Morgan's Wife (37 page)

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Authors: Lindsay McKenna

BOOK: Morgan's Wife
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The smile on her mouth was dessert in itself for him, as was her look of devilry combined with desire. He admired her boldness and relaxed as she got to her knees, reached up and unbuttoned his Levi's. Her hands were warm and followed the lines of his hardened thighs as she slowly, tortuously, slid his jeans downward. Jim sucked in a deep breath as her hands lingered against the bulging hardness displayed beneath the denim. She caressed him,
pulled the Levi's lower. Jim tunneled his fingers through her hair, gently gripping it for a moment as she returned to caress him again. Heat burned through him, and he nearly lifted her off her feet after he was rid of his clothes. The chill of the air was sharp, contrasting to the heat of Pepper's hands on his skin.

The look in her eyes set him on fire. He knelt down, capturing her mouth, ravishing her soft lips, pressing her hard against him as his fingers sought and found the hooks of her bra and released them. The silky fabric fell away, and Jim broke the kiss, breathing hard. Pepper was so perfect, her breasts small, proud and begging to be seduced—by him.

He felt her hands slide beneath his white T-shirt and slowly push the cotton fabric upward. He surrendered, allowing her to undress him. A look of pleasure entered her eyes as she ran her artistic fingers through the dark hair of his chest. Every touch was like a feathery brand. Groaning, Jim pulled her against him, feeling the soft brush of her breasts. As he slid his hands along her supple spine, he was again aware of how firm and muscular she was.

Laying her back on the blanket, he moved his hands down over her hips. Her belly was softly rounded, ripe for carrying babies, he thought hazily as he teased her silky panties away from her long, coltish legs. She lay before him naked, vulnerable. As he joined her on the blanket, he drew her into his arms.

Pepper inhaled sharply as Jim's hand moved provocatively up her rib cage, caressing, exploring. The hair of his chest teased her nipples, and they hardened. She waited in near frustration as his fingers moved slowly around her breast, shaping it, savoring the feel of her. He leaned down, his mouth capturing the hardened peak, and the warmth and moistness sent a shattering heat streaking through her. In that moment, her world revolved around his strong touch, the power of his body and the trembling control he barely held over it.

She arched against him, begging him to enter her. His smile was primal, as before, but the look in his burning eyes said not yet. She wasn't helpless. He could clearly see that she longed to please him as much as he was pleasing her. Reaching down, sliding her hands along his narrow flanks, she caressed him. A groan ripped from him, and he stiffened against her. She smiled at him this time, and he met her mouth with a growing intensity. Their breath mingled, and she welcomed his weight as he settled above her.

Pepper wasn't disappointed. Jim thrust hard and deep into her, and her wet heat met his plunge as he buried himself in her. A moan of pleasure rippled from her throat, and she threw her head back, feeling his arm slide beneath her neck, bringing her more tightly against him. The rhythm was wild, unfettered.
She matched him thrust for thrust, moving with him, engaging his powerful movements with her own totally feminine response. Their bodies grew hot and slick, the friction burning them up, consuming them as their mouths clung to each other with frenzied abandon.

Pepper's world shifted,
tilted as he slid his hand beneath her hips, bringing her into irrevocable union with him. Her cry of release was caught and drowned in his mouth as she surrendered herself to him. Seconds later, he stiffened against her, nearly crushing her, squeezing her breath from her as he held her to his trembling, damp body.
Moments—golden, heated—spun by, entwining them as tightly as her arms were locked around his narrow waist.

Wordlessly, Jim loosened his grip on her and framed her face, now damp and flushed, as he once again claimed her soft, well-kissed mouth. Her sweetness flowed through him. Tenderly easing his mouth from hers, he brought her down on the blanket. When her fearless blue eyes met his, he smiled gently, still feeling her heat, her tightness—not wanting to give up this sense of oneness he'd never before experienced.

"I dreamed of you every night," Jim whispered, nuzzling her cheek, trailing a series of small kisses downward until he found her warm, beckoning mouth. "Like this. Like now," he
his voice rough with emotion.

Pepper moved sinuously against him, absorbing Jim, reveling in his strength and incredible tenderness. Closing her eyes, she was content to lie against him, their legs tangled, their arms around each other.
Fire and ice.
The glittering snow surrounded them in its cold beauty while the heat of their recent lovemaking kept them warm. Slowly, ever so slowly, their ragged breathing calmed, as did their heartbeats. Pepper was amazed by their union, which had flown far beyond the physical. Jim filled her with his strength and masculinity in a way she'd never encountered in her life. It was as if she were embracing the sun itself, piercing and brilliant with life.

As he caressed her hair, gently stroking her, Pepper surrendered to him by resting her cheek against his rock-hard chest. The black mat of hair tickled her nose, and she smiled softly. Sliding her hand across his powerful muscles, she whispered, "I never knew this existed…."

Jim smiled tenderly, and he leaned over and caressed her smooth, unmarred brow as he repeated, "I dreamed of this. But I never believed it would happen, either, sweetheart," he admitted. His eyes darkened with haunting memories as he slid his fingers across the warm velvet of her flushed cheek. Her lashes fluttered open to reveal drowsy, fulfilled blue eyes. His smile deepened. "I want to cherish you, Mary Susan Sinclair."

The words, spoken huskily and with such hope, roused Pepper from the golden cocoon she was lying in. Lifting her chin, she drowned in his stormy gaze, which was alive with something she wanted to call love but didn't dare. Her lips parted, and she started to say something, but the words jammed in her throat. His eyes, so steady and intense, held hers, waiting for her answer.

