Mr. Big: A Billionaire Romance

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Alexander Daniels
Mr. Big. Or so the rumors say....

Self made billionaire Alexander had apparently slept with most of the women in Manhattan which had led to rumors going around that he was very
in the crotch area.

And feisty businesswoman Mia James was very determined to find out for herself.

Never one to shy away from a night of fun she was dared to seduce the playboy and report back with the truth. Every inch of it. 

However, once Mia finally got to know the man behind the name, she had no idea the tables would be turned on her so dramatically...




Copyright Notice

Alexis Gold
Mr Big  © 2016, Alexis Gold

This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.







    The misty clouds of a spring shower hovered around the windows of the skyscraper, seeming to press against the glass as if they wanted to move inside or at least look in closely to see what was going on in the dry, warm interior of the meeting room where two people sat. A contemporary steel and glass table was fixed at the center of the room, surrounded by cushioned chairs. At the head of the table, in one of the chairs, sat a woman who was in her element in such a room. As a financial advisor on Wall Street in Manhattan, Mia James was well accustomed to the environment she was in and the kind of client who was sitting near her.

She felt his eyes traveling from the tip of her high heel up past her slender ankle and her strong calf to the hem of her pinstriped skirt, which rested just a few inches above her knee. His wandering gaze stopped there a long moment, before taking in her rounded hips, her narrow waist, and the swell of her breasts, pressing against her blouse; not enough to offer much of a view, but just enough to hint at one. The black curls of her hair, which reached the back of her shoulder blades when it was worn down, were pinned up into a French twist at the back of her head, exposing her sleek neckline. She had a squared jaw line and high arced cheek bones beneath her big dark brown eyes. Her thick, dark eyelashes were lowered as she examined the paperwork in the file before her.

Mia’s skin was toned and dark, like honeyed chocolate, and if Will Carter’s hungry gaze was any indication, it was just as inviting as that confection. He hadn’t bothered to hide his ravenous stare, and she hadn’t looked directly at him, but she hadn’t missed his overt attention at all.

“Mr. Carter,” she said in a calm voice, looking through the papers, and he interrupted her.

“Oh… Please call me Will.” His eyes feasted on her full red lips and his mouth opened slightly.

She raised her eyes to meet his and it took him a moment to lift his gaze from her lips to her eyes. He closed him mouth and smiled at her as she watched him.

“Fine. Will, then, it looks like you haven’t made the recommendations that I sent over to you from the preliminary review of this file. Do you know when you’ll be able to get those changes made?” she asked him, giving him a serious look as she locked her eyes on his, reminding him subtly they were in a business meeting.

He shrugged. “I should be able to get them done soon.” He nodded, grinning at her.

Mia breathed in through her nose, reminding herself that she needed to be patient. “It’s costing you nine thousand dollars a day every single day you wait to make those changes.”

He tipped his head as he leaned forward and reached his hand toward her chair, resting his fingers on the arm of it. “That’s not a big deal. I have plenty of money. I’ll get it done soon.” The tips of his fingers closed around the arm of her chair and he pulled it toward him, drawing her nearer to him.

“Besides… it keeps you coming back in here to see me. I like that. In fact, I’d like to see you outside of this office very soon.” He winked at her and nodded his head slightly.

She didn’t even blink. “Mr. Carter, you’ve delayed these changes long enough that you’re over three hundred thousand dollars short on the interest you could have made. That’s over a quarter of a million dollars, and that’s nothing but wasteful.” She leveled her gaze at him.

Most of the wealthy men she worked with were smart and careful investors. Some of them were much more careless and were often unconcerned with what their money was doing for them or not doing for them. They were concerned with immediate pleasures, with showing off, with pretending that money was no object in order to impress others or to impress her, and she was never impressed by wasteful stupidity.

Will Carter was a handsome man. He had a strong face and deep-set brown eyes. His skin was darker than hers was, but not by much. He wore his hair short and his business suits sharp and a little on the contemporary side, much like his office décor; everything about him was cool and polished. She knew about most of his finances, and she knew he had money to burn, but not so much that he could reasonably justify burning off more than a quarter of a million dollars in less than six weeks.

