My Alien Love

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Authors: LaVenia R. Boswell

BOOK: My Alien Love
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Alien Love








LaVenia R Boswell


Be Sure To Read Books Written By


 LaVenia R Boswell


(Charismatic, Christian/Catholic, Romance, Teen, Y Adult)


The Dawning Trilogy Sagas








(Christian/Catholic, Romance, Teen, Young Adult)




(Futuristic, Strange Post-apoplectic Lifestyle, Mature Adult)


The Crossings Sagas:






(Sci-Fi, Romance, Teen, Young Adult)




(A Genuine Autobiography)




More coming soon


E-mail: [email protected]


*  *  * 

Copyright © 2011 LaVenia R Boswell


All rights reserved.


ISBN-10: 1460970942



Manufactured in the
United States of America



No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information and/or retrieval system, without written permission of the author or their legal representative.


This book is a work of fiction.  Names, places and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, locals, pr persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.



  Jonathan has chosen Melody to be his Bonded mate.  He has been sent in the hope that creating a Bond with an Earth female and then monitoring her closely during fetal gestation will save their world.  Their planet has been ravaged with Titac’s virus.  It has rendered their women infertile, so they are dying out.  Their hope is that their fine Prince, Jonathan, with superior royal DNA can cause a pregnancy, and via careful monitoring prevent the baby and the mother’s death.  If it works they have hope.  If not . . . .




To my own Star Man: Dan.

And to Crissy,

 Michael Bracken,

And Glenn Jr.

 for reading this so many years ago

and giving me great feed back.




I want to give tremendous thanks, love and gratitude to

my family, friends and especially my husband and to all

who have encouraged me in life and in my writing.  


Dan, Angie, Michelle & Christina –

hugs, love and thanks for saying “Do it!”










Books By Author






Chapter  1: The Stirring


Chapter  2: The Proposal






Chapter  3: The Wedding






Chapter  4: The First Night






Chapter  5: The Conception






Chapter  6: David’s Birth






Chapter  7: David’s Birth


Chapter  8: Mark’s Love


Chapter  9: David Grows Up


Chapter 10: Girl's Night Out


Chapter 11: David Marries


About Author






*   *   *




There she was, just now crossing the campus center court, books tucked under her arms and her long, wavy hair bouncing freely like a long dark shiny halo.  A smile came involuntarily to his lips as he watched her.  She was breathtakingly beautiful.


       Slowly, turning his bright blue eyes to see who might be watching him, he breathed a deep sigh of relief - no one seemed to be . . . for the moment, anyway.  Returning his gaze back to the view screen he continued his observations of her.


       Melody continued her trek to class purposely avoiding the loose slate stone in the courtyard that she had tripped over yesterday. 
Boy, had that been embarrassing!
she remembered all too clearly.  The idea of falling face first in front of the small contingent of university students always in the courtyard was too embarrassing to even consider.  Thank goodness he’d caught her in time.  Smiling to herself, she had to admit, it had brought her face to face with the most beautiful blue eyes she’d ever gazed into.  Just thinking about them now made her blush.  He had been so gallant helping her to her feet, smiling his dazzling smile while at the same time looking genuinely concerned to know if she was all right.  He'd wanted to talk to her, she knew, but she was running late for class, yet again,
and had to leave in a hurry.  She
hoped he could tell she truly regretted having to go so quickly.  It was odd how he had managed to grab her so swiftly, before her head hit the ground. 
I'm certain I hadn't seen him in the courtyard when I started across.  Anyway, he’s not here today
she decided since she'd been looking.


       Melody continued her trek across campus to class, hoping there’d be no pop quizzes today.  That particular instructor loved to hear everyone moan at least once a week when he surprised them with verbal quizzes.  Melody disliked speaking out in class, the idea of people staring at her while she gave her not always correct answers was plainly embarrassing - she hated it.



