Mr. Buff (4 page)

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Authors: April Angel

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Mr. Buff
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“Hey, Nina.” Engrossed in her own thoughts, she stepped back and allowed her cousin into her apartment.

Nina was dressed to hang out, as was Alex, in a pink cotton lounger suit that read
across her butt. In contrast, however, Alex’s lounge pants were plain royal blue without any lettering to draw attention to her already noticeable assets.

“Finally, woman! You’ve been dodging me like I have the plague. What gives? And don’t give me any crap about you being busy. This is me you’re talking to. You always make time for me.”

She sighed and followed Nina into the living room. Alex took a seat on a sofa across from her, folding her bare feet underneath her. What would be a good way to word the problems that were plaguing her?

After Friday night, her thoughts constantly veered toward climbing into bed with Andrew, wondering what else he’d do to her. Each time her thoughts strayed to him, all her nerve endings came to life. A painful throbbing took over her pussy, and she ended up manually relieving herself to prevent her from being aroused day and night.

“I’m not sure what to do.” She wanted more, so much more, but she was scared even to think it.

“About what? I hope this isn’t about Mr. Buff. I mean, have you got any idea how many women would gladly push you into oncoming traffic to get a chance at Andrew Carter?”

“What are you talking about?” She leaned toward the sofa arm, frowned at Nina’s gloating expression, and cupped her chin.

“What I’m talking about is that I wouldn’t have picked anyone better for you. The man is a veritable genius in business. He dips his hands into all kinds of ventures, including that little place we went to on Friday. Everything he touches turns to gold.”

“What?” What the hell was she talking about? She had heard the name Andrew Carter before. Andrew Carter and Mr. Buff were one and the same? Andrew owned Come Again?

“You haven’t put two and two together yet? Andrew Carter?” Nina dragged out the name as though that would make a difference. “You’re a businesswoman. How do you not know of Carter Real Estate, Carter Clubs, and Carter Designs?”

“I’m a payroll manager. I am not to the level where I need to keep up with the
Wall Street Journal
. Besides, that stuff is boring.”

Nina rolled her eyes. “The man comes from a family of geniuses. His brother is a top neurosurgeon who just happened to marry one of his nurses. His mother is Beverly Carter, the top-selling author, and his father used to be head of the national defense. Let’s put it this way: do you remember Leslie Lynch?”

“The supermodel?” A dull throbbing started to build in the back of her head. For the first time since she’d seen him, thoughts of Andrew were giving her a headache.

“That’s the one. Do you know who she was last dating? Your very own Mr. Buff, Andrew Carter.”

Shocked, she stared at her cousin while she put it all together. The building across from her office was owned by Carter Real Estate; no wonder he had his own shower. And he wanted to see
again? Leslie Lynch was one of the hottest lingerie models out there. Not only did she look like sex on legs, she exuded so much sensuality and confidence that women young and old tried to emulate her.

“Ah, shit. This isn’t going to work. The man is going to come back, take a second look at me, and turn tail back to Leslie.”

“What?” Wide-eyed, Nina stared at her, jaw hanging open. “Are you crazy? Have you looked at yourself? What the hell did that fucked-up piece of shit Jack do to you? Where’s your usual self-confidence? Andrew Carter wants you because you’re hot. Let’s face facts here, Alex, you’ve got a body any twenty-year-old would kill for, you’re beautiful, have an amazing heart, and when you love, you love unconditionally. Any man would be lucky to have you.”

“What if all he wanted was some ass?” She bit her lip. That was her biggest fear. Jack really had done a number on her. She didn’t want to go through short-term affairs any longer. She wanted a solid relationship.

“Oh please, were you not there on Friday? I mean, I was, and I saw how he looked at you. This is no booty call. He wants more, and you should be happy. This is exactly what you’ve been wanting. Give the man a chance. If he doesn’t pan out, then you move on knowing you tried.”


“No buts. Just try. I have a good feeling about him. If he does something to hurt you, I’ll gut him myself, OK?”

She smiled at Nina’s ferocious expression. Able to tear any man to shreds verbally, she didn’t need Nina’s help. Still, she almost felt sorry for Andrew. If he turned out to be a frog, her cousin would have him for dinner.

