My Bad Boy Biker (5 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: My Bad Boy Biker
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The waitress came back swaying her hips and showing an
absurd amount of cleavage as she handed him his coffee.

“Hi, Dan,” she said in a smoky voice.

Shit. He couldn’t deal with this now.

“Go away.”


“Sweetheart, I don’t care and I don’t want to know. I
want to drink my coffee in peace.”

The woman walked away in a huff.

“Wow, I never thought I’d see the day you’d turn down a
woman,” Rick said, sitting down opposite him.

“If you’re here to gloat or whatever, save it,” Dan
picked up his drink and took a gulp, not caring about the burn.

“Mandy is miserable.”

“She won’t take any of my calls, so I imagine she’s getting
over it,” Dan winced.

“You’re being an asshole. The bad boy biker strikes again
and all that shit. But I’ve been thinking. You never gave me back those letters
I left with you. Mandy means more to you than those other women?” Rick asked.

Dan didn’t bother answering. Rick knew the answer.

“Open your wallet.”

Frowning, Dan glanced over at his friend. “What?”

“Open your wallet and let me see the picture you keep

He growled at his friend. Rick had a point, and he wasn’t
going to listen.

“You’ve got the picture of Mandy there. I didn’t know you
felt anything more than friendship with her. I know you enjoyed the letters she
sent. You love her, so why aren’t you fighting for her?”

Dan didn’t
answer and after a while Rick left. He finished his coffee and went back home,
where nothing waited for him only the memory of Mandy being with him.






Chapter Eight


weeks had passed since the last time she’d seen Dan. Rick tried to console her
as much as possible. She was caught between the ache of wanting him and the
pain of what he’d done. All she wanted to do was drive over to his place and
put all the horrible shit behind her so they could move on together.

part of her was scared. Was the pain she’d seen in his eyes false?

the days passed, Rick became more and more insistent that she forgive his
friend. Strange, considering he had been the one to cause the problem. The
rumours surrounding Dan Sawyer had reduced, and she wondered if it had
something to do with her.

we have to fight for the person we love,” Rick said.

do you want me to do? He doesn’t care about me, and he used me to get back at
you,” she argued.

don’t think he did anymore. I was angry and there is a huge age gap between
you, but I know Dan has been in love with you for years. Every letter and
picture you sent me through the years…he asked to keep them. I think he fell in
love with you on the road. I gave him the letters when I left. Please, go to

was shocked by his revelation. What was she supposed to do?

would he be on a Friday night?”

gave her a funny look. “On a Friday night, you can’t figure where a man would
want to be?”

about his answer, she came up with a cunning plan.

what you need to do is be outrageous. Do some sexy dancing in a skimpy outfit
and see the men drool. I’d love to see you showing this body off.”

picked the phone up and made arrangements. Rick was right. She should fight for
the man, who in such a short time had made her love him.

* *~

didn’t know why he’d allowed himself to be forced inside Bill’s bar, especially
when the older man wanted his head on a plate. He tossed back a shot and
ordered another. Waving off every woman was growing tiresome. There was a
settled quiet in the bar that wasn’t normal for a Friday night. Usually the
pool tables were in full swing.

dance floor was crowded with entwined couples, the music a morbid love song—one
which left a bitter taste in his mouth.

another shot, he glanced at the clock and winced. Nine o’clock and he already
wanted to go and curl up in bed. Life without Mandy was unbearable.

drank down another shot and paused as the music changed. The song and tune he
recognised instantly. Mandy had danced to that song for him. Swallowing down the
lump in his throat, he moved to stand. The lights went out. He sat in darkness,
the only light stationed on the dance floor. Dan watched as couples parted.

mouth went dry.

stood in the centre of the dance floor in a short, tight, black dress with the
sexiest stiletto heels arching her calves. His cock jumped to life. Seeing her
so close and untouchable killed him.

moved with every pulse and beat of the music. Her hips swaying slowly and
provocatively. Dan recalled telling her to show off her curves and gorgeous
body. Fucking hell, she looked perfect—a handful—and he wished he was the only
one to have her. She lifted her arms, and he watched as she danced

else at the bar didn’t matter. Dan tuned them out and concentrated on Mandy as
if she were dancing for him and him alone. He couldn’t take his gaze off her as
she moved across the dance floor, each move designed to be as sensual as the
last. A great deal of skin was exposed but only enough to tease. She didn’t
show any personal parts.

