Mr Mingin (16 page)

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Authors: David Walliams

BOOK: Mr Mingin
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Thank yous:

Yince again Quentin Blake has honourt ma scrievin wi his heivenly illustrations, and tae him I am undeemously gratefu. I still cannae jist credit that I hae collaboratit wi him, as he is sic a legend. Ither folk that I wid like tae thank are Mario Santos and Ann-Janine Murtagh at HarperCollins for believin in me yince again. Nick Lake, ma editor, deserves a muckle thank you for makkin me wark sae haurd and takkin me oot for tea and cakes. The copy editor Alex Antscherl, cover designer James Annal and text designer Elorine Grant hae aw done mervellous joabs on this tae. Thank you as weel tae aw the folk at HarperCollins wha wark sae eidently tae promote and distribute the buik, particularly Sam White. Ma literary agent Paul Stevens at Independent is an awfie braw man tae, and dealt brilliantly wi aw the important contractual things that ma heid cannae process.

Finally I wid like as weel tae thank aw the folk that scrievit tae me tae say they enjoyed ma first buik,
The Laddie in the Gounie
, particularly the bairns. It is awfie touchin when somebody taks the time tae scrieve a letter, and it gied me muckle encouragement when warkin on
Mr Mingin
. I hope it doesnae scunner.


First published 2015 by Itchy Coo

Itchy Coo is an imprint and trade mark of James Francis Robertson and Matthew Fitt and used under licence by

Black & White Publishing Limited

Black & White Publishing Ltd

29 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh EH6 6JL

This electronic edition published in 2015

ISBN: 978 1 84502 999 9 in Epub format

ISBN: 978 1 84502 958 6 in paperback format

Originally published as
Mr Stink
by HarperCollins Children’s Books in 2010

Copyright © David Walliams 2010

Illustrations copyright © Quentin Blake 2010

Translation copyright © MatthewFitt 2015

The right of Matthew Fitt to be identified as the translator of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Ebook compilation by RefineCatch Ltd, Bungay

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