Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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Book 1



H. M. Stewart






© 2016  H.M. Stewart

All rights reserved.

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H.M Stewart. Series is based upon fictional characters and story line. Not recommended for anyone under 18 due to violence and sexual content.


Printed in the USA






Applejack…. This ones for you! I’m sorry it took so long for me to finally take the leap but as you used to tell me, “better late than never”. Until we meet again….







“Okay, so my driver is good to go with a 2 am appointment, correct? I asked again trying to get a straight answer from Tom. The incessant ringing of the shop phone for the fifth time caught my attention while I patiently waited for my answer.

"Madison please bare with me while I sort through this shit. My new assistant has turned my damn desk upside down.” I could hear Tom shuffling through what seemed to be a ton of papers when my cell phone began to vibrate loudly from the corner of my desk. I guess someone was definitely trying to get a hold of me. As much as I want to ask Tom to hold on so I could take the call, I knew he would wait for all of thirty seconds before disconnecting the call. Then if that were to happen I would then enter a game of phone tag resulting in half of the day gone before I would get a yes or no answer. To some, it wouldn't be a big deal but I had trucks to get rolling. Being on time with our deliveries is something my family’s business depends on. It’s what keeps our customers loyal even with the increase of the fuel surcharge due to the outrageous price of diesel fuel these days.

"Hot damn I found the appointment sheet," Tom said sounding triumphant on the phone. "I actually need two trucks for 2 am tomorrow morning. I'm sorry it took so long for me to find the freaking paper. I definitely need to reiterate that my desk is hands off. That new girl is going to be the death of me this week," he said with a sigh.

"Not a problem Tom. I'll make sure it's covered. Try to take a deep breath before you talk to her. I'm sure she thought she was helping you by getting that atrocity of a desk organized,” I said with a giggle, “I'll be in touch for Thursday's schedule. If anything comes up before then that you need us to take care of, just give me a yell. I'll talk to you later darling, goodbye."

"Thanks for being so patient with an old man Madison. Make sure you tell Boomer he’s one lucky son-of-a-bitch to have a daughter like you running the show. Talk to ya later doll."

Giggling to myself as I hung up the phone, I looked up in time to see my twin brother barge in the office. Braxton O'Shea, a.k.a Axle president of the Dominant Devils was a naturally broody asshole. With his shaggy dark brown hair and ice blue eyes, he was the walking example of serious. Sure, he knew how to kick back and let loose but even then he was always thinking and accessing the situation. The look on his face now is something I have only seen a hand full of times in our twenty-six years on earth. It’s the look of complete distraught. It’s the same look I saw when we were seventeen, hearing the news of our grandfather's passing and the same look I saw staring back at me when we watched our father drop on the floor of the shop barely hanging on to life as a heart attack struck him out of the blue. Seeing that look meant my day was about to get a whole lot worse. God help me!


"You've got to lock this shit up and come with me right now. We've been calling for the last hour trying to give you a heads up that I was on my way," I growled at Madison while flipping the sign on the door too close.

Madison stood quickly grabbing her cell phone looking through the missed call log. "Shit! I've got calls from you, Blaze, Izzy, Doc, and Hyde. Would you care to tell me just what in the hell is going on? The look on your face is scaring the hell out of me!" I could see Madison was on the verge of monster tears already.

"Grab your purse and let’s get the fuck out of here. I'll explain everything on the way to the hospital."

Without questioning me my twin sister sprang into action. She had the computers shut down and the phones switched to the answering service so fast I didn't realize it. She grabbed my hand pulling me out the door, rushing us to my Duramax. She let go of my hand to jump in the truck and so I could do the same. I tore out the gravel road and a deathly silence fell upon us. I took this time to get myself together; I needed to get what I was going to say right in my head before I started to fill her in. I needed to make sure I that I only had to say it once because I know I had to get this shit out without repeating myself or I would crack. As her brother and president of the Dominant Devils, I had a duty to keep myself in check. The time would come for breaking down behind closed doors but now wasn’t it. I had to be strong for her as well as the rest of my brothers and family. Not knowing a way to soften the blow I took a deep breath before telling my twin sister that her pregnant best friend and her best friends husband were in a tragic car accident. That they were on their way to their final OBGYN appointment before being induced on Thursday when some dumbass crossed the center line and struck them head on in broad day light. Fuck it. I just need to stop being a pansy ass and give it to her straight.


As I sat there scared to death in the passenger seat of my brother’s pickup I began to mentally freak out without even knowing the news my brother was about to give me. I knew deep in my heart that news wouldn't be good at all. I began to pray that it wasn't my dad’s heart again. He was doing so great. He had stepped down as club president passing the gavel to my brother along with all the responsibilities that go with it. Since taking a step back and passing the gavel, he had all but retired from any club action serving as an adviser to the new generation of brothers. His retirement from the club’s legitimate business was a welcomed change giving him more one on one time with Momma Bear. She had been begging him for years to slow down but it took the heart attack that almost killed him and an open heart surgery for him to make the change.

