My Billionaire Boss (Book 2)(Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: My Billionaire Boss (Book 2)(Erotic Romance)
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Leaning forward I
wrap my arms around Jordan’s shoulders and kiss him deeply.  All the
nights I fantasized about him, my hand between my legs rubbing tight circles as
I chant his name, are going to be made real. All the arm kisses, fantasy
conversations and flowers I’ve placed on tables and pretended he bought for me
will materialize as a mighty real time love. I can’t hide myself behind the
apron anymore. I open my mouth to him, accepting his lips, pushing and pulsing.
It is a first kiss like no other. He pulls away barely able to breathe.


Wow,” he says, blinking and wiping his lips with the back of his
hand. “You are something else.”


Thanks,” I say, hoping my smile is telegraphing “there’s more
where that came from” and not “I have no freaking idea what I just did.”


Does August kiss like that? Or are his kisses light like butterfly


I have no idea how August kisses,” I reply, confused. “I’m an
assistant, that’s all. I listen to him, make sure he’s where he needs to be,
and help him with new words. That’s all.”


Oh, I though Marcus hired you to keep him happy — you know — happy
in the sacky.” Jordan winks at me and his face changes from the visage of the
chipper intellectual founder of Bookfeed to a lecherous sneering pervert.


I am not a whore,” I reply coolly, wondering if that kiss was a
huge mistake. “I don’t get paid to make any man ‘happy in the sacky’ and I
never will.” I rise to leave.


No! Don’t go.” Jordan puts his hand on my leg and encourages me to
stay seated.  “Dagney suggested that might be a reason he picked a caterer
to be Kalle’s assistant. That’s all. I was just feeling out a story angle.
Clearly, she’s wrong.  Don’t hold her gossip mongering against me.


Jordan reaches out
and puts his hand under my chin, pulling my face back to him for another kiss.
This time he leads. The warmth of his lips against mine and the way he holds me
sends chills everywhere they should go. I always read crushes were good because
they gave you energy, but they are nothing like the real thing. He runs his
fingers through my hair, then as we separate he traces the scar that runs down
my ear and jaw.


Skiing accident,” I confess. “I hope Dagney didn’t tell you I was
in the mafia or something.”


No,” he chuckled. “She didn’t mention it. But, I know a great
plastic surgeon who might be able to take the edge off it.”


It strikes me that
all the time we’ve been together, Marcus, the billionaire publisher, has never
offered to get my scar fixed. Yet, Jordan is all about seeing it smoothed over.


Look,” I say, figuring out the dynamic between Jordan, Marcus and
the tour is too much for me to process at one time. “We can date. After the
tour. I’ve got too many obligations to August to make time for a new love. And,
since you’ve sworn to ruin Marcus, it’s probably not the best thing for anyone
if I’m caught with you. There’s only a week after tomorrow night’s reading.
Let’s just do our jobs and once the book is launched, I can come up to New York
and we can start fresh.”


I know in my head that you’re right, Carrie.” Jordan flashes that
signature Bookfeed smile that melts me to the core. “But, my heart doesn’t want
to wait a week.”


Jordan takes my
hand and guides it to his lap where his stiff member is straining against his


I don’t think that’s your heart,” I say dryly, but manage to
caress him all the same. “And, it’s only a week. Your head and your heart will
both make it.”


He kisses me again,
this time avoiding my scar and instead wrapping his hand around the back of my
head. He pulls me so impossibly close I feel like he could swallow me through a
deep kiss and I’d never be heard from again. He pulls back just long enough to
get a sentence out.


If I can’t have you for a week, maybe you can leave me a deposit,”
he croons. One hand goes down to unzip his pants, while he begins pushing my
head down with the other. I pull back against the pressure. “Don’t worry,
Carrie. I’ll leave one for you too.”


I shift on the
sofa, leaning down to lick the back of his shaft. His penis is already purple
with desire and pre-cum. He really wants me. He stops pushing me for a moment
and caresses my ears as my tongue rises up the length of him then my mouth
wraps itself around the head. I lick the tip, short circuiting any further
discussion as his nerve endings catch on fire.


My mind is also
exploding. I can’t believe how lucky I am. Me. Carrie Miller. I’m getting to
suck the cock of the book world’s power broker. All those women who read his
blog everyday imagining what he might look like under those Dockers have
nothing on me. I’ve got the salty, beautiful taste of him filling my mouth.
Wrapping my newly manicured fingers around his base, I begin moving my mouth up
and down in rhythm with my hand, listening to the melody of his moans.


Yesssss,” he hisses, his neck back and his eyes closed. “Suck my
dick, yes….”


I can’t escape the
crudeness that presents itself with Jordan. It marks him as different from
Marcus who would never dream of pushing my head down to his crotch. And yet, if
Jordan is a common man, then I am his common lover, lapping and licking him
with pleasure as my only goal. It doesn’t take long for him to climax, sighing
his pleasure loudly.


He leans over as if
to kiss me, then whispers in my ear. “Tell me you wanted that.”


I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” I bubble like a teen at the
prom, licking my lips to encourage his excitement. He rewards me by reaching
under my skirt, his hand cupping my outer lips. I open my legs wider, wondering
if my mind can even take the sensation of Jordan’s tongue in my folds.


