My Blue Eyes (8 page)

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Authors: Maxim Daniels

BOOK: My Blue Eyes
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     Mary ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.  It hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, but I didn't care.  She wouldn't let go until mom came and grabbed her arm saying it was time to eat.  I couldn't wait to eat.  Hospital food sucks, and I desired my mom's home cooking every day I was awake in the hospital.  Seeing the spread she had prepared made my saliva glands practically burst out of my mouth.  It was our Thanksgiving Dinner.  Mom refused to have the dinner until I made it home from the hospital.  Since it was only four days until Christmas, I would soon be enjoying two feasts within a week.  Life was good.
     Dad had the entire house lit up with Christmas lights.  In my seventeen years, Dad had never put lights on the house.  I would beg him to light up the house like a Christmas Wonderland, but he always refused.  He claimed it was a waste of money.  I guess it took getting my ass kicked for him to fill my wish.
     Mary was all over me during dinner.  Constantly hugging on me, grabbing my arm and rubbing my hand.  At times, it was difficult to concentrate on the food with a throbbing hard on under the table.  She copped a feel once even though she said it was an accident.  It was a little weird sitting at the table with all my family, suffering from a bout of blue balls.  I couldn't wait to get alone with Mary, and I'm positive she felt the same way.  I thought this might be the night we finally did it.  I was concerned about my ribs, but figured they would be fine as long as she was on top.
     After dinner, Mary said she wanted to go back to her house.  Her mom was working and we would be all alone.  This only verified my thought of getting lucky.  I've wanted her so bad, ever since that first time we were alone at Colapi Creek.  Her nice perky tits being hugged by her wet shirt as the rain fell on her.  I still hadn't seen them bare, but oh did I desire to.
     We had to complete the normal Thanksgiving family social gathering.  We played games and shot the shit for the next four hours.  Finally, my brothers and sister started to leave and I told mom I was going back to Mary's for a bit.  
     Moms always know what you're up to.  She knew there was only one reason why we were going back to Mary's.  She gave me one of those looks where she squints her eyes, puckers out her lips and scrunches her eyebrows together.  I know she wanted me to stay home with her and dad to get caught up with all the happenings around the house.  I couldn't.  I had one thing on my mind and that was getting back to Mary's.
     On the way to Mary's, we got all the small talk out of the way.  I knew she felt bad about what happened to me, and it was important for me to remind her it wasn't her fault.
     "You know Mary, I don't blame you for any of what happened to me.  I would do the same damn thing over if anyone ever talked to you like that."
     "I know, Darrel.  I escalated everything by what I said to Bo.  You know, about him being gay.  I haven't been at school since that happened, but I heard he's been getting a lot of grief about it.  I shouldn't have said that."
     "Mom said you weren't in town.  Where did you go?"
     Mary sighed as she stared out the window, "I told you, I'm complicated Darrel.  I have some personal issues I've been working on since my dad killed himself.  Sometimes I have a hard time dealing with things, and I just need to get away to get my mind right."
     I wasn't the smartest guy in the world, but I knew what she was talking about.  "Do you want to talk about it?"
     Mary shook her head, "Not right now.  I just want to be alone with you tonight.  I wish you could stay the night."
Oh shit!  We're gonna do it tonight! 
That thought instantly produced a boner so intense, I thought I was going to go in my jeans.  
George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush.  
My friend Mark always told me if you want to get rid of a boner, say the president's name ten times.  It worked like a charm.  It's funny how the President of the United States can make a horny teenage boy go limp in a matter of seconds.
     We walked into Mary's parent-free home and she grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom.
     "Let's go in my room and listen to some music."
Boners back.  
George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, oh fuck it!
"Someone's a little excited," Mary said as she sat on the bed reaching out her hands for me to grab.
I laughed it off and gave her some cheesy line, "What do you expect Mary?  I have this beautiful girl sitting in front of me."
She pulled me on top of her, careful not to hurt my ribs or fractured wrist.  The only pain I was feeling was hidden beneath my button fly jeans.  We kissed softly at first.  Then it became more intense in a matter of seconds.  She had her legs spread out beneath me, allowing me to rub myself between her legs.  There was such a warmth going on down there, it took all my might not to reach for it.  Instead, I focused on her breasts as she let me have free reign.  Thankfully, the bra clasp was in the front as I unbuttoned it and her perfect C's were there for me to do whatever I wanted.  I went at them with a soft touch and a gentle flick of the tongue back and forth.  Her nipples were in full salute as I gently grabbed them making sure her nipples were placed in between my fingers.  I softly kissed her belly as I headed for the top of her jeans only to return to her exposed breasts.  I placed the backside of my fingertips slightly under her belt line and slowly moved them from one end to the other.  This brought a shiver across Mary's body as my hand went deeper into her panties until I felt the warm wetness of my finger sliding inside her.  Mary's breathing becoming more intense as her feet rubbed back and forth on the sheets slightly lifting her pelvis off the bed.  I withdrew my hand so I could undo her jeans when Mary paused and looked me in the eye.
     She whispered, "Darrel, I've never done this before."
     I figured as much so I asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
     Mary nodded her head yes, "Do you have anything?"
I knew what was possibly going to happen tonight and forgot the one thing I needed.  A fucking condom.  I could have shot myself right there.
     "I don't Mary." I said in disgust knowing I couldn't drive back home and get one and hurry back before Mary decided she didn't want to do it.
     "Darrel, I don't want to do it without a condom."
     "What if I just pull out before I cum?"
     "That's not how I want my first time to be.  Especially not the first time with you, Darrel."
     "I will just drive up to the gas station and get one."
     Mary shook her head no and squeezed out from under me, still holding on to me kissing on my neck.
     "I guess it's not supposed to happen tonight," Mary said while giving me a mischievous smile.
     We spent the rest of the night cuddling, making out, cuddling and making out until it was time for me to leave.  I didn't want to leave.  Sex or no sex, I just wanted to be with Mary.  It was almost curfew time, and with it being the holiday season, I didn't want to get in trouble. We kissed goodbye and I was on my way out to my truck when I heard Mary call my name.
     "Darrel!" she said as she ran outside into my arms.  "I need to tell you something, but promise you won't say anything back.  Do you promise?"
     I was confused with this request, "Sure, I promise."
     "I could have never imagined in a million years, you and I would be standing here at this moment.  I have so many issues Darrel.  I so want to tell you about them, and I promise I will.  I'm afraid if I tell you, it will ruin what we have.  And having you in my life means everything to me."