“Fine, fine. But I’m not wasting time if all he’s looking for is to play around.”

“Did he say when you’d hear from him?”

“He sent me a text from somewhere on the other side of the world telling me he’d call me when he gets back and just wanted me to know he was thinking of me.” She’d bounced in her desk chair like a teenager when she saw the message.

“Good. Now that we got that settled, let’s get some food. I’m starving.”

They stood to walk into the kitchen, and her doorbell rang. She raised her brows and gave Nina a shrug, knowing she wasn’t expecting anyone. When she opened the door, a deliveryman stood there with a large package.

“Can I help you?” What could this large, paper-covered item be?

The man looked to the package and then at her. “Are you Ms. Alexandra Berte?”


“Sign here please.” He handed her a form, and once she’d signed it, he passed her the package. She took it to the living room and tore at the paper.

“Well? What is it?” Nina walked out of the kitchen to join her.

It was a potted single purple orchid. How in the world did he know she’d love that more than anything?

Nina sighed. “Oh wow. I told you I had a feeling about him! Is there a note?”

Her mind had frozen over the gorgeous flower and hadn’t even looked for any papers. Inside the plastic was a piece of personalized stationary with
on it. He’d handwritten a note?

“Read it!”

“One rare beauty deserves another. Andrew.”

Alex realized she was in big trouble.


Chapter Seven



What a waste of time it was to sit at her desk and stare at Andrew’s empty office. She hadn’t bothered to remove the earpiece after the last call, and her heart did a flip when the phone rang in her ear. Clicking on a button to continue hands-free, she answered.



A slow shiver of arousal ran up her spine. She smiled and lifted her eyes to the second purple orchid sitting at her desk. He’d had it delivered to her office just that morning. The second handwritten note had been so sweet: “I wanted you to see as much beauty as I do when I look up from my desk.”

“Andrew. When did you—how did you get this number?”

“It’s easy when you have a fantastic assistant who can get you things, like the office number to the sexiest woman in the city.” His rich, gravelly voice opened the craving to have him near. She wanted to touch his body and be surrounded by his heat.

“What, um, are you doing?”

“Lying in a hotel room, lonely, wishing I were there finally to see you again.”

She tried to smother the giggle that slipped out. He sounded like a dramatic, sulking kid.

“Are you laughing at me, woman? I’m going to paddle that sexy ass when I see you.”

A whimper escaped her. His deep laugh and the visual he provided were enough to turn on the heat inside her cunt. Her moist pussy dampened her panties and made her wiggle in her seat.

To keep herself from panting, she kept things safe. “I’m sorry you’re lonely. I wish there were something I could do to make you feel better.”

“There is one thing you can do for me.”

Sitting up, her mind already zooming into all kinds of sick, twisted directions, she perked with interest. “What?”

“Are you busy or were you done for the day?”

“No, I’m finished. I was going to leave in a few minutes.”

“Good. Are you wearing a skirt today?”

OK. “Yes, a dress. Why?”

“I ask the questions, Alexandra.” His voice lost all traces of amusement and picked up the same tone he’d used in the club. Her pussy constricted, and her nipples swelled. His voice had the ability to make her body respond from anywhere in the world.

“OK.” Her pants were loud. The headset was so close, she was positive he could hear her fight to get oxygen into her lungs.

“Pull your chair up to the window. Nobody can see you, and I want you to do this for me. Just as if I were there watching you.”

Lust clouded her brain. She locked her door, just in case, pulled her chair around her desk, and set it right in front of the window facing his office. To ensure it wouldn’t roll away, she locked the wheels in place.

She didn’t bother to hide her excitement. “OK, now what?”

“Now I want you to remove the dress.”


“Do it. Don’t question me.” The command came clear across the line. The urge to get on all fours and ask him to spank her flashed through her mind.

“OK, hold on.” It wasn’t as though she had to, he wouldn’t know, but what was the fun in the game if she didn’t do what he said? She looked outside the window, but nothing other than Andrew’s office had a good view of hers.

