My Broken Heart

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Authors: Pritom Barman

BOOK: My Broken Heart
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My broken heart




B y : - P R I T O M B A R M A N


To my friends and a best

Friend who created it*


*with little a bit of help from me

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

Hey friends just a minute before starting this book I want to say you that in writing this book I alone have not been able to write this with me there are many of my friends who had helped me in writing this book. Also I would like to thank my class mates who always czar me on writing this book.


With my friends like Rohit, Subham & some of my classmates. This book is been completed. And also without them this book was incomplete. Thank you for helping me in writing this story and providing information to me. Most importantly thank you for sharing some part of your life with me and giving a help to write this book.


With that I hope that you are ready to read about-my broken heart!


his work in your hands today is an inspired story from someone whom I see daily but he was a stranger to me till that day. I have a habit of going for walks in the morning and evening from past many years. Since a month I was seeing this man sitting on a bench in the park where I go for walk.

One day in the morning I saw him and decided to talk to him. I was very curious about him, God knows why. I went near him and said “good morning”. He looked up at me and gave me a serene smile. “Sir I am seeing you sitting on this bench from the past two weeks in the morning as well as evening and your eyes say that you are in search of someone.” On hearing my innocent words he laughed a little and said “Yes boy I am in search of someone”. He had a very tranquil voice. “If you don’t mind then can you please tell me whom are you looking for? May be I could help you out in some way” I said in a naïve tone.


“I am in search of a girl named Sandhya for whom I fell for in my childhood days and since then I am madly in love with her. We loved each other like crazy and we had promised each other to meet here on a special day. Till now she has not come but I am waiting for her in advance just to cherish our childhood memories”. He replied.

“Sir I would love to hear your love story of course if you don’t mind” I said beaming with a smile.


“Okay then, I will tell you my story and if you want to listen, then listen to me patiently” the man said with a gentle voice
“Sir I am all ears” I said to hear his story.

“I think I was of your age. I was in a school named St. Thomas Residency School”. He started narrating his story.


This is how this book came into existence and is a product in your hands. I was in love with this story at one go and hence I decided to pen it down and share it with you people. I hope you like it.

C h a p t e r 1

was enjoying playing with my friends when suddenly my teacher came and told me that my concentration in studies had decreased and also complained that I wasn’t taking part in seminars held in the class. He scolded me further on my poor performance and ordered me to bring my parents along with me to school the next day. This had already spoiled my morning. I was insulted in front of my friends. Later on I said sorry to him and also assured that I will present my seminars on time but he was in no mood to listen to my talks and told me to get my parents the very next day. My heart started beating faster and faster. I was sweating profusely. I was more worried because my parents were not aware of my poor result and if they came to my school they would find it out and I would have been dead then. I heard a loud ring after that. I opened my eyes and realized that I had been dreaming. I got up and switched off my alarm.


I woke up and saw the time on my mobile screen. It showed 7am. I got up from the bed frantically. I wanted to sleep for some more time and wanted to see what happened to me in my dream. But I had to wake up as I was already late for my school.


My school bus would arrive in the next fifteen minutes and I had not even brushed my teeth. I thought of bunking school and again going off to sleep but alas! I couldn’t even do that today as I had my seminar in school. I didn’t want my teacher to scold me like he had in my dream. I suddenly got shivers thinking about the dream.


I went out of my room and saw that my mom was busy in her household choruses. I so wanted her to help me at that moment. I started searching for my seminar note. I asked my mom whether she had seen it somewhere she got angry by my question and shouted “you are grown up now and I think you are capable of keeping your own things properly. Find it out yourself now and don’t disturb me”.


After hearing her furious tone I was about to leave from there when she suddenly called me back. “You didn’t show me the marks obtained in this paper” she shouted again holding a question paper of mine in her hand.


I was dumbstruck by her sudden question. I quickly regained myself and said “we haven’t got any papers till now”. Saying this I almost ran out of the room. The fact was I had got all the papers and in all the subjects I had just secured passing marks.

I decided to ask my aunt about my notes. I went to her room and asked her but she was busy as she was getting ready to go for a wedding and told me to find the notes by myself.