SLAM the outer door
to the hotel closes with a bang.


Wait ‘til you see the bombshell I’ve got prepared for New York. It
will put Vineyard and Bookfeed on the top. It will go viral in thirty minutes!”
Dagney Van Der Vine says to the intern stationed by the door. 


Jordan jerks his
hand away from my body as if he touched a hot stove. “Straighten up,” he growls
zipping his pants and jumping off the couch. I do the same.


Dag, this is Carrie Miller, August Kalle’s assistant,” Jordan
says, way too formally. I expect the woman famous for calling out the secrets
and lies of superstars to instantly know what happened and pull out a
microphone, but she just shrugs indifferently.


Hello, Carrie,” she says, reaching out to shake my hand. The
awareness that the last thing my hand touched was Jordan’s member pounds in my
head as I wrap it around her cold, boney fingers. 


It’s nice to meet you,” I say. It’s weird seeing celebrities in
person. On the web or TV they look so stunningly beautiful, but in real life
their features seem overly large - exaggerated angles, huge eyes and lips that
glare out.


Get a scoop?” She turns to Jordan, brushing me off as the unworthy
commoner I am.


She filled me in on August’s ideas and schedules. Nothing earth
shattering,” Jordan answers her, walking away from me and clearly enthralled
with the new arrival. I realize that even though my body is present, I am no
longer in the room.


Your driver is in the main suite,” Dagney tells me, pointing at
the door because I am either too star struck or stupid to figure out it is time
to leave. Jordan gives me a hasty goodbye, while motioning for Dagney to sit
down. I’m sure they have a strategy meeting of some kind scheduled.


Chloe stands when I
come out, and guides me to the car outside. She never seems to be troubled or
impatient. She was just waiting by the door as if in a trance. I’m so full of
sexual tension and confusion I can barely walk.


I hope you didn’t have to wait long,” I say in the elevator. “I
wasn’t aware you were here.”


About an hour. Waiting is part of the job,” she replies.


How do you sit so still for all that time?” I ask. I’ve never seen
her play with a cell phone, read a book or talk to others when she’s on duty.


Meditation. I’m sure you are aware I was a model before I took
this job. Well, when you model you have to sit perfectly still, sometimes for
hours at a time. It’s so boring and hard on the muscles. When I got started I
thought I would go mad, or turn to drugs like so many do to get through. Missy
Eliott taught me about meditation. It helped me keep going.”


I thought Missy was on drugs,” I offer. She looks at me like I’ve
just skinned a rabbit with my bare teeth in front of her.


People are better than their worst moment,” Chloe says, opening
the back door. We get out of the circle of the hotel, drive for two stop-and-go
blocks and we are turning around.  Before I can make sense of what is
happening, we are back at Jordan’s place.


Chloe opens the
back door and tells me August forgot his jacket.


I’ll get it!” I blurt, practically jumping out of the car. I’m
sure Jordan’s still meeting with Dagney Dumbass (as Marcus calls her), but
maybe I can catch his eye or blow him a kiss or do something to let him know
that after the tour, I’m still open to receive his deposit.


I forgot something,” I tell the intern at the door. I don’t want
to tell her it’s the jacket because I don’t want her to go get it. Fortunately,
she hasn’t learned Chloe’s art of meditation and she’s busy texting.  She
points me to the door down the hall. I crack it open slowly to see if he is
locked into a deep conversation.


How in the world did you get this?” Dagney is looking at a screen
with Jordan beside her, his arm around her shoulders.


It’s an old trick,” he chuckles mercilessly. “People get fixated
by the large camera. So when you take it down and shut it off they think they
are off the record and totally safe. The fact there are more cameras in the
world never dawns on them.”


Oh. God. He had
cameras. Other cameras. Which means he has full photographic evidence of me
leaning over and…oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god....


So what’s the angle? We could use it to say Eliott House tried to
bribe you into a good review.”


Have you even read the press review copy?” Jordan scowls at her
for a moment.


I can’t read his shit,” Dagney replies. “I like books where the
girl gets the guy, the killer gets caught and the antiquity is returned to the


Well, it’s amazing,” Jordan informs her. I hate to admit it, but
Dagney Van Der Vine and I have one thing in common. I like those kind of books
too. “Eliott House doesn’t need to bribe me for a good review. This book has
Pulitzer, and maybe even Nobel, written all over it.”


So we play it the other way? Show it to Little Boy Blue and see if
he can snort his way out of success.”


That’s a thought. He’s playing clean and sober but we both know
he’s not that good at it. Maybe a little video of his beloved Miss Carrie
sucking the corn dog out of its skin will push him over the brink.”


You know,” Dagney says, tapping her finger on the glass. “She’s


Jordan wraps his
arm around her, letting his hand trace her lips and run down her blouse. “Don’t
you worry, baby. The Little Emperor only does what he has to do, for us. Your
mouth is the only one he loves. You’ve got the touch he goes for.”


Unable to take any
more talk about the “Little Emperor” and numb from my horror and growing shame,
I have to move.  I close the door then knock politely. Jordan opens it,
and I hear Dagney quickly snap the laptop shut.

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