More With You (4 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Ryan

BOOK: More With You
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I apply lotion all over my body and debate on what I should wear. Aiden will be at my parents for dinner, and I want to look good for him.  Yes, I know this is insane behavior. Aiden has seen me at my worst over the years. In the back of my mind, I want him to see what he’s missing.  Which in reality is messed up because he doesn’t even know how much he affects me, how much I want him.  The kicker is that he never will.  I like how close we all are. With Allison and Liam’s wedding in the works, there are sure to be more events that the four of us will be attending, and I don’t want things to be uncomfortable if we didn’t work out.  It’s better that I just love him from afar.  This guarantees that I will always have him in my life.  I’ll take him anyway I can get him.

I pull my royal blue sundress off its hanger and slip it over my head.  The color of the dress really brings out my blue eyes.  I leave my hair down; it’s getting long, reaching the middle of my back.  I apply a little mascara and lip gloss, slip into my old navy flip flops and flop down on my bed.  I have a paper to write and it is already one o’clock.  Time is not on my side.



I hit the gym hard. I abuse the treadmill like an old country road, before moving on to weights.  The entire time, Hailey consumes my thoughts, last night consumes my thoughts.  What the fuck was I thinking? 

I wasn’t.

I shouldn’t have held her.  Fuck!  I can still feel her in my arms.  I can smell her on my shirt.  With the realization, I reach up and rip my shirt over my head.  Lifting isn’t helping, so I move to the back corner of the gym and begin my assault on one of the punching bags. Blitzen appears out of nowhere and grabs a hold of the bag. I begin to unleash, throwing punch after punch until I’m completely drained.  I let my hands drop to my sides as I rest my back against the wall and slide to the floor.  Blitzen hands me a towel and a bottle of water before sliding down the wall to sit beside me.  We sit in complete silence until I finish off my water.

“Who is she?” Blitzen asks with certainty.

“Humph!” I’m afraid if I say more, my dumb ass will spill my woes.  The last thing I need is for him to know how much I want Hailey. 

Blitzen chuckles.  “Deny it all you want, man. Known you a while now, and I’ve never seen you beat the shit out of a bag like that.”

I pull my legs to my chest and lean my head forward, letting it fall against my knees. I focus on taking deep, even breaths in and out.  Blitzen sits patiently next to me.  Blitzen aka Cole, Liam, and I have been close since freshman year.  Blitzen is all about living life to the fullest and having fun.  Very rarely does he open himself up to serious conversation.  Can I trust him with this?  Can I tell him that I want our best friend’s little sister with an intensity that burns inside me? 
Holy shit, I sound like Liam!

With the realization that I’m starting to think like Liam, I know I’m in deep. 
Fuck it!
  I decide telling someone might help me work this shit out of my system.  Allie is not an option, since she’s best friends with Hales and attached to Liam’s hip. I take a deep breath and lift my head, still avoiding Blitzen’s gaze and staring straight ahead. I decide it’s just like ripping off a band-aid.  I spew it out before I lose my nerve.  “I want Hailey.  So fucking much.”

I continue to stare at the wall in front of me until the sounds of the gym echo in my ears. Total silence from Blitzen.  Curiosity getting the best of me, I turn my head to face him.  He’s smirking at me.  I raise my eyebrow in question and he throws his head back and laughs. 

“What the fuck, man?” Anger lacing my voice. 

“Dude, this is not news to me.” He slaps my shoulder. “Anyone with half a brain, or should I say, anyone who is not in their own little “love” bubble, can see how you and Hales feel about each other.”

I whip my head around to face him, turning my body at the same time. “What did you just say?”

Blitzen grins like he just won the damn lottery.  “You heard me.  You and Hales have been dancing around each other for months.” He shrugs.  “Liam is too wrapped up in Allie to see it.”

With that, I’m speechless.  What can I possibly say?  I can’t deny it.  Then his words sink in…
“You and Hales have been dancing around each other for months.”

