Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy (6 page)

Read Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy Online

Authors: Sandra Callister

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy
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On the eve of the party Emily was exhausted and went to bed early. John retired soon after, leaving the boys chatting about the estate, cars and horses. Sarah and Victoria were in Victoria’s bedroom too excited to think of sleep. They were busy rifling through magazines looking for the perfect hairstyle and the most natural makeup. They were both surprised when they heard the clock strike twelve and Sarah decided it was time for some beauty sleep and said good night to her friend. In her bedroom she undressed and slipped her nightgown over her head and slid beneath the sheets. She had left the curtains open and she looked in wonder at the moon and the dark sky filled with sparkling stars. What would tomorrow bring? Would Charles sweep her off her feet? She heard the boys laughing and joking as they passed her door. She looked at her clock, one a.m. ‘Come on sleep I don’t want to have bags under my eyes tomorrow.’ Three other young people were also having a restless night with much on their minds.


The next morning Sarah opened her eyes and stretched. She stood by the window, the sun was shining, and she could hear the birds singing in the trees, it was going to be a lovely day. She washed and dressed quickly and went downstairs. When she entered the dining room there was a chorus of happy birthdays and gifts were passed to her. She was disappointed that Charles was absent. She quickly opened her presents, scarf and gloves, earrings, and a small parcel from Charles. She put it quickly in her pocket; she wanted to open it in the privacy of her room.

It wasn’t long before Richard made his exit. “It may be your birthday, sister dear, but a farm doesn’t run by itself.” He slid back his chair and left the room.

Her father gave her a kiss on her cheek and he left to go to his study, leaving just Emily and the girls.

Emily rested her knife and fork on her plate and looked up at the girls. “How are you two young ladies going to occupy yourselves today?”

“I thought I’d take Victoria for a walk down by the river, it’s such a lovely day.”

“Good idea, it would get you from under my feet, I have a lot to organise today. Wrap yourselves up warm; we can’t have you both coming down with colds.”


In the kitchen Mrs Shaw was busy icing a birthday cake, she knew that Mrs Gardener wanted it ready by lunchtime so that it could be put in a safe place until the party that night.

Emily entered the kitchen looking stressed. “Oh, Mrs Shaw that cake looks lovely, I’m impressed, and how is everything going?” She didn’t wait for a reply. “Now, tonight we will need nibbles and bits and pieces and the usual party fair. Sarah says that she has invited about twenty, but knowing my daughter I would like you to cater for fifty. Better too much than too little. Mr Gardener and Mr Howard are organising the drinks, so I don’t need to worry about that.”

Mrs Shaw wiped her hands on the towel that was permanently tied to her apron and looked at her employer. “Mrs Gardener, please don’t worry, I have everything under control, my girls will be busy all day, but everything will be ready on time, I can promise you that.”

Emily sighed. “That’s very reassuring Mrs Shaw. I have so much still to do; it’s nice to know I can leave things in your capable hands.”

Emily took her leave of the kitchen and entered the hall and bumped into Richard and Charles larking about. Richard steadied his mother and apologised.

“Can’t you boys do something helpful for a change?”

Richard looked at Charles and smothered a laugh. “I’m sorry Mother we came in for a drink, but if you need our assistance, just lead the way.”

In the grand hall, John was trying to tie in a string of streamers that refused to be fixed to the wall.

Richard pulled up a ladder to the wall. “Here Father let me do that.”

John was relieved, his face was quite flushed and he hurried off to his study. Under Emily’s direction the boys spent the next couple of hours sorting through the decorations. When Emily brought in a large basket of flowers, Richard raised his hands.

“Now that is woman’s work. No way are we arranging flowers.”

Emily laughed and shooed them on their way. “Can you go and check on the girls they have been gone such a long time. I saw them walking down the lane heading towards the stream and it’s almost time for lunch.”

“Did you say lunch, I’m starving.”

“Richard you are always starving. Mrs Shaw has made a stew, nothing fancy she is far too busy preparing for this party, it will be ready in half an hour or so.”

She flicked her wrist. “Go on. By the time you have the girls back here it will be ready.”