Well, Jontuook, no, it's Jonathan now - I must get that memorized!  You better get ready because today's
  His heart raced much faster than its normal 40 beats per minute, as he tried to prepare himself for what was ahead. 
Do not let others see you are nervous or venerable in any way
, he kept reminding himself.  


       Everything was carefully planned.  He'd been forced to calm everyone's fears yesterday after he'd returned.



They were overly concerned that someone might have seen him move too swiftly in the courtyard when Melody had fallen, it was far too early for that.  It had been a risk, but he'd leaped to her rescue before he had thought twice about it.  Her injuring herself
was more than he could bear.


After touching her yesterday, however briefly, and seeing the smile she gave him had washed away a lot of his genuine fears of her rejecting him.  That is, unless she had befuddled his mind to the point that he simply couldn’t tell.   In high hopes he'd gone ahead and allowed them to set everything to begin today.  His  other and father contacted him last night and gave him their personal blessings.  They tried to cheer him on with encouraging words as to his handsomeness, intelligence and virility.  Of course they absolutely had to remind him who he represented in this undertaking – their whole species. 


       His mother added for him to please recall all the courtesies and manners she instructed him in before he left home.  How he presents himself to Melody will make a tremendous impact on all their lives.  A matter of their extinction, in all its reality, is what it is really about.  They had purposely omitted reminding him of that too blatantly - again.  He already had enough to worry about.


       The next day, Jonathan’s entourage was being dispersed according to plan.  He watched as Janet drove into the faculty parking lot and several of his other people began their various jobs on campus.  “Tom” was still muttering about having to do janitorial work, after all, he was one of their better engineers.  He had been joked with a lot about finally finding his true life’s vocation.  Everyone has prepared himself and knows well the work that is to be accomplished by each. 


       If Jonathan's first move on Melody doesn't go over very well, then some of his other people were to become friendly with her and help steer her back in his direction.  But time was of an essence.


       Toteouj or “Mark” as he is now called will be Jonathan's classmate.  Actually, Mark is one of the many bodyguards and assistants that the Project: New Birth has demanded.  Besides, Mark and Jonathan have been best friends since their child training days.  Foremost on everyone’s minds is helping Jonathan make this work.  If it doesn't work, well . . . their people seem doomed. 


       They have been praying hard for God to grant them this opportunity to save themselves.  Their prophets have agreed that this is the course they are to take and Jonathan is to take the lead.  But they refuse to reveal if it will work.  They allege that God has left a few things up to free will in this situation.   So no one knows what the outcome will be. Their people are very religious and honorable in all aspects of their lives.  


       Jonathan had seen the sad look on his sister's face last night when she had stuck her head between their parents to wish him good luck.  She and her Bonded mate had waited 45 years to have a child, opting for her husband to get his career going good first.  Now that she and her husband were socially stable she had contracted the virus 4 days before the conception had been planned.  Now, no female under 90 (which was their middle-age) was able to bear children anymore.  Oh, they had lots of mateable males but there weren't any childbearing females who were fertile any longer.


       When the Titacs unknowingly brought the now infamous Titac's Virus to their planet, it had sadly targeted and destroyed their women's ovaries.  They finally developed a vaccine, but Titac's Virus once it was contracted couldn't be destroyed, at least not yet.  The few female newborns they had managed to vaccinate would certainly not be able to replenish their whole population.  Therefore they were now a dying race.


       Jonathan's grandfather said that it was time to bring in some new blood lines anyway.  He didn't explain himself fully, but then he never had to explain himself to anyone, he was their Royal Ruler.


Just seeing Earth is a lot like going home
, Jonathan thought to himself.  It was still a mystery to him how H'trae being perpendicular to Earth but many light years away could be so much like Earth.  H'trae's people were well known in the Universes for their rich culture, heritage and skills.  They were also a people of renowned beauty and love.  Now there hopes for the future rested on Jonathan's shoulders.  If a man of his superior genes couldn't get a woman to bond with him, well, there was absolutely no hope for the rest of them. 


