Read My Big Fat Gay Life Online

Authors: Brett Kiellerop

My Big Fat Gay Life (49 page)

BOOK: My Big Fat Gay Life
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Ryan slunk past the raving, frothing lunatic at the door with a look of concern and confusion on his face. I just glared at him. After he’d gone, I burst into tears and ran to Donovan.

“I’m sorry,” I said, sobs erupting from my throat. “I’m so sorry.”

Day 20

Narratives from:







Day 20 Narrative 1 – Kento

“Don’t worry, Hon,” Ian said, slipping his arm around me. “It’s still early. They’ll come.”

I just nodded. He was right, of course. It was still early in the evening. I looked around Ruby Slippers at the gathering of friends who’d turned up for my farewell party. There were colleagues and associates. I spotted past clients and/or regular fuckbuddies. I even saw piggy scurrying around on all fours, wearing his pigtail butt plug and squealing excitedly. However, apart from Justin who was drinking at the bar, nude and deftly fending off propositions, none of my close friends had shown up yet.

The thought of leaving for Glasgow tomorrow with Ian caused conflicting feelings, and a twinge of regret touched my chest. Maybe it was a mistake: maybe it was destined to be the next huge, colossal mistake in the series of mammoth mistakes that was my life. The only thing I knew for certain was that if I didn’t give it a go, I’d regret it forever. I glanced at Ian and smiled.

“Kento!” I turned around at the sound of my name being called and was met with the grinning faces of Patricia, Donovan, and Toni. Toni had her arm looped through the arm of a cute twink. Donovan stood next to Patricia, looking steady although he leaned on a cane.

“Donovan!” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him. “It’s so good to see you out and about!”

Toni’s date hung back shyly as Ian and I hugged and kissed them all in greeting. Eventually Toni motioned to him and said, “This is Anthony. Anthony, I’d like you to meet Kento and his boyfriend, Ian.”

Anthony held his hand out hesitantly, and I grasped it enthusiastically. “Don’t bother remembering our names,” I laughingly told him. “We’re leaving town tomorrow!”

“Anthony,” Toni said. “Why don’t you get us some drinks?”

“He’s very nervous,” I remarked to Toni. We were both admiring his arse as he walked to the bar. “Straight boy?”

“Totally,” Toni responded.

“He does know that you aren’t all woman though, doesn’t he?” I asked her, as tactfully as I could.

“No,” she replied. “I told him I have an unusually large clit, and that I’m very sensitive and embarrassed about it.” She hit me playfully in the shoulder with her clutch purse. “Of course he knows I’m not a woman… yet!”

“Have you been dating long?”

“This is our first date,” she answered.

“And you brought the poor guy here?!” I exclaimed. “You certainly don’t believe in easing them into it, do you?”

“If he can cope with this, he can cope with anything my crazy life throws at him,” she observed wryly.

I could hear Ian talking with Patricia and Donovan, and I turned to face them. It was still early and the music volume hadn’t reached ear-splitting levels as yet, so conversation was still possible. When I’m not off my face on drugs, this is my favourite time in the bar. Not too loud, and not too busy. Of course, when I’m off my tits, I prefer the music so loud that your ribcage thumps with the bass, and with people packed together so tightly you can feel nothing but pecs, butts, and bulges.

“Have either of you seen or heard from Sebastian?” I asked them.

“No, not for a while,” Patricia replied. Donovan just shook his head.

Suddenly there was a loud noise of broken glasses and raised voices over at the bar, drawing our attention. Looking over, I noticed that a couple of Justin’s admirers were having a scrap. It hadn’t reached threatening levels yet – they were still at the gentle slapping-at-each-other’s-hands stage – but it needed to be stopped.

“Excuse me for a moment,” I said.

I walked briskly to the bar, hung my arm over Justin’s shoulders, put on my most threatening look, and raised an eyebrow at the scrapping guys. As the first guy became aware of my attention, he stopped flapping his hands in the other’s face. The second guy looked confused as to why the first guy had stopped flailing, and followed his gaze. When he saw me, arm around Justin possessively and glaring at him, he hung his head and scurried off.

“Thanks,” Justin said after the majority of his crowd of admirers had dissipated. “It won’t hurt for them all to believe I have a big black hulking boyfriend.”

“No problem,” I replied. “You know, I told myself that before I left town I was going to grab your cock. Just once. It’s been such a torment for so long. So near, yet so far!”

“You can if you want,” Justin said, pushing his hips forward. “I don’t give a rat’s arse. I have no boundaries when it comes to good friends, and over the years I’ve come to think of you as a good friend.”

“Nah, I think I’ll pass,” I said after considering it for a moment. “The spontaneity is gone now. Besides, it would detract from the allure and mystery of it.”

“I’m going to miss you,” Justin stated simply, looking me directly in the eye.

“And I’m going to miss you,” I responded, looking down at his cock. He laughed. “Where are Ruth and Sebastian?” I asked him, dragging my eyes up to his face reluctantly.

“Ruth’s at home pampering herself. I came here straight from work, and she’s going to meet me here. She won’t stay long, because she’ll have Kyra with her. I’m not sure where Sebastian is, but I’m sure he’ll show up soon.”

“I can’t wait to see the baby girl again,” I said, smiling.

“Let me buy you a drink,” Justin grinned. He turned to the barman and ordered some drinks, and as we waited I drank in one final lingering sweep of his naked body with my eyes. I recalled how when I first met him, I couldn’t imagine any guy hotter than him. Then, as I got to know him better, his humble, generous, and caring personality added to the overall hotness factor. As much as I hated to admit it, I felt his personality was even more attractive than his body. His attention was focussed on the TV above the bar, but I’m sure he was aware of my scrutiny.

“Hi guys,” I heard someone say. We both turned to find Rory standing next to us. He looked nervous and apprehensive.

“Rory!” Justin exclaimed. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for ages.”

“I’ve been staying at my boyfriend’s and keeping a low profile,” Rory replied.

“What? You have a boyfriend?” Justin asked him.

“What? You’re gay?” I burst out at the same time.

Rory laughed, loosening up his shoulders and visibly relaxing.

“Yes, I’m gay,” he told me. Then he turned to Justin. “Yes, I have a boyfriend. His name’s Mark. You might remember him from such appearances as ‘Drag Queen Lizzie’ and ‘Cum and Piss Slut Lying in Urinal’. He’s actually really sweet.”

Justin and I exchanged shocked looks. With impeccable timing, the barman broke the awkward silence by placing our drinks on the bar. Justin turned to pick them up.

“Holy fuck!” he suddenly exclaimed. His focus was riveted on the TV news. “I have to go!”

Day 20 Narrative 2 – Mark

BOOK: My Big Fat Gay Life
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