More Than Famous (Famous #2) (38 page)

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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"Jesus.  This is just too much, Jeanne.  I know this isn't your fault, but I hate that we ‘re prisoners of these fucking contracts!  I don't even care if we finish the film if this is how it's going to be."  I felt completely defeated and Jeanne's eyes widened and something like fright flashed across her features.

"Brook, I won't let you throw your career, or Cade's, away just because you find this inconvenient."  She took on a motherly tone.

"It's not about inconvenience; you know that.  It's about how Cade
when he has to see me with David.  Now you're sending him off to events without me, and then what?  He has to flirt with fans? The next thing you'll tell me is that the studio is going to make him hang out with Wendy or something,” I spat out in disgust. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

"This has to be done, so just do it and stop complaining, and yeah, they've mentioned having Cade be seen out with Wendy—" 

My head snapped up and I glared at her.

Jeanne lifted both of her hands, fingers spread in front of her. "—
to take the speculation off of the two of you." 

"No."  I shook my head adamantly.  "Just…

"Apparently a broken relationship between the two of them wouldn't have the same devastating effect; they can't have the two leads in a romance breaking up in the middle of the filming, or premieres.  We've talked about this, Brook."

We're not going to break up
!  I have to watch Cade with that bitch? She’s been trying to bang him for a year, and he has to endure me in the company of a man who has openly admitted that he wants me back?"

"Brook, we're ready to start.  Places, please," Martin called me back to set.

"Ugh!  When?" I asked.

"Tomorrow through Sunday.  And neither one of you can be seen coming and going from the other's hotels, not even
.  Is that clear, Brook?  I'm sorry, but that's the way it is."

"This isn't just about being able to sleep with Cade, Jeanne! Jesus!"  I spat at her.  Martin was motioning me back with his hands.  "I have to go.  I'll talk to Cade tonight, but we need to make a plan to make this as painless as possible."

"Okay.  I agree.  I'll do what I can to help."

Oh my God!  Could this situation get any worse?
My mind railed.

I let out my breath and my head dropped back as I walked back to my mark. Cade was sitting offside to watch the scene and I was sure he could tell by my face that something was wrong.  I watched his gaze moved to where I just came from. He saw Jeanne standing there, then looked at me one more time, questioningly. I shook my head.

When he got up and strode over to Jeanne, I knew she'd be having the same conversation with him and he was going to be upset.  Upset was a damn understatement, and it would be three hours, at least, until I could talk to him about it.

I couldn't think about it now.  I had to get my head into the scene.



my hands braced on the counter in the bathroom as I waited for David to come get me.  Cade left for the Music Festival the night before, while I holed up in my room, alone.  He'd texted me all night long, which was how we maintained our sanity.  He was furious after he'd spoken to Jeanne, and I could do little to make him feel better.  It was one thing to have to stay away from each other for five days, and quite another to have to hang out with Wendy and David.  My stomach clenched painfully.

I wasn't sure what was worse; thinking of Cade with Wendy, or having to deal with David.  Okay, I
sure which was worse.

Jeanne arranged for David and me to “double date” with Wendy and Cade and just the thought of it made me sick to my stomach.  I sure as hell didn't want to sit across from the two of them all night, not being able to touch him, and then have David hanging all over me.  I wanted to stay in and forget the whole damn thing.

The sound of the key card opening the door made my heart thump in my chest.  I quickly turned from the bathroom and entered the sitting room of the suite just as Cade came walked in.  He looked incredible, dressed in all black; jeans, button down shirt, leather jacket and stocking cap. His eyes met mine, and then he swept me up in his arms, his hand coming up to the back of my head and his face turning into my neck.  He took a deep breath as he held me tight.

"Bloody hell.  I don't want to do this."  My arms were around his waist and back as I pressed into his chest. “Fucking Pinnacle.”

"You aren't supposed to be here," I whispered, even as my arms wound around his middle tightly, "but you feel so good.  I missed you last night."

"I don't give a fuck if I'm
to be here or not.  I belong with you." 

I nodded and splayed my hands out on his back to press him closer.  He kissed the top of my head and rubbed circles on my back before bending to take my mouth with his.

Jesus, you taste so good
, I thought as his tongue teased my lips apart and slid against mine again and again.   There was another knock at the door, which forced us to separate, but our mouths wanted to cling to each other.

"Damn it!"  His mouth ghosted mine as he spoke.  "How in the hell am I going to live through tonight?"

"You will.  We both will.  It sucks, but it's not real.  Just remember it's
not real
, Cade." I rose up on tiptoe to press another open mouth kiss on his delicious lips as the knocking resumed. I hoped I could take my own advice.

I moved out of his arms and began toward the door, but he stopped me. His warm fingers closed around my forearm and pulled me back into his embrace.  Strong arms enfolded me and lifted me off the floor. My arms slid around his neck and my hands went into his hair.  He looked deeply into my eyes and I could see fear, longing, love and a hundred other emotions flicker in the blue depths before they closed, and he placed a deep, soulful kiss on my mouth. 

"Let them wait.  I love you, Brook."  He pressed his forehead to mine as his hot breath rushed over my face. "Please don't let him touch you. I can't bear to watch it.  Please."

"I know.  I won't, babe.  I love you, too," I whispered against his mouth.  The knocking came again.

