Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy (5 page)

Read Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy Online

Authors: Sandra Callister

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy
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Richard and John looked at each other. John nodded at Charles. “That sounds like a sensible solution.”

Richard glared at Charles. “That’s okay as long as this old fool does as you say, but I very much doubt it.” With that he stormed out of the room straight into the path of Sarah.

From the doorway she looked at the two men left chatting in the study and was overwhelmed with a feeling of love. She walked to the side of her father and took his arm. “Is everything settled now?”

John looked down at his precious daughter; God was good when He gave them Sarah. He nodded. “Yes, thanks to Charles here.”

John saw the look that passed between his daughter and Charles Wesley, and wondered what was going on.


They all moved to the drawing room and Mary brought in the tea tray and they all sat and talked quietly about the less stressful things in life. The door opened and in walked Emily. Her hair was in disarray and she still had her boots on. She looked a sight and they all started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” She said as she removed her boots and left them in the hall and walked back into the room and threw her gardening gloves onto a side table. “Ah, tea, be a darling Sarah, and get me a cup.”

When Sarah had left the room Emily looked at the now quiet men, she noticed that her husband was edgy. “What’s been going on?”

John explained about the argument with Richard.

Emily looked at Charles. “So, Charles came to the rescue again. Whatever would we do without you?”

Charles stood up. “I think I should go and find Richard, we are supposed to be checking over the dry stone walls this morning a few of them have started to fall down.”

He left the drawing room just as Sarah was crossing the hall a cup and saucer in her hand. “Are you okay now?”

“Oh yes. I’m fine now. Sorry about that silly affair upstairs.”

He looked deep into her lovely blue eyes. “Nonsense, I’m here whenever you want me.” He took her hand in his. “You know that don’t you?”

Sarah smiled, loving the feel of his strong hands on hers. Unable to speak she looked up at him and nodded. She watched him walk to the rear door. She felt her stomach do somersaults and wanted to giggle and took a deep breath to settle herself. In the drawing room she handed her mother the cup and saucer, still in a dream.

“You didn’t need to rush, my dear, you look quite flushed.”

Sarah backed towards the door. “I think I will just take Brandy for a little walk. Take some air.”

When the door was shut Emily laughed to herself as she poured herself a cup of tea.

“What’s so funny?” John asked now sitting by the fire. He nodded towards the door. “Something funny going on with her, she has a strange look on her face. I think she’s coming down with something. Better keep an eye on her.”

Emily laughed. “Oh, John can’t you see that your little girl is in love.”

John spluttered over his tea. “What! She’s just a child. Who’s the fellow, I’ll have a word?”

“John. It’s Charles. Every time he walks into the room her face lights up. What’s more, I think he feels the same.”

John sat back in his chair. “Well, I never did.”


Charles found Richard saddling his horse in the stables. Richard looked at him. “I’ve asked the groom to saddle your horse too. We can get about a lot easier on these than in the jeep.”

He gently stroked the horse’s neck. “Father thinks a lot of you Charles. Thanks for what you did in there, sometimes I could strangle the old man, he can be so stubborn.”

Charles smiled to himself. He was not the only one, he thought.

Sarah grabbed her coat and stood at the rear door tying her scarf. She watched the boys mount their horses and leave down the back lane. She sauntered down the lane after them, throwing sticks for Brandy the Springer Spaniel and kicking stones, not a care in the world. Charles had held her hand and looked into her eyes. He liked her, she was sure of that. He had said she could always turn to him for anything. She thought of earlier events in her bedroom. Should she tell him about her ghost or would he think her mad. She shook her head. No, better to keep quiet, it’s best forgotten.

Next morning Sarah woke early, jumped out of bed and opened the curtains. It was a grey day and rain drizzled down her window pane, no matter, Victoria was back from her holidays and she was coming for the weekend. Soon it would be her birthday she needed her friend to back her up when she asked her father if she could have a party, she knew he couldn’t disappoint both of them. She dressed quickly and ran downstairs, she was hungry. As she entered the dining room her mother noticed she had a skip in her step.

“You’re in a good mood this morning.”

“Victoria’s coming to stay, remember? I’ve got so many ideas for my party I can’t wait to tell her.”