“Did you…” I stumble over my words at just the thought that she could even remotely feel the same way about me. 

“You heard me.  Hales is into you.  Maybe I can see it because I don’t have anything vested.  The four of you are tight.” He shrugs.

Resting my head back against the wall, I close my eyes and let his words sink in. I briefly let my mind wander to last night and how it would have felt to hold her, knowing that she was mine.  Jumping to my feet, Blitzen following suit, I stalk to the locker room to grab a shower.  “It doesn’t matter,” I say, shaking my head.  “I can’t be with her.  It would complicate things if it didn’t work, and I can’t chance her not being in my life.  Not an option.”

“Dude, Liam just proposed to your little sister,” he reminds me.

Shaking my head, I explain, “Yes, but Hales and I are really good friends.  I can’t even think about her not being there.  I would do something to fuck it up, and then where would we all be?  It would be awkward and uncomfortable, and I would be without her.” I grit my teeth at the thought.  “Can’t let that happen, my man.” With that, I step into the shower.

Walking into the apartment, all is calm. I walk over to the couch and pick up my blanket and pillow from last night. I glance at the futon where only Hailey sleeps. I can still see her there curled up on her side, sleeping soundly.  I must have watched her for at least an hour before I drifted off to sleep.  Shaking my head to erase the thoughts, I make my way to my room.  Just as I stop to open the door, Liam’s bedroom door opens.  “Hey, I didn’t think you guys were here,” I tell him.

Liam lifts his fingers to his lips as to tell me to be quiet. “Allie is sleeping. We’re just hanging out here today.”

“Where’s the Pathfinder?” I question.

“Hales took it.  We need to stop and pick her up on the way to mom and dads.”

“What time are we leaving?”

“I told Hales we would be there at five.”

“Sounds good, man. I’m going to take a nap.  Didn’t sleep the greatest last night.”
  Why did I bring it up? 
Shit, Shit, Shit!

“What’s up with you sleeping on the couch anyway?”

Liam has asked me this question many times, and I’ve always been able to dodge him.  This time, I don’t think I’m going to be that lucky.  Once he watches the draft, he’s going to know that I sleep on the couch for more than just the simple purpose of falling asleep there.

“Hales and I were watching a movie. She fell asleep, but I stayed up to watch the draft.”  It’s out there. Now all I have to do is wait for Liam to watch the draft and kick my ass. 
Fun times!

Liam eyes me in question, but doesn’t comment further. “I’ll be ready to go by five,” I say as I push through my bedroom door, closing it behind me, and plopping down on my bed.  I can hear Liam make his way to the living room. My guess is that he’s going to watch the draft.  I need to get my shit together before he questions me.  I know it’s coming.

As I’m lying in bed, I can’t turn my mind off.  I know my best friend is getting ready to watch, if he hasn’t already watched, me attack his little sister with a scorching kiss that would have brought me to my knees if it were not for the excitement of being drafted. I toss and turn, unable to get comfortable.  Finally, I decide to face the music.  I figure it’s easier to face Liam alone than with Allison by his side.  She has always been able to see right through me.  She already has her suspicions about Hales and me.

I stop by the kitchen and grab a bottle of water before joining Liam on the couch, just in time to watch the last few minutes of the recording.  Liam reaches for the remote and turns off the television. 
Here it comes.

“So, not that I have any room to say anything…but what the fuck was that with my sister?” he asks with controlled anger. I’m actually surprised he’s being as calm as he is. Although, I know he would hate to wake Allison with his anger. She would be all up in his shit.

Taking a deep breath, I try to explain, “It was the moment, man.  Hales and I are really good friends.  I had just finished watching you and Ash celebrate, and I just wanted that.  I wanted to share it with someone.” I take another deep breath. “I got carried away.  It won’t happen again,” I say with sincerity, even though I’m torn.  I want nothing more than to do exactly that, kiss her senseless over and over again.

