More Than Chains To Bind (2 page)

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Authors: Stevie Woods

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: More Than Chains To Bind
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I wasn't even sure if he realized--or perhaps "accepted" would be a better way of putting it--his feelings for me. As far as I was concerned, his jealousy was obvious, though I doubted it was apparent to anyone else. The main problem was the difference in our stations. Not for me. Lords of Creation, I knew of no one better, more noble, more worthy than Hollis, but I also knew he would see our comparative positions as an insurmountable barrier. I had to find a way to make him understand I not only welcomed his interest, but desired it.

I may be a prince of the ruling house of Tesla, but I had never been in direct line to the throne. I have two older brothers, both married with issue now. My position in the royal family was of such insufficient value that, with a little persuasion, my father had agreed I could make this trip to the coast with only a small retinue. The king had made just one proviso, one with which I had been happy to comply: I listen to Hollis implicitly as my Guardian and obey, without question, any of his suggestions regarding my security. I had also chosen to bring along Andim as a valet-cum-general factotum. I still wondered if Hollis understood how little my role really mattered in the scheme of things. I remained
prince, and he had made my safety his whole world.

Just then, I caught Hollis' eye and I knew from his forbidding expression that Fortil was about to get a visit from a very pissed off Guardian. In that moment, I decided as soon as we were out of here and back home I would invite an off-duty Hollis to my rooms and have a long talk with him. I'd had enough of living a half-life. I wanted more; I wanted everything. I wanted Hollis.

And then, in a split second, everything changed.

With no warning whatever, a group of armed men surrounded us. I didn't recognize who they were, but somehow I knew they were powerful--and dangerous. My attention had been momentarily drawn away from Hollis and, with a sense of foreboding, I quickly looked back at him just as he launched himself to his feet. In the same instant, I also saw one of the invaders bring up a
and aim it directly at Hollis. My heart pounded in my chest. One blast from that weapon and my Guardian would be dead.

"Hollis!" I yelled, damned relieved when I saw him freeze, held by the threat of the weapon and perhaps the panic in my voice.

Then another voice cut across the many murmurs and shouted questions flowing around the room.

"Quiet! Who is in charge here?" The voice belonged to a tall man and his demand was met with silence. He wore a smarter version of the clothing worn by the invaders, charcoal grey trousers topped by a black jacket fastened with two rows of small buttons. He had long black hair, which he wore loosely, and dark eyes that glittered coldly as he waited for an answer.

Stepping forward, Antell spoke up. "I'm patriarch of the tribe of the seven villages."

"Listen well!" He faced Antell, but the man's words were loud enough for all to hear. "If you obey and cause us no problems, we'll take what we wish and leave you unharmed. If you disobey, we'll take what we wish and kill the others. Choose!"

"What is it you want?" Antell asked.

The stranger smiled, but there was no humor in it. "The young, strong and healthy. We will choose those we wish."

* * * *

Oh Lords of Creation, Liander.
The man had just described my prince.

Liander must have known the danger he was in, too, because he looked at me and with everything he was--without a word, merely by the power of his personality--he told me not to interfere. He believed he knew me so damned well, and in most things he did, but did he actually think I could ever obey that silent demand? It wasn't in me; I'd die to protect him. Didn't he know that? Then with one more look at him, I realized he knew exactly that and he didn't want me to risk my life for him. I held his gaze.

One of the invaders grabbed him by the shoulder and twisted him around to look him over. He also glanced at Fortil.

"These two," he called to someone behind him, and I saw another of them move forward carrying a thick bar from which chains and manacles were hanging.

I watched in growing horror as one end of a chain was manacled to Fortil's right ankle while the other was attached to Liander's left.

"No! Let him be," I yelled instinctively, my eyes fixed on the tableau across the room from me.

The leader, who had been standing idly by at the head of the table, swung around at the sound of my voice, even as Antell stood and said sharply, "Hollis!" I glared at the headman, understanding his position and trusting he understood mine. I was Guardian to a prince of the ruling house.

