Mrs. Shepherds Dolls - A Christmas Story (6 page)

Read Mrs. Shepherds Dolls - A Christmas Story Online

Authors: Nancy C. Wilson

Tags: #christmas, #dolls, #friends and neighbors, #friends at christmas, #friends and bullying

BOOK: Mrs. Shepherds Dolls - A Christmas Story
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“Would you please keep your voice down?”
Brenda asked.

“No, I won’t, where is she? She owes me a lot
of money!” He continued to yell.

“I know that van outside.” Molly Ring, Ruth’s
neighbor came forward.

“It was you, you took the dolls away!” She

“Is that true?” Taylor asked.

“Yes, she sold them to me. I brought the
police with me and I want her arrested.”

“That’s a good idea, because they weren’t her
dolls to sell.” Brenda spoke up.

“What are you people talking about?” Eunice
limped to the front door.

“YOU! You sold me a bunch of beat up old
dolls, I had to pay all the mother’s back this morning, when their
kids opened up those doll boxes, the dolls inside were cracked,
moth eaten and their clothes were all rotted. Some of them didn’t
even have eyes. Now, I want my money back sister, or you are going
to jail.” He yelled.

“You must be insane! Those dolls were in
perfect condition, like new.” Eunice hollered back.

“Oh yeah? Hey bring those tubs of dolls in
here,” He said to his helpers.

“Who are you?” Taylor asked.

“I’m from Carlisle, I have a business there.
Jack’s Dolls and Toys.” He answered.

The first tub was brought in by two of his
men. They dumped it on the floor and went out to get another

Jack opened it and everyone looked inside at
the ruined dolls that had lined the walls of the most beautiful
doll room anyone in town had ever seen.

“NO.” Brenda said looking down at the faded
old dolls and their once beautiful gowns and dresses.

“What happened?” Amy cried and bent down to
pick up a doll.

“Well, that’s that.” Eunice pushed Amy out of
the way and dragged the tub into Ruth’s room and shoved it next to
her bed.

“Okay aunty, here’s your wonderful dolls that
has you all upset, I guess you can see now why I needed to get rid
of them.” Eunice smiled.

Ruth Shepherd slowly turned over in her bed
to look into Eunice’s eyes. Her eyes were weak from crying and she
just couldn’t believe that anyone could be that cruel to her.

“What, what are you doing here Eunice?” Ruth
asked her.

“I want to show you something, just look down
into that tub.”

Everyone gathered around Ruth’s bed. Brenda
went to console her, she sat on the other side of the bed and
begged her not to look.

Ruth’s hand was shaking as she reached into
the tub and picked up a doll.

“Oh Elizabeth, now aren’t you ashamed of
fooling all of these people? Come now my sweet little one.” Ruth
said fondling her and smoothing out wrinkles in her lovely

“What on earth?” Eunice’s eyes got huge as
she watched her aunt hug and cuddle all of the dolls one by one.
There was a bright glow around the bed as each doll came back to
life. Faded and worn dresses were crisp and new again. The colors
were vibrant and beautiful. Their sweet faces smiling back at Ruth.
Not a trace of a crack or mold anywhere. In fact, the room smelled
like Christmas morning and new toys.

“This is unbelievable.” Jack whispered and
his men nodded, bringing the other tubs into the room.

“I’m tellin’ you, they were just a bunch of
old beat up dolls… but, not anymore.” Jack smiled.

“You keep ‘em lady, they are definitely yours
and nobody else’s.” He said glaring at Eunice.

“That’s the truth.” Taylor smiled.

“They’re my girls, and they’re home again.”
Ruth said caressing one as the doll sparkled and came back to

“Now Victoria, show me those beautiful eyes
of yours.” Ruth said to one of the dolls that was missing her eyes.
In a second, her violet eyes reappeared bright and happy.

“That’s my girl!” Ruth said, hugging her.

“Everything in this world has a life of it’s
own and wants to be loved. That’s why we’re here; we all want to be
loved. Every animal reacts to a kind and gentle hand. That’s why I
couldn’t understand how you could do that to me, Eunice. I’ve
always been kind to you, but you’ve never wanted kindness. I don’t
know what it is that you want?” Ruth said picking up another

Eunice didn’t answer her aunt, she was still
in a state of shock at what she had just witnessed. She started to
back out of the room when Jack stopped her.

“You still owe me money.” He said narrowing
his eyes at her.

“I don’t have it.” She said bluntly.

“Take her away boys.” Two police officers
were waiting at the front door.


Taylor picked Ruth up and took her into the
living room and sat her on the sofa.

Bob, Taylor and some townsmen brought the
other tubs in for Ruth, and put them around her.

“My, I’ve got my work cut out for me.” She

“But it’s lovely work.” Brenda said sitting
down next to her and hugging her.

Brenda picked up one of the disheveled dolls
to hand to Ruth, but the doll reacted to Brenda, she felt a
tingling go through her hands and the doll came back to life as she
held her. Amy picked up the next doll and the same thing happened
to her. The ragged dress she’d been wearing became a bright purple
satin with white lace, and a matching bonnet enveloped her bouncy
blond curls.

“Oh Ruth, I always thought this house was
full of love and something else, something magical. Now I know it’s
true and I’m so glad I’m your neighbor, Molly said.”

“I’m just glad we can call this town home,
now.” Jen said. “It feels like home.”

“Yes, it does.” Amy agreed.

“It most certainly does.” Brenda said
wrapping her arms around her girls.

“Is that a proposal?” Ruth asked smiling up
at Taylor.

“It sure is Ruthie, what do you say?”

“Yes. Because, you can never have enough
friends and loved ones around you.”

The End

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