Read More Than You Know Online

Authors: Jennifer Gracen

More Than You Know (22 page)

BOOK: More Than You Know
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“What makes you think we were talkin' 'bout you?” Kelvin said dismissively. “You just think you're the center of the universe, don't you?”
“You mean I'm not?” she joked back.
“Hell no,” Kelvin said. “
am.” He flashed her a wide smile, and she returned it.
Dane laughed as he watched them and marveled at their bond. “You two are awesome.”
There was a knock on the door, and Dane sprung up to answer it. “Ahh, at last. Thanks, guys. Bring 'em in.” He moved aside as two employees brought in the wide trays. “Let's eat, and drink. Drink a
Especially you, Red.”
After an hour, Kelvin got to his feet. “This has been fabulous, but it's where I take my leave, I think.”
“You don't have to go,” Dane said.
“C'mon, Kel,” Julia said. “Stay, hang out.”
“You two aren't gonna touch each other as long as I'm in this room,” Kelvin said. He shot a look at Dane. “And that girl needs some lovin'. The kind I can't give her.”
“Jesus, Kelvin,” Julia hissed, her cheeks coloring.
“Oh honey,” Kelvin laughed. “You think he doesn't know I know?”
Dane grinned as he leaned back against the couch cushions. He stared across the table at Julia, who looked pissed off. She sat on the opposite couch, glaring at her best friend. Dane had to laugh. “Don't be mad at him, Red. He loves you.”
“That's the only thing keeping me from strangling him right now,” she said.
Dane smiled at her and stretched out his legs. Three drinks, some food, and some casual talk had helped her relax and regroup. She was fine now, even a little buzzed. He was relieved.
Kelvin leaned down to hug her tightly. They held each other for a long minute, murmuring things to each other Dane couldn't hear. Then Kelvin giggled, dropped a kiss on the top of her head, and turned to Dane with his hand extended. “Good night, Boss.”
Dane rose to stand and shook his hand firmly. “You're a good man, Kelvin.”
“Well, thanks. Back atcha.” He half-grinned and said, “Take good care of her tonight, okay?”
“Will do,” Dane assured him.
Julia watched the exchange between Dane and Kelvin in silent wonder. Whatever they'd discussed while she was putting herself back together in the bathroom, they'd bonded over it. Over her. It was interesting.
“Call you in the morning,” Kelvin said to her over his shoulder as he breezed out, closing the door behind him.
Still standing, Dane moved across to sit beside her with a smile. “Ahhh. Alone at last.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and edged closer.
She studied him in silence. Kelvin suggested some of what he'd told Dane earlier, which was more or less everything. Knowing what he knew now, did Dane still want her? Would he still find her desirable, or had her past tarnished her in his eyes? She tried to read him. He seemed the same, but who knew?
His smile slipped a little and he pulled his arm back. “You want me to go too?”
“No,” she said. “No. I just, um . . . everything Kelvin told you is true, unfortunately. And I just . . .” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “I'm a little embarrassed. And I feel exposed, and I don't like it.”
“Shhh.” He leaned in and took her hands in his. “Julia . . . I hate what your ex-husband did to you. There's so many things wrong with it all, I don't know where to start. I'm so sorry you were hurt like that. That Max took your son away from you, and that he was a vicious control freak. He sounds despicable. I mean . . . I can't imagine what all that was like for you.”
He rubbed her hands between his and dipped his head down to make sure he caught her eyes. “But that's on him, not on you. Same with what happened with Liam. On him, not on you. And . . . I just admire that you're still standing, much less made a good life for yourself after such tremendous setbacks. You're an incredible woman.” He stared harder, as if compelling her to listen. “But it's okay to admit sometimes that it was too much to bear. Or that sometimes, you're still hurting. Especially when bad flashes from your past pop up out of nowhere and blindside you.”
Her heart stuttered in her chest and she forced herself not to tear up.
