Mr Lincoln's Army (63 page)

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Authors: Bruce Catton

Tags: #Non Fiction, #Military

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Pennsylvania, 13th Regiment

General John, 27, 205 Bull Run, first battle of, 57, 193 Bull Run, second
battle of, 1-52, 19-51; civilian volunteer nurses at, 11-12; Gainesville,
20-23; Northern reaction after,  159-60; preliminary situation, 3-10; retreat from,
42-52 Burnside, General Ambrose, 220, 255-57; at Antietam, 254-57, 301-3,
307-13; made commander of Army of Potomac, 327-28; at Second Bull Run, 26
Buskirk, Captain David, 167 Butler, General Ben, 200

presidential, plans for running war, 198-99

Simon, Secretary of War, 153

Cannon, 190-91

Casualty figures,
interpretation of, 189-90

Confederate, 10, 71; Federal, 10, 205-6.
Harper's Ferry garrison

Centreville, Va., in Second Bull Run,

44-45 Chandler, Zachariah, 199 Chantilly, Va., battle at, in Second

Bull Run retreat, 44-46 Chaplains, 176-77

Salmon P., Secretary of Treasury, 82-83, 93, 129, 198 Chicago
169 Chilton, General R. H, 212, 213 Civil authority imposed on military,

79-83, 92-95 Cobb, Colonel, 18 Coffee ration, 182 Cogswell,
Colonel Milton, 76-77 Cold  Harbor,  first battle  of. 

Gaines's Mill Colgrove, Colonel Silas, 213 Command of Union
Army, problem

of, 198-207 Complaints of soldiers, 174-75 Confederate Army
of Northern Virginia, accession of Robert E. Lee to command of, 125; lost
dispatch, plans disclosed by, 212-15; quality of leadership of, 200-1, 207;
spirit of, 48; strength of, at Antietam, 251-53, 298; strength of, in
peninsular campaign, 108-9, 121-23.
Antietam; Bull Run;
Peninsular campaign

volunteer regiments: 8th, 308; 11th, 304; 12th, 185; 16th, 259, 310-11, 313
Contrabands (escaped slaves), 180 Cooking army meals, 178-83 Copperhead
movement, 154—55 Cox, General Jacob, 12-13, 202; at Antietam, 257, 303-4, 311;
at South Mountain, 220-21, 233-35 Crawford, General Samuel, 278-79

Colonel George, 302 Cross, Colonel E. E., 125, 206, 296 Curtin, Andrew G.,
governor of Pennsylvania, 54, 160, 219 Custer, Lieutenant George A., 115

General N. J. T., 73; at Antie-tam, 287

Colonel Benjamin F., 228-31 Davis, Jefferson, 108, 322 Dennison, William,
governor of Ohio, 55

Colonel Charles, 74—78 Diseases of troops, 183-84 "Dixie," 170

General Abner, 37; at Antietam, 258, 266-67, 272; at South Mountain, 232; at
Second Bull Run, 22, 37

General Abram, 163, 271

Early, General Jubal, at
Antietam, 285 Emancipation, attitude of Lincoln on,

152-53, 208-9 Emancipation Proclamation, 322-23 England,
American relations with, 89-

90, 208, 322-23 Espionage.
service Everett, Edward, 40 Ewell, General Richard, 23

Oaks, battle of, in peninsular campaign, 124—25

forces, organization of, under McClellan, 60-66

Colonel Edward, 303-5

tactics, changes during war in, 192-94; effect of improved weapons on, 187-88,

artillery, 190-91

Flanking movements,
importance of, 192-93

in Union Army, 178-83 Foote, Admiral Andrew H., 196 Formations, intricacy of,
193, 310-11 Fortress Monroe.

Foster, Stephen, 173 France, proposal of intervention, 322
Franklin, General William Buel, at Antietam, 251, 255, 294, 298-99; in peninsular
campaign, 128, 134; in planning Federal strategy, 92-93; in Second Bull Run,
10-11, 44-45; at South Mountain, 218, 221-27, 231, 244

Frayser's Farm.