She had given him sound financial advice and he hadn’t followed it. He was too busy checking her out and flirting with her constantly to focus too intently on all the valuable advice she gave him. It disgusted her deep inside, though she never showed it, and he never would have guessed it.

“Well, wasteful or not, we’ll make it back, won’t we?” he asked smoothly, leaning in close to her, giving her his most charming smile. “You and I… we can make… all kinds of things happen, can’t we?” he looked at her lips again, suggestively.

Mia looked straight at him and with her left hand, she closed the financial folder. He blinked and looked at the file for a moment and then looked up at her with a grin of anticipation.

“You ready to make some things happen?” he asked, confidence dripping from his lascivious smile at her.

She stood up and turned to walk away from him. “Yes, I’m going back to my office, and the next time I have a look at that file, I hope I see you’ve made the changes I've suggested for you to make. Show some follow through, Mr. Carter. Don’t waste my time and yours.”

He stood up swiftly and took a few steps after her. “Wait! I… uh… I wanted to ask you to come to dinner with me tonight!” he seemed as if he was grasping for possibilities.

“I don’t date clients, Mr. Carter,” she reminded him for the umpteenth time as she turned to walk to the door of the office. He caught up to her and reached his arm out over her shoulder as he looked down at her and lowered his voice.

“What if I hire someone else to do my financial consulting for me, and then you could come out with me anytime you want to?” he breathed huskily, staring at her eyes and her mouth.

“I don’t date former clients, Mr. Carter. You’d just be losing the one person who has done the most for your financial portfolio.” She didn’t bother to give him the small, curt smile she saved for moments like that.

He was not to be deterred. Instead, he leaned closer and lifted his other hand to her shoulder, running his fingertips slowly down the sleeve of her blouse to her elbow. “You know better than most how well off I am, Mia, and you know that I could do a lot for you. I could be so good to you, if you’d let me. We could have a good time, and I could spoil you and take you out… buy you things…” he leaned even closer, pausing inches from her face. “I could treat you so good that you forget other men even exist.”

“I’m not interested in you on a personal level,” she said pointedly. She had wanted to avoid being blunt with him, but it seemed as though there was no other way that he was going to take a hint and back off of her.

He didn’t take the hint. “Yeah, but… if you give it a chance, you could be interested. You just don’t know how good it would be with me yet, that’s all. Give me a chance to show you how much you’d like it. You could be… so special to me.” He moved to kiss her and she ducked beneath his arm and he launched himself forward too far, too fast, and hit his face on the door.

“Goodbye, Mr. Carter,” she said coolly as he pushed back from the door and his hands went to his face. She reached for the doorknob and yanked it open, giving him an icy glance over her shoulder as she walked out and headed for the elevator.

There was nothing that men like him could do to impress her, though many had tried before him, and she was confident that many after him would try as well. She stepped into the elevator and as she turned, the doors slid closed and she could see him staring after her.

Mia glanced at herself in the mirror on the back wall of the elevator. She gave herself a critical review and decided she did look good, so she couldn’t blame him for being interested, but she was irritated he kept trying to change her mind even after she told him she wasn’t interested. Some men found that to be a challenge, and they didn’t listen. It was those men that annoyed her the most.

She glanced at her watch. She was right on time. She would be meeting her friends at their favorite restaurant after her meeting, and she couldn’t wait to dish on the latest tycoon to be turned down.

Mia had the doorman hail a cab for her, and as it cruised down the street, she gazed out of the window and took in the beautiful spring evening. The shifting season had changed the look of her beloved Manhattan from the cold grey of winter into brilliant colorful hues of new life everywhere around her, and she loved soaking it all in.

The taxi dropped her in front of Carly’s, an upscale restaurant and bar on 5
Avenue, where she and her best friends loved to meet regularly to share cocktails, dinner, and gossip. She walked in the front door and the maître d’ looked up and smiled at her. She smiled back at him.

