More With You (22 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Ryan

BOOK: More With You
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My dad walks up behind us. “You staying here tonight, baby girl?” he asks.

Luckily, my parents are cool with my drinking even though I am still a year from legal drinking age, as long as I stay here tonight. This is a special occasion after all.

“Yes, dad.  Allie and I brought our bags in earlier,” I say, reaching up to give him a hug.

“Just making sure you’re safe,” he says, squeezing me back and walking away.

Miles leads me back to the table with his hand on the small of my back.  He even pulls out my chair for me.  I avoid looking at Aiden.  Miles sits next to me and scoots close.  He gently lays his arm on the back of my chair.  I focus on my beer.  Macie engages me in conversation about how great of a couple Liam and Allison are. I agree with her. I hear Aiden ask Liam if he needs another beer. I chance a look and see him walking away from the table.

Mom comes around and tells us it’s time to eat.  We join the line at the food table and fill our plates with way more food than we can eat, well, at least the girls have.  Liam, Miles, and Kaden are doing just fine.  In fact, they each finished off what Allie, Macie, and I couldn’t. It’s been a while since I have seen Aiden. I mention it to Liam and all he says is, “He’s around here somewhere.”

The sky has completely fallen dark and the tent is lit up with stands of white lights that give off an enchanted romantic glow.  I watch Liam and Allison on the dance floor, completely caught up in each other, not caring at all what’s going on around them.  Miles scoots back his chair and offers me his hand. 

“Let’s give them a little competition. They’re playing our song,” he says as the song turns fast. I laugh because it’s the first song that he and I ever danced to on the night I met him, Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way.”

I’ve had several beers and I’m feeling relaxed.  Luckily for me, my grandparents have left and it’s just the younger crowd.  My parents are around, but I don’t see them.  Miles and I are about to get our groove on.  As soon as we reach the dance floor, Miles spins me so my back is to his front and wraps his arm around my waist pulling me tight.  I begin to move my hips to the beat.  I place my hands above my head and behind his neck; this prompts him to bury his face in my neck.  I hear him whisper, “Aiden is in the back corner, watching our every move.”  Me in my inebriated state decide that I want to give Aiden a show.  Show him what he’s missing. I push against Miles and I hear him groan in response.  I can’t help the smile that breaks across my face.  At least someone is affected by my moves.  Miles spins me to face him and our hips begin to grind back and forth.  His arm is tight around my waist and my hands are resting on his shoulders.  I tilt my head back and let the music dictate my movement.  This also brings my chest front and center for Miles’ viewing pleasure.

I’m lost in the music, so I don’t realize that Aiden is standing beside us until I hear his voice.  “I can take it from here,” he growls at Miles.  With that, he grabs my hand and tugs me into his chest.  Miles holds his hands up in the air and steps backwards as if to say he doesn’t want any trouble.  Aiden crushes me to his chest and places his knee between my legs.  I begin to sway my hips to the beat, as does Aiden.  It didn’t feel like this with Miles, just Aiden.  Only Aiden.  I can feel his hardness against my leg and I bite my lip to surpass the moan that I feel on the tip of my tongue.  Aiden tugs me tighter, if that’s even possible, and rocks his hips against mine.  My hands are around his neck, and I run my fingers through his shaggy brown hair.  His face is buried in my neck as he traces his tongue from my collarbone to my ear lobe.  I shudder.  I can’t help but wonder if it looks as erotic as it feels. 

The music changes and turns slow as Dierks Bentley’s “Breathe You In” begins to play.  Aiden pulls me close and I bury my face into his neck, doing just what the song says…breathing him in.   I can smell his cologne and the alcohol on his breath.  Apparently, he needed liquid courage to get through this night as well.  We are barely moving to the music.  We are simply wrapped in each other’s arms enjoying the moment.  I’m trying to memorize every second, every single detail.  I reach up and kiss him softly on the neck, the taste of his skin exploding on my tongue.  I hear Aiden growl and that just adds fuel to that fire that has ignited between us.  I tug on his hair bringing his lips to mine.  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know that I will probably regret this in the morning, but right now in this moment, I can’t find it in me to care.  Aiden sucks in a breath, shocked; I’m sure that I’m molesting him.  Instead of pulling back, I take the opportunity to slip my tongue past his lips.  He presses me tight against him; his hardness now rests against my belly as he takes control of the kiss.  I break away needing to catch my breath and rest my head back against his chest.  I hear him take in a breath as his hands find my hips.  The song is coming to an end and I don’t want to let him go.  I want Aiden more than I have ever wanted anything.