While my search mission was still going on my school bus arrived outside my house gate and the driver started blowing horn continuously. “Wait a min. I am coming” I shouted back from the window of my room.


At last I found it in the drawer of the computer table. Taking the notes I ran towards the bus. “Today just because of you we all are going to be late for school” everyone in the bus started shouting on me. I apologized to them and stood in the bus holding the bar above my head. I never used to get a place to sit in the bus as it was over crowded.


“Hey Sandip have you prepared your seminar?” my best friend Sanjay asked me.


“Not really well buddy. But I will try my level best to present it in the class today” I replied with a smile on my face.


We continued talking till one of my friends entered the bus. “What the fuck man! Today is our seminar and I am not even one percent prepared for it. I am screwed today. Sandip are you ready for today’s seminar?” he asked me

“Yes I am prepared but I am not so confident” I replied

“Oh God! I beg of you please any how cancel all the seminars today or else declare a holiday in school today” Aman another friend of mine said dramatically praying to God.


“What the fuck are you saying Aman? If school gets closed for the day how will I see my love?” Gig said to Aman

“Have you gone nuts? You want to attend classes just for a girl?” I shouted at Gig.


“What will you know about love? Do you know when a person falls in love then, day and night he always thinks about him or her. One day you will also test this wine of love then you will remember my words” Gig said in a soft voice.


He started giving me a lecture on love. I was just nodding my head. I was least interested in the subject called love. I just imagined him talking like this in the seminar. He would get full marks if he would do something like this.

We reached school and started running towards our classes.


“Was there any homework given yesterday Sandip?” Jesse who was sitting on a bench beside me asked. “No” I replied.


The classes had not yet started so I went out of the class on the playground and started roaming with my friends. I was having a tension of my seminar.

“Hey Sanjay lets go to the class and revise our seminar” I told Sanjay.


“Yep, let’s go. I was also about to tell you the same thing” he told.

We both went inside the class and started revising our seminar. Just then a classmate of mine came running “hey there will be no seminar today as Aaditya sir is on leave. He met with an accident” she said almost shouting. Everyone was beaming with happiness.

The main reason why everyone was so happy was that Aaditya sir was a really strict teacher and he had warned us that those who would fail to present their seminars or would go wrong while presenting will have to call their parents to school the next day. Sir was very particular about perfection in work.


I didn’t believe Suman at all as I had a nice experience of her silly pranks. I decided to go in the staff room and find out the truth myself. So I went to the staffroom and saw Aaditya sirs” chair empty. I thought may be he had gone out somewhere so I confirmed it with one of the teachers sitting in the staffroom. “You don’t know that Aaditya sir met with an accident today in the morning while coming to school” the teacher replied in a melancholic tone. By hearing his words I went into a state of glee.

“Oh! That’s shocking. I hope he is not very serious. I will pray for him” I said in a compassionate tone and left the staffroom. I entered the class in a very relaxed state.

C h a p t e r 2

uddenly the school bell started ringing. It was the assembly bell after which we all were supposed to gather on the ground for the assembly. It was the duty of class monitors to arrange their respective class students in lines.

Today our class monitor was absent so the vice monitor had taken over the class control. The vice monitor was a little strict so no one dared to do any mischief’s. The principal arrived in no time.

“Good morning students” he wished us in his usual cheerful way. We all responded back.

“Join your hands, close your eyes and start the prayer” he said.


Soon after his instructions we started our prayer.

“Our Father who art in heaven

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done, on earth

As it is in haven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts,

As we also have forgiven our debtors;

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil,

For thine is the kingdom and the

Power and the glory, for ever.



After the prayer principal sir started giving us a lecture on
sincerity. No one was interested in hearing his boring talks early in the morning and I wasn’t an exception. Soon after his lecture we left the ground and went to our respective classes.

The first lecture began. It was my favorite subject English literature. Everyone was paying attention to what teacher was teaching except for Gig who was busy staring at Sandy his girlfriend and she was responding back positively.


“Gig can you please explain the class what I thought just now?” our teacher pointed at Gig and said.

