Seduce Me Again (Seduce Me #2)

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Seduce Me Again (Seduce Me: Part Two)

The Seduce Me Series



E.J. Adams


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


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Copyright © 2014 E.J. Adams


All rights reserved.  Without limiting the rights under reserved copyright, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by an means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the express written permission of the publisher.


Cover image © llhedgehogll -

Published by E.J. Adams Romance

Table of Contents

Books in Seduce Me Series

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Books in Seduce Me Series

About the Author

Books in Seduce Me Series


Seduce Me
(Seduce Me: Part One)

Seduce Me Again
(Seduce Me: Part Two)

Seduce Me All Over
(Seduce Me: Part Three)

Seduce Me Forever
(Seduce Me: Part Four) – October 6, 2014


Connect with me on



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Chapter 1


It was amazing how much the past 24 hours had changed my life. I went from a hopeful college graduate to having a fabulous new career and starting a relationship with the man of my dreams. My first night with Brandon was filled with passion beyond anything I had ever experienced before. It was pure ecstasy.

I woke early, having slept like a baby. Apparently, mind-blowing sex has that positive side effect on me. Oh, the sex! I checked the bed beside me to confirm that last night really happened. Brandon was fast asleep stretched out on his back with the covers pulled just above his stomach. Yep, it was all real.

I caught myself staring at him as he slept. Hot damn, he is gorgeous. Even though I had committed his nakedness to memory, I lifted the covers to sneak a quick peak. I giggled at my naughtiness as I hopped out of bed.

I padded across the bedroom and into the marble laden bathroom. I closed the door and   headed for the shower. I remembered that California was in severe drought. I stepped over to the sink and ran the water there to heat the water. I couldn't step in a cold shower, but I could at least use a fraction of the water to get it nice and warm.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I held my finger under the water to test the temperature. I had never considered myself especially sexy. After last night, however, I was seeing myself in a different light.

I wasn't delusional. I didn't think that I looked like some super model, or Chelsea. But Brandon helped bring something out of me. His desire for me and the sexual ecstasy of the night before was liberating.

As the water warmed, I turned off the faucet, turned on the shower, and stepped in. I let the water wash over me. I shampooed, conditioned, and then lathered with the sweet smelling hair products and soap. I was rinsing when I heard the shower door open behind me. I turned and Brandon was there.

I wasn't completely sure what he had in mind. I didn't think that we could comfortably have sex in the confined space. Yes, I could climb on him like I did when we dry humped in the living room, but I would likely hit my head on the shower's ceiling. I loved the idea of shower sex, but not enough to give myself a concussion.

While I was feeling liberated. I didn't feel liberated enough to go down on him just yet. But, I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass. And the look in Brandon's eyes said he was horny.

“Good morning. May I join you?” He said stepping in, not bothering to wait for a response.

“Okay. But only if you let me wash you. There is a drought, you know,” I said with a smile.

“Sounds wonderful,” he replied.

“Um, you'll need to wash your hair. It might be tough for me to reach and I, I don't think there is quite enough room for you to bend over. But I'll start lathering up the rest of you.”

“Sounds like an efficient, and rather sexy, plan,” he replied as he reached for the shampoo.

I started lathering Brandon's shoulders and worked my way down his back. His muscles rippled as he scrubbed his hair. I spent a little extra time to massage his buttocks as I washed. I moved down his long, toned legs.

“Okay, turn around,” I instructed.

Brandon complied.

“Be gentle,” he teased.

“I don't make any promises.”

I ran my soapy hands down his chest. I traced the contours of his muscles. I encircled his nipples with my finger. I noticed that they reacted like mine had last night. Hmm. Chelsea had said that some guys got aroused there.

“Turn off the water,” I said.

Brandon complied without question.

I teased his left nipple with my tongue. Then his right.

Brandon's penis pressed against me as it firmed. Okay, so that has an effect on him. I lathered my hand with soap and reached down and wrapped my hand around his cock. It throbbed as blood rushed through its veins.

I began slow and then quickened the motion of stroking his long shaft. Brandon pressed himself against the back wall of the shower to give me complete range of motion. I stroked harder and faster as he moaned with delight. I had pleasured boyfriends like this before, but I never enjoyed it like I was now. Brandon had given me the sexual experience of my life and I wanted to give this to him.

Brandon began to gyrate a little bit like Elvis. I don't think he was even aware of his motion. His body was responding to the arousal. With each stroke I could feel the intensity building within in him until he erupted from the joy of my touch.

“Wow. That was a nice way to start the day,” Brandon panted.

“I'll let you finish washing on your own, or we'll be in here all day,” I said as I stepped out of the shower.

As Brandon turned the water back on I dried off. The towel was plush and soft. It was so large that I wrapped myself in it. I went to the closet and found the smaller of the robes and pulled it off the hanger. It was even softer than the towel. I felt like I was wearing a cloud.

I headed to the living room and opened the terrace doors. The sun was warm and a gentle breeze blew across my face. I took in a deep breath. I felt like I was in a dream.

I heard my iPhone's text message tone. I grabbed my purse off the living room table and pulled out my phone. There were several texts and a call from Chelsea.