     Mary paused for a bit as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

     "I fell for you the first time you called me on the phone to invite me over to your house.  Your voice....It just gave me goosebumps all over.  And the first time I looked into your beautiful blue eyes....I just melted.  I guess what I'm trying to say Darrel is...I'm in love with you."
     "I," Mary covered my mouth with her hand.
     "You promised you wouldn't say anything back."
     And with that, Mary kissed me and ran back into the house.  I shook my head as I got into my truck.  I looked back at the house before pulling away.  Mary was standing in the window with her hand clasped under her chin, smiling.
     "I love you too Mary."
Chapter 21

     I think the narrator at the beginning of 
Frosty The Snowman 
says it best when he refers to a Christmas snow.  You know, how when the first snowfall of the season happens on Christmas, something wonderful is bound to happen.
     Well, the first snow of the winter season in 1992 just happened to be on Christmas Eve.  And when the first snowfall of the season happens on the day before Christmas, something magical is going to happen.  No, I didn't sleep with Mary on either day, but we did get to spend both days together at my house.
     Her mom went out of town for a Christmas party on the day before Christmas and was supposed to return in the evening.  Much to my luck, it started snowing while she was at that party.  And did it ever snow!  If I recall correctly, we got about three inches of snow in just under two hours with another nine inches that continued the following day, ending around 6:00 PM.  
     Mary was already at my house when the snow started falling.  She was worried about her mom driving home in the snow until the phone rang, and it was her mom on the other end of the line.  She spoke to my mom and asked her if Mary could stay at our house for the night, because she was too afraid to drive home.  Of course my mom said yes, with one caveat.  My mom had certain rules in her house that withstood the test of time.  One of those rules was we were never allowed to sleep in the same room as our girlfriend unless we were married.  This rule started with Troy, and unfortunately remained in place all the way down to me.  It didn't bother me much.  Since we've been together, the most consecutive amount of time we've spent together was less than ten hours.
     Before the phone call came, I was dreading when Mary had to go home.  I never wanted her to leave, especially on Christmas Eve.  I have heard people say falling in love is one of the greatest feelings in the world.  I would tend to disagree.  Don't get me wrong, falling in love is great, it just hurts.  Not a bad hurt, but it still hurts.  When you're falling in love with someone, you want to spend every minute of every day with that person.  And this hurts.  It hurts because you know that person is eventually going to have to leave your presence, and the pursuing feeling of emptiness starts filling your stomach, longing for the next time you get to see them.  You inevitably start thinking about the prospects of this not working out, which hurts even more.  Then, you get to see them again and the process starts all over.  It's really not fair when you think about it.  Why did God wire us this way?  Shouldn't you always have the same feeling you have whether you're together or whether you're apart?  I mean, you are going to get to see them again, so why do we eagerly anticipate the next time we're together? Simply put, falling in love should never hurt.  Falling in love should mean you don't have to suffer through the emptiness when the other person is gone, because you're in love.  I shouldn't have to miss you just because you are a few miles away, and I can see you anytime.  Falling in love should be more like the finale of a fireworks show that never ends.  I guess it's the way it is so we don't get complacent in our relationships, but it still hurts.