“Looked like a hell of a lot more than just getting caught up in the moment,” he snarls at me.

So far, so good.  I can tell he’s pissed, but he hasn’t thrown any punches yet.  Maybe I can be a little honest with him and see how he takes it.  “Yeah, man, it was.  I mean, Hales is beautiful.” I run my hands through my hair.  “It’s hard not to be affected by that, you know?”

“Fuck!” Liam stands up and paces in front of the television.  “What am I supposed to say to that?  Are you interested in Hales?  My baby sister?  What the fuck, man?”

I can feel my heart starting to race. “Really, dude?  You’re gonna pull the fucking baby sister card on me?  Really?”  I stand and walk towards him, standing toe to toe.  “Did you already forget that you are engaged to
baby sister?  Did you already forget who lays in your arms at night?” I take a deep breath.  Taking it in slowly and releasing.  I’m pissed because I want Hailey, and she will never be mine! I’m pissed because Allison is my baby sister, and Liam is quick to forget that.

Liam raises his finger and places it on my chest. Just as he is about to lay into me, I hear Allison.

‘What the hell is wrong with you two?” she rants as she stomps into the living room. I see her eyes widen, taking in the scene before her.  “What’s going on?”

Liam immediately drops his hand and walks towards Allison. He pulls her into his arms and kisses the top of her head. “I’m sorry we woke you, beautiful girl.”

Allison pulls out of his arms and places her hands on her hips. “One of you better start talking,” she demands.

Liam is not impressed with Allison pulling away; he reaches for her and she steps back.  “You better start talking, MacCoy,” she tells him.

Liam lets out a frustrated sigh. “I was watching the draft and saw Aiden kiss Hales,” he whines.

“Okay, and…?” She looks between the two of us.  “You were in his face because of a kiss?  Your best friend?  You looked like you were ready to thrown down.”

I continue to remain silent. I make a mental note to give Allison the mother of all hugs once this is over.

“Well, yeah…I mean no. Fuck, I don’t know okay. All I know is that he pulled her into a kiss that was more than just a friendly peck. He’s my best friend and she’s my little sister,” Liam tried to reason.  I can tell that even he is beginning to understand that what he is saying is hypocritical considering his relationship with Allison.

Allison walks towards me and wraps her arm around my waist, leaning into me, giving me a hug. “Yes, Hailey is your little sister.” She looks up at me. “And, I’m Aiden’s little sister.” She doesn’t say anything else and I can see that Liam is ready to accept defeat.

Liam stalks towards us and I brace myself for his wrath, but instead, he gently tugs Allison’s arm and pulls her into his embrace.  He crushes her to his chest and kisses the top of her head.  “I’m sorry,” he tells her.

“You don’t need to apologize to me. Ace is the one you need to say you’re sorry to.” She rests her hand against his cheek. “There is nothing going on with them, and even if there were, wouldn’t you rather her be with your best friend?  Someone you trust with your life, rather than someone like Jason or Todd?”

Liam shudders at the thought; so do I.  No way will they ever lay their hands on her again. 
Over my dead body!

Liam tucks Allison back into his side. “Dude, I’m sorry I went a little crazy.”  Allison rests her hand on his chest.  He lifts it to his lips and brushes a kiss across her palm, before placing her hand back against his heart.  “If you are interested in Hales, I don’t have a leg to stand on.  Just know that if you hurt her, I will fuck you up.”

“I would expect nothing less,” I tell him. “There really is nothing going on between us. I was caught up in the moment, and Hales is one of my best friends.”  I shrug my shoulders, hoping like hell that I appear as unaffected by the kiss as I’m trying to sound. 

“Fair enough,” Liam says. “We need to leave in an hour. Let’s go take a shower, baby.”

With that, the conversation is over and I’m in the clear for now.  All except for the tightness in my chest from knowing that I just lied to two of the most important people in my life. 


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