       Earth being closely similar to their own planet and the people being almost identical, it had been the logical choice and their Prophets said so.  There appeared to be only a small difference in metabolism and something odd in the encryption of a strand of their DNA.  This was the problem they hoped to overcome.    


       Many, many years ago a male from H'trae had met, married and caused a conception with an Earth female.  She conceived easily but sadly miscarried after three months and became ill and died a few hours thereafter.  Her mate only told the events after he had returned to H'trae in deep grief.  Their scientific team has decided that because their gestation of only five months would put a tremendous strain on the Earth female's calcium, potassium and protein levels, this had probably caused her illness and death. 


       They assured their people that if they could monitor and check daily the chemical levels of an Earth female pregnant with an H'trae baby that these deficiencies could be prevented and hopefully a child could reach term normally.  This way, they theorized, a tragedy could avoid being repeated.


       Being a peaceful, totally monogamous, heterosexual society, they had almost no concept for jealousy. 


       They also haven't experimented on people for several centuries, feeling that experimentation on humanoids was too monstrous to even consider.  H’trae’s scientists and rulers decided that Jonathan, being the grandson of their Monarch and the only living mateable male left with his gene pool should be the first to find a mate. Once Jonathan marries (Bonds) and mates they want no hesitation in him inducing a conception.  Their males control such matters though a chemical process that they are able to release at will.  The male also chooses the sex to be conceived with the same process, but that is the end of their control.  Their females have total control of the fetus once it is conceived.     




       Jonathan stood at the view screen looking down at the university campus.  He was thinking,
why did so many Earth people think all aliens should have green, gray or blue skin and look so grotesque?
  It was a constant puzzle and had become an ancient joke among his people.        


       Knowing today could be the beginning for his race once again, he felt excitement coursing through him.  He has firmly turned down several of the scientist's suggestions for him to try and bond with a woman known as Sarah.  She was indeed lovely and their research and observations had proven she was also very intelligent and healthy.  But she wasn't Melody.  Melody was the only female he had observed that had really stirred the bonding process that was deep within him.  It was very strong when he looked at her. 


       Jonathan had been viewing the observation screens two months ago while the engineers were getting things set up to reflect Earth's scans and signals when he magnified an area that showed this campus.  There walked Melody going to class.  He knew she was the most feminine female he had ever seen with his own eyes.  He had immediately felt the “Bonding” sensation, not just a Stirring, but the Bonding, that everyone married laughed and talked about.  It was a new sensation for him so he diverted his eyes to see if it would dissipate, it did, but, when he saw her again the next day he felt it once more.  He's been following her activities ever since. 


       A few weeks ago he had informed the Renew team that Melody was his choice.  It caused a small argument in the ranks, Sarah had been chosen by those intheknow and his change in plans was a disruption to say the least, but, Melody it would be, after he explained the stirring of the “Bond” he had experienced looking at her.  Jonathan now simply prayed he could win her love. 


       He'd done many unauthorized observations just to know more about her.  Oh, he knew she was healthy, that had been their research team’s first findings.  She wasn't on the prevention of conception pill that was so popular on this world and she had only loved two males in her life, which was a real rarity for Earth females.  Several of her friends talked about her behind her back, being they were jealous because she was smarter than they were. 


       He also knew that she had a beautiful body.  He loved to watch her bathe at night.  It had become an obsession with him.  Mark helped him sneak into the viewing room late at night just so he could watch his beloved as she bathed.  He wanted badly just to hold her. 


       When Melody had fallen yesterday he found his hands trembling when he touched her.  Her skin was like silk.  Just the scent of her hair seemed to have a drug-like effect on him.  He'd feared she might sense his over excitement and pull away from him.  Somehow words came tumbling out of his mouth and he steadied her on her feet and said something about having a cup of coffee together or something like that.  He has no idea exactly what he said, despite how many times he replays the event in his mind.  In his whole twenty-three years he can't ever remember being so befuddled.  In fact, he had never been truly befuddled before.  His father had privately warned him that a male Bonding to a female can cause this undesirable effect in a man. 

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