I feel Aiden pull away.  He lifts my chin with his forefinger and kisses me on the forehead.  He leans down to whisper in my ear, “Take a walk with me, angel?”

My heart is racing and I’m stunned speechless. Aiden wants to be alone with me. I thought for sure as soon as the song ended, he would run away from me as fast he could. I can’t believe I just attacked him on the dance floor. Embarrassment takes over and I am unable to form words. I nod my head yes. That’s all the answer he needs as he laces his fingers through mine and gently leads me out from underneath the tent and into the darkness. He leads us to the pond. Aiden sits down in the grass, and I follow him. He reaches over, grabs my hand and laces our fingers together again.

“I can’t seem to stop touching you,” he tells me, his voice thick with emotion.

“I don’t want you to,” I reply. I’m more open than usual due to the amount of alcohol in my system. I never would have admitted that had I been sober. Lucky for me, I’m also too wasted to care. I want him. I’ve always wanted him. “The night is beautiful. Look at the stars.”

“I can’t think of a better background,” he tells me. “Can you do something for me, angel?”

“Anything,” I say. It’s true; I would do anything for him.

“Will you let me hold you? I just want you back in my arms so damn bad.”

“Yes.” The word is barely across my lips before Aiden is scooting back and placing his legs on either side of mine.  He places his hands around my waist and pulls me back against his chest.  He moves my hair to the opposite shoulder and places a feather soft kiss to my neck.  I relax into him at the feel of his lips against my skin.   

“Fuck, Hales, I miss you so fucking much it hurts.” 

I don’t say anything, because I can’t.  I try to swallow the emotion in my throat.  I feel hot tears prick the back of my eyes.  I turn my head in effort to keep Aiden from seeing me cry.  I’m losing the battle.  His words undo me.  I’ve wanted him for so long, and I love him with everything in me.  Now, here we are, and my drunk ass is crying.  I turn my head up and try to focus on the night sky.  The stars are so bright tonight.

Aiden gently grips my chin to turn me back to him.  He lifts me up and sets me sideways in his lap.  “Hailey, baby, what’s wrong?  Why are you upset?” he asks, tugging me closer to him.

“I just…I just really miss you too,” I say.  What I want to tell him is that I’m in love with him.  He’s the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last before I close my eyes.  I want to tell him that I’ve been afraid that he would always see me as only Liam’s little sister, and treat me as such.  Although, right now, in this moment, he doesn’t seem to be treating me like a little sister.

Aiden leans in to kiss my cheek and I turn my head, our lips collide. Instead of pulling back, he freezes, his lips still pressed against mine. I pull away and turn to straddle his hips. He cups my face with his big hands. “Hales?” he whispers.

I lean down and press my lips to his.  I trace my tongue across his lips, teasing him, begging him for entrance.  Aiden growls and deepens the kiss, opening his mouth and allowing our tongues to dual in their pursuit of each other’s taste.  I’m lost in him, his taste, and the feel of him between my legs. All of it.  I’m utterly and completely lost in Aiden.

He slows the kiss and rests his forehead against mine.  “Baby, are you sure.  You’ve had a lot to drink tonight and so have I.  I don’t want you to regret this.” I can hear the concern in his voice. 

“Will you regret this?” I ask him.

“No. Never could I ever regret a minute spent with you, let alone you in my arms. No, I won’t regret this. But I’m worried that you will,” he tells me.

Instead of saying anything else, I rock my hips against his as I lean down and capture his lips with mine once again.  He has both hands on my hips, assisting me with rocking back and forth across his erection.  I feel him, all of him.  All that separates us is my panties and his cargo shorts. I’ve never done this. I’ve never been with anyone. I’ve kissed guys and there has been touching, but not like this. I’ve never straddled a guy and rocked my hips to a rhythm that is driving me insane. I feel pressure building and I realize this too is new. I’ve never had an orgasm. Aiden is about to give me my first.

I break away from the kiss and throw my head back, continuing to rock back and forth against Aiden. He runs his hands up under my dress and gently unsnaps my bra. I feel his hand slide under the cup and he gently caresses my nipples. “Aiden,” I whisper.