Barbara Frietchie incident in, 220-21; finding of lost dispatch at, 211-14; reception
of Federal troops in, 163-64, 211

General John Charles, 28, 153, 199; mission assigned to, during peninsular
campaign, 104; public sentiment for, 160

General William H., 125; at Antietam, 290-97; at South Mountain, 242

Frietchie, Barbara, 220-21

Secret service

Gaines's Mill, battle of, in Seven Days'

Battles of peninsular campaign, 133-


battle of, in Second Bull Run, 20-23

Garland, General Samuel, Jr., 234

Gettysburg, battle of, 191

General John, 17-19, 217-18; at Antietam, 272, 274, 320; at Second Bull Run,
19-23, 36-41, 50; at South Mountain, 238^10

battle of, in Seven Days' Battles of peninsular campaign, 138^0

Gordon, General George H., 47; at

Antietam, 276-77, 279-81, 288 Gordon, General John B.,
quoted, 188 Gosson, Captain Jack, 294-95 Government authority in military matters,
79-83, 92-95 Grant, General U. S., 56; supported by Lincoln, 151

Horace, Lincoln letter concerning emancipation written to, 152

General George Sears, 281-82, 294

General Henry W., 84; after Antietam, 326-28; characteristics of, 195-98; made
general-in-chief, 154-56; plans for Maryland campaign, 195-96; pursuit of
Beauregard after Shiloh, 117; during Second Bull Run, 5, 10, 26

Hamlin, Hannibal, Vice-President of

United States, 150 Hampton, General Wade, 211 Hancock,
General Winfield Scott, 18,

206; at Antietam, 299; at Second

Bull Run, 8-9 Hardtack, 181

Harper's Ferry garrison, capture of,

before Antietam, 195-96, 214-31;

escape of cavalry regiment from,

cutter, 86 Harrison's
Landing, Federal camp at,

in retreat from peninsular campaign,


Hatch, General John, 49-50; at South

Mountain, 238, 258; at Second Bull

Run, 25, 34-38 Haupt, Colonel Herman, 1-12 Hawkins, Colonel
Rush, 87 Hayes, Colonel Rutherford B., 234 Hazzard, Captain George W., 137, 138
Health of troops, 183-84 Heintzelman, General S. P., 30, 114; in

peninsular campaign, 107, 112, 134,


General A. P., 200; at Antietam, 311-12, 317; in Glendale battle of peninsular
campaign, 138-39; at Second Bull Run, 33, 45; at South Mountain, 215, 231

General D. H, 140, 201, 212; at Antietam, 251, 274, 276, 279, 281, 291-97; at
South Mountain, 215,

217, 221, 231, 234-39, 245 Holmes, Captain Oliver Wendell,
Jr., 77, 287

General John B., at Antietam, 258, 273-76, 280; at Second Bull Run, 34, 39, 41

General Joe, 30, 112-13; at Antietam, 254-55, 257-59, 266-69, 275-77, 280,
314-15; in peninsular campaign, 111-13, 131, 135-36, 138, 156; at Second Bull
Run, 6, 10, 27, 34-35, 37; at South Mountain, 238, 240, 243

General Oliver Otis, 31, 46, 114, 203; at Antietam, 286-87

Howe, Julia Ward, 40

Howitzers, mountain, 39

John Joseph, Archbishop of New York, 168

Hunt, General Henry J., 191

Hunter, General David, 200

Hyde, Major Thomas, 113

Illinois, 12th Cavalry,
228-31 Illness and disease in army, 183-84 Indiana volunteer regiments: 14th.
293; 19th,
Black Hat Brigade; 27th, 69, 163, 166-67, 211-12, 267, 277,

Infantry formations, intricacy of, 193—

94, 310-11 Irish Brigade, 137, 167-68, 294-99,


Iron Brigade.
Black Hat Brigade

General T. J. (Stonewall), 67, 200; at Antietam, 251, 263-66, 317; Kernstown,
attack at, 104-5; in peninsular campaign, 128, 130, 141; at Second Bull Run,
22-23, 26-28, 33-36, 44-45; in Shenandoah campaign, 19; at South Mountain, 215,
216, 231

