Muslim Mafia (9 page)

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Authors: Paul Sperry

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But not to worry, Yee says, he didn’t see any terrorists there, not even the dozens confirmed to have resumed their terrorist activities. “It’s safe to say there weren’t any prisoners who could be definitely connected to hardcore terrorism,” he recently maintained during a BBC Radio interview promoting his book.

Yee’s legacy lives on at Guantanamo. Today, even prayer rugs are standard issue for detainees there. Arrows point the way to Mecca in their cells. Speakers blare out the Arabic call to prayer five times a day. Hardbound, embossed copies of the Quran are wrapped in cloth and distributed by a sympathetic Muslim librarian, who now catalogs some ten thousand pieces of Arabic literature as well as Arabic movies. No infidel is permitted to touch the Quran, not even the post commander.

Worse, security officials at Gitmo have been investigating another possible spy ring involving several “dirty” Arabic linguists who are accused among other things of:

omitting valuable intelligence from their translations of detainee interrogations;

slipping notes to detainees inside copies of the Quran;

coaching detainees to make allegations of abuse against interrogators; and

meeting with suspects on the terrorist watchlist while traveling back in the states.


Gitmo security officials recently met with FBI agents in Philadelphia to aid their investigation into one of the Muslim linguists under contract at Gitmo, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
They also this summer briefed members of Congress about the prison camp’s internal security breaches.

“Three years of investigations have revealed the presence of pro-jihad/anti-Western activities among the civilian contractor and military linguist population serving Joint Task Force Guantanamo,” states a copy of a classified Gitmo briefing, which was prepared in May 2009 for the FBI and CIA, as well as the congressional intelligence committees.

The report explains that dirty Arabic linguists have gathered classified data involving detainees, interrogations, and security operations in an effort to “disrupt” Gitmo operations and U.S. “intelligence-collection capabilities.”

It goes on to specifically finger the Muslim Brotherhood, which it calls a terrorist group, in the conspiracy.

“These actions are deliberate, carefully planned, global, and to the benefit of the detainees and multiple terrorist organizations, to include al-Qaida and Muslim Brotherhood,” the briefing says.

Shockingly, the enemy infiltration is not limited to Guantanamo. The report strongly suggests that its spies have penetrated nearly every sensitive U.S. security agency involved in the war on terror, potentially compromising intelligence government-wide. “Persons participating in this activity move regularly between multiple contracting companies, various intelligence agencies in the U.S. government [FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, etc.], and every branch of the U.S. military.”



Yes, CAIR has even come to the defense of the al-Qaida kingpin. In 1998, after he was fingered for blowing up the U.S. embassies, CAIR demanded that Los Angeles-area billboards with bin Laden’s picture under the headline “Sworn Enemy” be taken down.

Then in 2001, when most of the civilized world condemned bin Laden for attacking New York and Washington, CAIR abstained for more than three months, while blaming instead “the Zionist network” and demanding a halt to U.S. bombing in Afghanistan, bin Laden’s home base. In an interview with journalist Jake Tapper, now with ABC News, CAIR communications director Ibrahim Hooper refused to condemn bin Laden outright for 9/11, even after the government stated he was clearly responsible for the attacks.

In fact, CAIR didn’t assign guilt to the 9/11 mastermind, even under direct questions from the press, until bin Laden incriminated himself in a videotape aired in December 2001. (And even in CAIR’s belated press release, the group does not expressly condemn bin Laden. It merely concedes the undeniably obvious fact that he is connected to “the events of September 11.”)

On the other hand, CAIR has suggested Jews were behind 9/11. A month after the attacks, with Ground Zero still smoldering, CAIR made outrageous claims that Mohamed Atta and other hijackers were alive, that Atta’s passport was stolen, that the attacks were not caused by Muslims, and that the media should investigate the Israelis.

“What about the world Zionist network?” demanded CAIR’s New York executive director Ghazi Khankan. “Why are you in the media not looking at them?”

CAIR has received funding from two of bin Laden’s favorite charities. In 2000, for example, CAIR research director Mohamed Nimer solicited $18,000 from the Global Relief Foundation, an internal letter reveals.
The donation was made a year before the Bridgeview, Illinois-based foundation was shut down as a charitable front for al-Qaida. Global Relief, in fact, helped fund the bombings of the U.S. embassies, according to the Treasury Department.