"Brook, for Christ's sake.  Let me in," David called impatiently from the other side of the door.

Cade stiffened and set me on my feet, then brushed his fingers across my cheekbone.

"How do you want to do this?  Should I just meet you at the restaurant?" he asked softly.

"Yeah.  That would be easier, wouldn't it? Less torture."  I touched his cheek and then went to grab my jacket and purse.  "I'm coming, David!"

Turning one last time to look back at Cade as he moved into the other room, my heart stopped at the look in his eyes.  I opened the door and stepped into the hall.  David stared after me silently as I walked past him toward the elevator. 




and told her to meet me out in front of the hotel.  This was going to be the worst night of my life.  Watching that little prick fawn all over Brook and pretending to be on a date with that twit, Wendy, was going to be hell. 

And, then what?  I was supposed to stay away from Brook all night, take Wendy out to a club after dinner to make it more
and make sure we were seen.

I thought. 
I hope Wendy won't mind being ignored once we get there

In the cab on the way, I felt weird; like I was suffocating in the closed space next to her.  She glanced at me, looking me up and down, before she finally broke the silence.

"Look, Cade.  I wanted to apologize for before.  I should have listened to you when you told me you weren't interested in me, but honestly, I couldn't see any reason why you wouldn't like me."  She dropped her head, and looked out the window.  "I guess it bruised my ego and I made it a mission to prove you wrong.” She paused and contemplated what to say next. “But, I'm trying to help, now.  Brook’s been a good friend for a lot of years, and I really didn't think she was interested in you.  She was good at hiding it, I guess. I'm sorry that I hurt you guys."

I sighed. I wasn't sure if I believed her, but she made the words sound sincere.  "Okay, Wendy.  I accept your apology.  I hope you believe me now when I tell you that Brook is the most important person in my world," I said softly so the cab driver wouldn't hear our conversation.

She smiled softly. "Listen, I get it.  I do.  And, to prove it to you, I need to tell you something... "  The look on her face was pensive.

"What is it?"

"Well, David is my friend too, and he talks to me.  I'm probably betraying his confidence, but I know he wants Brook back.  He's going to try to get her back, Cade."

I turned quickly to look into her face.  It wasn't anything I didn't already know, but hearing someone else say it aloud, somehow made it more real. 

I nodded.  "Yeah.  Actually, I’ve known for a while. He'd be a fool not to try.  She's an amazing person."

Her lids dropped over her eyes and she bit her lip. Obviously, my words caused her pain and that wasn't my intention. 

"I appreciate that you told me. I hope we can work past all that's happened. I'm sorry if you've been hurt as well."

"Oh, hey.” Wendy shrugged. “I just wanted to have a little fun.  I'm fine.  Really. Don't worry about me."  She reached out and took my hand as the cab stopped by the curb.  I'd chosen an obscure little restaurant that wasn't well known because I wanted to get through this evening as painlessly as possible.  What a bloody oxymoron.

Despite my efforts, there were at least a hundred fans and paparazzi outside waiting for us when we arrived at the restaurant.  I could only hope Brook and David were already inside.

The screams increased and several girls were rushing toward me, restrained only by the bodyguards. My personal bodyguard, John, stood between me and the biggest share of the screaming women. I hated this part of my work. Bloody hated it, but it was part of the job.

"I'll sign. It's okay," I told him, and went through the routine. Cameras flashed like crazy as paparazzi took pictures of me with Wendy and I placed a hand at the back of her waist to guide her in, and we made our way through the double doors.  The studio execs would be ecstatic and the fans would eat it up, but my heart sank. It was a role: just another role, but one that had the potential to ruin my relationship with Brook.

Can I leave now that the evidence of my ‘date' is solid?
I wondered.

Wendy preceded me in, and I found myself searching the room for Brook as we walked into the building.

She and David were sitting at a table in the corner.  Thank God Jeanne had asked the manager to put us somewhere semi-private so we could avoid as much traffic and attention as possible.

"Hi David, Brook," Wendy was congenial and calm. I wished I felt as at ease.  My stomach tightened at the closeness David’s chair was sitting to Brook's; his arm draped casually over the back of it.

Wendy slid into the seat next to David and I took the one opposite him but next to Brook.  Her chair was pulled closer to his than mine, and it didn't go unnoticed by me.  I ran my hand through my hair, my fingers itching to pull her closer to me instead.

"Good evening, David." My eyes slid to Brook's face. I could see how difficult the situation was for her as David responded.

"Cade.  How have you been?" 

So, I guess this was going to be an evening of small talk.

"Absolutely brilliant up until now, I suppose."  I took a deep breath as the waiter came to take our drink orders. David's eyes hardened as he looked at me, then softened as he turned back to Brook. He was sending me a message.

"But not as
as the evening I'm about to have, hmmm?"

The little wanker was
taunting me.

Don't even fucking think about her like that, you bloody bastard;
I wanted to yell at him.

I lowered my voice.  "I don't know what ideas you have floating around in your head, David, but this doesn't change the fact that Brook is with me. It will be
holding her naked body next to mine, and
my name
she'll be moaning into the darkness… My mouth on hers as I take her tonight."  My eyes were hard on his face, and my voice had a deadly edge. I glanced at Brook, worried that she’d be pissed at me for saying it out loud, but right now, all I cared about was making sure he knew she was mine. 

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