Emily smiled and sipped her tea. “Party, what party is this?”

“Oh Mother, we’ve never had a decent party here since we moved in. It’s time we got all our friends together and had a good time with music and dancing.”

“Really, I’ll talk to your father this evening, after dinner, he’ll be mellow then. That’s if Richard doesn’t upset him again.”

Sarah hugged her mother, and then filled her plate with bacon and eggs.

“I’ll talk to Richard and tell him my plans, keep him out of dad’s way. Where are the boys anyway?”

“They were both up bright and early, something to do with lambs or cows or something.”

Emily wiped her mouth on her napkin and looked at her daughter. “I was thinking of going into Preston this morning to do a spot of shopping.”

“Can’t you wait until tomorrow and then Victoria and I could come with you? I need a new dress for the party, I’ve nothing to wear.”

Emily raised an eyebrow. “I think you should go through your wardrobe, my girl. Nothing to wear, it’s a wonder you can close the wardrobe doors, you have so many dresses.”

The look on Sarah’s face changed. The thought of being in the bedroom alone with you know who was too much.

Emily watched the gloom descend on her daughter’s face and misinterpreted it has disappointment. “Okay I’ll wait until tomorrow if it means that much to you, but I want to leave bright and early mind. No dilly dallying. Is that understood?”

“Mum, you’re a gem.” Sarah skipped from the room. “Now to find father and get some extra spends.”


Her friend arrived just after lunch. The girls held each other and chatted like little school girls. Victoria ranted on and on about the things she’d seen and done with her cousins. Sarah was a little jealous; she didn’t have any relatives to visit.

She picked up a pad and pen and looked at her friend. “Let’s go to your room. We’re going to have a party, that’s if mother ever gets around to asking father, if she doesn’t we’ll just have to tackle him ourselves; he can’t refuse the two of us. Come on we’ve so much to sort out.”

In Victoria’s room Sarah sat on her bed while Victoria put her clothes away. Sarah chatted on and on about how she wanted the party to go. “Oh I haven’t told you Richard’s home and he’s brought a friend. Father’s quite taken with him and has given him a job here, so we’ll be seeing a lot of him. The boys won’t be back until dinner tonight, and then I’ll introduce you. Wait until you see Charles Wesley, Richard’s friend, he’s gorgeous.” Sarah swooned and fell back on the bed.

Seeing this, Victoria jumped on the bed alongside her friend. “Charlie boy, is it? Tell me more.” They were soon in fits of giggles. Charlotte watched from across the room and shook her head. They were such children.

The girls took special care over their appearance that evening. When they entered the dining room all heads turned their way. Emily could see a difference in her daughter. She was glowing. Instead of the silly, giggly girls she had so often seen, both Sarah and Victoria entered the room with unusual decorum. Emily glanced at both Charles and Richard for their reaction. Charles, such a gentleman, stood and held a chair for Sarah. Richard on the other hand just sat and watched Victoria move towards him. At her chair she stopped and looked down at him and smiled. Richard’s mind was in turmoil. Where had this creature been hiding? Last time he saw her she was a freckle faced teenager. Charles coughed and nodded to Richard. In his haste to stand he pushed back with his knees and knocked over his chair. Sarah couldn’t stop laughing, which embarrassed Richard.

“I’m sorry, please sit.” he said.

Victoria looked at Sarah and smiled. Richard wanted to crawl under the table. What a fool he looked. Richard who was usually chatty could think of nothing to say to Victoria. He made jokes with Sarah and Charles and made general conversation with his father about the farm, occasionally giving Victoria a sideways glance. What was wrong with him, why couldn’t he talk to the girl? Charles on the other hand kept both the girls amused. John sat back in his seat and looked at his family sat around the table and was content.

After dinner they all sat in the drawing room drinking coffee. John sat in his armchair, a glass of brandy in one hand and a cigar in the other. Sarah nodded to Emily and mouthed party.

Emily smiled and nodded. “John, my dear.”

John looked up at his wife; he could feel the money slipping through his fingers already.

“As its Sarah’s birthday in two week’s time, I thought we might have a small get together.”

Sarah frowned and glared at her mother.

