Read Mortal Desire Online

Authors: Alexander Bryn

Mortal Desire (25 page)

BOOK: Mortal Desire
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I looked down at her hand on the book, and then to the table, and closed my eyes briefly, before I looked up into her eyes again.

‘I must go now. Things to do. Places to go. I wish you happy reading and happy memories with your book.’

I bent down to grab my leather bag.

‘But … but don’t you want to know what is in this book?’ Amelia asked, placing her hand over mine on the table.

I looked at her perfectly shaped hand and fingers draped over mine, and felt their warmth and magnetism reaching into my being.

Then I looked up into her face. She was waiting in anticipation of my answer.

Hope, that’s what it was.

She was hoping that I would stay a little longer to hear about her bloody book.

I raised my eyebrows and took a deep breath, trying to finding the right words before I spoke.

‘Thank-you, but no. I have no right to any of the information that you have in your book. I don’t know you, you don’t know me—heck—you couldn’t even locate any information about me over the net. Remember, I don’t exist,’ I said, trying to fob her off.

I wanted to stay for an eternity and look at her beautiful face and listen to her soul connecting voice. I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her passionately, and make her mine forever—mentally, emotionally, physically as one.

She stared into my eyes for a moment before she looked down at the book in her hands. Disappointment was written all over her face and my heart pained for her.

‘Oh,’ she said softly as she slouched in her seat.

I wanted to say tell me all about it. We have a lifetime together because you are mine. But that was not the truth, and it never would be.

‘I’m sorry ...’ I muttered sincerely, and grabbed my bag and stood up, looking down at her saddened face.

She looked up at me before standing in front of me.

‘The least I can do is give you a thank-you hug Eli.’

She stepped towards me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. In politeness I wrapped my arms around her back and held her gently.

She felt so deliciously good with her body pressed against mine. I closed my eyes and lowered my head down closer to her neck and into her apple scented hair, feeling my entire body come alive.

‘Thank-you,’ she whispered breathlessly into my ear. She released me from her hug, and stepped back from me. I looked into her eyes and smiled coyly at her.

‘You are welcome,’ I said gently before I turned to leave the café, the door bell announcing my departure.


Thank-you to my husband,

for your forever patience as I repeatedly enter

the world of creativity in writing, and the arts.

I love you and adore you. x


~ Many beautiful things

Cannot be seen or touched

They are felt within the heart.

What you have done for me

Is one of them ~

Thank-you to my three beautiful children who have always

listened to my crazy stories with a gentle and patient heart.

~ I remember perfectly the day that you were born,

when my heart overflowed with deep, endless,

unconditional love for you.

I will love you forever and a day. x


~ And thank-you to my Creator,

carrying me through the storm.

Your Grace is sufficient for me ~

Forever Yours.


BOOK: Mortal Desire
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