While my attention was on Antell, the leader of the invaders had come up behind me and, with a grip of iron on my shoulder, turned me to face him. I didn't have time to shield my emotions.

"You have a spark of fire in your eyes. You are older than I usually take, but your spirit is that of a warrior, not a shepherd."

Close up I saw for the first time he was quite an impressive specimen himself. He grasped my biceps and it took all my willpower to let him, understanding if I didn't continue to impress him I would most certainly be left behind when they took away Liander. I flexed my muscles and drew myself to my full height, making him look up to meet my eyes, challenging him with my gaze.

"Nor a sheep," he continued. "Pair him with that one," he instructed one of his men, indicating another young villager.

I turned to look at Liander only to see him and Fortil being propelled toward the door at the other end of the hall. He was looking over his shoulder at me, and when he saw a manacle being placed on my ankle, I saw a quick flash of relief in his eyes, soon replaced by consternation. Emotionally, he wanted me there with him; logically, he wanted me free. He didn't understand my only freedom lay in his company.


Chapter 3


I had an idea about who these raiders were, but I hoped I was wrong. I had never seen them, of course, but their raids on our coastal villages all along the western parts of our lands were a constant thorn in our side and my father had the seas constantly patrolled there. What we had never expected was they might raid this far south, but I believed it could be the only answer.

They made us walk in pairs, chained together at our ankles, and once we were outside the hall they placed a thin chain around the waist of one of each pair--me in our case--and ran a chain through a large ring attached to the side of the waist chain. Thus, each pair of prisoners was attached to all the others. I noticed the end of the long chain was secured to a thick belt worn by one of our captors who stood at the head of the line.

I tried to speak to Fortil to see if he was of the same mind. Unfortunately, he'd been rudely thrust into sobriety and wasn't reacting well. He snarled at me to shut up when I asked if he recognized the raiders, and I was shocked when he shoved me roughly away. I almost fell and it was only one of the two men chained together in the line behind us who stopped me from falling.

"Are you well, my prince?" one of them asked.

"Please do not use my title," I murmured, eyes darting to our guards.

The man blushed. "Of course not. I apologize," he murmured.

I saw no point in trying to talk to Fortil any further and took the opportunity to converse with the pair behind me instead.

"Have these people ever raided your village before?"

One of them was beginning to respond when one of the guards pushed me back into line with Fortil. As he did so the villager behind called out, "No!"

He received a sharp slap to the side of the head for his trouble. "Keep your mouth shut!" the guard ordered.

I glanced over my shoulder at the man again as we were herded forward. Are you all right? I mouthed at him, and he nodded. I was relieved; I hated the idea of causing even more trouble for my companions in our predicament.

I knew Hollis and his partner were somewhere toward the back of the line of captives. I did my best to try to see where Hollis was. I was relieved I could pick him out due to his height and, though I couldn't see his face, his hair was distinctive. Hollis was a few years older than me, not as much older as he tried to pretend, though I have to admit the distinct streak of gray hair at his right temple did add a distinguished air to his looks. I knew I should wish Hollis was still back inside the meeting hall, left behind in safety, but the truth was all I felt was relief at his presence. Part of me wanted to scream at him for putting himself in danger for me; another part was touched that he felt so strongly about me.

It was then I also saw about a dozen young women chained together in their own separate group. It explained some of the screaming we had heard while they gathered the men they wanted from the hall. I hoped those women who hadn't been chosen had been left behind safe and sound in their homes. The leader of the raiders had told Antell his men wouldn't harm anyone if the villagers obeyed, but the women outside wouldn't have heard that or known what was happening. They would've been in small groups, maybe even just individual families. And there was no one more protective of her children than a mother. I prayed no mother had been hurt trying to protect daughters the raiders had chosen to take.

I twisted around again trying to see Hollis, trying to catch his eye if it was at all possible. I could see his position, but with the others between us and with the guards walking up and down, I couldn't get a clear line of sight and I doubted he could see me either. Did he know exactly what was happening here? Probably, I acknowledged. Hollis' profession was based on threat assessment and if this wasn't a threat, what was? The odds were he knew what was going on from the moment the leader asked for--how did he word it? Oh yes, the young, strong and healthy. I hadn't put two and two together then, but damn, was it any clearer that these men wanted slaves?

