My Best Friend's Brother (18 page)

BOOK: My Best Friend's Brother
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I helped her out and then unwrapped her.


“Thank you. I can feel my arms now.” She shakes her arms as if to help the blood return.


I frown and give her a sorry smile.


She sighs and pulls her eyes.


“Even though you are a weirdo with a licking and baby role play fetish, I still had a great night and can’t wait to go out again sometime.”


“Me too and I promise no babying next time... properly.” I say the last part lowly and grin.


I know she heard me, but she doesn’t say anything.


“So we still on for tomorrow?” I ask.


She nods.


“We will speak in the morning and decide whose house.” I tell her and she agrees.


“I almost forgot. I don’t have your number. Can you type it in please?” She asks pulling out her phone from her bag.


I take it and type my number in.


“Here you go.” I said handing her it back.


She looks at me question. “Don’t you want my number?”


I gave her a guilty look. “No need, I got it from Heather yesterday.” I admit.


“Oh you did, did you?” She smiles and stops to think.


“What is it?”


“I was just wondering, you didn’t happen to text me last night did you?”


“No why do you ask?”


“Oh I just got a text from an unknown number. I guess it was probably a wrong number or something.” She replied trying to brush it off.


I looked at her with concern “You sure?”


She smiles happy to see I care. “Yes, now don’t worry.”


We both embrace and kissed before pulling apart.


“I should really go in now. I can feel Ricky’s eye burning into me through the window.”


I laugh and give her one last kiss after walking her to her front door.


“I’ll see you tomorrow Honey.” I say as I walk away leaving her to go into her house.


“Text me to let me know you got home alright.” I order.


“Yes ma’am.”


She gives me one last smile before going inside and I get into my car and drive away.






I arrived home and went inside.


It was getting late and despite the fact that I fell asleep, I was exhausted.


I was met at the bottom of the stairs by Ricky.


“Hello Hop. Good night?” He asked hoping for the run down.


I smile and reply, “Hi, yes it was great. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow though, because I am too tired now. I’m off to bed.”


“Ok Hop, I’ll see you in the morning. Kira and Robbie are already in bed, so keep it down. Good night.”


I hug him and tell him good night before heading up to my room.


I walked inside my room without looking up.


Turning the light on, I kicked off my shoes and dropped my clutch bag and jacket on a chair to my side.


I look up and am about to walk to my bathroom for a quick shower, when I notice Dean standing over by my window looking at me.


“Dean?” I ask confused. “What are you doing here?” I walk a little closer.


He smiled at the mention of his name.


“Hiya Hope, I’m glad you are back.”


I nod slowly.


“But what are you doing here?” I ask again hoping for a different response.


“I know about Nathan.” He says.


I suddenly realize he is probably just upset to hear about me dating his older brother.


“Oh yeah that... I’m sorry about that Dean...” I start to say but I am cut off.


“Don’t apologize. I know it wasn’t your fault.” He moves closer and puts a hand on my shoulder.


“I will help you.” He tells me and then pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.


I push him away. “Dean, you shouldn’t do that. I am sorry for leading you on but I am dating your brother.” I try to explain.


He sends me an annoyed look and hurries over to the window.


But stops and turns back to me. “I know you want me. I just got to stop Nathan brainwashing you first.” And then he leaves via the window and runs home.


I hurry to lock the window, so he can’t get back in.


‘What the hell is wrong with him? Did I really lead him on that much?’ I thought to myself.


I went for a shower, before heading to bed.


But I couldn’t sleep, worried about what happened with Dean and whether I should tell someone or not...











I didn't sleep much at all last night.


My brain couldn't shut off; all I could think about was Dean.


After two hours of trying I gave up and decided to go on my laptop and email friends from my old school to invite them to my birthday party in a couple of weeks.


Eventually I decide to go back to bed and try to fall asleep again.


I managed to get a few hours before I was awoken in the morning.


"Wakey-wakey eggs and bakey" The annoying voice sang as I was shaken from my sleep.