John Brown song, 40

Johnston, General Albert Sidney, 17

Johnston, General Joseph E., 61, 66-

General Joseph E.
67, 71, 99; in peninsular campaign, 108-9, 122, 124-26

Committee on Conduct of War, 79-80, 199

Kane, Colonel Thomas,
165-66 Kearny, General Philip, 31-32, 63, 112-13, 150, 180; in peninsular campaign,
111-13, 131, 135-36, 139, 145-46; at Second Bull Run, 33-42, 44-45 Kelly,
Colonel, 296 Kernstown, Va., battle at, 105 Keyes, General Erasmus, 135
Kimball, General Nathan, 213, 291 King, General Rufus, 19, 24-25 Knapsacks, 194
Kopp, Captain, 212, 280

Lander, General, quoted,

Lee, General Fitzhugh, 242

General Robert E, 207, 329; at Antietam, 244, 250-53, 281, 285, 298, 306-7,
311, 314, 317; accession to command of Army of Northern Virginia, 125; in
peninsular campaign, 108-9, 130-31, 133-34, 138, 140; preceding Antietam, 195,
208, 213-17; relationship with civil authorities, 93; at Second Bull Run, 9,
28, 44-45; at South Mountain, 217; spirit of army under, 48

Lee, Colonel William R., 70, 73-79

Abraham, Baltimore assassination plot against, 70-71, 120-21; conference with
McClellan after retreat from Richmond, 146-54; emancipation, attitude on,
152-53, 208-9; Emancipation Proclamation, 322-23; and England, 89-90; and McClellan,
58, 90, 92-94, 100-1, 109-10, 148-49, 245; measures taken by, to protect
Washington during peninsular campaign, 103-7; problem of army high command,
198-200; visit with McClellan after Antietam, 325-27

Logan, General John A., 203

General James, 125, 128, 200; at Antietam, 251, 298; in Glen-dale battle of
peninsular campaign, 138-39; at Second Bull Run, 34, 38; at South Mountain,
215, 217, 239

"Lorena," song, 173

dispatch before Antietam, finding of, 211-15

Loyal League, 121

McCall, General, 128, 138

General George B., in advance through Maryland, 195; at Antietam, 249-57, 282,
289-90, 299-321; character of, 53-54, 57-61, 67-68, 88-92, 123; and civil authority,
81-84, 88-95, 117-19; in command of Ohio troops, 55-58; demoted to command of
Army of Potomac, 103; devotion of soldiers to, 50-53, 115-17, 146, 232, 326;
farewell to army, 329-30; invested with command of division of Potomac, 58-68;
loss of command, 323-28; lost dispatch found in Maryland advance, 213-18;
misconception of Confederate strength, 67, 105, 108, 121-23, 129, 134-35, 156,
238, 251-52, 313; in peninsular campaign, 97-142; planning strategy of Virginia
campaign, 85-95; political reaction to, 100-1, 117-18, 142-57, 324-25; prewar
career of, 54; promoted to general-in-chief, 83-85; during Second Bull Run,
1-5, 8, 10-11; rejoined with army after Second Bull Run, 49-52; relationship
with Lincoln, 58, 90, 92-94, 100-1, 109-10, 148-49; at South Mountain, 215-45

McClure, A. K., 151, 219

General Irvin, 28-30, 238; during peninsular campaign, 103-4, 106-7, 116, 128;
in planning Federal

McDowell, General Irvin
92; at Second Bull Run, 10, 19-20, 24, 35-41, 49; suspected of treason, 43-^14
McKinley, Sergeant William, 234 McLaws, General Lafayette, at Antietam, 285;
at South Mountain, 215, 216, 223-27, 229, 231 McPherson, General James B., 30
Magruder, General John B., 108, 134 Maine volunteer regiments: 2nd, 65; 7th,
116, 164, 299; 10th, 260, 277, 279; 19th, 63 Malvern Hill, battle of, in Seven
Days' Battles of peninsular campaign, 140 Manassas.
Run Manhattan-Brooklyn rivalry, 177 Mansfield, General Joseph K. F., 243; at
Antietam, 254-55, 260, 266-67, 276-80 Marcy, Ellen, 312

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