Outside Charles took a deep breath looked down at the ground and kicked an imaginary stone.

Looking sideways Richard asked. “Have you spoken to Sarah yet?”

He shook his head. “No. I never seem to get her alone.”

“Well, now is your opportunity, I’ll keep Victoria busy and you take Sarah to one side and do the deed, but Charles, be gentle with her.”

Charles could see the humour in his friend’s eyes and went to thump him. Richard was far too quick for him and ran towards the woods and the stream, Charles following close behind. They soon spotted the girls sitting on the grass banking. Richard put his finger to his lips and began to creep towards them. Charles kept close behind. As they got closer they could hear the girls’ conversation. They were discussing the party, and who they were going to dance with.

“I suppose you will be dancing with every man tonight, with it being your birthday, or will you only have eyes for one?”

Charles pricked up his ears.

“Victoria, he is always so polite and friendly, I think he likes me but I don’t think he sees me that way. I long for him to hold me.”

Richard gave Charles the thumbs up.

“And you, Victoria, have you anyone special in mind, as if I didn’t know.”

“Oh Sarah, you know he takes my breath away every time he looks at me, but all he sees is his sister’s little friend, if only he would.....”

Richard in his haste to hear more stepped on a twig and the noise brought the girls whizzing round.

“Richard Gardener, how long have you been there?”

Richard shrugged and looked at his friend. “We just arrived. Why?”

The girls looked at each other. Victoria looked down at the ground feeling embarrassment engulf her.

“Oh, nothing, you just scared us, that’s all.”

Richard roared with laughter. “Mother says we are to bring you home, lunch is ready.”

As they brushed the grass from their clothing, Richard steered Victoria to one side and they headed towards the house. Charles looked at Sarah and smiled. He reached up and released a piece of grass entangled in her long hair. Sarah thinking he was about to kiss her held her breath and stumbled forward and Charles caught her in his arms. They were quite still, looking into each others eyes. She could feel the heat emanating from his body. She knew she should move away, but she didn’t want to. Charles gently kissed her full on the lips. Sarah could feel her knees weaken and leant into him and kissed him back, her heart was pounding and she felt butterflies in her stomach. With his arms still around her she placed her head on his shoulder. Charles kissed the top of her head and held her close; he could smell the fragrance of her.

“Sarah, you must know how I feel about you. You’re in my mind constantly, first thing in the morning until last thing at night. Richard keeps on asking why I’m smiling all the time. It’s because of you. I care so much for you Sarah and I’m hoping you feel the same.”

She looked up into his eyes excitement running through her. “Charles I have always cared for you, from the first day Richard brought you home.”

He hugged her to him. They wanted to stay in each others arms forever and they both laughed when Richard shouted for them to hurry up.

“Sarah, tonight at the party, you haven’t invited anyone special have you?”

She smiled. “There is no-one more special than you. I don’t care if no-one turns up at the party tonight as long as I have you by my side.”

Charles smiled with relief and pulled her into his arms and crushed his lips onto hers. Hand in hand they walked towards the others.

From a distance Richard could see that they were holding hands and raised an eyebrow. Victoria watched them too and had mixed feelings, she felt a little jealous, but happy for her friend at the same time. Richard with his long strides moved quickly through the grass and bushes leaving Victoria to fend for herself. She practically had to run to keep up with him only catching snatches of his conversation which seemed to be about horses. She snagged her foot on a bramble and fell over, Richard didn’t even notice, by the time she reached his side her clothing was messy and her hair tangled. Richard looked down at her; her face was smudged with mud. Without thinking he raised his hand to wipe the mark from her face and Victoria closed her eyes. His hand touched her cheek and he removed most of the mud with his thumb, she held her breath feeling the familiar tingle deep inside her. Everything seemed still and she opened her eyes to find Richard looking down at her, her heart skipped a beat and she hoped, wished he would move closer. For one minute she thought he was about to kiss her but the moment was lost as he laughed and took several dried leaves from her hair.

“Come on you mucky pup, lunch is waiting.” Victoria watched him walk away from her towards the house and wondered if that could be taken for a term of endearment.