     Hearing this news, Mary and I were as giddy as two kids in a candy shop.  To quote the song "Louisiana Saturday Night,"
Hey, you get down the fiddle an' you get down the bow
Kick off your shoes an' throw'em in the floor
Dance in the kitchen 'til the mornin' light
Louisiana Saturday night
When the kin folks leave an' the kids get fed
Me an' my woman gonna sneak off to bed
Have a little fun when we turn off the light
Louisiana Saturday night
Hey, you get down the fiddle an' you get down the bow
Kick off your shoes an' throw'em in the floor
Dance in the kitchen 'til the mornin' light
Louisiana Saturday night
Of course my mom reminded us we were not allowed to sleep in the same room, but we didn't care.  We would be together for the two best days of the year and that's all that mattered.
     Mary would spend most of the day in the kitchen helping my mom bake some of her world famous desserts.  I love the smell of everything Christmas.  Dad and I hung out, playing cards and listening to the Statler Brothers.  My parents always listened to them during the Christmas season, and it wasn't even their Christmas music.  It was their regular songs like "Flowers on the Wall."  To this day, every time I hear the Statler Brothers, it reminds me of Christmas at home.  It was nice.  
     The two of us usually didn't have this kind of interaction.  It was only small talk when it was just him an me.  I was even expecting him to bust out singing some of the songs.  He never did.  Up to this point in my life, I had never heard my dad sing.  I couldn't tell you if he even had a good voice.  My singing voice sucked, so I could only speculate his did too.  Mom, on the other hand, was different.  She liked her church songs, and one song in particular.  "On Eagle's Wings" was her song.  She would sing this song nonstop on Sundays after church.  She would start singing it in her nice sweet voice, which would eventually lead to her opera voice.  Legend has it, that every time she sung in her opera voice, it made every stray cat in the neighborhood scream.
     I had never had as much fun on Christmas Eve as I did on this Christmas Eve.  I could see this happening in the future.  Mary and I would come home for the holiday and spend the night at my parent's.  Our little kids would be running and jumping all over them, because they wouldn't get to see them much due to us living in some far off place.  Dad and I would be playing cards and listening to country music, while Mary and my mom were in the kitchen baking.  The future couldn't look any better, but I knew I was getting a little ahead of myself.
     Mary took a break from baking and came up from behind and wrapped her arms around me and sat on the couch.  She gave me a kiss on the cheek and my dad gave me a "
look.  He really liked Mary.  He talked to her more than he talked to me.  Truth be told, Mary was starting to wrap him around her little finger.  She could get him to do things I could only dream about.  "Flowers on the Wall" came on and you could tell Dad was singing along with the song in his head.  Mary noticed too.
     "Why don't you sing out loud so we can all hear you Paul," she asked in a peculiar way.
     "I don't sing Mary," Dad said while giving a twinkle in the eye expression.
     "Oh, come on Paul.  I bet you have such a good deep voice.  Let me hear it just this once."
     "Nope," he replied as he picked up his cards.
      I laid my head back on Mary's chest and kicked my feet on the couch, "Mary, let's sit back and just watch him.  He loves this song.  He'll eventually start singing."
     "Please Paul," Mary asked him with such sincerity.  "I'm going to keep rewinding the song until you sing it."
     And then he did.  My jaw hit the floor and I covered my ears, embarrassed as the snow is white.  "Please Dad, for the love of God, stop!"
     He proceeded to get up, sit right next to me, grab me from Mary and sang to me while I struggled to get away.  For the love of humanity, I wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
     Mary loved it.  She busted up laughing and started singing with him while hugging on me too.  Mom even came in from the kitchen and reached over the couch hugging me and singing the same song.  This went on until the end of the song.  When it was over, they finally let go of me, and all I wanted to do was take a hot shower.  
     I had never seen my parents act this way before.  I wondered if they were falling in love with Mary too.  Something magical was happening this Christmas Eve.   The first snowfall of the season was happening outside, and my dad and I were sharing a moment.  A moment I will never forget.  A day I will never forget.  A Christmas Eve I will never forget.  A time in my life I will never forget.    

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