“Go away.” I growled and ducked under my covers.


The person laughed and continued to shake me awake.


“Come on its midday already. Get your lazy butt out of there.”


I uncover my head and pried my eyes open.


I search my side table for my phone and notice several missed calls and texts not to mention the time.


“Oh crap.”


I looked up and saw Ricky grinning at me.


I frowned before exclaiming, “Why didn’t you wake me up before?!”


He gave me a sad look for a second but then changed to serious. “Well I heard you most of the night tapping about, so I guessed you didn’t sleep much. So I let you sleep in.” He told me honestly.


“Awww thank you, that was pretty sweet of you. I didn’t know you cared.” I teased, but meant the first part.


He leaned down and messed my hair even more than it already was with his hand and said


“Well it’s time to wake up now and get dressed or else...”


I raised one eyebrow curiously. “Or else?” I copy him.


He gave me an evil smirk. “Or else I will have to send your ‘boyfriend’ up to make you.”


My eyes widened as he continued “and we don’t want him seeing your bed hair do we?”


He started to walk towards the door.


I quickly called to him to stop “Is he really here?”


He nods. “Yes, he was panicking because you weren’t answering your phone.” He almost laughed saying that.


He soon left leaving me to get washed and dressed.


I couldn’t help but feel happy at the fact that Nate was worried when he couldn’t contact me.


Once out of the shower, I towel dried my hair and threw on a pair of high waist skinny jean and a pretty retro print crop top.


Then pulling my hair into a casual bun and putting on light natural make up, to try and cover the bags under my eyes.


Before heading down I decided to look at the messages that had been sent to my phone.


There were a lot of missed calls, but one was from Nate.


The others were from Heather.


There was also a message from her number saying
‘Nate took my phone to call you because he thought you might be ignoring his calls... What happened last night? Text me ASAP. X’


I smiled reading that and sent her back a quick reply
‘It was fantastic. I’ll tell you more later. X’


The texts were also mostly from Nate.


I couldn’t help but smile more and shake my head reading them.


‘Morning Honey, still want to hang out today? xx’
Text 1 sent at 8 am.


‘Hey Honey. Don’t know if you got my last text, but just wanted to know if you still want to hang out today? xx’
Text 2 sent at 9 am.


‘You awake? Text me back xx’
Text 3 sent at 9:45 am.


‘Is everything ok? xx’
Text 4 sent at 10:30 am.


‘Did I do something wrong? xx’
Text 5 sent at 11:12 am


‘I am sorry if I did anything, please just speak to me. xxx’
Text 6 sent 11:48 am.


I couldn’t wait anymore. I had to go downstairs.


I felt so bad for worrying him like that.


As I walked down the steps, I heard speaking coming from the kitchen.


“Are you sure she didn’t say anything?” I heard what sounded like Nate, say.


Someone grumbled something inaudible before replying.


“She said nothing honestly man. She’ll be down in a minute and you can ask her yourself.” The voice I now recognized as Ricky said.


“Man you are such a girl today.” Another male voice teased, making him and Ricky laugh.


I made my way down the remaining steps before heading to the kitchen.


As I stood in the doorway I saw Ricky, Matt and Nate all sat at the dining table at the side of the room, with their backs to me.


I decide not to let them know of my presence, wanting to listen to them a little longer.


“I am not a girl!”


Ricky and Matt looked at each other, not noticing me and laughed more.


“You are a bit.” Ricky confirmed.


“No I just have a heart.” He glared between the two. “Unlike you guys.”


“I have a heart.” Ricky said defensively.


“Yeah me too.” Matt added.


It was now Nate’s turn to laugh. “Yeah, I can tell by all those girls in college you both .... um how did you put it gain... ‘Boned and thrown’”


“Like you were any better?” Matt chimed in.


“In my defense that was only a couple of times. And before you say anything Ricky, I would never do that to Hope, She means so much to me.”


I felt jealous hearing him speak about other women, but was happy to hear his confession at the end.


“You best not or I’ll kill you.” Ricky said in a very serious tone.


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