I had been so caught up in my time with Brandon that I completely forgot to let her know what was going on. I texted her with the Cliff Notes version and that I would fill her in later. I was certain that Chelsea would smile when she read my text.  I hit send and tossed my phone back into my purse.

“Should we order some breakfast?” Brandon asked as he walked into the living room. He was wearing designer jeans and a charcoal gray t-shirt that gave nice definition to his muscles.

“Breakfast sounds great. I'm starving.”

“Should be. We worked up quite an appetite last night,” he replied as he playful gave me a pat on my butt.

“Here's the room service menu. Take a look and let me know what you want.”

  As I looked over the menu, I could sense that Brandon was looking at me.

“What?” I asked as I glanced up at him.

“You are beautiful,” he said. “But I was also thinking that you didn't pack an overnight bag. I assume you want at least some fresh undies.”

I giggled. “Undies? That is cute. But, ah, that would be nice. I'd rather not go commando.”

I wouldn't complain. But the resort does have a clothing store. You can get the basics for underwear and a casual outfit. Unless . . . you would prefer a bikini.”

You'd like that, wouldn't you?” I snickered.

I realized with my new salary that I could afford an outfit. I definitely needed clean panties and I didn't exactly want to wear my dress from last night. Plus, I needed to return it to
at some point during the day.

I agreed to take a look at outfits on the store's website after I decided on what to eat for breakfast. After I made my decision, Brandon ordered room service. I borrowed Brandon's laptop and sat out on the terrace to shop while he made some business calls from the dining table. I bought new pair of panties, a bra, a cute pair of chinos, and a matching top. I rounded out the outfit with a pair of casual shoes.

Room service arrived. We decided to eat at the table on the terrace. The aroma of the coffee, eggs, and pancakes was inviting.

Did you find an outfit?” asked Brandon as we sat down to eat.

Yes. Cute and casual. They'll be sending someone up with it in a little while.”

I'm flying to Silicon Valley this afternoon to meet with a tech start up I may want to invest in. I know you don't start until next Monday, but would you like to come with me?”

Didn't we do that last night?”

Brandon thought for a quick second and then he got it.

“We did, indeed. Finding our naughty side, are we?”

Perhaps you've awoken something in me.”

Perhaps. Especially after this morning in the shower.”

Well, you did invite something to happen,” I said as I took a sip of orange juice.

Who, me?”

Yes, you! Showing up all naked and studly looking.”

Studly? Well, naked is how one showers,” Brandon said.

I think we should change the topic so we get to finish our breakfast. What time are you leaving for Silicon Valley?”

Noon. If you co . . . I mean join me, I thought we could have dinner there and then fly back for another night cap?”

Sounds enticing. Especially the night cap part. Okay. I'm in.”

I was hoping you'd say that.”

After breakfast I'll need to return the dress to Maria's. I also want to pack an overnight bag at my place. I should be a little more prepared this time.”

Sure. Plenty of time to get all that done. Well, depending on how long it takes for you to pack an overnight bag.”

Longer than you, but less time than Chelsea. So, we'll have enough time.”



I meant what I said about wanting something different. I won't lie. I've played around a lot. Playboy is an apt description. But it's time to change.”

I wasn't sure why he was bringing this up again. It must have been important that I believe him about this. Did he want me to know that I was more than just a one-night stand? That it was more than a roll-in-the-hay with me?

“Brandon, I appreciate that you have some need to explain that to me. I do. But, I don't think that you owe me any conditions or promises at this point,” I said.

I hoped there was more, but I didn't want to get to far ahead of ourselves. I new how easy it would be for me to fall for him. Truth is, I probably already had fallen for him.

“Fair enough. It's just . . . last night was different for me. Different in a good way. My whole approach to getting to know you and being with you is different than it has been before.”

Even though you took me to bed and ravaged me on our first date?”

Yes. Often dinner is just a pre-cursor to the one night of sex. Not always. I have managed to have a few relationships that lasted three or four months. But I never intended for last night to be our only night together. What it all means beyond that I'm not sure. This is kind of new territory for me. Wanting it to be something more from the beginning.”

You're sweet,” I said as I leaned over the table and kissed Brandon's forehead. “Why don't we just take it one step at a time. That's what responsible adults do as they start a relationship.”

Ah. So this is what being a responsible adult is like,” he replied.

More or less,” I said.

Well, I'm game if you are.”

Are you kidding? I'm the queen of taking it one step at a time. Although, I must admit, I leapfrogged several steps last night with you.”

Looks like we are meeting somewhere outside of our respective comfort zones then,” Brandon said as he took a sip of his coffee.

Looks like,” I said just as there was a knock at the door.

Brandon was getting up when I told him that I would get it. I figured it was my outfit from the store. I grabbed my purse on the way to the door. I accepted my package and tipped the attendant.

“I'm going to get dressed. Do you have time to run me to Maria's Dress Boutique downtown and then by my apartment, or should I call Chelsea to come pick me up?”

I am yours for the morning. We can head to the airport from your place. It's a few hours flight, so I'll have lunch prepared for us,” Brandon replied. He then added for clarification that we would be flying on the company's private jet.

My life was definitely changing in a short span of time. I reminded myself to have Chelsea pinch me when I saw her. I had to be sure I wasn't dreaming.

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