“Tell you what,” he said quietly. “Why don't you let me take you up to my suite? Have some down time in the dark. I won't . . . no sex tonight.” His brilliant blue eyes seemed to blaze with compassion. “Just . . . comfort. Let me hold you. Stay over. Fall asleep with me, and let me make you feel safe. For both our sakes.” He caressed her cheek as he revealed his feelings, “Truth is, I need a bit of that too. I keep seeing you up against the wall, cornered by that bastard, and I just . . .” A muscle in his jaw twitched and his mouth curved in a frustrated snarl. “I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make him bleed. So now . . . I need to hold you. Because I'm just so damn glad we got here before that prick could do anything to you.”
Her stomach pitched and her breath stuck in her throat. Jesus, what was he saying, what was he doing to her?
No strings, dammit, no strings . . . don't make me fall for you, Dane. Please. I can't handle that....
Her throat had closed from emotion, and she couldn't speak. As strong as her fear was, her desire to be comforted by him was even stronger. She was so tired. So she sniffled, tried to swallow back the lump in her throat, and nodded.
“Good.” Dane stood and pulled her up with him. “Let's go upstairs.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers so gently, so sweetly, that her bones melted and she thought she'd break into pieces right there on the spot. She felt a little dizzy and her heart pounded in her chest.
“Stop being so nice to me,” she said raggedly.
“No.” He caressed her cheek. “Sorry. In fact, tonight, I might even be
nice to you. Deal with it.”
Damn him. Damn him and his tenderness and his beautiful eyes and his gentle voice and his seeming to actually
“Dane . . .” she said, fighting to keep sharp. “When we get upstairs. I want sex. I need it.”
I need you.
“Make me forget for a while.”
He stared at her, eyes blazing. Then he reached up with both hands to hold her face, kissed her softly, and whispered, “Whatever you want.”
“I want to forget tonight happened,” she whispered back. She pulled one of his hands down and pushed it into the open front of her robe, cupping his hand around her bare breast. The warmth of his hand against her skin felt like heaven. “Okay? Make me forget.”
He stroked his thumb across her nipple and she sighed with pleasure.
“I'll make you forget your damn name,” he promised, and took her mouth with his.
When they got to his suite, she went straight into the bedroom, silently stripped off her clothes, and got into his bed. He watched her almost cautiously, with that same look he'd had in his eyes all night. Concern. He was worried about her. Which implied caring, feeling . . . that look in his eyes made her uneasy, and she couldn't ignore it. She needed to concentrate on something else. Think about him, his face, his body, his sexy ways . . . yes, that was something better to focus on.
Without speaking, he also undressed, not rushing. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she let her eyes travel over his body as he revealed it to her, part by mouthwatering part. His broad shoulders, the taut muscles in his arms . . . his chest, lightly covered in hair, and the way his waist narrowed down into sinfully carved hips . . . his solid thighs, long legs . . . and his gorgeous cock, thick and standing at the ready for her. The sight of his hard-on, the evidence that he still wanted her after such a tumultuous night, made all her nerve endings tingle. Good Lord, he was handsome, astonishingly so. She loved his beautiful face, and she adored his beautiful body. She could admit that. Hell, she couldn't
Would she ever not enjoy looking at him, would she ever not get that rush of breathless desire? Just look at him like, eh, yeah, whatever? She couldn't imagine such a day would ever exist. He was physically flawless as far as she could tell. It wasn't fair. And the visceral response she had to him, every time, was heady and intoxicating. Dane's body was like a drug, and she was becoming addicted.
Addicted. Like a drug . . .
A flash of Liam's face burst through her mind. His face so close to hers, the desperate look in his eyes, his rank cigarette breath as he tried to kiss her. “God, Julesie. You look so good. Just one kiss, c'mon . . .”
She shivered.
Sliding beneath the covers, Dane reached for her and pulled her close. “You sure you're okay?” he asked quietly. He brushed her hair back from her eyes with careful fingertips, then trailed them down her cheek.