They probably wanted strong workers. What about the women, though? Servants maybe? Of course, my mind then went on a trek for the possible different uses for slaves, female and male. The ones which jumped most forcefully into the front of my mind were not workers or servants, but slaves for sexual practices.

To my consternation, my body reacted to the unexpected--but not unwelcome--vision that popped into my head of Hollis shoved up against a wall with me plastered all over him. That was actually one of my less interesting fantasies involving the man who had become my best friend. I savagely shut out any others as my cock was uncomfortably constricted by these suddenly too tight excuse for trousers I had agreed to wear just for the pleasure of seeing Hollis in his.

I was brought back to my precarious situation by a bark of harsh laughter and turned to see Fortil staring at the evidence of my thoughts. He leaned over and said in that rough manner of his, "Share those thoughts when we're alone, and I can make you scream as you come. You'll never have anybody better than me shoved up your backside."

I stared at him and then down at my now disappeared erection and smiled back at him. "Obviously, that is patently untrue."

He snarled at me again and raised a hand. I lifted my arm to block the blow I could see coming from the anger in his eyes, but the arm never fell. One of the guards grabbed Fortil's arm and twisted it behind his back, making him yelp.

"Punishment is my prerogative," said a sharp voice behind us, and I turned to see the leader. He looked at me, but his words were for Fortil. "Touch my property and you will suffer for it. Especially this one," he added, his voice quieter, calmer.

He moved nearer to me and stared at my face for a moment before allowing his gaze to peruse my figure. He slowly allowed his eyes to trace the lines of my body clearly visible through the skintight clothing. I felt hot and uncomfortable under his gaze, embarrassed as I felt the heat fill my face.

"What is your name?" he asked. His voice was low and silky, and I swear I could feel the words stroking the skin of my arms.

I shivered.

"Lian," I replied, abruptly cutting off the second half of my name, deciding on the spur of the moment not to use my full name. I had no wish for the raider to consider the possibility he had captured a prince of the royal house. I would have to make sure the rest of the villagers used the shortened version.

He stared at me, but made no comment. I prayed none of my father's subjects would reveal who I really was. I purposely didn't look at Fortil, hoping his anger at me wouldn't bring about my betrayal. Still, I wanted to forestall any more questions. I looked at the leader and suddenly, the words unbidden, I asked him, "What's your name?"

He laughed. "Why would you care? We Diolis take you at our whim, so knowing my name cannot help you."

"Then it can't harm you to tell me, can it?" The man had answered more than I asked when he confirmed he was a Diolis.

He laughed again. "Perhaps you should've been paired with the tall one? You have his nerve, I think."

My heart fluttered at the comment. I waited, hoping he would put us together, but he just stared at me. Then he frowned.

"You were the one," he said thoughtfully, and I knew he'd recognized Hollis had drawn attention to himself because of me. "I am Cor'lyn. I might buy you myself," he added almost casually as he turned away.

As he left, Fortil grabbed my arm and said angrily, "Why would you want to know his name,
" He curled his lip as he said the new version of my name. "You can only call him master now."

"I call no man
" I snapped back, pulling out of his grip.

It seemed obvious the Diolis had extended their raiding area, and I wondered if they had ever raided along the south coast before. It seemed unlikely, for surely the villagers from the south would have asked my father for help. Still, any information would be useful. It was worth one more try.

I tugged on Fortil's arm. "I need to know. Have they raided your villages before?"

* * * *

We were heading for the next bay where the fishermen kept their boats docked. I had been surprised when we first arrived at how deep the water was along this section of our southern coast. Antell had explained the Lords of Creation had gifted them with an excellent natural harbor with water deep enough to take one of my father's large patrol ships. He'd smiled as he'd added it also teemed with fish of all shapes and sizes.

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