More With You (5 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Ryan

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I am so engrossed in my paper that I am startled when Allison comes barreling through the door of our room.  Actually, it’s more like my room.  She hasn’t slept here in months, and most of her things have migrated their way to Liam’s.

“Hey, how’s the writing coming?” she asks cheerfully.

“Good actually.  I’m just about finished.”

“Good thing, the guys are down stairs ready to go.”

I quickly save the paper and close my laptop. I grab my keys and wristlet, and follow Allison out the door, pulling it closed and making sure that it’s locked.

“I don’t really have a lot of time to explain, so the details will have to come later.” She places a hand on my arm to stop me from moving forward. “Liam watched the draft today, and he saw the kiss between you and Aiden.  He was pissed at first, but I gently reminded him that he is currently engaged to Aiden’s little sister,” she says this as she wiggles her ring finger in front of my face, flashing her engagement ring.

My palms are starting to sweat.  Liam cannot find out how I feel about Aiden. 
Shit, Shit, Shit!

“It was nothing. We were both just caught up in the moment.”

Allison starts walking again. “That’s what Aiden said, so Liam has calmed down.  I just thought you should know in case it gets brought up.”

My heart drops at hearing that the kiss was just that, a kiss between two friends who were caught up in celebration.  At least in Aiden’s eyes.  I swallow back the emotions threatening to spill over. 

Allison pushes open the door to our building, and front and center are Liam and Aiden both leaning against the front of Liam’s Pathfinder. “Let’s get a move on, boys,” I say in what I hope is a cheerful, not affected by Aiden, voice.  I have to learn to be me, and want him from afar without anyone knowing.  Maybe the distance in the fall will help.

Liam walks to the passenger side, opening both doors, one for me and one for Allie.  Aiden slides in the backseat next to me from the other side.  “Hey, you,” he says playfully, nudging my leg with his.

“Hey, how was the gym?”

Aiden shrugs. “Same old, same old. I got it in.”

“Allie, did you tell Hales that you found a few dresses online,” Liam asks her.

“Oh my gosh! Hailey, you have got to see them. They are so gorgeous,” she gushes.

“So when is this shindig taking place?” Aiden asks.

Allison laughs. “We haven’t set a date just yet, but we will soon,” she says while leaning over the console to place a kiss on Liam’s cheek.

The remainder of the drive to my parents’ is consumed with wedding talk.  Liam wants to marry Allison tonight, but she is having no part of it.  She talks about a small, intimate wedding with close friends and family.  I hear the hitch in her voice at this point in the conversation.  It’s hard for her, not having any family.  My heart breaks for her.  I am so glad she came into our lives. She’s one of the strongest, most loving people I have ever met. 
She’s going to be my sister!

Walking into my parents’ house, it’s unusual that they are not at the door to greet us.  “Mom? Dad?” I yell through the house, while the others trail behind me. 

“Out here, Hales,” my dad calls from the back patio.

Pushing the screen door open, I stop in shock.  Sitting with my parents are Aiden’s parents.  They have met several times, but never ‘hung out’.

Aiden makes his way to his mother and bends to kiss her cheek, before reaching out to give his father a man hug.  “What’s going on? What are you guys doing here?” he asks them.

“The MacCoy’s invited us to dinner, and thought that Sunday would be a great time, since all of our kids would be here as well.”  Aiden’s face is lit up with a smile and Allison has tears in her eyes.  I can only assume it’s from them referring to her as their kid.  She embraces Mrs. Emerson and gives Mr. Emerson a kiss on the cheek.  He apparently isn’t satisfied with that, because he pulls her into a tight hug.

My dad walks over and puts his arm around me. “Well, now that the gang’s all here, I’ll light the grill.” He drops a kiss on my cheek and saunters off to the grill, beer in hand. 
Have I mentioned that I have amazing parents?

I join my mom, Allison, and Mrs. Emerson at the table, while the guys all head towards the grill.  What is it with the male species and their grills anyway?

“Allison, have you and Liam thought about the wedding?” Mrs. Emerson asks.

Allison’s face breaks out in a huge grin as a blush stains her cheeks. “We have talked a little bit. We know that we want something small and simple.”

Mom leans in, eating up every word of the conversation.  “Have you set a date?” she asks Allison.

“If Liam has anything to do with it, tomorrow.” I chuckle, as does my mom.

“Well, he knows what he wants. Who can blame him?” my mom replies. “Allison, I would be happy to help with anything that you need; don’t hesitate to ask.”

Mrs. Emerson places her hand over Allie’s on the table. “You know I love you like my own, and would love nothing more than to be there with you through all of this.  Michael and I have always thought of you as our little girl,” she says, tears in her eyes.

Allison is fighting back tears and before she can reply, as if he can sense her sorrow, Liam appears in front of her, dropping to his knees.  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

Allie’s tears slowly fall as she laughs through them.  Resting her forehead against his.  “Nothing is wrong, I’m happy.”

“MacCoy, you better not be making my sister cry,” Aiden says as he joins us at the table, taking the seat next to mine.

Liam glares at Aiden as he lifts Allison from her chair, and sits down with her on his lap. “You know better,” he sneers.

Aiden bumps his shoulder with mine and winks. This is a game we’ve played many times over the last several months. We both know that Liam would rather cut his arm off than do anything to hurt Allison, or upset her.  We, however, get our kicks by trying to accuse him of it anyway.  I know it sounds terrible, but don’t knock it until you try it.

