My Broken Heart (2 page)

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Authors: Pritom Barman

BOOK: My Broken Heart
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“Yes I am no longer going to stay in this school because my dad has got transferred to Naharlagun so we are going there” I replied.

“Ok then bye take, care” the girl said.

“You too bye” I said with a smile. Then she went to her class and I pushed the door of the principal’s office.


“May I come in sir?” I said.

“Yes come in son” he said. I entered into the principal’s office and saw that my mom and dad were sitting on the chair.


“Sir did you call me” I looked at him and asked.

“I just wanted to see you. Now that you are going to another school and so you should study there hard and you should give your full concentration there on your studies” he replied with a smile.

“Yes sir I will” I said.


“Best wishes for your future” he said.

“Thank you sir” I answered.


“Then study hard and now return to your classes” he said to me with a smile.


“Sir now where he should study there” while going I just heard from the principal’s mouth.

“We should look for a good school over there” my father replied.


I came in the class and sat down on my bench smiling and then after five minutes it was recess time. I saw my father and mother in front of the gate.

“Will you come with us now?” my father asked me.

“No I will come after finishing my last class of today” I replied.


Then last period was a free period I started taking phone numbers of all my friends.

“I will never forget you all but I think you all will only forget me” I said looking at them.


Then we were just talking and I remembered that I had brought some sweets for my classmates. I opened my bag and took out the sweets. I distributed all the sweets to all my classmates. After sometime the final bell rang then my last class of my school was over. All of my friends gave me hug and they said goodbye and then went towards the bus. I was feeling sad.


While walking back towards home from the bus stop I was thinking about all the years spent in this school. Suddenly the thoughts of love started pouring in my mind. I had never ever fallen in love but I wanted to experience what love is.


I reached home and my mother came and opened the door.

“How was your last day at school?” she asked me with a smile.

“Yes it was very good” I said with a smile.


“Go and change your clothes and pack your own things” she said.

“Yes I will” I said. And then I went inside started packing my things. We worked till late night then we all went for sleep.

“Goodnight” I said to my father and mother.

I sat on my bed and took my phone in hand. I saw 32 new messages. All were from my friends.

Every message had the same contain saying goodbye and happy journey. I drifted off to sleep in a while.


I woke up with the alarm bell in the morning. I went outside and saw a big truck in the front yard. All our things were being loaded in it.

We left after sometime in our car towards Naharlagun.

C h a p t e r 3

ur car was cruising towards Naharlagun. It was noon and we stopped at a Dhaba for lunch. I had palak paneer and aalu paratha for lunch.

After finishing with our food we headed again for our destination.

At around 5 O clock we reached
our destination, Naharlagun.


I was very happy to see our new house. The truck had reached before us and the workers were unloading the boxes. I liked the new locality and found myself quite comfortable there.

I woke up early the next morning. We all started unpacking the huge boxes. We arranged the furniture in the living room. I decided to go for a stroll after a while.

“What’s your name?” one of the lady who was now our neighbor asked me with a smile.

“Sandip” I replied returning the smile.

“Are you new in this city?” she asked me.

“Yes” I replied.

“Dad when will I join my new school” I asked my father.

“Yes we will go in search of school today” he replied.

“In which school I will be getting my admission” I asked.

“Let’s see” he replied.


“Will we go now?” I asked

“Yes me and your mom are ready so now you also get ready we will go in search of your new school” he said with a smile.

We took our breakfast and left in search of my new school.

“Sir where are all of you going out?” one of our neighbors asked my dad.

“We are going in search of a school for our son. Do you know some good schools?” my father asked him


“Yes I know St. Thomas, Royal International,

St. Xavier and Good shepherd school” the man replied.

“Thanks” my dad replied. We went to the

St. Xavier School my dad came and knocked at the gate.

“Sir the classes are going on, do you have any work in the school” the gate keeper asked.


“Yes I want to get admission for my son” my dad replied.

The gatekeeper opened the gate.


“Excuse me sir” my dad said to a teacher who was passing by. The teacher turned back and came near us.

“Yes sir, how can I help you?” the teacher said with a smile.

“Sorry to disturb you at this moment.” my dad said.

“It’s ok, by the way sir why did you call me?” the teacher asked.

“Where is principal’s office I want to meet him for taking my sons admission in this school” my dad said.


“Go to the second building second floor then after the staircase on left side is the principal’s room.” The teacher replied.

“Ok sir thank you” my dad said. Then we went to the principal’s office. My dad knocked at the door.


“Please come in” came, a gentle response from inside. Dad pushed the door and we went inside the office.


“Good morning sir” my dad and mom said together.

“Good morning sir” I also said looking at the principal

“Please have a seat” he told looking at us. Then we sat down on the seat. Then my dad and mom started talking for my admission in the school then the principal asked me few questions.


“Your son can can get admission in this school” the principal said with a smile. After hearing this, a smile came on my face.

“Thank you sir” I said with a smile. My parents also said the same and then my mom and dad were talking about the fees of the school and the uniform.