Over lunch John constantly grumbled about the upheaval in the house and rushed down his stew and left the dining room to have some peace and quiet in his study. Emily noticed how quiet the children were. She sneaked a look at Sarah who was playing with her stew and kept on giving Charles sideways glances. Charles had a silly grin on his face. She knew what was wrong with them. Richard on the other hand was busy eating and took another bread roll. He always did have a good appetite. Victoria was pushing her food around her plate, but didn’t lift her head to look at the others; she looked quite sullen, most unusual.

“Is there something wrong with your food Victoria? You’ve hardly touched it.”

All eyes turned in her direction and the colour rose up her neck.

“It’s delicious, really. I just don’t feel very hungry. I’m sorry.”

“Oh dear, I do hope you’re not coming down with something.”

“No, really, I’m fine.”

Sarah looked across at her friend and then at Richard. Her brother could be so stupid sometimes, couldn’t he see how she felt.


With lunch over, Emily made one final check around the house and was assured that things were okay in the kitchen. She looked exhausted and Mrs Shaw told her to take it easy. She decided she would have a nap and went upstairs. Richard went off to the stables, he had a mare in foal and decided to check on her whilst Charles made his way to the dining room for a little peace, he had some paperwork to finish off.

Sarah wanted to sing and dance and show everyone how happy she was. She linked arms with Victoria and they made their way to her bedroom. She hugged her friend. “Oh, Victoria, Charles really cares for me, he told me so and wants me to be his girl, he held me close and we kissed, it was wonderful.”

Victoria smiled. “I’m happy for you, you make a handsome couple.”

Sarah saw the look of gloom on her friends face and was cross with herself. “Vicky, I’m so sorry going on about me and Charles, you look so sad, did Richard not say anything to you?”

Her lip quivered and she shook her head. “All he talked about was his horses and the farm. I practically had to run by his side to keep up with him and when I fell he didn’t even notice. Sarah, he still thinks of me as a silly school girl.”

“Well, we’re not having that; there is only one thing to do. Tonight you are going to be the bell of the ball. We are going to make him notice you, make him see what he has been missing. We need a plan.”


That evening Mr Howard was kept busy showing guests into the house. He had employed extra staff and they were busy making the rounds with glasses of champagne. Soon the great hall was full of chatty friends and acquaintances, all waiting for the birthday girl.

Charlotte moved amongst the guests admiring the beautiful gowns, feeling the excitement in the air. This was just how it used to be, Moorcroft was alive once more.

In their bedroom, Emily was busy trying to tie a bow tie for John who would not keep still.

“Why do I have to wear one of these? What’s wrong with a simple tie?”

Emily slapped his hand away. “Nothing at all, but tonight is for your daughter and she wants this evening to be special, so stop your grumbling.”

Emily was wearing a long dress of palest blue. She gave a twirl and looked at John. “Well?”

He smiled and gave her a hug. “You’ll do for me.”

There was a knock at the door and in charged Richard bow tie in hand. “Mother, do we really have to wear these ridiculous contraptions?”

John laughed. “A little task for you, I think, my dear.” He left the room with a smile on his face.


Sarah and Victoria had connecting rooms and the carpet between the two must have been worn out that evening. Sarah’s blonde hair had been swept up into a French roll decorated with tiny sparkling diamonds on hair slides. She wore an off the shoulder cream evening dress that showed off her lightly tanned skin. She looked at herself in the mirror; she moved from side to side admiring the way the skirt swayed with her movements. Victoria had decided to sweep her auburn hair back from her face; tiny curls gently caressed her neck and showed off her jet antique dangling earrings. She wore a necklace to match, the darkness showing off her delicate pale complexion. Her evening dress was made of dark green satin, with a wide neckline, fitted bodice and a full skirt, which rustled when she walked. Both girls admired each other.

There was a knock at the door and Emily entered. “Are you ready girls?” She gasped when they both stood before her, waiting for her approval. She made each of them twirl around. “You are going to knock them dead; you both look like you have just stepped out of a glossy fashion magazine.” She gave each of them a very careful hug. “I think everyone has arrived, the house is full to overflowing, just how many people did you invite Sarah?”

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