Seduce Me Again (Seduce Me #2) (6 page)

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Chapter 9


Three Months Later...


Summer passed and Labor Day was just around the corner. I had settled into my position, hired staff, and felt in control of the Digital and Social Media department. Chelsea arrived in New York mid-August and had completed orientation at Columbia Law School.

I had rented a nice two bedroom, two bath apartment off Central Park in early June. I waited until Chelsea moved in so we could shop for the finishing touches. I wanted her to feel at home in the apartment. Besides, shopping is always more fun with your BFF.

Brandon and I traveled a lot together for work. It carried the added benefit of steamy sex in pricey hotels. In New York we found a nice balance between being together and having time on our own. We also alternated between staying at his penthouse and my apartment. We had even swapped keys to our places.

I told my family that I was dating Brandon. I received the complete quizzing that I had expected. I told them that it was getting serious, but that was as much as they were going to get out of me. 

A major setback was the news in July that my dad had lost his job of 30 years due to “downsizing.” The Texas economy was doing well, but that didn't seem to help a mid-level manager in his 50s find a decent job. They had borrowed against the equity in their house to pay for my sister to start college in the fall. Not that there is ever a good time to lose your job, but the timing couldn't have been worse.

I was fortunate that I could financially help them out. My parents refused at first, but I insisted. I convinced them that it made no sense for them to lose their house, go without health insurance, or for my sister to drop out of college before she even started. It stretched my budget, but I would get by.

I had decided not to tell either Chelsea or Brandon about my family's situation. Chelsea would feel guilty about not paying rent. Brandon would feel compelled to help. I didn't want him to think I was asking. Nor did I want the stress of my family taking money from him.

The Friday of Labor Day weekend most of the office went home early. Brandon had been out of town a few days and would be back later that evening. Brandon would be coming to stay at my apartment for the night when he got back to New York. We were leaving in the morning for a long weekend at his family's home in the Hamptons.

Chelsea had met a fellow law student and they had gone out a couple of times. She seemed to like him. She wanted to cook him a romantic dinner at our place. I told her that I would just go over to Brandon's for the night.

I packed for the weekend in the Hamptons and headed over to Brandon's. I decided Chelsea had a good idea. I would surprise Brandon with dinner at his place. I texted him the change in plans, leaving out the surprise about dinner. He wouldn't see my message until after he landed. I was walking the four blocks between our apartments when I bumped into Thomas, Brandon's doorman.

Hello, Ms. Sullivan,” he said.

Oh, hi, Thomas.”

I just got off work and I'm on my way to the subway. You heading to Mr. Mitchell's?”

Yes. A little change in plans tonight. Thought I would surprise him.”

That's nice. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you step off the elevator.”

What? Is he already home?”

Yes, ma'am. About a half-hour ago. Said he got home early from his business trip. Mentioned he was heading out later.”

Thank you, Thomas. Have a nice Labor Day weekend.”

Thank you, Ms. Sullivan. You have a nice weekend as well.”

I continued on toward Brandon's building. I wondered why Brandon hadn't responded to my text message. I pulled out my phone and checked again. Nothing. Must be showering and changing to head over to my place.

I arrived at Brandon's building.

Hello, Ms. Sullivan,” said Anthony, the doorman who had the shift after Thomas.

Hello, Anthony.”

As I crossed the lobby I got a delectable idea. A little pre dinner sex to welcome Brandon home. Sex was still good, great in fact, even though we hadn't explored any of the kinky sex that Chelsea hinted at. I pulled the Penthouse elevator key card out of my purse and swiped it to open the door. I stepped in and waited for the doors to close.

I knew I didn't have much time. I pulled off my shirt and placed it on top of my luggage. I took off my jeans and folded them on top of my shirt. I was wearing the black lacy bra and panties that I had on the night of our first date.

Maybe tonight we could push the envelope a little bit to spice things up. Brandon seemed happy enough with the sex. Nonetheless, there was a nagging in the back of my mind that someone had given him even more intense sexual pleasure than I had. I just felt that he was waiting for our sex life to get kinkier.

I was hoping Brandon would already be in the living room. It would be perfect for the elevator doors to open and for him to see me in just bra and panties. If not, I would turn on the fireplace and wait for him on the couch.

The elevator reached the Penthouse and the doors opened. The lights in the living room were dim and the fireplace was on.
Must have received my text. Brandon, you devil.

I didn't even make it off the elevator. My jaw hit the floor. I had no words or breath. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.

Standing in front of the fireplace was a naked woman with her arms around Brandon's neck. He immediately broke free of her. “Ashley! Wait!” he called out as he rushed toward the elevator. I had already hit the button to close the doors.

As I stood alone in the elevator and watched the doors shut, I fought back the tears that I knew were coming. I leaned against the back wall and grabbed the handrail as my hands shook and my legs began to buckle beneath me. The elevator descended to the lobby and I felt as if I was descending into my own personal hell. The tears I fought so hard to hold back began streaming down my face. Shock and rage was now empty desolation.

I wiped my face with the back of my hands in an attempt to regain composure, but my head was spinning. Once breathless from sensual pleasure, I found myself gasping for air from a pit of darkness and pain. Ecstasy of total fulfillment had been replaced with a void of utter despair. Only by getting as far away as possible could I begin to find release from the suffering and heartache.

I had been taken on a carnal journey filled with sexual pleasure and let myself believe that I was in some sort of romantic fairytale. But my fairytale had turned into a nightmare. I had been seduced and fell for Brandon Mitchell. What we had was tossed aside for his playboy ways. Maybe what we had was never real . . . just a lie all along.

What was I going to do now? How could he explain what I saw? He couldn't. It was over between us.

What about my job? Our personal and professional lives were suppose to be separate. But I didn't see how I could continue to work for him. My family! Oh, shit! They need me to keep this job.

I couldn't think about it now. I was crying harder. My head was throbbing.

I realized that I was almost to the lobby wearing just my bra and panties. I hit the stop button. I sank to the floor of the elevator and buried my face into my hands. I let the tears flow. How could he do this to me?

I knew it wasn't the last time I would cry over this. I wasn't sure what I was going to do next. I was in a fog. I had to get out of his building. I pulled on my jeans and t-shirt.

I hit the start button and finished my descent. Hitting that button made it all seem so final. I reached the lobby and the doors opened.

I stepped out of the elevator pulling my luggage behind me. I crossed the lobby toward the front door.

Everything okay, Ms. Sullivan?” asked Anthony.

Ashley! Please wait!” Brandon pleaded behind me.

I turned as he stepped off one of the main elevators into the lobby.

“Ashley, we need to talk.” Standing there, crushed, I had to decide what to do next . . .



The End of Part Two


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Seduce Me Again
(Seduce Me: Part Two)
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xoxo, E.J.


Want to know what happens next?

Seduce Me All Over
(Seduce Me: Part Three) is available to order on amazon.
Click Here to order now!

Books in
Seduce Me


Seduce Me
(Seduce Me: Part One)

Seduce Me Again
(Seduce Me: Part Two)

Seduce Me All Over
(Seduce Me: Part Three)

Seduce Me Forever
(Seduce Me: Part Four) – October 6, 2014



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About the Author


E.J. Adams is a romantic at heart who loves, the eventual, happily ever after. Along the way she takes the reader on a journey of exploration. Her characters stretch, grow, and find the true pleasures of a sexual partner – often with an erotic twist.

E.J. lives in Texas and loves travel, reading, movies, and tennis.


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