Pulling the dress over her head, she dropped it by the chair wheels. “OK, now what?” Her voice was soft and needy.

“Turn in a circle. I want you to show off your body to me as if I were sitting at my desk.”

OK, this was a little strange, but she took a deep breath and obeyed. She peeled off the bra and, throwing away the last of her caution and modesty, removed her panties too. She grabbed the back of her chair and used it like a base. She walked all around the chair in a circle while she gave a sexy swing of the hips. Then she got on her knees on the seat and displayed her ass to the glass.

An image of him at his desk filled her head when she looked over her shoulder. She gave one of her ass cheeks a light tap, winked, and smiled at the dark space. Enjoying the show she was performing for him, she turned over to sit at the edge of the cushion and lifted her heeled feet to the window ledge on the floor. She relaxed her knees wide, leaned back, and showed off her pussy to the empty office.

His breathing was harsh over the line. Was he picturing what she was doing?

“Now what?”

“Now, I want you to play with yourself for me. I’m right there watching you. Squeeze your tits for me, fondle your nipples.” The rough sound of his voice filled her head.

She sucked on a finger and moved both hands to cup her heavy breasts. Squeezing the soft mounds, she whimpered, closed her eyes, and threw her head back against the headrest. The move shoved her breasts out into the air in a wanton offer to the man that wasn’t there.

Her hands turned into his hands. It was his fingers that touched her. His fingers squeezed and pinched at her tight nubs. Her breath staggered; she pictured his tongue on her, sucking the very tips that begged for his touch. Her fingers grew rougher. They tweaked and pulled at the sensitive flesh until she was panting.

“Andrew, please.”

His ragged breaths joined in with hers. A loud curse came from his side of the line. “Touch your cunt for me.” Rougher, more demanding, his voice pushed her to obey.

One hand was left play with her breasts while she ran the other down her stomach to her exposed pussy, available for view. Her fingers dipped into her swollen folds. She moaned when her shaky fingers rubbed around her entrance.

“Stick two fingers in your pussy like it’s my tongue in there and play with that sexy little clit.”

Once the digits were covered in her own juices, she massaged her clit slowly.

“Andrew, I need you… God—I need you now.” Her pants and moans were loud, and she forgot all about the need to keep quiet.

“Oh, baby. Don’t stop, keep going.” His voice sounded brutal and strained. “I’m right there with you, sweetheart.”

She visualized him in front of her, his hands on her body, driving her crazy.

“My cock is fucking you hard, making your pussy drip with heat for me.” His dirty words drove the arousal inside her to a peak.

Two digits were shoved into her cunt. At the same time she finger-fucked herself, she rubbed her thumb on her clit and pinched her nipple.

“Come for me.” His harsh order was enough to send her over the edge.

Tension increased, her body grew so tight her legs locked, her back bowed, and her pussy clamped around her digits. She came so hard she lost her breath on a silent scream for him. She convulsed in climax; rapture filled her body.

A loud breathless curse sounded in her ear. He groaned and panted. He had come just as hard as she had.


Chapter Eight



Anxious, she gave herself one last critical look. Her eyes took in the blue spaghetti strap dress she’d chosen over every other dress in the overstuffed closet. Royal blue and slinky, it was her secret weapon when she wanted to amaze. Cut midthigh, it showed off her legs, and in the front dipped enough to show off a hint of cleavage. She smiled and sprayed on her favorite scent, the one that always got a ton of compliments, just when the doorbell rang.

When she opened the door, her tongue almost fell out of her mouth, rolled down the wood floor, and begged. The man rocked the hell out of any suit.

She was thrilled. He took in her body, and his eyes flared with lust. He tightened his jaw and balled his hands into fists. His reaction was better than anything he might have said. Her glance strayed to the small box in his hand.

Before she got a chance to speak, he stepped inside, pulled her into his arms, lowered his head, and locked his lips on hers. The kiss was sudden, incredibly arousing, and so scorching she was sure her heels had melted. Heart thumping wildly, she looked into his face.

He licked his lips. “It’s been too long since I tasted you.”

“Give me a second to grab my bag.” She turned toward the sofa and took a step.

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