow night we will split up and head for town.”

Back on the bluff the ghosts wait. 
“It’s taking a long time.  I don’t like it.”, as they survey the pile of  blood and hair on the rocky floor.  Then when the wolves finally appear in their ghost form, the captains sword commences to chop again.  The girls and the professor start to kick at the materializing wolf ghosts, taking them down before they even exist again.  Well calculated  thorough, like they have done it a million times.  Just then, Bear Claw sees a head materialize right at the edge of the bluff.  He runs and kicks it like a football out into the darkness of the edge.  Then says, “I hope your friends find it.  Tab can you pick up on the others that got away?”

It’s not clear, I don’t know how, but I think their back in the mines.”  Tab replies.  “It’s too deep.  I’m not sure, but yea.”

Well, after taking a fall like that, I don’t think they’ll be trying anything new for awhile.  And Scott is going to be turning into one of these too, so we better get back to the cabin. Don’t ya think?” said the professor.

Bear Claw says,
“Me stay behind.  Track wolves.”

Tab says,
“Yea, me too.”

Ok then, we’ll split up.  You guys notify us if anything goes wrong or you get in to any trouble, alright?”  said the professor.  “We’ll check on Links.”

Tab says to Bear Claw, 
“I want to check on my baby.  I’ll meet up with you later.”

Why you do this Tab?”, the Indian says.

I think my daughter has a mooner boyfriend.”

But why didn’t you tell the others this?”

Well, its my home.  Its my problem.” said Tab.

But the land belongs to all of us, Tab.  It is our problem.”

Yea, but this one got personal.” Tab replies.

I can understand that yes.”, the Indian said.  “The mountain when the hunters come, .  When the buffalo perished off the earth and starved our tribes, these pains of being kicked off  having to pack up and leave everything you know, its hard.  Its very  hard.  You mustn’t stay here Tab.  You must move on.”

Tab starts to cry and hugs the big Indian and screams,
“I know, I know.  But this is a part of me.  Why can’t I just quit the guard and stay here?”

Us guardians need you, Tab.  If it weren’t for you, this could have been a lot worse.  You lead us to them.  You saved this whole town.  I’ll go with you and we’ll see who this new mooner is.  You were told that you were supposed to let us know about any mooner activities.  That’s the law.”

Thank you, Chief.  I appreciate it.”




Frank senses them draw near and bursts out the front door.  Before Patty could say anything, Frank was beyond the house in a leap off the porch.  Running frantically, he stops before the two ghosts.  The two take a stance, as the man approaches.  Scott breathing frantically says,






, wait.”, with a wave of his hand back and forth, left to right.  “I know who you are.”, he says as he looks at Tab.  “I’m not going to do her no harm.”

Okay”, says Tab.  “What are you doing here?”

Look, I haven’t been here long.  She helped me.  She was the first human I ran into.”

He’s different, ain’t he?”, she says to the Indian.

Bear Claw replies,
“He’s actually human.  I’d say that’s different.”

Yea, but can you see the aura around him?  It’s a perfectly blue light.”

No, I can’t see that.  It must be part of your powers”, the Indian says calmly as he stares at the man.

Return, but don’t you hurt my daughter,” she says in a stern voice.  “Or I will hunt you down and kill you .”

Scott shakes his head yes at the angry woman. 

“Those things weren’t wolves were they?”  Frank asks.

No, they came down the night you appeared,” said the woman in the blue jean jacket.

Chief, lets go hunt for the threat then,”  Tab says in a more orderly fashion.

The Indian shakes his head in agreement and points toward the east, back to their original destination.  Back to the wolf hunt.She Sees 

Patty appears huffing and puffing with the shotgun. Take good care of her Frank .She’s my everything’’.


“Did you see em again, Frank?  You shouldn’t come running out here unarmed.  Them wolves are mean enough to kill ya especially if there’s more than one.”

Huh? Um, yea,”  Frank says.  “Just checking.  You know how weird they sounded earlier.”

Yea, I heard a lot of the gun fire up on the bluff there though, so maybe they got em all.”

Yea, maybe,”  Frank replies.

The  buzzing of the four wheelers approach and interrupts the two as they stand out on the edge of the property. 

“Sounds like they’re headed back toward Joe’s house,”  she replies.

Hell, its only 1:30. They must have done some good.  They wouldn’t come down that fast.  They must have got them trapped up there or something and loaded up already?”

Well, I will find out tomorrow.  Shirley wants me in there at noon.  Let’s head back in.  I don’t have any shoes on,”  Patty says.  “I don’t think they’ll be back hero.  You just saved me from the big bad wolf’s,” she giggles.  “I should have brought a flashlight,” she says as she slowly stumbles around the terrain of the ground that led back to the ranch.  “Although, I guess I do appreciate you looking after me like that it’s very sweet”  before she twists the knob of the door open.  Patty kisses him on the cheek, leans the shotgun up against the wall and heads toward the kitchen.  Casually saying as Frank shuts the door, “You want some coffee?  I’m gonna make me a pot.  Maybe it will calm my nerves.”