Gig panicked by the sudden question and got up hurriedly asking his bench mate for the answer. Even his bench mate didn’t know the correct answer and hence he prompted something which Gig repeated. He said “every lover has a day to love someone”


But the right answer was

“Every dog has a day”


By hearing his reply our teacher was really annoyed.

“Nonsense! Its” not the period of love, you fool it’s time to study” he shouted at Gig.

“No sir it is not like that” Gig said.

“Pay attention towards your studies my boy not in other things” sir said. Sir continued giving a lecture on studies and stuff till the bell rang. Finally our English teacher went out and we all started teasing Gig and Sandy. Sandy was feeling shy and angry at the same time.

“Why the hell are you all teasing me? I don’t love Gig he just irritates me” she said almost shouting and left the class. We all started laughing at Gig.

“I know she loves me but doesn’t want to show it”. He was speechless. She had made a fool of him. He went out of the class quietly.


I also went out of the class and started roaming with my friends. The bell rang after 10 minutes and we all came back to the class. Next we had our Mathematics period. I hated this subject the most.

Finally the school bell rang to denote the end of the day in school. We all ran out of the class shouting with joy.


I went and sat in my bus and reached home in a while.


When I reached home I saw my mom and dad packing up all the things in the house.

“Mom, why are you packing all the things?” I asked my mother.


“Your father has got a transfer to Naharlagun so we are shifting over there and you will continue your school over there.

“I don’t want to leave this school and go mom. All my friends are here.” I said sulkily.

“We have to go, my son. I am sure you will get new friends in the new school. Now hurry up and start packing your bags we are leaving day after tomorrow”. I was feeling very bad. I was going to miss my friends a lot especially my best friend Sanjay. I took out my cell phone and typed a message which said

“Hey what”s up friends? A very sad message to say that

my father has got transferred so I

m going 2 Naharlagun 2 study there. Goodbye

Friends. and also gud nit


I sent this message to all my friends. After sometime I started packing my bag. I found an old photograph of my school picnic in my cupboard and I was sent into deep thoughts of old, sweet, memories. I got a message from Sandy saying

“Are you seriously going? I don”t want

you to g
. Pl come to school 2mro
for a last time. G


Many of my friends replied in the same manner so I decided to go to school for one last time tomorrow.

“Mom tomorrow I will go to school as a last day in my school and also with my friends” I said to my mother.

“Okay my son. You go to school tomorrow. Go sleep now. It’s very late” my mom said with a smile.

“No mother I want to help you both” I said.

“No it’s very late so now you go and sleep or like today again tomorrow you will be late to wake up so it is better that you sleep” she said.


I saw the clock. It was 1:45 am. So I wished my mom and dad good night and retired to my room.

I woke up early the next morning and got ready for school.

I went to a shop and got some chocolates to give to my school friends. My mom served me breakfast but I was in no mood to eat so I left for school empty stomach.


After a while my school bus came and I climbed inside. Everyone was looking at me with loving eyes. Everyone forced me to sit today unlike other days when I hardly got a seat in the bus.


“Are you really going leaving this school and your friends?” Manish came near me and asked me in a little voice.

“Yes my friend I am going” I said with a smile.


“I am sure you will forget all of us very soon” Sandy said with a sad face.

“You all are my, good friends and I will always remember you all even if I get new friends, I will never forget you all” I said.

“Where is your father being transferred? where will you stay there?” Sanjay asked me.


“Mom said to me that we will stay at Naharlagun and I will be sent to a good school there” I replied.


“I think you will enjoy there. You study by giving your full concentration. I also will pray to God that you get some good friends there” Sanjay said with a smile.


The bus reached school and we all got down and started walking towards our class. On entering my class everyone started asking me several questions about when and where was I going.


I was busy answering their questions when the assembly bell rang. We all went to the ground and formed a line. I was sad about leaving my old friends and school while excited about my new city and school. I had mixed feelings in my heart.

Some VIP had come to the assembly today and gave us a speech. I was totally inspired by his words.

After the assembly we had our English class. I wanted to hear every lecture carefully today as it was my last day in school.


“Sir I want to say something to you” Gig stood up from where he was sitting and said to the English teacher.

“Yes, tell me” our English teacher turned back to Gig and asked.