And the U.S. offices of the Saudi-based International Islamic Relief Organization contributed at least $12,000 in financing to CAIR.
The Treasury Department has blacklisted IIRO’s branches in the Philippines and Indonesia for fundraising for al-Qaida and affiliated terrorist groups.

CAIR also defended al-Qaida’s spiritual leader in America, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, after his conviction on charges he plotted to blow up bridges, tunnels, and buildings in New York. As noted earlier, CAIR’s co-founder and former chairman hosted the Blind Sheik at his Silicon Valley home last decade.

Cementing CAIR’s support for bin Laden is a 2004 political “talking points” memo found in Awad’s personal files dealing with the agenda of the so-called American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections, which CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood fronts formed after 9/11 to help elect more sympathetic politicians, including the president. The memo is basically a wish list for pro-Islamist changes in Washington policy.

Under the heading “American-Islamic Relations,” which are the last three words in CAIR’s name, the memo recommends Washington abandon Israel and start currying favor with bin Laden and al-Qaida to avoid another 9/11. Here are the relevant demands listed (by talking point number) in the shocking memo:

1. Abolish the faulty Middle East policy of the past century.

2. Democrats and Republicans need to share the blame for the failure of our Middle East policy, and need to assume responsibility for the damage done to the country as a result of 9/11.

3. Recognize that the seeds for 9/11 were planted in 1948.

5. Do not make Fundamental Islam the enemy. It will not work long-term, and there is no need for it.

8. Attempt to understand Islamic movements in the area, and start supporting Islamic groups including Mr. bin Laden and his associates.




Born in New Mexico, Aulaqi is al-Qaida’s go-to
for preparing suicide cells in the West, including the 9/11 hijackers, for “martyrdom operations.” He reminds them of the carnal “pleasures” and high “rewards” Allah has waiting for them in Paradise—foremost, a
, or virgins—in case they lose their nerve.

This rock star of the jihadi preaching circuit has cultivated some fans among CAIR. Heading his booster club within the organization is the civil rights coordinator for CAIR’s Los Angeles chapter, Affad Shaikh, who has listened to Aulaqi’s lectures and posted links to his Web site on his blog
. Shaikh, who in 2008 was questioned by Homeland Security agents near San Diego, appears to have a death wish. “In death there is something to celebrate,” he recently wrote on his blog in a post titled “Celebrating Death.”
The essay mirrors one Aulaqi previously posted on another Web site titled “Why Muslims Love Death.”

“Our culture of martyrdom needs to be revived,” the
fumes, “because the enemy of Allah fears nothing more than our love of death.” Global domination is the goal. “We will implement the rule of Allah on earth by the tip of the sword whether the masses like it or not,” he has written.

Who is Anwar Nasser Aulaqi? Investigators now suspect he was a key facilitator and advisor, and possibly even a surviving field commander, for the 9/11 cell that hit the Pentagon. He’s also an American citizen. They suspect he knew details of the plot and girded the al-Qaida terrorists’ resolve to carry it out. Evidence is strong that he was enlisted to, at a minimum, hold the hijackers’ hands and take their temperature as they moved closer to Zero Hour. In short, he’s (if as yet unofficially) an unindicted 9/11 co-conspirator, and he remains at large.

Three of the hijackers of that uniquely all-Saudi cell that torpedoed the Pentagon spent time at the Saudi-connected Aulaqi’s mosques in both San Diego and Falls Church, Virginia, where he served as prayer leader. The phone number for the Falls Church mosque—Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and closely tied to CAIR—was found in the Hamburg, Germany, apartment of one of the planners of the 9/11 attacks, Ramzi Binalshibh.

The 9/11 Commission concluded Aulaqi, who aided and privately counseled the hijackers, was “suspicious” and should be brought in for questioning. The commission was not told, however, that he was taken into custody a year after 9/11 on a warrant, but then released after the warrant was mysteriously rescinded. Aulaqi was allowed to turn around and leave the country on a Saudi Arabian airline without any further investigation, even though he remained on the terrorist lookout as the subject of multiple investigations involving al-Qaida and Hamas financing.

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