she was stood in front of him. Dan stared at her as she took his hand and
pulled him up. Like a zombie, he got up and followed her onto the dance floor.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her even if he wanted to.

else mattered as Mandy led him onto the dance floor. She grabbed his hands and
wrapped them around her waist. He took her lead. Dan would do anything as long
as she stayed in his arms.

tune played around them, and soon he felt it through his whole body. She turned
in his arms, and he inserted a leg between hers. Mandy further shocked him as
she shimmied down. Her pussy dancing along his leg.

her, he moved with each sway of her arms and body, driving himself further and
further out of his mind.

sorry,” he said. The thought of her moving out of his arms and leaving him
forever was too much for him to deal with.

she pressed a finger to his lips and continued dancing.

this is to torture me, then you’re succeeding.” He stopped talking as she
pulled out of his arms and off his leg. Turning she pressed her back against
him and slid down his body. Her back brushing his throbbing cock.

hell, he couldn’t cope with this.

round the room, he saw they were the centre of attention. He didn’t like it.
Grabbing her arm, he led her and her heels out of the bar. She didn’t fight,
and he was pleased. Dan picked a secluded spot and pushed her back against the

the fuck are you playing at?” he growled.


in the dark, he could see how sluttish her dress was. Her tits were heaving out
of the bodice, and the skirt only just covered her crotch.

like a slut and dancing as if you’re free property. You’re mine,” he snapped.
Dan was done waiting for her to come to him. Mandy was his and if she wasn’t
prepared to deal with it, he’d make her see.

the hell do you think you are?” she demanded. Hands on hips and heaving

your fucking man.” He pulled her against his chest and slammed his lips down on
hers. She wrapped her arms round his neck. Taking advantage, Dan ran a hand
down her thigh and ass under her skirt. Moving her panties out of the way, he
sunk his fingers inside her wet flesh.

she moaned. Breaking away, Dan stared down at her drooping, lust-filled eyes.
“I did this for you,” she whispered.

I thank you, but I don’t want any other man drooling over what’s mine.”

I yours?” she asked.

got my fingers inside your pussy, and I’m going mental over other men seeing
this hot little body. What do you think?”

think you should take me back to your place.”

pulled his fingers out of her cunt and picked her up, carrying her over to his
bike. He helped her with the helmet and waited as she straddled the bike, and
then circled her arms around him.

future had never felt so good.








stood outside in the waiting room. His nerves were completely fried, and he
couldn’t stand the wait. He knew Mandy had begged for him to stay but as soon
as she’d started crying and whimpering, his resolve had gone. Seeing her in
pain killed a part of him.

been waiting for an hour. It didn’t take that long to have one of the damn

changed position from standing to sitting and then back to standing. Running
his fingers through his hair, he knew his decision to mark their three-year
anniversary had been a mistake.

another thirty minutes, she came out of the room with a smile on her face.

wimp,” she said.

how did it go?” he asked.

turned and showed him her back. A plain, white bandage covered the base of her
back. “I got it done. It’s sore and tender, and they’ve advised me to keep it
covered and gave me the after-care instructions.”

wrapped her in his arms. “Next time we’ll have a baby instead.”

the hell would a baby be any different? I’d still be in pain.”

their three year anniversary together, Dan had gotten her name tattooed on his
arm, and she’d gotten their names locked together in a rose pattern along the
base of her back.

didn’t want children yet. It was bad enough sharing Mandy with her family, let
alone another human being who’d take time away from him. When they were ready,
he’d love to have a family. At the moment, he wanted her all to himself.

her hand, he led her out to his bike. The sunshine beat down on them. She
curled her body around his.

to now, miss?” he asked in a posh accent.

me to bed, you bad boy biker.”

Dan reeved the engine and pulled out. His afternoon was looking up.


The Author


Sam Crescent
passionate about
fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to
spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got
that first acceptance in 2011. 


She loves creating new characters and delving
into the worlds that she creates. When she’s not panicking about a story or
arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of
havoc. Like her stories the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but
sometimes things turn out great.









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