Her heartbeat thumped in response to the magnitude of his statement. What was Jim saying? Did he want to spend the rest of his life with her? Was she imagining this? Had love, an emotion she'd denied
for so long, made her hear things that hadn't really been said? His smile grew tender, and he moved within her, underscoring how much she wanted him all over again.

He had captured her wrists above the tangle of her curls, his fingers heated against her cool skin. With each slow thrust, she moaned, and the heat fanned out deeply within her.

Words were useless, and Pepper cried out with pleasure as Jim leaned down, capturing her hardening nipple. Arching against him, drawing him deeply into her, she felt his fingers in her hair, pulling her against him until her cheek rested against his damp shoulder. Did she want to spend the rest of her life with him? Yes, a thousand times, yes! Pepper lifted her chin, seeking Jim's mouth, striving to meet and match his power. She wasn't disappointed because in a heartbeat his mouth was plundering her, ravaging her, teasing her, testing her and taking her where she'd never been before.

Each touch trailed liquid fire down her body. Each motion was powerful, riveting. Pepper met his narrowed gaze, recognizing the look of a hunter. She was his quarry—but at the same time she was a hunter, too. Every plane of his body was hard as steel, trembling with bare control as he surged into her, making her his all over again.

Exhaustion lapped at Pepper as they fell into each other's embrace. The minutes fled by, and she was content to remain in his arms. Finally she felt Jim sit up and gather the warm, thick jackets over them. Snuggling against his damp body, she burrowed her face against his neck, her arms around him. Pepper felt his arms tighten, felt his mouth upon her cheek, his warm breath reassuring. Winter's chill would drive them indoors soon enough. But now Pepper would be content simply to go home and spend time with Jim, alone and uninterrupted.

Jim quietly entered the bedroom, a cup of hot tea in hand. It was nearly two in the afternoon. He and Pepper had happily fallen back into bed once they'd returned to her cabin, and had slept like two innocent children in each other's arms. He'd awakened half an hour ago and made them tea. Pepper's cabin radiated with wood-fire warmth, and he smiled tenderly as he eased himself down on the bed next to her sleeping form. Without him at her side, she slept on her stomach, one hand beneath her cheek, the other beneath the goose-down pillow. Sometime after he'd got up to go to the kitchen, the colorful down comforter had fallen to one side.

Now Jim lightly touched Pepper's back, feeling the delicious curve of her spine. He was happy when she didn't stir. He didn't want to wake her; he just wanted to spend this time absorbing another new facet of her. Her hair, once sleek, was curled in disarray around her sleeping features. Her lips were parted, shouting of her vulnerability. Her cheeks had their usual flush, emphasizing her beautiful English complexion.

Frowning, he allowed his hand to come to rest on her satiny shoulder. How many loads had she carried on these proud shoulders? Did she want to assume the load of a relationship—with him? When he'd asked her the question, he'd seen surprise in her eyes, followed by another, unknown emotion. Why hadn't Pepper responded to his question? Perhaps he'd asked too much too soon. By the very fact that she'd loved him twice already, she was showing her courage to reach out and try to love again. He had to be content with that for now. Jim hadn't even guessed at the magnitude of the wall she had erected after John's death. If he had known, he wondered if he'd have been willing to take the chances he had so far with her. Sometimes not knowing could prove to be an advantage, he thought wryly. Moving his fingers gently across her shoulder blade, he again realized just what incredible physical shape Pepper was in—as she had to be to do the demanding work of fighting fires.

A serenity
washed over him as he sat on the bed, his hand lightly resting on Pepper's shoulder. He sipped at the lemon-flavored tea he'd brewed. Out in the living room, the soft snap of the fire enhanced his
. Leaning over, he nudged a curl back from Pepper's temple, and she stirred. Damn, he hadn't meant to wake her. He saw her lashes slowly
, revealing drowsy blue eyes.


"Everything's okay," he said quietly, keeping his hand on her shoulder. She started to rise, but he applied just enough pressure to let her know he wanted her to go back to sleep.

Rubbing her face, Pepper smiled softly. "What time is it?" How dangerous-looking Jim was, she thought sleepily, dressed only in faded Levi's, his chest dark with hair and his shoulders thrown back with natural pride. Her body responded automatically to his quiet presence. His hand was warm against her. The intimacy he'd established with her was powerful.

"Fourteen hundred hours." He grimaced. "My military background is showing again, isn't it?" And he chuckled.

Pepper laughed softly and slowly sat up, the quilt spilling around her waist. She felt no embarrassment as she watched his eyes narrow with appreciation of her.

"I remember my mother making me read the Greek myths when I was nine or so," Jim said as he handed Pepper the cup of tea and rose from the bed. He walked to the closet, found a pink velour robe and brought it back to her. Trading the tea for the robe, he said, "One particular myth involved Diana, the Huntress. She captured my imagination because she did everything the boys did—but did it better. She was an athlete—a prototype, I think now, looking back on it, for the women of today." He enjoyed watching Pepper rise slowly from the bed and slip into the robe.

Placing the tea on the dresser, he went over to her. "You're a modern-day Diana."

It was so easy for Pepper to open her arms and receive him. "I'm not interested in being anyone's role model, thank you very much. I know what I enjoy doing, and that's all that counts. Personally, I just couldn't handle doing an eight-hour-a-day desk job."

Jim leaned down and captured her mouth, sharing her warmth and vulnerability. Then, easing away, he smiled at her. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Pepper smiled and touched his hair. It was thick and silky. "When the man of my dreams wakes me up, why should I mind?"

"I got thirsty," he said, gesturing to the tea. "Want some?"

"At this hour, it's better than coffee."

"Come on," he murmured. Slipping his arm around her waist, he walked her out to the kitchen, where he made her sit down while he brewed another cup.

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