“He should were uniform in the school that is, white full shirt or half, one yellow school T-shirt a black sweater a black tie, a pair of white socks and a black shoes and the batch. One ID card along with a belt will be given in the school itself. Here is the prospectors along with the admission form. Please fill it” the principal said in a gentle voice.


Then my dad filled the form and gave it to the principal.


“The books of his class will be available in the school library” principal said.

“Where is the library?” my dad asked.

“In the third building on the ground floor last room on the right hand side” principal said


We stood up and expressed our gratitude to the principal and left the office. We went to the library and got all the sanctioned books for my grade.


After that I was just roaming in Naharlagun with my parents. At that time I wrote a message to my friends that

“Hey I reached Naharlagun and from

2moro I m going 2 school that is

St. Xavier School. Gud nit”


We came back home late in the evening and had our dinner. I slept early that night with a lot of excitement about my new school.

C h a p t e r 4

he next morning I woke up early and got ready for school. I had butterflies in my stomach thinking about my new school. I was wondering how will the atmosphere in the new school be. How will be the teachers? Will I make some good friends here? Thousands of questions had flooded my mind.


I thought of going a little early to the school as it was my first day.

“Dad as it is my first day at my new school so I want to reach at the school little early. So will you today drop me to the school” I asked my dad

“Why not son? I will surely drop you. Just give me 5 minutes I will get ready” my dad replied


“Son I am free and ready now let’s go to your school” my dad said after 5 minutes.


My dad took out the car and we drove towards the school. On the way dad gave me a lecture on how to behave in school. I kept on nodding my head till we reached school. As I got down from the car my dad wished me best of luck for my first day in the new school.


“Today is your first day on this school so best of luck to you from my side” my dad said by making down the window of the car. Then dad went from there with the car and I was just little nervous now.

I went near the school gate and the same gatekeeper was standing there. By looking my uniform without any delay he opened the gate I gave him a smile then he too returned me the smile.


I entered the school building and started looking for a teacher to ask the way towards my classroom. But I couldn’t find anyone. There were many students around but I was feeling very shy to ask them

“Hey friend” I heard a soft, sweet voice calling me from behind. I didn’t pay attention as it was a female voice

“Hey you, I am calling you, who is carrying the black diesel bag on his shoulders” again the same voice came to my ears.


When the girl said this then I just thought that she was calling me then with a smiley face I turned back to her. I was just thinking that why had she called me.


“Is it me to whom you were calling just now?” I asked her” Yes I was only calling you” the girl said with a smile.

“Hey sorry for not responding to you at first when you were calling me” I said apologizing.

You new to this school” she asked me with her pretty smile. Oh! There she was looking so beautiful with her beautiful hair which were blowing in the air.

“Yes” I answered just looking at her pretty eyes.

“In which class are you?” she asked.

“I am in class IX and in which class are you?” I answered and then I asked her.

“I am also in class IX. Hey by the way I am Sandhya and you” she introduced herself.

“I am Sandip” I said.

“Hey Sandip will you come to my section or go to another section?” she asked

“Off course I will go to your section Sandhya” I said.

“Let’s go then” she said me with a smile. Then on the way of going to our class she was just saying something. While she was speaking I just nodded my head by hearing her soft and sweet voice. And then after a few minutes we both reached to our class room then we both entered to our classroom at that time all the class of that class IX section A, students were looking at me then at that time I saw an empty seat on the middle row last bench so I went and sat on that last bench then after that when I was sitting there. Two of the boys came to me and were asking my name where I am from and many things as I think you know that how a new student is welcomed in the class whatever. Then all were talking with me. I also then was talking with them and now I knew everyone’s name one by one.

The two boys who came at the first to talk with me there name was Ishant and Nitin they were very friendly to me then, Sandhya came near to my bench.

“You made the friend with the boys and now will you not be friend with the girls?” she asked. I turned to her.


“Why not, I will be the friends with you girls also” I said with a smile.

“Hey only friends ok not the girlfriend” a girl with a boy cut hair said with a smile looking at me.

“Ok I will see that by the way what’s your name” I asked.

“I am Nisha and you” she replied.

“I am Sandip” I said.

“Hey Nisha I am telling you a thing but don’t take it so seriously ok” I said.


“Ok you can tell me anything I don’t feel bad but it is not that you will propose me and I will not feel bad ok whatever tell what you want to say” she said.

“It is not that, I was gone tell you that you look like a talkative person and you can adjust in any surroundings and with any person” I replied.

“Yup you are right I can adjust with any person” she said. Then in this way I made friends also with the girls then we were just talking. I till now not made many friends but the friends whom I had made just now were very good and frank friends.

The school bell rang after sometime and I saw all the students were coming out of their classes and making assembly line on the basket ball court. I also went to my assembly line and joined that line when a boy looked at me I just gave him a smile to I saw towards my right side Sandhya saw me and then I also looked at her.

The assembly took place in the same way as it used to in my old school. After the assembly we all returned to our classes. I was missing my old school.

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