Conversations drift. Allison and I talk with mom and Mrs. Emerson about wedding plans. The guys talk about football; shocker, I know.  I’m still sitting next to Aiden, and I’m trying hard to ignore him and how much I want him.  However, his knee keeps bumping mine, our elbows are rubbing, and we have reached for the pepper at the same time, twice.  Needless to say, I am relieved when dad suggest we play a game of football; guys against girls.  Normally I would bow out, but the thought of tackling Aiden to the ground raises my spirits.  Besides, my big brother is officially a member of the NFL; I need to learn to embrace the sport for more than just cheering on the sidelines.

Aiden and Liam rise from the table, both pulling their shirts over their heads. 
Holy shit!
  I have to touch my chin to make sure that the drool I feel pooling in my mouth isn’t running over and causing me to look like I’m having some type of seizure. This him shirtless. Regardless of how often, it always has the same effect on me.  Aiden has a true runner’s body.  Lean. Fit. Ripped.

Game on!



Sitting next to Hales was a bad idea. To make matters worse, I continue to torture myself by bumping my leg with her’s and rubbing elbows.  Yes, I’m well aware that I’m causing myself more grief, but I’ll take Hales any way I can get her.  Mr. MacCoy suggests that we play a friendly game of pigskin, and I’m up and out of my chair.  This has been a regular thing with us over the past four years.  The only difference is that my parents are here, and now, so is Allison.  Liam and I both make quick work of removing our shirts; we are playing shirts versus skins.  The thought of Hales in nothing but the skin she was born in flashes through my mind.  Although I know I shouldn’t, I chance a look at Hailey and she is starting at me.  I can’t describe the look in her eyes. She notices me watching her and quickly turns her attention to my mom. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts, while following Liam and our fathers to the backyard.

Playing shirts and skins, the teams are totally off balance. All four of us on the “skins” team played high school and college ball. There is also that little known organization called the NFL that Liam and I are now a part of. The “shirts” don’t stand a chance. Liam comes sauntering over, grinning like a fool.

“What they hell are you smiling about?”

Liam shakes his head no. “Can’t tell ya, man.  You get pissy when I do,” he replies, smirking.

I can only assume that this has something to do with Allison.  I may regret this, but I’m hoping that it’ll get my mind off Hailey.  “Lay it on me,” I tell him.

Liam wraps an arm around my shoulder and leans in to whisper in my ear. He’s acting like he’s about to divulge a secret that will change the world. “I get to tackle my girl. I’m shirtless, and Allie can’t resist me when I’m shirtless.  This was the best fucking idea ever!”

Shaking my head, I push him away.  “Dude, I so did not need that visual.” In reality, I’m getting used to it.  Even I can admit that they’re perfect for each other.  I still need to give him shit, it’s in my job description as best friend.

Mr. MacCoy yells across the yard, telling us it’s time to line up.  He declares ladies first.  Hailey lines up across from me, imagine that.  Suddenly, my earlier fantasy of Hales in just “skins,” and Liam’s little tidbit of knowledge regarding him and Allison, has my mind wondering to places it should not be going.  Before I know what’s happening, I’m falling backwards to the ground and Hailey is in position to land on top of me. Instinct has me taking the brunt of the fall, while I wrap my arms around her to protect her from injury.

“Oomph.” I take a deep breath, pulling oxygen back into my lungs.  Hailey is completely still on top of me.  My heart is racing and my mind is running sexy scenarios faster than I can comprehend.  I reach up and tuck a lose piece of hair behind her ear.  “You okay, angel?”  Hailey’s eyes widen at my endearment.  Instinctively, I tug her tighter against me.  I’ve never held her like this.  We’ve kissed twice, yes, I’m keeping count, and we have shared hugs on many occasions. What I haven’t done, is hold her next to me so close that every inch of her is touching every inch of me.  So close that it’s difficult to tell where she ends and I begin. 

Hailey locks her eyes on mine. “Hey,” she whispers.

In this moment, I want nothing more than to fuse my lips with hers and kiss her until we are both breathless. I want to kiss her until she knows how much I want her.  I’m thinking of throwing caution to the wind and doing just that, when I hear Liam.

“Come on, Hales, isn’t it bad enough you just took down an NFL running back? Give the guy a break and let him up.” At this everyone laughs.

Hailey’s face goes crimson. “Sorry,” she whispers as she quickly stands and heads back to the line to stand beside Allison.

I’m lying flat on my back, staring at the blue sky. I shiver at the loss of warmth from having Hales tight against me.


Liam appears over me, shielding the sun. “You all right, man?”

”Yeah, I’m good. Just catching my breath. Hales knocked the wind out of me.” I’m not exactly lying.

He reaches his hand out to help me up. Once I’m on my feet, I glance at Hales and she has her head back laughing at something that the other three are saying.

Beautiful angel.

“Come on you two, let’s get this show on the road.” This coming from my dad.

We line back up, this time I make sure that I’m across from my mom.  Dad gives me a curious look, but I act as though I don’t even notice.  After all of the small touches at dinner and our recent tumble and embrace, I can’t take much more.  Hailey MacCoy is going to be the death of me.

We run play after play, and time seems to fly by.  I make sure that I’m never lined up with Hailey.  At one point, I look in her eyes…she looks upset.  I want to pull her into my arms and explain that she’s testing my will power. That I want nothing more than to be the one rolling around on the ground with her, but I can’t. Losing her as a part of my life is a risk that I’m not willing to take. Losing her would break me.


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