My Demon (4 page)

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Authors: Lisa Hinsley

BOOK: My Demon
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“Blimey, you’re lucky,” Becky said, sidling over. “She’s in an absolutely foul mood.” Bec checked behind her to make sure their boss hadn’t reappeared. “What did you want to talk about?”

Alex made sure no one was close, and whispered, “Where did Connor get that

“Why, want more?” Bec nudged her.

“Please, no.” Alex sorted the sizes of the shirts on the rack next to her and whispered, “I didn’t like the high. That dope was too bloody strong.”

“You’re kidding?” Bec said, and let out a loud laugh.

“Would you shush? This is serious.” Alex smiled as a customer entered the shop.

“Observe,” Becky said, and struck a pose as two young girls trailed in behind their mother.

“Don’t count me in on your little joke,” Alex said. “This rack is virtually empty. You have your fun. I’ll be in the stock room.”

The girls were twins, and their hysterical giggles filled the store as Bec jumped to life. Their mother gave a curt smile, and dragged her children out. Even Alex stifled a snort of laughter when the next victim collapsed against a display, sending skirts falling in all directions. Agnes stayed away from them, hiding in her office for most of the day, brooding while Alex and Becky manned The Closet.

“Hey, Bec, what do you reckon. Do you like this top?” Alex held a minute piece of fabric up to her chest.

“I think Jeremy will fall on his knees before you crying,
not worthy!
You going to buy it?”

“Maybe…” There were bills to pay at home. She should be saving her money, not frittering her hard earned cash on unnecessary things. Alex hung the top back on the rack and smoothed the fabric down.

“Something’s wrong.” Bec didn’t ask. She put her hands on her hips, and peered sideways at Alex. “When it’s time to knock off I say we sugar-coat your problem with some ice-cream.”

“I don’t know…”

“Is it your Mum? What’s she done now?”

A lady waved at them from the other side of the shop. “Excuse me?” she called. “Could one of you girls possibly give me some advice?”

“Certainly madam. I’ll be over in a mo,” Becky called back. “And don’t think you’re off the hook, missy,” she said before crossing the room.

“It’s time to tell you,” someone suddenly spoke behind her.

Alex stifled a yelp, and spun about in the direction of the voice.

“Jesus, Clive. You scared the living shit out of me.” She took a steadying breath. “Can’t you wear a bell or something?” Alex whispered. She glanced around nervously. Had anyone spotted her talking?

Clive shrugged. “I’ll see what I can do. Now to business,” he said, rubbing his hands together. “First. Keep an eye on the young lady over by the jumpers, the one with the green coat and spiky purple hair.” Clive pointed to the front of the shop.

“Yeah…?” Alex wondered where he might be leading.

“Well that young lady, who’s called Priscilla incidentally, has a shirt stuffed under her coat.”

Alex stared at Clive for a moment, as if waiting for more.

“Go, quick. Before she’s gone.”

Clive shoved Alex forward as Priscilla headed for the exit. Alex crossed the shop floor, trying to appear casual. Priscilla stopped for half a second, clocked Alex, and bolted. She was fast, too fast. Alex charged out into the precinct in time to catch sight of Priscilla as the crowd merged around her.

On impulse, Alex shouted out, “Hey Priscilla. Stop!”

Hearing her name must have confused the purple-haired thief. She slowed long enough for Alex to push through the other shoppers and slap a hand around the girl’s wrist. Her grip secure, Alex dragged Priscilla back towards The Closet.

“Aggie,” Alex called out as she entered the shop. Priscilla put out her free arm, grabbing handfuls of clothes. She tossed them to the floor as Alex pulled her through to the back. “Stop making a mess. You’ll only make things worse for yourself.”

Priscilla snorted, and reached for a display of earrings on the till counter. Alex yanked the girl out of reach before she managed to grab it.

“Ow!” she yelped. “I’ll do you for abuse.”

“Whatever,” Alex said.

Becky held a pair of trousers up for a customer. She stared open-mouthed as Alex pulled the thief past. The lady beside Bec peered around the trousers, also watching the procession.

Alex dragged Priscilla through the rear staff door, down the short hall, and into Agnes’s office.

“Sorry to bother you,” Alex said. She tried to catch her breath and speak at the same time. “I caught this girl shoplifting.”

Aggie put the papers she’d been reading down, and eyed up the thief. Agnes made a formidable figure, standing almost six feet tall. Her steel-grey hair, pulled into a high ponytail and draped over one shoulder, added to the Amazonian effect. Even now, sat at her desk, she seemed to fill the room. Finally she said, “What’s she nicked?”

“There’s a shirt stuffed up her front,” Alex said, and pointed.

The girl sneered back.

“Show her,” Alex ordered.

With a roll of her electric-blue painted eyes, Priscilla popped the buttons on her duffle one-by-one. When her coat opened, the shirt fell to the ground.

“You have security cameras in your changing rooms? That’s sick,” Priscilla said. “Pervs.” She grabbed the top from the floor and threw it on the desk, her purple hair bobbing manically. “Here. Have the fucking shirt.”

Aggie raised one eyebrow at Alex.

“She didn’t come out with everything she’d gone in with.” Alex picked at her fingernails, her eyes jumping between her boss and the girl. “Do you still need me here?”