Frank never having drank coffee is intrigued with this and says,
“Yes.  I would love some,” as he follows the young lady into the kitchen area and sits at the dining room table at the edge where he ate the best two meals of his entire life.  Frank was getting very fond of the kitchen area of the home.  He loved the thought of having just a room to eat.  It was a sense he’s never felt before.  Frank remembered that coffee was something that the humans would make in the mornings to perk them up.  After that big bolt of energy he got off the moonlight just now, he hoped his whole body wouldn’t go into an overload.  And then there is this relationship situation.  I mean sure, we had friends on the moon that would just discuss things, but we never really had a need to reproduce.  We knew our exact life cycle, when it would end to the very last seconds, so why?  I mean, that’s it.  I mean, sure he seen enough romantic movies to know what love was, but not exactly how it felt to need somebody in that sort of way.  But boy, did he love the sensation of the kiss on the couch.  How it made his whole body tingle.  He could feel that Patty felt the same.  She was more experienced at these things than him, he guessed. 

Patty sways over with coffee in both hands and sets them both down on the table and returns back to the counter to pull out a box of donut holes she purchased earlier that day. 

“These look yummy,” she says as she returns the box to the table and proceeds to sit down at the table as well with a rough wooden squeak from the chair as she scoots it in to a better sitting position.  Frank sips the coffee noisily, with a little touch of paranoia, knowing that it might boost him too far.  The slurping sound was loud.  Frank still trying to get used to his newfound lips.  The coffee was like something he had never tasted before, because, well, he hasn’t.  It was much more strong and hot than the water he had out of the fountain in the sink.  But nothing too scary happened, so he commenced to drinking a little more now. 

Patty says,
“Boy, that was weird wasn’t it?  That’s the most action to happen around here since you came around.  They say things get hectic when the moon appears at night.  Maybe there’s a little something to that since our whole bodies are made of water practically.”  She calmly goes back to sipping her coffee.  Frank is now putting a good dent in the box of donut holes.  It made the coffee not so harsh and boy, they were good.  Patty yet again, scoots the chair a little closer toward Frank so that they are touching.   The wood squeaks and moans once more.  She laughs out loud then sticks her left palm on the inside of Frank’s knee and squeezes a little higher on his thigh. “You have frosting all over your face,” she says.  She draws nearer and licks the particles off his upper lip.  The hard muscles of her tongue poke and jab at his lip as she runs it to the other corner of his face.  She begins to squeeze harder and moves a little farther up his thigh with her left hand, gently caressing his leg in a circler motion.  Then gives Frank a passionate kiss.  They make out for what seems to be hours after that, as he savors every minute of the kisses, like time stops, in a way.  She removes her hand from his thigh and roughly grabs his arm and drags him up the stairs to the bedroom door.  She now pushes Frank on to the bed and slams the door shut.  Frank falls backwards flat on his back onto the bed as she creeps closer like a cat.  The two make passionate love until the first bits of dawn appear in the sky the next morning.  It would be a night that Frank would cherish for the rest of his life.  No matter how long or short his life would be, he would always have that moment in time.  Patty turns and rolls over from her sleep, with a smile on her face.  Frank stares a long while at her.  He just wished that her mother would somehow understand his feelings for her daughter.  The lady in the blue jean jacket sure wasn’t happy with his presence there and was sure that she would be returning soon.  And who was her friend exactly?  He looked like an Indian.  It all seemed so strange to Frank.  It never even dawned on him to put ghosts into the whole equation of living on earth.  He always thought those were fairy tales that the humans made up to comfort there loss for others.  But she was her family and he was from a whole other planet so he could kind of understand how she felt about the situation.  Patty’s mouth is wide open now and slightly drooling on the pillow as she goes into deeper sleep.  He kisses her ever so gently on the forehead and slips out of the bed with the urge to get a breath of morning air and examine the sunrise.  For some reason, he wasn’t tired at all.  Must have been the strange coffee substance he consumed earlier, he imagines, or just all the adrenaline from the passionate love making that the couple had just experienced hours ago.  Whatever it was, it made his footsteps a little lighter and his smile a little more genuine and giddy from the rush.  As he walks off the wooden porch onto the wet dewy grass, with its strange white frost, Frank realizes how vulnerable he is naked.  As the wind gushes over his entire body, he quickly enters the house to put on something a little more suitable for the frigid morning air.  He hastily throws clothes on and a pair of slippers he found earlier in a room full of clothes and junk and heads for the door.  This time, as he enters on to the porch , he sits in the swinging bench, next to the banister to the right.  He calmly swings and sways, forward and back, letting the bench control his destination and watches in awe as the sun materializes and shines rays of bright light onto his face and hands, amazed at the warmth of it all compared to the morning chill.  The leaves suddenly move frantically, as the first wind chimes through with its noisy bark of an introduction that the wind is approaching.  He notices that the birds chirp a little louder the higher the sun ascends.  The sun, big  red and, beautiful.  It’s amazing how the whole earth is so alive.  He hears Patty now coming down the stairs.  She suddenly emerges through the door. 

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