“Sarah can invite some of her work friends and perhaps Richard could invite some of his friends from college. It wouldn’t be that expensive and we haven’t had a party since, well I can’t remember.”

John frowned and looked at the three women. “If I was to say no, you three would sulk and make my life a misery. So, yes, go ahead. Not too many people though, I’m not made of money.”

Sarah couldn’t contain herself and ran to her father and enveloped him in her arms. “You’re the best Father in the world.”

John laughed and hugged his daughter. “I’ll soon be the poorest at this rate.”

For the rest of the evening the girls sat with their heads together making plans. Richard and Charles left to play a game of snooker in the games room upstairs.


Charlotte sat watching as Richard racked the balls, Charles with cue and chalk in hand, pondered his next words carefully. “Richard, does Sarah have a boyfriend?”

Richard, surprised, looked at his friend. “Good Lord, I’ve never even thought about it. Why do you ask?” Seeing how uncomfortable his friend was, he smiled to himself. He had seen the way they looked at each other, but he wasn’t going to give Charles an easy ride.

Charles straightened his back and looked at his friend. “I was wondering if she might go out with me.”

Richard spun round. “What you and my little sister, yuk.” He almost laughed at Charles’s surprised expression and had to turn away.

Charles bristled. “She may be your little sister, but she is also a very beautiful young woman in case you hadn’t noticed and what’s wrong with me, may I ask?”

“Oh, I’ve noticed you, you letch.” Charles was taken aback at his friend’s hostile tone and as Richard approached him feared a blow was coming. He stood tall as Richard put his arm round his friend’s shoulders. “Look here. I love my not so little sister, but don’t you tell her that, and if she were to go out with a bloke, I couldn’t think of anyone better.”

Charles hadn’t realised that he was holding his breath, he now relaxed. “So you don’t mind?”

Richard shook his head.

“But what about your parents what will they think?”

Richard chalked his cue and held a solemn look. “Ah. Now that needs some thinking about. Mother will be all gushy no doubt, but father, now that’s another matter, after all it is his little girl we are talking about, but he already knows your prospects. What does Sarah have to say for herself?”

“I haven’t asked her yet. Wanted to see how the land lies, so to speak.”

“Well if you don’t let her know soon, before this party, watch out, because you know what the lads from Uni are like. They’ll have her whisked off her feet in no time at all.”

Charles frowned, he had already thought of that.


Their shopping trip was a great success. Both Sarah and Victoria had bought a new ball gown for the party. Emily had thought they were a bit over the top, but didn’t want to spoil their fun. Little did she know that the boys and the girls had stipulated formal evening wear only on the invitations, the girls were excited, and the boys thought it would be a laugh.

That week the phone was in constant use as Sarah and Victoria rang their friends. Soon they had a long list of girl’s names.

Victoria looked glum. “This is a good start but it won’t be much of a party without any men.”

“Well, some of the girls are bringing their boyfriends. I’ll talk to Richard see what he has up his sleeve.” At the mention of Richard’s name Sarah saw that Victoria went all dreamy eyed. “You really like my brother don’t you?”

“Oh, Sarah, I have longed for your brother since I was sixteen. I thought he was good looking then, but now, wow.”

“Fancy that, you and my brother. Wait till I tell him.”

“Don’t you dare, Sarah Gardener, if he likes me he’ll soon let me know.”

Sarah thought she knew the answer to that, but she could never be sure of her brother. She knew he had been with many girlfriends while at university because he always bragged about them. She wondered how many Charles had taken out. Charlotte stood by the window looking out and turned at the mention of Richard’s name. So this silly girl had taken a fancy to Richard, well she would have to put a stop to that, he belong to her and one day she would make her move.


Over the following few days the house was filled with excitement and much activity. Emily wanted everything to be spotless and had employed extra help. The guest rooms had to be cleaned and aired in case someone would want to stay the night. Mrs Shaw and Mary were busy in the kitchen sorting out what food would be required and Emily had told Mrs Shaw to get in more help if and when she needed it. The hall was to be decorated with streamers and balloons and plenty of flowers. Charlotte was also getting excited and floated around the house eagerly waiting for the big night when there would be music and dancing, just like old times.

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