“You are so fucking beautiful, Hailey.” He removes his hand and tugs the top of my sundress down, revealing my breast.  He latches on to my nipple as he gently caresses the other.  The feel of his mouth on me is what sets me over the edge.  Sensing that I’m close, Aiden lifts his head and crushes his lips to mine, swallowing my screams of pleasure. 
Holy shit!

He slows the kiss and eventually trails kisses down my neck as he finds his way back to my breast. He gently kisses one, and then the other, before he runs his hands back up under my dress. Tucking me back into my bra, he then reaches around and snaps it back into place. Once he’s finished righting my clothing, he wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in my chest. His grip is tight, but I embrace it. I want nothing more than to be exactly where I am, where we are.

I gently run my fingers through his hair, just allowing him to hold me.  Enjoying my post orgasmic bliss.  “Thank you.  That was a first for me,” I tell him softly. 

Aiden pulls back. “What do you mean a first for you?”

I can feel the heat rush my face. Thankfully, it’s too dark for Aiden to be able to tell. I hope. “That was my first, well, you know.”

“Baby, you’ve never had an orgasm?”

“Not until you. Never had anyone kissed my breasts either,” I say. Shit, the alcohol is causing me to be a damn motor mouth.

“You’ve never…I was your first?”

“Yes,” I say, feeling embarrassed.  Before Aiden can dissect what we’ve just done and what I’ve told him, his cell phone shrieks into the quiet night. 

He digs in his pocket and pulls out his phone. “It’s your mom,” he tells me before sliding the screen to answer her call.

“Hello?” he says into the line. He’s quiet, and then I see his jaw clench. “Yeah, we went for a walk. We’ll head back now,” he says, hitting end on his cell phone.

“Your friends are leaving and want to say goodbye to you,” he tells me. 

“Okay.” I start to remove myself from his lap, but he stops me.

Aiden gently rubs his thumb over my bottom lip.  “Lips of an angel,” he breathes, and then kisses me one last time, soft and sweet.  “Let’s go say goodbye to your friends,” he says, offering me his hand to brace myself to stand up.  I tug him up and he envelopes me in a hug.

With that, we walk back towards the tent hand in hand.  Smiles broad across both of our faces.  When we are almost back to the tent.  Aiden stops, which halts me as well.  He gently rubs his thumb across my knuckles of the hand he’s holding.   “I’m going to let go of your hand, not because I’m ashamed of you or what we did, but I don’t know where your head is with all of this.  I need you to know that it meant something to me.  You mean something to me,” he tells me.

“There you two are.” Aiden immediately drops my hand at the sound of my mom’s voice. “Hales, your friends are ready to go and want to say goodbye.”

“Right behind you,” I say as I follow her back into the tent.  I assume Aiden is behind me.  When I reach the tent, Miles, Macie, and Kaden are waiting on me.  Miles smiles broadly as he looks over my shoulder.  I try to subtly shake my head to let him know that he can stop the charade, but he doesn’t seem to get it.  He rushes to me and engulfs me in a hug.  Before I can stop him, he’s pulling back and dropping a kiss to my lips.

“Fuck this!” I hear Aiden say behind us. 

I push Miles off me and turn to watch Aiden storm out of the tent. “Shit!” I turn back to Miles. “What the hell are you thinking? I told you I didn’t want to lie to him. Why did you have to kiss me? Now, he really does think that you and I are together. He wants me. You were right, but now…now, I doubt he’ll ever speak to me again,” I yell at him.

Miles reaches out for me, but I slap his hand away.  “Don’t touch me!” I yell at him.  This apparently gets my brother’s attention; he comes rushing to my side. 

Liam wraps his arms around me. “Shh, what’s happened, Hales? Did this guy hurt you?” he asks me, anger lacing his voice.

I pull away from him. “Liam, you have to go find Aiden. He left. He’s upset. Please, you have to find him. He’s been drinking,” I plead.

Allison hugs me and tells Liam to go. “I’ll stay with her, go find Aiden.” With one last look, Liam turns to go find his best friend.

“Hailey…” Miles tries to talk to me, but I stop him.

“Don’t.  Just go, please.  I need to talk to Aiden when he gets back, and it will only make it worse if you’re still here,” I say through sobs.  “Please, Macie. I’ll call you guys tomorrow,” I beg her.

“Okay, since I know Allison is with you, we’ll go. Promise you will call me tomorrow.” She hugs me tight. “I’m sorry he did that. Miles really was just trying to help you.”

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