“Sir it is so sad to tell that Sandip is leaving this school because his father has got transferred to Naharlagun so they all are shifting to Naharlagun also Sandip will study there and so today it is the last day for Sandip at out school as they are going tomorrow” Gig said.


“Is it true Sandip?” sir asked me.

“Yes sir it is true I am leaving this school and going to Naharlagun” I said

“Then why didn’t you tell me earlier that your father has got transferred?” he asked me.


“I also didn’t know that my father had got transferred. I just knew yesterday about it” I said looking at him.


“Whatever, tomorrow onwards you are not coming to school and also going away from your friends, I think you are exited and also little sad so in this case do you want to say something to your friends today before leaving the school?” he said by looking at me with a smile.


I stood and up from my bench and came in front of the class. I took a long breath and started speaking,

“Hey friends good morning, I think all of you know that I am going leaving you all. I won’t be staying here and studying no longer with you all my friends. Anyway I am going from here I am not feeling good. Whatever, when I was new in this school at that time first Sanjay was my friend and today he is my best friend he helped me in every case. And through the other side of it I would also like to thank Sandy because till today she is so frank to me and whenever I fell down she always picked me up and then lastly I would like to thank all my classmates because in some way or the other you all were always with me and I know that everyone trusts me today also and I will never forget this. And then lastly I want to thank all the teachers who made me to study and I promise you all that I will never forget you all. That’s all what I want to say and lastly best of luck for your future”


“Study there and you read there with your full concentration and reach your goal.” English teacher told me.

“Yes sir I will try to be a hard working boy” I said. And then the teacher went from the class. Then all started talking and Gig had started his love business with me.

“If you fall in love there with someone then you just call me and I will give you the love tips and you will get your love definitely” Gig said.


“Hey if you can help me, then till today why are you not able to make Sandy fall in love with you?” I said teasing him.


“It’s not like that yar. I am trying my level best at Sandy but I am sure that I can help out others better” he said almost pleading.

“No I was just joking if I need any love tips then I will ask only you now don’t come in depression yar” I said by keeping my hands on his shoulders. The recess bell rang and we all ran outside.

My friends went for playing cricket and I also went with them for playing as it was my last day I got to bat. In the first ball I hit a four and then on the second ball I was clean bowled.

“Yes! Sandip is out in the second ball” all said with joy as it was a tournament and they had won the match.


“The ball was too fast” I said.

“It was just a spin and you couldn’t hit the ball now you are out go and field there” the bowler said looking at me and giving me a strange smile.


“As today is my last day at the school so please give me one more chance to play” I said with a smile. Then my all friends gave me one more chance. I again played and then this time when I hit the ball Manish caught the ball and I was catch out.


“Look you are out like this everyday, and also like everyday you are making foul now that’s why always you become out” all of them said together.


“This time the ball was so much bounced that I couldn’t hit it. So give me one more chance” I said again.

“Look, in this way you always making foul in the game” all of them said.

“Ok-ok once again let’s play” I said with a smile. The bell rang suddenly indicating the end of the recess. Next we had our Mathematics class. The teacher came inside.

“I have heard that you are leaving this school are” the Mathematics teacher asked me.

“Yes sir I am going” I said


“Ok then study hard there and you should improve in your new school” he said to me.

“Yes sir I will” I said nodding my head.


Before going of him he gave us some homework. I did not note it down because from tomorrow I was not coming. He left the class after that.


Then after seven or eight minutes our social teacher came then after coming he started teaching us History. While teaching time a girl of class 12 came to our class.

“Excuse me sir” she said with her sweet voice.

“What happened?” our social teacher asked

“Sir I have come here to call a boy” she answered.

“Who is he?” he asked.

“He is Sandip I must take him because principal sir has called him to his office” she replied again with her sweet voice.

“Ok then take him” he said. I went with that girl to the principal’s office.


“Sister why I have been called by the principal sir” I asked her on the way.

“I think your parents have come to the principal’s office so you have been called” she replied.


“They came for the transfer certificate I think so” I said by looking at the girl.

“Why are you are taking TC, are you no longer going to study here?” she asked me.

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