His kindness lanced her. The feathery gentle touch, his velvety and soothing tone of voice, the unmistakable worry in his gaze . . . her heart shook. “I'm fine,” she insisted. “And I'll be better once you throw me around a little. Don't be gentle.”
His eyes held hers. “Funny . . . I think gentle is what you need right now.”
“No. No, it's not,” she said, almost desperately. Her heart bounced around in her chest.
“I beg to differ.”
When he looked at her, he seemed to look into her. Oh, God, she
want him to hold her, to caress her, to tenderly make love to her, to make the ugliness go away, to make the smell of Liam's breath against her face disappear, to make her insides stop shaking from seeing him again and all the soul-crushing memories it had brought rushing back.
Dane sensed that. He knew what she needed even when she fought against it, and that flat out scared her. If she succumbed to his tenderness tonight, as vulnerable as she felt right then, she'd do something stupid like fall for him, or feel something she didn't want to feel.
Suddenly she realized that she was already fighting that—that she
feel something for him. And it was something big and encompassing, something beyond lust, or mild interest, or friendship. What she felt was a lot like affection, and adoration, and connection.
He was the one she wanted to comfort her tonight. He was the one who made her heart speed up every time she saw him. Every time he looked into her eyes, or touched her. Every time he gave her a wiseass remark or tried to coax a smile out of her. Oh God. It was too late. She'd fallen for him, hard. How could she have not realized it before? When had she gotten so good at lying to herself? And what was she
Panic seized her, washing over her like a tidal wave. Her heart rate skyrocketed and she pushed away from him. “This is a bad idea,” she blurted out, and tried to get out of bed.
“Oh no, you don't.” Dane grasped her arm and turned her back to him. Quick as lightning, he slid one arm around her to hold her in place, and the other hand came up to cup her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Julia. Please, stop. Just stop. You don't have to run. You're safe here.”
Her breath was coming in short, hard puffs and her eyes were wide with alarm. She looked completely freaked out. It made his heart squeeze in his chest.
“Shhh. Take a breath,” he said in his most soothing tone, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “It's okay now. You're okay.”
“No, I'm not,” she said, her voice shaky. “I should go.”
His insides churned. Damn Liam for showing up there tonight. Damn the both of them, him and Max. God, what they'd done to her. But Dane's hand tightened on her face, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Look at me, Julia. I'm not Liam. I'm not Max. They were despicable scumbags. You were alone. And you were vulnerable, at their mercy. You're not anymore. You never will be again, not to them, not to anyone.” He stroked her face. She was trembling now, and it made his heart shudder and twist. “You're strong now, Julia. You have total control over your life. You're not at anyone's mercy. You know that.”
His voice softened, and so did his touch. “And honey, I swear to you, I'm nothing like them. I respect you. I
you. I don't want anything from you but your company. I have no agenda.
You are safe with me.

Her eyes were wide on his, and her breathing had calmed. Carefully, he leaned in and dropped a featherlight kiss on her lips. “Let me hold you. Tonight, let me love you. Gently.”
Tears welled in her eyes and she sniffed them back. Damn, she was always fighting.
“You don't have to be strong tonight, not now,” he whispered. With the utmost tenderness, he kissed her forehead, her temple, her mouth. “Even if it's just for tonight, trust in me. Let me soothe you, care for you. Let yourself take it. Okay?”
She sniffled again, but a lone tear spilled over and ran down her cheek. He kissed it away.
With a shuddering breath, her arms slipped around his neck and she held on to him as if her life depended on it. She trembled in his arms, her breath warm against his throat as she clung to him. He felt her tears wet his skin. “Okay,” she whispered.
Something inside him broke. Fell away, melted. Something like light replaced it. Brightness, warm and powerful. And caring. And protectiveness. And need. And . . .
Holy Mother of God, he loved her. He'd never been in love in his life, but he knew then, without a doubt, that he loved her. Nothing else could describe the overwhelming waves of what was crashing through him. She was it. He loved her.
BOOK: More Than You Know
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