Agnes sent her away with a nod, and swiveled her chair around to face the shoplifter. Alex glanced back to find Priscilla shrinking under Aggie’s Amazonian glare. She closed the door with a soft click, and returned to the shop. Clive had waited for her in The Closet’s small section of eveningwear. He plucked a full-length silver dress from the rack. Sequins covered the fabric, they twinkled under the fluorescent lights.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, and held the outfit up against Alex. “Figure hugging.” He replaced the dress, his eyes walking down the length of her body. “A woman with your physique should not hide behind frumpy trousers and baggy white shirts.”

“It’s the uniform,” she answered. Her cheeks were heating up. Fan-bloody-tastic, Alex thought. Perfect time to blush.

“Babydoll, that warrior woman wouldn’t dare keep you in those clothes if she knew what I did…” Clive reached out towards Alex. Just as she was about to slap him away, he pulled his hand back.

“You peeked. This morning, you were in the bathroom.” She stepped further from the demon. “How dare you!”

“Do you suppose Aggie’s hacked off her right breast?”

“What?” Alex asked. “Why the hell would anyone do that?”

“Amazonians…” He mimed pulling a bow, his pectoral muscles rippling under his cat suit. “You know, it doesn’t matter.”

Two racks to the left a woman searched the over-sized rails. She glanced over and scanned the area around Alex, perhaps searching for another person. Alex scowled unblinkingly at the customer until she turned away.

“Clive,” Alex said.

Clive looked up from a display of jewelry. “Yes? What’s wrong?”

“Why are you still here?” she asked through gritted teeth.

“I need you to do something else.” He picked up a pair of stud earrings and modeled them by his ear. “You think these suit me?”

“What is it you want me to do?” she hissed at him.

Clive stared blankly at her, studs still held up beside his face.

“The shop-lifter was first.” Alex grabbed the earrings from the demon and put them back on the display.

“Ah, yes. You won’t like what I’ve got to say, sugarplum. So maybe you should forget I said anything.” Clive turned away.

“Don’t you dare puff into smoke and disappear, you little shit.”

The round woman was no longer searching the over-sized racks. She stood, openly staring. Alex tried to smile. The lady returned a scowl before re-hanging two shirts and exiting fast.

“Look what you did. I lost a customer.” Alex glanced around. There were no more people nearby, for now. “You can’t almost tell me something, then not tell me. That’s not fair.” She pursed her lips into a pout, her hands placed firmly on her hips.

“You’re so sweet when you’re upset.” Clive pressed up against her, his body burning, feverishly hot. “Do you taste like sugar?”

“Stop,” Alex said, and pushed at the demon. He grabbed her hand and held it to his chest for a few seconds. “Ouch!” A burning pain shot through her palm.

“Concentrating now?”

Alex nodded, holding her hand carefully. The skin had turned a bright red and sharp pains throbbed up her arm in time to her heartbeat.

“You burned me!” she exclaimed.

“Only a little bit. Now, are you concentrating?”

Alex nodded, her arm held close to her chest as she tried to ignore the pain.

“Okay. I’ll tell you. But my warning stands. You
not like this.”

Alex rubbed her palm, her eyes on Clive.

“Your friend Becky is a crook. She steals cash from the till almost every time she’s here.”

“Bec is no thief.” Alex said, forgetting her sore hand. “How could you suggest such a thing?”

“I’m telling the truth, and I’ll tell you how I know. In a minute, Aggie is going to take Priscilla out the back and down to security for charging. Go into Aggie’s office and open up the top left desk drawer. Inside, you will find a document that confirms everything I’ve told you. But if you don’t go now, you won’t be able to.”

Clive raised his eyebrows while Alex tried to figure out what to do.

“Get going, you’re running out of time.”

Alex turned and ran towards the staff area. “Going for a loo break,” she called over to Becky and disappeared in the rear passage. Alex marched straight past the bathroom and ducked into the tearoom. She listened as the door to the office opened and the sound of two people went past. The rear emergency exit slammed shut moments later.

“Now,” Clive said.

Alex burst out of the tearoom but stopped outside the office.

“Go in. Quick,” Clive said, and pushed her up to the door.

Alex grabbed the handle and slipped into the room.

“Quickly, you’re already running out of time.”

Alex ran up to the desk and sat in her boss’s chair. She pulled open the left drawer and peered in. Inside was a thick wad of paperwork with Becky’s name on the top. Alex flipped through, speed-reading the words.

“No, it can’t be. How could she?” Alex gasped. “This is her last chance, if she steals today, she’s fired.” Alex sat back and stared at the papers. “Shit.”

“Put everything away. It’s time to go.” Clive banged his fists on the desk.

Alex jumped, almost dropping the paperwork.

“Aggie’s nearly in the shop,” he yelled.

She shoved the papers inside and slammed the drawer with a bang. She leapt up too quickly, and the chair crashed over behind her. Panicking, heart thumping in her throat, Alex righted the chair, and sprinted from the room.

“Let’s go. Into the bathroom!”

Alex could hear Aggie’s voice in the shop. She was yelling at Becky. Alex’s feet slipped out from under her as she accelerated down the hall. She tried to regain her footing, her steps becoming shorter as she struggled to compensate. But it was too late, she lost her balance. Her feet flew out from under her and she fell first against the wall and then hard onto her knees on the unforgiving lino flooring.

“GET UP!” Clive yelled in her ear, “SHE’S HERE!”

Alex somehow scrambled back onto her feet, threw herself into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. As Aggie’s voice sounded in the corridor, grumbling about Becky, Alex quietly turned the lock.



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