“Good evening Miss James.” He greeted her with a nod.

“Hello Henry!” she answered back with a genuine smile.

He was pristine as always in his black suit with a white kerchief and a red rose in his lapel. The top of his bald head shone in the soft light, and the white hair around his temples was combed back neatly.

“Your friends are here already,” he said lightly as he walked her back to their usual table.

She rounded the corner, taking in the familiar, dark red carpet and fabric used for the furniture and draperies, the mahogany wood, and all the brass fixtures and chandeliers. It had rich, comfortable feel to it, and she and her friends had been going there for the ambiance, the food, and the cocktails, for a long time. Her gaze shifted from the décor to their usual table and three people looked up and smiled widely when they saw her, standing up to greet her with hugs and kisses on her cheeks as she reached them.

Ava Kennedy was of a medium height, five foot too tall to be short and too short to be tall. She had light blonde hair that was styled most often in a soft wave to her shoulders. She looked a great deal like Marilyn Monroe, with her pretty eyes and sweet smile, but her hourglass figure was the thing that tied it all together and made people do a double take when they saw her. She loved to hear how much she looked like the beautiful icon, and Mia often thought that she patterned herself after Marilyn just a bit more because of it.

Ava kissed her and hugged her and then stepped back to her seat as the other woman at the table, Madeline Riley, reached her arms around Mia. Madeline was as different from Ava and Mia as she could be. She was tall and slender, with long red hair to the middle of her back. She had blue eyes and fair skin. Her smile was wide and her nose was rounded and sprinkled with freckles, which she had stopped trying to hide. She looked like a runway model; lean with soft curves, and it was often a slight envy of Ava’s that Maddie didn’t have to wear a bra at all if she didn’t want to, and her figure still looked impeccable.

Maddie was glamorously sexy in a silver screen sort of way, and she had a brilliant mind that she almost never let her lovers see. It was a hobby of the small group of friends to enjoy watching men hit on Maddie, thinking that she had no intelligence because of the way she looked, only to find out that she had a double doctorate later on, if she ever let them get that far.

Mia kissed her back and then grinned happily at Liam, who was waiting for the ladies to sit before he wrapped his arms around her. Liam Isaacson was tall and slender, and looked like the other half of a matching set when standing beside Maddie. He had dark hair that was always perfectly combed, a vast array of designer suits tailored for him, and gentle green eyes that looked on his three lady friends with pure love, but none of them more so than Mia. They had said privately more than once that if they were both still single at forty-five, they would marry each other and forego love for friendship. Liam was gay, though not openly flamboyant, and he had yet to find the love of his life, just like the other three women.

“Darling, you look absolutely delectable. How are you doing?” he asked with his soft tone, giving her a light airy kiss on the cheek and a warm hug.

She sighed and let out the stress of the day. She was among her tribe, and it was where she loved to be. Mia could relax fully with them, talk with them about everything, and be herself with no inhibitions or cares.

“I’m good now,” she said with a sigh of ease as she sank into her chair and waved at the waiter for a glass of wine.

“You weren’t before you got here?” Liam asked, raising one brow at her.

She rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Well, it wasn’t great. I had a meeting with one of my clients, Will Carter. He’s got a lot of money and not a lot of brains. He’s always more interested in what he can do with me rather than what I can do with his money to make him more of it. His priorities are completely out of whack.”

Ava giggled and grinned. “He sounds fun. What does he look like?”

Mia turned to her. “He’s tall, dark, and handsome. He’s into spending money on women and enjoying them in his bed. He isn’t overly bright, and he doesn’t know it, and he doesn’t see anything wrong with who and how he is.”

Ava cocked an eyebrow. “Really? Hmm. Did you sleep with him?”

“No,” Mia said, smiling at the waiter in thanks for the glass of wine that he handed her before he vanished. She tipped it back and closed her eyes, savoring the Merlot that slid over her tongue like dark red velvet.

“Are you going to?” Ava asked, looking innocently at her friend.

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