"Okay, I can see your head is running a million miles a minute right now so I'm just going to fucking say it, but I need you to listen carefully so I'll be able to get through it without cracking. You and I both know that as the rock of this family and president of the club I cannot be seen as weak. You got me CB," he croaked.

“I got you Axle but please tell me what the hell is going on! I'm going fucking nuts thinking it's daddy. I need to know now, Okay?”

"This might shape up to be worse than the day of dad's heart attack, but no it's not dad this time." Axle explained harshly.

What the hell could be worse than the day dad had a heart attack? Oh no, where's Jacoby? I haven't seen or heard from him since he left with the service truck earlier this morning for a road call. I looked up at my brother but he must have sensed where my thoughts just went.

"And no it's not Wall. I got a text from him saying he was meeting us at the hospital, " Axle all but shouted. "I need you to stay sensible when I tell you this. Can you promise me," he asked taking his eyes off the road to look me in the eyes for the first time since we left the office?

“I'm trying here Ax, but you are so not helping my nerves. I'm not supposed to get nervous like this until Thursday when I help bring my god daughter into this world.”

As the words left my mouth I saw a single tear slip down my brother's face. No! No! No! No! Octavia is gracing this world on Thursday! I just went with Carrin last week. I heard straight from the doctor's as she reassured her that everything was fine even with her being overdue. From what Dr. Collins said it was totally normal for first-time mothers. The crocodile tears broke loose as I abruptly began to pray that the sweet innocent baby girl was fine and would be coming on Thursday as scheduled.

As Axle parked the truck he took another deep breath before he spoke to me again. I knew he was trying to gain a little composure before he began explaining the situation we would be facing as soon as we walked through those doors at the emergency room.

"On the way to the doctor’s appointment this morning Carrin and Brookes were in an accident. While driving down route 901 a man whipped out from behind a school bus with intent to pass it. The man plowed straight into the driver’s side of Carrin's Sonata. Brookes was driving so, of course, he took the brunt of the impact.” My brother gave me a look that told me not to interrupt as he continued, “I haven't seen the car or know the full extent of their injuries. All I know is that they lost Brookes on the way here but were able to revive him. Carrin was unconscious when the paramedics arrived but other than the seat belt tightening on her stomach she seemed to only suffer a blow to the head." Giving me a few seconds to let the news sink in Axle sat across from me in silence for a few moments before continuing.

"I know you want to crumble right now Madison but we both need to be strong for our family. Brookes is the only biological family that Happy has left so he’ll need us more now than ever. You know Wall and his moods better than any of us and he’s going to be lost in his fear for his baby sister and unborn niece looking to lean on you," Axle managed to breathe out.

My brother reached out to touch my cheek and turn my face towards his. “Take a few minutes to pull your shit in. Then we’ll go into that damn hospital together and face this shit head on,” my brother whispered brokenly.

As soon as I was sure Axle was done talking, I shook my head in agreement. I turned myself around, flipped the sun visor down and began to wipe my face the best I could. When I was finished I took one last look in the mirror and instantly forced the mask in place that would serve as my shield like so many times before. The mask would allow me to portray the rock for everyone to lean on. Only two people in this world would call me out on my masked confidence. One of whom would be the woman I considered my sister, the one who I'm hoping is fighting to keep herself and her unborn child alive. The second would be the man that I fell head over heels in love with the rightful age of fifteen. Wall might not feel the same for me but he was still my closest friend other than his sister. He would know as soon as I made eye contact with him.

Confident in my appearance I turned to my brother again. "Let's do this," I said to Axle as we turned to open our doors. Stepping out of the truck I stood tall, squared my shoulders and began to move towards the building that held the unknown. With my brother’s hand in mine, we dashed through the emergency room parking lot only pausing for an inpatient second while we waited for the automatic doors to open allowing us access to the registration desk. Before we could make our way to the desk, I caught Blaze coming out of the hallway that housed the vending machines. Without words, he motioned with a nod of his head letting us know to follow him. It’s part of a silent communication that we club brats have used since the day we were born.

There are two types of people in our club, stragglers and club brats. The stragglers are people who came to us looking for the life. Some had no family or were kicked out of their said family while others seemed to find they were missing something while being civilians. The club brats are those who were born into this life and know no other way. We were taught at an early age that blood doesn't make you family and as I followed Blaze into the waiting room holding my brothers hand that's what I saw, family.

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